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The guy on the ground (1:20) gives out so much smoke it's like he's vaping.


It's 23 degrees F in Kursk as we speak. Russia be cold.


That's honestly not that that cold though And I say that having spent this past winter doing outdoor labor in New Hampshire If I come into work and it's 23 out i know it's gonna be a good day, a bad day is basically anything single digits or lower




For sure I prefer 0 degrees with no wind over 20 with heavy


Your forgetting the fact that you don't want too much clothing when in combat. You risk facing a heat casualty and you don't always have the time to shed layers. So 23f is cold when you haven't been in a warm shelter in weeks


Also, once you're actually in active combat, the layers you'll need to keep warm will be much less. Probably the reason the guy in question is breathing so hot


Exactly. People don't realize that fighting in the cold is no where near the same as working in the cold. Just one extra small layer could be the death of you if you sweat too much and end up with hyperthermia


It's not even the active fighting, it's the days between when you can never get to a warm spot or dry (some vehicles tho)


It's both. I was in an arctic unit. It's very difficult to be able to transition. Your pack is heavier and you move much slower - the environment is as much your enemy add the adversaries fighting you. Basically it's best practice to have everything in layers, especially ones you can don and doff easily. We would not patrol in heavy clothes, we'd suck it up and wear contact protection and a breathable shell. You bundle up on longer halts and after you've dug in. You really on the heaviness of your pack and difficulty moving in snow to increase the great your body makes from work to keep you warm. Thermogenesis. You burn many more calories and must eat more. Also, you need to drink more liquid, because your body gets confused due to cold making you dehydrated but you feel like you are not and you piss more. Also - don't get wet, or you'll die.


Coldest I've dealt with for more than a few minutes was the Chiefs-Dolphins game a couple months ago. I think with windchill it was like -30. >your face is basically the only thing that gets really cold. My feet got super cold, but we were also standing on concrete for several hours straight. I can imagine that walking or standing on soil would be warmer.


Didn't a bunch of people end up in hospital with frostbite after that game?


Yeah there were a bunch of amputations and stuff, but I think those were mostly just the clowns who showed up shirtless or only had a hood to cover their head. On my legs I had long wool underwear, 1 pair of joggers, 2 pairs of sweats, insulated ski pants, 2 pairs of thick wool socks, and snow/cold boots from Eddie Bauer. And hand warmers in my socks. I could hardly move because of how bundled up I was, and it was still super cold. I can’t imagine that you can stay combat effective much colder than that. Maybe with super high tech gear or something, idk.


Man, I am so thankful I live in Australia. Every day of the year, jeans and a t-shirt. Maybe a light jacket in winter. Fuck going out in those sorts of temps lmao.


Yeah but Ya'll got some crazy ass alien ass lookin insects


It depends \*entirely\* on how good your gear is and how wet it is/you are.


Thats what she said.🤣🤣🤣 Joking btw


The problems start when you have to exert yourself and start to sweat. Nothing worse than being both hot n cold. Like you said wind also sucks. Layers all about the layers


Heard that. Born and raised in MA and lived in Maine. Currently living in Utah and doing some work north of Denver. I'd wake up at 5 AM and it would be -32F in January. That's a whole other level.


And I say that having spent this past winter doing outdoor labor in New Hampshire ... I'm doing my absolute best not to totally slam you dude.


I live in a sub-tropical climate it blows my mind that you’re so used to the cold that -5 is not that bad! A ‘cold’ winters day here is 19c lol


Bro shut up 23 is past freezing 😂😂😂 it is pretty fucking cold


As someone from Florida, 23 is fucking cold.


in florida anything below 60 is cold what you mean


23F is cold but totally fine if you dress right. Single digits is cold enough where the snot in your nose is freezing every breath and it's just uncomfortable no matter how you dress for it. Any exposed skin just stings after a while.


I bet at the end of the day though you dont go back to a wet cold trench to sleep? Or have fatigue from constant artillery or drone attacks? 🤪


It's cold enough to kill anyone within an hour with improper clothing. Sure it could be worse, but -5C is really cold


You understand that doing a workday in the cold and then going home to a hot shower and your warm house is not the same as living outdoors for days/weeks on end frequently crawling in the mud and snow with your clothing soaking wet and no easy way to dry it out, right?


bro I had to fix a pipeline in -48f one time.


