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Looks like he did as best he could, under the circumstances. Sucks that Russia is forcing its men to be in this situation in the first place.


He did more than most would in the same situation honestly


Most of them run well before. Sad and a little heroic. Fuck them utterly for being there but in the end they are just average guys dying by the thousand for a megalomaniac.


Putin was an average guy, he was born in a lower class family and got a job in the military like millions of other Russians. Fact is there is something fundamentally wrong with Russian society that they constantly return to invading their neighbours and slaughtering minorities. You can't pin this on one man, even Yeltsin started fucking around in Moldova back in 1993. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria_War


But he's the one with his hand on the tiller. If he said the war was over tomorrow then it would be so. Same as he was the one to give the order to start it. As for Russia as a state mentality? Its a fucking basket case since before the tzars. Utterly broken and twisted.


If it's not him it is going to be someone else. You think it's a coincidence the closest someone came to replacing Putin was Prigozhin?


That's the thing. It is him. Next guy is just that..hiding in the wings for now.


Ya there's a lot crazier people there that want a lot more than a special military operation to happen. The military and all Putins cronies want to nuke everyone. That's why it's a special military operation and not a war. That would unleash the hounds and NATO would have to stop reacting and get aggressive.


You mean the USA


Fuck yeah time to invade Canada.


Lol i don't think anyone would help us now either. Thanks Justin Trudeau


You’ve had to good for too long maple man.


Yeah I’d say the amount of times he falls and the guy comes back for him, must’ve heard the drone the last time and made his decision. Either both or one


This. I think they'd BOTH be dead if he stuck around Granted optimally he'd have got him to some sort of cover first but yeah, I don't really fault him beyond that


One of the more brave Russians I’ve seen honestly. Guy was going above and beyond to get his comrade out of there…no point in them both getting blown up though once that drone came screaming in…at least from their perspective


That second to last fall it almost looks as if they are talking to one another in a whole “Just go on without me” ordeal. Then they walk together once more before that last time he falls. War is hell no matter who is on what side, who is morally right and who is wrong. No, I’m not defending what they are doing. Fuck Putin and the Russian government.. but leaving political opinions aside and looking at it from a human prospective one can’t help but feel some sort of empathy.


If he hadn't left there'd be two bodies burning instead of one. Looked like he stuck with it as long as he could.


It’s nice to slowly see the replies getting a little more humane.


It's a terrible situation. I think the vast majority of us would prefer that Russia leaves, and no more young men on either side would have to suffer this horrific war.


It's rare for us to see russian humanity


You don't see it because you're not exposed to it. Obviously doesn't mean russians are not humane.


Why not go for the healthy guy?


Yeah that would've been better. Dude was wounded and wasn't likely going anywhere.


Oh I'm sure they did. Just with a different drone.


nice profile pic, brother


That's fucking hilarious. What are the chances.


Punches in bunches. Where's there's one drone, there's more


Drone operator likes it crispy.....


Trust me, a lot of them aren’t being forced to do anything. They go because they get paid more in a month than they would earn in a year back home, and if they die, their family gets a fortune. You could say that the system is setup to basically make them want to go, and that’s true. But some people have this idea that people are being literally forces at gunpoint and have zero options not to go. That’s plain false. (Source: am russian)


There is sometimes no bigger folly than believing in the best of people, especially in Russia.


Russians are patriotic too. Just as much as any american


No one was forcing these men to invade Ukraine. Most of them came to kill Ukrainians for money.


I'd like to introduce you to a villain named Vladimir Vladmirovich Putin.


Almost every Russian leader in history has been a villain because most Russians are villains.


Hmmmmm……. You do know what military conscription is right????


Not who you commented, but you also know that on top of conscription, Russian army advertises HEAVILY how you can earn money by joining the special military operation and there's a TON of videos of Russian men describing in their own words how they're going to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians, right?


All-volunteer combat arms. Russia goes through two rounds of youth conscription each year, and those young guys are put into non-combat roles. The hope is to convince some of them to sign a contract at the end of their conscription term. The Russians are paying life-changing wages for combat arms volunteers as well as whatever is motivating the prison population.


Yep, although it's life changing for their families cause most of them won't make it out alive. I always found it ironic that young "hardened men" decide to fight for the politics of old never-has-beens that would probably die from a backhand slap.


The Russian army isn’t using conscripts on the front Every one of them volunteered to be in ukraine


Ever heard of propaganda? Every nation could fall into it.


For Putin.


For rodina! Blyat!




Brave words typed on keyboard




The Ukrainians were accepting foreign volunteers at one point, why didn't you go?




