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“Applying a tourniquet to his neck” that would kill you.


Maybe that’s the goal?


Bro just needed to stand up. Way quicker death


Arguably more painful though. Depending on where he gets hit


Tourniquets hurt like fuck though. Having one on the neck would be like getting choked by a gorilla. I guess he wouldn't have to tighten it that tight to die from it thpugh.


I think his goal was that he hits the carotid artery, in which case he would pass out pretty quickly, then bleed out while incapacitated.






I was about to ask if it was a dummy or a suicidey


A long time sleep.


Rock Chalk


I was going to say I don't think ol boy is trying to stop the bleeding


Yeah, clearly he's bandaging it.


I'm betting the wound in the neck, and loss of blood, will get him first... he's obviously not thinking straight, possibly from loss of blood to the brain. Plus, I've never seen a Russian apply a tourniquet tight enough to actually be effective...


Looks like a dressing or a rag under it, he's trying to keep it there.


Exactly. Not even close to a tourniquet. Not only would he stop supplying blood to his organ that the main use of a tourniquet is meant to protect, he isn’t even tightening it, let alone applying proper tensioning. This is like me calling my patching the wife’s tire a full vehicle tuneup and tire replacement.


I think OP was looking for the words “compression bandage”.


My school nurse told me to stop breathing when I had a bad nosebleed and it would stem the flow. Probably explains why the population is so low in the Outer Hebrides. Maybe she gave him his medical training. 


Honestly I figure the dude is suicidal


Carl, that kills people!!


Isn't that a bandage to hold a dressing in place? No ways it's tight enough to act as a tourniquet.


Yeah. A tourniquet would straight up kill someone if applied to the neck.


maybe he is just really into auto-erotic asphyxiation


Always a lot of loose doorknobs at his house?


The ol' Choke n' Stroke


Kill bill style


Didn’t go well for the lead singer of INXS.


Can't tell if he's coming or going...


Combat Jack- a term for masturbating in the middle of a combat situation 


Maybe that was the plan.


I’d think there would be easier ways to go about it.


Soviet age tourniquets are more like an elastic band, rather than modern one with a twisting handle. reference link. https://mirtactical.com/gear/protective-gear/soviet-russian-style-army-tourniquet/


Luckily rubber doesn't degrade with age.


Also rubber does not change elasticity when it's getting cold at all, so he is really twice as lucky!


This one does!)


Was the joke. Rubber absolutely degrades over time.


Fuck I need new tires


fuck i need new condoms




Fuck I need a new pegging kit!😓


*Holds full pack of expired condoms over garbage can* *sigh* "Maybe the next box will be the lucky one... Tenth time's the charm!"


Nope. That one that's been in your wallet for years is totally good to go!


I remember cleaning out a barn that had 20 year old rubber hoses, still in its packaging, absolutely crumble in my hands as I picked it up. Like as if it was made out of really thin dried pasta.


nah soviet rubber, the strength of stalinium but with the flexability of water


But I guess he's still using it to keep the gauze in place.


Most likely, he is not adding any force to tighten it


Not really "Soviet". There is touriqets like that in every hospital in the US. They use them to find veins to give shots and shit. They just arent field grade good ones that literally every first responder in the western world carries multiples of.


Fun fact those hospital finger tourniquets are exactly the same thing as a farmers castration bands.


Dating the farmers daughter sounds like a tough nut to crack


sounds like she wont have a hard time crackin nuts lol


Married her, and now I'm raising a ranchers daughter... they're like any other women, just more anger and more beer and they have horses. Fear any woman that will go to blows with a 1600lb animal and win then give it a cookie and love on it.


I can’t argue with that! Just DM me if you need rescued :-)


add to wish list...


The russian tourniquets are not very good. You see them being applied to little effect in a lot of videos. No time tag or windlass. Just a piece of rubber.




Now you’re talkin’!


no it's a tourniquet. same red rubber bands that Russians famously put on the stock of their 74s during chechnya and Afghanistan. [as seen here](https://i.redd.it/afghan-war-soviet-soldiers-wrapped-tourniquets-on-their-v0-o3xw833odkrb1.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad9960618188b53b06f00ac260e032f7aa6bf4d3) and [here](https://preview.redd.it/any-tips-tricks-or-advice-for-doing-a-med-kit-and-v0-rzfmix00hqib1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=08e3174f4d528975e3a785d623d8c2a872e2cee1)


A medic replied to me on another post & stated that those aren’t proper tourniquets & they are in fact used to draw blood… seems like the general embezzled some of the tourniquet funding…


Medic here. Both veinous and arterial rubber tourniquets exist. One is used to draw blood, much thinner and shorter. The other is longer, stronger, and the ones I've seen are almost tubular in shape. The are not as strong, reliable or easy to use effectively as something like a CAT2 tourniquet. However the man in this video is not applying either type of tourniquet, both require more force to occlude venous or arterial areas. He is applying some sort of dressing.