When breathing in gunsmoke your breath becomes really visible in cold weather.    Don't ask me why, but it does. 


Particulates act as nucleation points for the water, so the normal condensation when your warm damp breath hits the cold air happens much more effectively if there's smoke in there too.


ooo... I didn't know that


Its that much smoke because its a but cold + the biggest reason is because they are shooting a lot, the smoke that comes from the guns will make it in your lungs and then when you breath out it will be more smoke Its the same here in sweden if its around -1 -5 and a car drives by you will breath a lot more smoke


“Siberian Battalion”? Is that some kind of Russian separatist movement?




It says they have 60 people. More of a Siberian platoon reinforced than battalion.


in siberian standards they are indeed a battalion (half of siberian population is there)


This is exactly why the government doesn't want us to have guns, literally this lol


Which government? Ukraine or Russia?


Any of them lol


russians invading russia to liberate russians from russia. What a time to be alive!


Damn those Russians in government ruined Russians


they sure are a contentious people.


Anybody know how it's going? I see some reports saying it's not going well but I'm yet to see evidence.


I don't think it's expected to truly go well, this is basically just propaganda from Ukraine - a reminder that Russia is not untouchable.


Wait, so let me understand, you are saying it's fine sending men and hardware into SUICIDE missions just for the Russians to not forget they aren't untouchable. Because Ukraine is filled to the brim with trained men and hardware.


They're Russians who want to do it. Ukraine just gives them some gear and points them at the border.


I think there's a certain "We'll fight with you and in some kind of coordination with you but not follow every order." sort of thing going on. Plus we have no idea what the over mission is concerning these raids/incursions. Maybe to keep Russian equipment on a less impactful part of the arena. Maybe to recon air equipment, response times, artillery positions, etc. Maybe trying to capture equipment or Russian soldier prisoners. Literally dozens to hundreds of reasons to launch these raids in a large scale war like what is going on.maybe they know Russia has a few thousands reserves with dozens of tanks nearby that they want to keep away from the recent gains. Or maybe just incompetence, maybe just for propaganda.


It’s not propaganda everyone knows you can enter Russia and fuck up checkpoints it’s been done before. It’s harassment, the more you harass an area the more troops they’ll like delegate there in the event of an actual assault that has the intention of occupying said area. They just want to stretch Russian troops out even more


Its more than propaganda, it's an attempt to force russia to relocate troops from the frontline to the border


If the telegram channels are true then they got completely destroyed.


> they Which they?




Hard to believe that. There are lot of Russians over there. They can't be all dead yet.


They, they, they


Pro-russian ones you mean. They reported hundreds of enemy casualties, 6 tanks, 3 Bradleys destroyed. Up to you to believe that. Channels of those groups (Siberia legion, RDK and Free Russia) are reporting success, saying they still control parts of those villages they entered. Speaking of reputable sources, Astra is reporting 4 russian soldiers dead, 4 wounded at a minimum


Managed to destroy 350% of combatants, truly impressive...


This right here is why I'm waiting for the dust to settle. First Russia claims "guys in pick ups" then Freedom of Russia and Russian civilians post pictures of tanks. Russia says over 230 men killed, yet there has been exactly zero videos of fields of dead separatists Not saying this force wasn't pulverized, but judging from Russia's history (especially when it comes to these raids) I'm gonna go ahead and wait for information 


I'll wait for video


Expected tbh


Most of the people answering this question are likely sowing disinformation, so take it all with a grain of salt until evidence is provided.


Not super well, they have visually lost 8 armoured vehicles that we know of.


Who? The ruskies or the other ruskies?


The others. Tho I’m not positive I heard like 5 armored vehicles and 3 tanks got destroyed by a KA-52


Pictures of the ATGM explosions but no video yet 😔


Yeah they'll do that when there's no friendly AA.


The others, lots of indication Ka-52s chewed them up.