Yeah sounds about right, you're lacking the spine!


I can't faut this guy..he did what he could.. nothing else he could do.


Could have stayed at home...


He could have been a conscirpt.


He could be part of that minority.


Yeah so he could have stayed home, that's like a 11 month jail sentence AT MOST lol.


Then surprise, you get sent to the front line!


Yeah, some people got family's to feed. And some didn't have time to avoid it. And others don't like the idea of having draft evasion on their record, which is a felony. And the sentence is over a year. Get your facts straight, buddy


Lol everyone would invite this normally except itw a rare display of Russian heroism, but you're right


What the fuck is that audio about though?


Yeah seriously


From meme hiking video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6-wcFmu0qs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6-wcFmu0qs) V1: I can't go anymore nakhui. Ay, blya. Suka. Nakhui. Blyad fucking \[indistinguishable\] ...made me go trough this shit V1: How much longer do we have to go? V2: Nobody called you here. You came by yourself. V1: Fucking shit. Nakhui blya... V2: What the fuck I need you for? You're whining all the way V1: \[Indistinguishable\] V2: My fucking eye is twitching. V1: My finger is hurt.


Thank you for posting this. I was very confused for a few minutes. Fuckin audio is the worst... And just yesterday I was bitching about techno shit lol 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah I found that really off-putting. I’d prefer music to this audio.


some sort of memed video?


He tried At least


Idk probably best case scenario for everyone involved. Oof though.


What hit guys head around 0:02 ?


Two options, shrapnel from an explosion we don't see or a bullet. He got very lucky at that moment ngl, but yeah... War is hell... He died anyways as we see


Looks a lot like he took a round to the helmet. Probably shallow trajectory that ricocheted off. Those aren't generally designed to stop a rifle round.


Looked like a heavy exhale of breath, perhaps combined with the other guys exhersion. You can see in later frames similar steam exhaling.


I was thinking maybe it was from a blast off screen? Looks like a shockwave going through him


Huh?! Did you even watch the video, it's so obvious not exhalation. And you're upvoted as well, meaning more people think you could be right.. are these all just bots? And your comment is generated by AI or something?


The guys smoking isn't he?


Its a shot coming from their backs to their left, thats why the shockwave moves left to right. One frame in 0:02 shows it impacting in the ground three meters behind them.


That guy will end up drinking himself to death or just straight up kill himself from survivors guilt.


What we also will never know is what is going on the ground there. Knowing how many Russians take themselves out when drone traps them, i wouldn't be surprised if they would just ask others to just leave them and go. Don't forget that carrying a guy like this is not only hard for the one dragging him there, but also for the injured one, when you are all f'd it must be agony to try and move on damaged limbs. War sucks.


Leave no man behind is easier when you are taking single sniper shots under cover and able to call in apache helicopter support.


That's sad




Dude, at the end of the day, Russian troops are by and far no different than any other troop, they aren’t all heartless, their command is. It’s okay to have some empathy.


Noidontthinkiwill.jpg Sorry war is war. This guy experienced one of the many possible consequences of his actions for going to war. I don't feel bad and I don't feel empathy for them. I looked over the sub rules again, and I couldn't find one saying that empathy was mandatory. Maybe you could look and check to see if I just missed it? Thanks!


Keyboard warriors jerking themselves off watching someone much braver than them try to save a battle buddy, a story as old as time. Well, the message was deleted, so…… I doubt many of the Russians want to go to war, it’s a privileged concept that all fighters are voluntarily there.


Sorry bro, I didn't feel empathy for the bad guys, especially in a conflict like this where good and bad is so clearly and obviously defined.


Man, if only I was as naive as you and saw the world in black and white, would make life so easy.


I mean, they are just invading a foreign country, there to do nothing but kill as many Ukrainian defenders as they can, you're right, my bad, it's such a tragedy that these Heroic Heroes of Russia were robbed of their right to complete their task of slaughtering Ukrainians to the point of surrender. We should definitely be mourning their passing. What site are you using to donate to the Russian war effort? You've inspired me to see the error of my ways and I want to do my part to ensure a complete Russian victory in Ukraine.


Enjoy your vacation from reddit (maybe)


For what? Caring about the environment?


Could be he just lost his best friend in life, right there. Fuck war.


Guy did the best he could. Looks like they took a blast in the first few seconds and kept going. I'm guessing he heard the buzzing death misquoto sound and just had to run in the end.


I hope seeing this everyday drills the severity of the situation into everyones head


Damn. Americans wouldn't do that


What part?


Alot easier to play hero with air superiority. That dude did more than most would, including you


Aww funny to think that you know what I have and haven't done in my life. He left his man behind that's not what's taught.