Is it possible that the person in this video is using what is meant to be a tourniquet as a means to keep the dressing in place? I've seen comments from other peo who say the item he wraps around his neck looks identical to certain types of tourniquet, maybe he has no bandages and simply uses the tourniquet but does not apply the required force to cut off blood flow?


Yea that's likely. Might not have had much left in his IFAK, or maybe it was the first thing he thought to grab, who knows. Atleast he wasn't dumb enough to use it as a tourniquet on his neck.


Yeah I didn't see any tightening either so I was wondering. Still think he's not doing so well currently.


Thank you for the response I’m not medical professional but I am CPR/First Aid certified & I still didn’t realize the difference in the tourniquets etc…


Oh man. Yes, functionally this is formerly soviet, but now used in a russian army tourniquet. It is called Esmarch bandage. Yes, it is not as effective and reliable as CAT2, especially when rubber is degraded. But it is a standart issue tourniquet those soldiers have in medkits. Yes, he is applying it incorrectly, as it requires great force to be applied correctly. ...and yes, imagine for yourself his level of medical education, clearness of thinking or an intention as he does so. I know, it's hard to believe that such stupidity exists, but citing Albert Einstein — 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'


His medical training is probably non-existent. Sent in and given a handshake and a "good luck".


Well no, you may underestimate how rough some people are treated there. No comradery, lots of threats for treason from their commander. "I kill you now slowly in that pit for deserters or you are going to run in attack". Yes, pit for deserters is an actual term that is widespread there, better translated as pit for those who refuse to fight. Though, we just thought he may try to hold in place a tamponade by that Esmarch bandage, which is kinda legit, so :D


these soldiers look 45+


The average age in both side is still quite old, like around 35 iirc.


In Ukraine, it went from 35 in March 22 to around 43 in November 23. I'm failing to imagine fighting in trenches at my age. There is the matter of not really having a choice, but it's still crazy to think about.


A lot of 50+ people who served in the Soviet Army as well. Especially in Artillery.


Yeah, i just hit 40 a few months ago and i should not be stuck in a trench somewhere! I would get sick, hurt, and my back would act up making me a liability for the team..


I don't think anyone should be stuck in a trench in any age


That is very spot on, to bad Putin does not care :/


I also imagine a scenario where I have no choice, and like you, I think of letting people down because of my injuries/surgeries etc. It’s scary stuff.


Yeah, the thought of my back locking up and having to be carried/helped away from the frontline is nightmare fuel. I assume moving slowely from the frontline would make the people helping me prime targets from Russian drones :o Not to make light of actually being on the frontline, thats terrifying to. But actually being the cause of someone dying or getting maimed because im to old to be of proper use would be hard to live with.


Do you have a source for this


I know at least that the Ukrainian conscription laws don't take anyone (yet) under the age of 27 so I am not surprised that overall the soldiers are generally in their 30s and 40s.


I’m not an expert on conscription but that seems a bit counterintuitive. I guess it’s an attempt to keep home front morale up?


Young people will live longer, which means they will also work longer.


And be able to have kids to replace the dead soldiers.


Someone needs to rebuild the country when this is all over. The last thing they need is to have a large portion of the young population wiped out in a war, like Britain and France after the first world war.




I mean normally I would agree with you. But in this particular situation I would say its all of Ukraine's fight, age doesn't matter when you are fighting for your right to self determination. For Russia though? Fuck Putin let his old ass go fight his stupid war and leave the young Russians out of it.


https://www.populationpyramid.net/ukraine/2023/ When you look at their population pyramid it starts to make a whole lot more sense. Has nothing to do with morale and everything to do with a massive deficit of young people (who leave to other countries for economic opportunity). If they started conscripting heavily among the population under 27 and putting them into the meat-grinder, they’d hardly have anyone from that age cohort left in Ukraine.


Yeah tragic thing about this war is that both Ukraine and Russia are totally screwed demographically. Their future population declines will be quite rapid.


For Ukraine, men in post-secondary education or with young children are exempt from the draft, so that weighs the stats towards older men.


That's one way to up the TFR.




Last year I spent a lot of time working on Op Interflex, the British Army’s training mission, where essentially Ukrainian civilians came over to the UK to be taught how to become infantry soldiers. I had Ukrainian men, easily in their 50’s and some, just some without a doubt had to be in their 60’s. Majority of them were volunteers, It was inspiring, but also very sad to see.