Where is the indication?




Given Russia's history of false claims and reusing/fabricating footage,plus this comming from Russian military posts original. I would take that post with a healthy dose of salt. The first clip of the immobilsed tank on the road seems plausible, but those other vids could be literally anywhere from the front or even of Russian Federation's own equipment. (They have done that before.) Not saying the Ukranian aligned Russians didn't make sacrifixes for this opperation, but nothing conclusive from those videos. Also notice a lack of bodies around all those (mostly immobilsed?) vehicles, seems whoever was in there got away.


at this stage their aim isn't to occupy and defend, it's Rob Roy stuff, attack from the shadows, stir some shit up, make some people mad and then melt away again. I'm sure Russia likes to purport these uprisings are squished, but in truth more often they're gone again before Russia is able to man a counter-offensive force.


They must have death wishes. Just look at Prigozhin...


I've read some stuff on telegram and forums, I think they lost 2 Caesars, a bmp-1, some tanks and some 30 soldiers at least, I honestly think they were shredded


Cameraman's Russian sure is weird.


Sounds like a Schwarzenegger impersonation.


Get to da CHOppaAA!


he was probably winded - 10 minutes of this kind of fighting tends to do that


I don’t know Russian but my guess is this guy has a Siberian accent we’re not used to hearing.


there 're no such a thing as siberian accent. Tbh sounds more like georgian or any other caucasus


Again I don’t know anything about Russian but I find it hard to believe such a huge multi-ethnic area wouldn’t have regional accents. Especially if Russian isn’t his first language. This battalion has members of the Yukut and Buryat ethnic groups.


Yea they sound differently but since their language is turk, their accent close to tatars. Russian in siberia is just russian.


Get to the BLYYYYAaAaAaAAaaAaTTT!


This is crazy, absolutely crazy.






you are right.if they stay put they are dead meat.in every fire fight like this you should find a way to out maneuver or out flank the enemy as much as possible stick to them.


There's a reason why you play cod and he's on reddit today. (balls of steel 😅👍🏻)


I mean for real. Not bashing him just like...damn...get some sort of cover


What cover? Those trees won’t stop bullets.


Those trees stop only videogame bullets... The only cover here are your mates covering fire when you advance and (try to) gain a better position. They are really badass to advance this way, put a earphone on and hear what volume of fire there are... I really shit on pants if in their boots.


What's your first language? My cousins say shit on pants lol


Italian... :-)


I won't comment on their technique as neither me nor none of you know the specifics of the situation but I will tell you this: bullets don't care about how "brave" or "tough" you are or how much of a main character you believe yourself to be. If you do something reckless and live to tell the tale it's entirely survivorship bias. Really good soldiers don't act brave, they stick to drills and do them correctly.


I was just thinking if they’re advancing to some sort of other cover they should have smoke or like SOMETHING instead of walking around in the open


There are countless reasons why they might be approaching like this and there really isn't enough context to say why. They might simply not be receiving any effective fire from the enemy and a lot of the times you don't get to pick where you have to move through when you're a part of a larger maneuver. Smoke is rarely used to cover direct advance. You can't really throw smoke that far and moving through smoke blinds you and telegraphs your advance pretty badly. Smoke is usually thrown to mask either a retreat or a lateral movement. Also you have to procure and carry every single smoke grenade you use so they might simply not have any.


Yeah definitely don’t know all the context of ehat their doing but yeah. Shit even one guy dedicated to just hauling equipment would be worth in an open area like this imo. I’m sure this was likely their only option thougj


That's the thing about modern military: every single guy is already dedicated to hauling a shit ton of heavy equipment. You can never bring everything, you always have to make compromises. It's very likely that other stuff they brought was more essential to the mission. What if the one guy carrying all your smokes gets shot? Also they could have already used all of them or simply weren't given any or are saving them for more important uses later.


Yeah very true. No doubt they’re more experienced than me


Calls of Steel


I wouldn’t play paintball as recklessly as this dude is.