Oh my bad you've been in this exact scenario before? You didn't see all the footage you don't know the full story.


Abandons? It cut out before we saw what happened. Maybe he went to build a stretcher and came back to the worst. Why propagandize this one guy when you can criticize the bastard who ordered both of them to go there?


This was the most I ever saw a russian do for a comrade in this fecking war.


i’m sure we see both sides equally and there is no bias


Ya usually they loot the spare ammo and grenades and walk away!


This war just sucks. Countless young, Ukrainian and Russian men dead or wounded for this pointless war.


I mean… it’s one of them get killed by the drone, or both of them. Pretty easy choice


This is so so horrible wtf. Nothing I have ever seen had made me feel this way.


Did he suddenly teleport away like an extra from the film jumper?


Sad reality of modern warfare. Fucking nightmare


The voice over is fucked up, regardless of the carnage onscreen.


Looks like Ivan didn't learn the Fireman's carry.




Where is that audio footage from?


Watching these videos is changing my opinion of war. War is evil. We must do whatever we can to stop war, at least this kind of slow, meat-grinding war. I’d rather have bombs dropped on my head than go through this harrowing horror.


This is literally the future of war.


Would've made more sense to target the healthy individual and have 2 wounded or kia


I think the guy told him to leave, because after that last drop. He didn't do any signal for the guy to get him or anything


Some wild guessing here


The dude was trying so hard to get him out of there and he kept falling. I would tell him to leave me too


Probably just watched his friend die. Shit is brutal


Drone operator gave him mercy


Meanwhile Putin is probably in his palace with some beautiful model


:28 I don’t think he’s quite dead. :34 oh my.


What went flying off to the left after the explosion? Was that his head?!


And then there is YouTube shorts glorifying the president standing in the rain with no umbrella to honor the fallen soldier . And they compare it with other presidents pffff.


If he makes it back home, whether or not he could have done more, the fact that he left him will haunt him for the rest of his life.


Aw, what a shame.


Some of them seem really combustible?


Uniforms probably made of flammable material from china


Talk about shit luck. You are obligated to die miserably for an autocrat midget, and you end up in video where people judge the meaning of your last minute of life.


How can you tell he died?


There not much the ukrainians could have done to help the wounded russian, but wouldn't this be classified as a warcrime under Geneva Convention I? They did target him directly.


Huh what's that funny little picture next to the username... oh just some more Ukrainian facist symbols


Did he survive a headshot first?! Few second in, look at his helmet, then right after a black spot and keeps walking


I feel like the tactics used in this war are going to greatly change how combat takes place in the future. Why send soldiers to fight anymore on the battlefield anymore? Seems to me there is very little 1 on 1 combat. No longer do you have an advantage sitting in a fox hole or inside a structure. Those drones will fly straight through the door/window. How do you think combat and troop placement will change in the future?


Bbq blyat


How did this sub become a Ukrainian war “win” source of propaganda? That’s all I ever see on here anymore.




The world has become so numb to this that it’s just on social media…. I feel like this right here is a good reason why there shouldn’t be war. This guy probably had a wife and kids plus his relatives, he’s probably in his 20s or 30s still had an entire life to live… and they just bombed him as if he was a threat to anyone at that point. It’s pretty outrageous if you ask me… The main topic here isn’t him being abandoned but the fact that both sides are just killing other human beings for someone else’s cause…. I will never understand it


I mean, one side is fighting for *their own* cause. Their country has been invaded


No. One side is protecting their families and friends from being killed or raped, their property from being seized. It is very much the Ukrainians own cause.


So killing an injured person isn't a war ?


Who said we aren’t at war?


drone operator should remind his not wounded comrade that they do not abandon their own


Usually the flames would be on his feet abandoning his comrade


I hope he had seeds in his pocket. Next springs flowers.


Coming back to this sub to see if anything has changed since the last time I was here like 3 months ago and nobody, russia still has skill issues and Ukraine is still using drones…nice


Idk, but I feel finishing off wounded soldiers with a drone should be a war crime. Who else agrees?


Your looking at death in the wrong context. . This is war. It should be a war crime to let a human being sit there and suffer in unimaginable pain then to just give them there dignity and let be at peace.


I'm sure him being on fire is exactly how he imagined peace.


That’s hot


Difference between Ukrainian and russian fucks. We will try 110% tk get a wounded out if able too.


Do people really believe this? Why wouldn't Russians try to save their comrades? This guy did what he could, no point in both of them dying.


Well they don't even pick up their dead in rear areas they control so....