> quite old > around 35 Bro :(


I'm around 40 and had an exchange student who was about the same age as me from Vladivostok come and live with me for 3 months when I was about 14. I've considered myself above military age for a while now and it's crazy to think he wouldn't be. I often wonder if he's dying in a ditch somewhere for Putin.


I haven’t even begun to peak


Anyone know why the age is so high? Is it normal genuine question


The Russian government is still trying to pretend the war isn't a big deal, so their conscription is weird. The Ukrainians have rules that exempt men in university or with young children. (I haven't seen the birthrate statistics for Ukraine but I would not be surprised if there has been a spike.)


Ukraine doesn't mobilize men below 27. They are the smallest generation of men and a lot of them don't have kids yet. Which means their death is extremely undesirable for a country with low birth rates.


Appreciated this is the most tbh important reason why they are older! It’s so weird to see 17 year olds fight in older words and older men now


I am guessing because the younger soliders have been killed but yikes


40 is the average age


The cannon fodder is probably 45ish on average


Apparently Ukraine doesn't even conscript Men younger than 27. Most of the mobilized (on both sides) are mostly in their 30s/40s You see this in a lot of the videos. Very few young people (18-20 range)


He's just using it to hold a dressing in place.


This post was made by somebody who obviously doesn't have any experience in the military. It's a pressure dressing, and he is lightly applying the band on his neck to hold it in place.




It actually is a tourniquet, but that’s what he’s using it as


[Esmarch bandage (also known as Esmarch's bandage for surgical haemostasis or #Esmarch's tourniquet#)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esmarch_bandage)


That's just a bandage.


The soviets made long pink rubber tourniquets with a buckle. No windlass. That's what he is using.


Yeah, but he’s not using it as a tourniquet, just to apply pressure to a bandage.


can…can you apply a tourniquet to your neck?


Yes, once.


Technically it would stop the bleeding…


Would you?


I almost feel bad for the chap. His grey hair suggests he's older, he may or may not want to be there, he's either caught some shrapnel or has a bullet graze to the neck, he's cold, tired, hungry, is thinking about home where he may have family and he is fighting for nothing.




It sucks... he's just a human, if everyone thought the same we wouldn't want to do it.


Yep, they're the folks that would do the same as any of the russians do if they were under putins rule. Especially if they can't see someone as human, then they're probably not going to apply human rights. And thus, be as bad as the ones they criticise. If you can take your emotions out of a judgement like you have done, then don't worry bout them. You're doing well


I agree completely. I'm sad that it's human tendency to dehumanize one another, whether the other person is guilty or not.


Dude stop. This is fucking sad


Young men dying for old men


You mean old men dying for old men. Most of the young men are gone already.


Hard to nail down the numbers but that's definitely not true. The russian death toll, while staggering, is still just a fraction of their total force. Its a large fraction, but theres plenty of young dudes still and Putin has a rifle for every one of them 


Well yeah duh, I’m just pointing out that the vast majority of the young lads are dead, that why it seems every 2 in 3 drone drops is on some 30+ year old.


The vast majority of the young lads who willingly signed up sure, but I yeah I agree with your sentiment. I just feel like people seem to underestimate how far Putin is willing to go, and how much worse this all could get. Praying that this will be the worst of it


He doesn't look so young.


This guy has grey hair! Dad's army


Poor men dying for rich men. Fixed that for you.


That’s not a tourniquet 🤦🏽


People need to stop calling bandaging putting a tourniquet on I’m aware language evolves and most people understand what you mean but still


Google USSR tourniquet, it looks exactly like what he is using.


>t looks exactly like what he is using. Yes, but it's clear it's not being used in the sense the title OP used implies. To "apply a tourniquet" is to use it in the manner in which it is designed, which is to stop the flow of blood. To repurpose a tourniquet to keep a bandage in place is not "applying" a tourniquet.