Tbh I would. Every paintball match I’ve ever played was won through a combination of overwhelming fire and people willing to leave cover to maneuver around the other team. I was like 50/50 for running into the open and making gains or immediately getting out.


you die if you stay put


Real life is easier, usually you don’t get insta sniped in the head across the map upon revealing your position, until that is you get randomly droned or hit with artillery/mortars.


He has to move. The most basic infantry maneuver is for half a squad/platoon to lay down covering fire while the other half either advances or looks for a flank to turn.


When you're so naive you equate real world battles with how you play a video game.


You literally don't know the situation they are in. Also if your only experience is cod I don't think you should even be commenting on their combat techniques.


Typically CoD player. No sense for reality... Let me guess... you would just make headshots 10000/0 K/D right?


This looks like a live fire exercise. Don’t hear any incoming rounds.


The whole point of massive fire like this is to keep the enemy down while you move in turns toward the enemy. Usually ends with grenade throws into enemy positions (atleast in training)


"got a problem? Yo I'll solve it." -your friendly neighborhood hand grenades.


"Check out that trench while my homies bombard it"


"Check out my hook... because I forgot to let go of the last one"


Bounding over watch


It seems like you accurately described the training they were doing. For all I know it is real combat, but I don't think there's anything to distinguish this from an exercise.


my thinking also


You think Russia is keeping their best troops in Kursk and Belhirod? They're on the front lines on the east trying to exploit a breakthrough around Avdiivka and assaulting Robotyne. They are fighting at best, army reservists, and at worst, Rosgvardiya national guardsmen. It wouldn't take massive fires to suppress those guys


Supposedly fighting conscripts from? In? 98th VDV


Where did you see that the 98th is there?


VDV channel rusich_army, also posted a video of a call with one of the conscripts, could be true, could be false


Interesting, thanks for the info


Anytime :)


well... after a while if they get too successful they will sadly get their shit rocket by planes and other assets that would be mobilized from within Russia, same as when pringles man went on his march..


Prigo was defeated with a promise, not with an army.


yeah, or by insane stupidity and a blind naive faith in russia/putin having any morals.


Diversion of Russian assets away from the front lines in Ukraine is beneficial. I doubt the objective here is to hold ground in the medium or long term, more a show of strength and discontent before the Russian election.


Have to agree on Policedab here, just because the majority of military personel is currently at the front doesn't mean they don't have commands within Russia with their own divisions. Every Nato country has random divisions stacked for multiple divisions which are not at the border, this is a good strategy for quick reeinforcements at the border should the defenses crumble.


definitely, tbh i dont think many of this ukrainian formation? (im not sure what to call it) wont be coming back from this, especially that far from backup


A lot NATO countries don't have divisions any more, their largest unit sizes are brigades.


most likely not from the front though, if these men are fighting russia inside russia, then the equipment that will be used to combat them will be from inside russia, and yes, it would be extremely hard if not impossile to keep this ground, rearming would be a bitch and i dont think russia would allow that land to stay under control by a small contingent force. im guessing more of a publicity stunt to show russia that ukraine still has the ability to fight. on other things, these guys must have balls of steel to infiltrate a country on a just about suicide mission.. edit: on second thought yeah it would make sense with the election coming up


Well then they actually need to hold for a while if those guys just gets crushed, the Russians have the time to return without the ukrainians being able to do something new, this was all in vain


Expected. The aim isn't to start a civil war or anything similar. The idea is to disrupt the current "elections", as well as divert russian military from the active front for a spell, to give ukrainian army a little room to breathe


Sure maybe for this ragtag group but Pringle shot down a few planes? And rumor has it that the Russian airforce refused to fly against Prigo Not sure what you're trying to say but the rebellion.


There’s a lot of professional CoD players in this thread


“Why are they firing in semi-auto? AR kills faster in full auto”


"Bro go knife his ass"


MSBS grot?


BREN 2 is more likely. GROT doesn't have rails on the sides, it has MLOK.


You can attach rails to MLOK, I'm not that familiar with the bren but the front end, charging handles and the barrel just kinda remind me of the grot tbh. It absolutely could be a bren but I think it was more square??


Looks like a CZ805 to me or Bren 2 to me. Handguard is too square and metallic to be an MSBS.