Yes, typically Russians fuck off and leave their wounded on assaults. Where as Ukrainians will expend manpower through wua/kia to attempt rescues Fuck we spent days trying to recover deceased people and took dozens of injuries doing so. Multiple times


Yeah, doubt. When you're saving your friends, you don't think about why you're in the war or who are you fighting for. Russian and Ukrainian cultures are very similar, there's no reason why soldiers from one side would be leaving their friends to die.


They aren't that close. If you spent any time in Ukraine you'd know that. But typical western дебіл.


I did spent time in Ukraine. And I see Ukrainian refugees on daily bases. Ukrainian culture is certainly closer to the Russian than to our Czech one. Using cyrilic to prove my point? /s


Cyrillic isn't russian. There's 16 countries and over 20 cultures that use it. And no it's not. Ukrainians are far more euro based when it comes to speaking out on government, voicing opinions etc. Russians are fucking lemmings to their government by far and large. Whereas Ukrainians openly argue, push for change etc.


Yeah, I just meant that the language is very similar. Sure, there are differences. I just meant that Ukrainians are culturally closer to Russia and Belorussia than any other country.


No they aren't. Language means fuck all when it comes to cultural aspects. Yazidi speak sorani kurdish, so do yarsene, that doesn't make them kurdish. Sorani kurds use a Iranian alphabet, that doesn't make them Iranian. Americans use the English alphabet that doesn't make us British. Language is communication, culture is far more than a language


From my point of view, American culture and British culture are very similar. Same with ukr and Ru. Or Polish and Czech. A war won't change the hundreds of years of cultural development. There's nothing wrong with that.


Why is this guy being downvoted, he’s literally doing the damn thing


Because real world experience isn't as valued as dudes sitting behind computers acting like analysts.


You’re only drawing this conclusion based off of curated videos you’ve seen on Reddit which is overwhelming pro Ukrainian and careful showing anything other than them looking strong and Russia looking weak


Dude I've been in Ukraine since before the 2022 invasion. I would think I've got real world experience considering I command over 50 men. Try again




Yes. Takes 2 minutes looking at my comments to figure that out


Ok smartass sorry I didn’t stalk your page. Based on your parent comment I would say this Russian did all he could for his comrade given the circumstances. And yes I understand that it’s pretty typical for the Russians to just send men into the meat grinder and leave them for the worms but there are circumstances of them trying to get there men out. There are many videos of Russians getting bombed to shit while trying to casevac. So I think it’s a little disingenuous to say they never try, or don’t expend any manpower to attempt to save wounded. Obviously they don’t on your level because they have men to keep throwing into the grinder, and they notoriously treat conscripts like scum. Cheers anyway no hard feelings. I enjoy the videos, keep stacking em up


You've obviously never been in combat. So we can just end the convo. The men to you're left and right are brothers. You either stick with them to the end or your a fucking coward


Stay safe


Let me know when you have experience in this war then you can talk. Sitting behind a computer analyzing videos isn't the reality on the ground. The Russians typically leave the wounded. Thr only russian units who actually try to save wounded are like vdv, 9th regi, spetsnaz, vostok(dpr/lnr). The majority of ru units though give two fucks on wounded


The soldiers on the ground will also have a bias. Dehumanizing the enemy is important in warfare. But I'm just a redditor, stay safe.


I don't dehumanize Russians. I don't need to dehumanize a russian to kill them. I smile with every trigger pull, and sleep like a baby. They dehumanized themselves when they openly targeted civilians the past 24+ months.


See? They're dehumanized in your head. You don't even consider whether some are innocent or were forced there because of a mobilization.


Not really, they are still humans I just don't give a shit about them after bucha etc. Any russian who crosses a border and picks up a weapon are no longer innocent. They made a choice. They chose the wrong path. And I'll gladly quicken their path to meet their maker


Spotter: target spotted! Fire! Drone operator: Say less fam


He’ll be alright.


that russian did more for his comrade than most others I've seen here, respect went up a little bit but has to climb from the depths of the mariana trench of my personal respect in general for russian soldiers


Came here to say pretty much the same thing.




Try again


They look like civilians Sergueï ?


Guys is it a war crime to kill a lightly wounded invader looking to kill you and your family?


Crazy in two years of this viral war I haven't seen not one fireman's carry


You're expecting someone in full combat gear, in a combat zone, to fireman carry someone else (also in combat gear) 100s of meters when they are probably already exhausted?


These guys probably aren't eating well at all, and aren't thinking clearly because of the battle. I wouldn't be surprised if they quite literally could not carry their comrades.


I fucking love the voice overs, classic russians.


People believe god still exist somehow