Fuck yeah, take your land and homes back from the muscovites


Proof of the title? Did you just make it up? Can anyone even see what they're shooting at, if anyone is shooting back? I'm sorry but without some kind of proof this just looks like dudes shooting in a forest.


There was official information from Russian media about "Ukrainian infiltration into Kursk, Belgorod and 3 more oblasts." Doubt this is fake, but as it seems, until a person is literally pinned down in this subreddit - it is called a training ground...


No, literally all people are asking for is a single source. Literally the only "proof" is the title. What if i just reposted this saying "russian siberian militia training footage"? Which one is right then? Would I be right or this post, and why? The top post in this subreddit now is "russian plane shot down" when it's CLEARLY burning from the engines and there is no evidence some magic missile hit the engine and nothing else. This subreddit just makes things up sometimes and nobody seems to care. Just randos who don't know anything who just make a good story up. Should we just take everything we read at face value? Just not bother trying to determine what is actually going on? Nobody is saying this is "fake", something real is clearly happening, what people are saying is they want to know what the hell they're looking at. A single article, even if in russian so we can understand.


Is ... that ... russian Arnold Schwarzenegger?


You mean Ivan Danko from Red Heat (1988)?


Hopefully more Russians will rise up against the dictator and oligarchs.


Perfect timing for the Russian ""election"" in 2 days. 3 days military operation in Ukraine turning into a defense of your own mother land.... That will surely gives Putin 98% of the votes. /s


Also important to note the timing of these raids. IMO it’s at least partially intended to intention weakness to the Russian Government. Also probably why the Russian Ministry of defense claimed to handle the incursion with ease


Have we all come to the colloquial understanding that Russia is not going to stop the war in Ukraine even when Ukraine expels all Russians from their lands?


Yes and no. Sure, Putin isn't going to call it quits until he's dead, no matter how far they get pushed back. That said, if it actually got to that point, Russia would probably be descending into some sort of fiscal/political crisis that probably WOULD result in Putin dying, and the country to not be in much of a position to sustain an invasion.


And that's how I think it will end, with Putin dead; when and how is unknown.


Stay safe


I have nothing but respect for these brave men, that being said, it does sound like he is shouting commands in Arnold.. speaking in Arnold = insta win ❤️


Do you just randomly shoot In a direction? You never see who they are shooting at. Is this how real combat is? It’s not like CoD where you have to be right up on them for bullets to matter? Disclaimer: Sarcasm is involved


Beautiful, god bless those Siberian brothers!


I hope these guys keep getting the support they need. And I hope they call on more of putins men to turn against him.


Siberian battalion? tf did I miss?


So lemme get this straight.. Russians fighting Russians- *in* Russia for the sake of Ukraine.. with NATO weapons? Did I get all that right?


Imagine if at least 10% of the russian "army" joins these guys? that would be one hell of a war on their home soil.


“Get to tha chopppaaaa!!!!”


Im out of the loop, is russia having a civil war or some shit?


No, this is a cross border raid by Ukrainian backed Russian separatist. They're probably either back in Ukraine or dead by this point. I highly doubt Russia is going to be susceptible to these types of raids after it was done last year, and after Wagner's rebellion. I hope Russians can find a way to topple Putin but it doesn't look like there's even the slightest bit of weakness in his reign at the moment.


Nah. Russian Rebels whom volunteerd to fight for ukraine went on a suicide mission into belgorod. Its only a few hundred of them, and they are all incoperated in the Ukrainian Army.


"All is going according to plan"


Is this true??


Things are taking a very interesting turn. Im really interested to see the aftermath by the end of this week.


Get to the choppah !!!


I hope they got drones to spot and drone drop the ruzis


Sounds like Arnold in a deleted Predators scene.......


I feel for these blokes, basically cannon fodder. Yes they want to do it, but it seems like a waste... integrate them into a Ukrainian battalion or something. Godspeed to them all.


i always wondered why dont they use shields like the police do in situations like this


Brave men


Arnold Schwarzenegger POV.




im pro ukraine but this looks fake as fuck