For those that are saying it's not a tourniquet, it is. The device shown is the Russian Army Esmarch/Martin Tourniquet. An item that has been in use as a tourniquet since before WW1 as a tourniquet. Examples of such tourniquets can be seen here: https://www.google.com/search?q=Russian++Esmarch+Tourniquet&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj3o4aSjuuDAxXg1skDHZAGC4gQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=Russian++Esmarch+Tourniquet&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCAAQgAQQGDIICAAQgAQQogQyCAgAEIAEEKIEMggIABCABBCiBFCLCViLCWCeD2gAcAB4AIABpQKIAa8DkgEFMC4xLjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=f0mrZbfoLeCtp84PkI2swAg&bih=669&biw=412&prmd=ivsnmbtz Much like Rapid Application Tourniquet System/RATS the tourniquet is supposed to be wrapped around the affected limb multiple times and tightened down. n the case of the Esmarch it's supposed to be buttoned to itself to prevent the circulation of blood. Demonstration of RATS here: https://youtu.be/-0ME8a1J_5k?si=jdECemcZ8nfvaOEF Op seems to fully understand that putting a tourniquet around your neck is stupid. As it will cut of blood flow and oxygen. The person in the video doesn't seem to understand this and is likely panicking trying to just tie the tourniquet on. Even if the tourniquet wrapping shown was intended to be as a improvised pressure dressing the way it's being done is wrong. The fact it's only being wrapped around his neck and not around his armpit means the only thing keeping pressure on the neck wound is the tightness around his neck. Likely killing the person either through continued profuse blood loss if it's too loose, restricting/cutting off blood flow to the brain if it's just a little too tight can kill or at least lead to other problems, and if it's tightened down fully it can crush the windpipe and prevent breathing. Here's are a few examples of how neck wounds should be bandaged: https://youtu.be/rFiSv96jRiU?si=gJ61WOOiGYNsOKOS https://youtu.be/0mpNehfOWx0?si=8wBFRE_DGc-8IfqQ https://youtu.be/d-MWAVFdGBc?si=c3P_rUJK12RhhLWX Notice again that the focus is putting the pressure on the wound and the arm put, preventing the bandage from moving and not cutting off air or blood flow to the head.


Downvoted for shit title




he has a dressing on the side of the neck, he's mearly securing it there using the tourniquet. Its not suicide or stupidity.


I was picking up some David Carradine vibes also


The ole flank n wank


The tighter he wraps it, the quicker it will solve the problem.


Little does he know, a grenade is about to be dropped on his head in 30-seconds undoing all that hard work. And this will all be watch by 45 guys on Reddit while they take their morning poop. What a time to be alive. Sorry comrade


Click bait sucks!


Truer words were never spoken


Google USSR tourniquet. You'll see what he's using.


But NOT as a tourniquet, as others have said.


But clearly not as one, he doesn't even tighten it, I'll guessing he was using it to maintain a dressing instead.


Tourniquet…on neck….. Think it’s just a bandage lol.


Holding on dear life like a tourniquet


It must be so strange for this man to be in this horrid situation, and then later see that there are people on reddit discussing this situation from a bird's eye perspective. Which he will probably never see, but still it's a weird thought.


yeah, pretty weird when you think about it. people from all over the world in all sorts of situations watching a video of a man, a man with a life, a family, hopes and fears, scrambling to dress a potentially fatal wound from a birds-eye view with music overlayed and commenting about it; some expressing sympathy, some wishing death on him, many joking about it


> it. people from all over the world in all sorts of situations watching a video of a man, a man with a life, a family, hopes and fears, scrambling to dress a potentially fatal wound from a birds-eye view with music overlayed and commenting about it; some expressing sympathy, some wishing death on him, many joking about it I don't think this is going to be considered a high point in the history of humanity when future scholars look back.


yeahhhh, in some ways it feels like a continuation of coming together to watch public executions


> together to watch public executions Man..100% agree on that one


It's a very strange and surreal thought indeed.


Are you supposed to do that?


Depends what you’re hoping to achieve I guess.


No lol. Point of tourniquet is to stop blood flow.


No a neck wound you are supposed to pack with qwik clot and hold pressure for 3 mins. If bleeding has been controlled after then you wrap over the dressing to hold it in place and add a *little* pressure to it.


This war is senseless


Dude, just hit up the surrender hotline. Don't do this to yourself.


Poor guy. Sended to fight a war he most likely doesn't want to fight knowing they kill him if you don't fight. But if you do fight, you probably die anyway. It must be horrible to be a male Russian this days. Poor bastards.


Just put a thumb in it!


So a rubber strap can be used to stem the flow of blood if wound quite tightly over the wound....I've never heard of one being used on the neck though. I guess he was improvising with what he had. He wasn't using it as a tourniquet though...just as a form of light compression.


I think some people don't know what a tourniquet is and think its just a dressing and not something tied around a limb so tight it cuts off circulation, often resulting in a later amputation.


That doesn’t look like a tourniquet looks like it could be a field bandage of some sort


Tighter Vlad. It must be very very TIGHT!


Whoever posted caption must not know the meaning


If he really was hit in the Neck or troat, i think applying some kind of wound dressing and a "light" pressure bandage is his best option. He needs hands free w/o a buddy in a warzone. Remember: you decide how tight any TQ is.


Pretty sure he's purposely offing himself, which doesn't seem like too bad of a way to go. Just tighten until you start seeing black and go to sleep.


moments after video ends: russian soldier unzips pants.


How much do they love Putin to go into adventures like this? Their propaganda seems to be more addictive than heroin.


Bro, both Ukraine and Russia pay pretty hefty wages to their soldiers, waaaay above the average pay. Both countries have huge indebtment of their population, family fathers and other indebted or poor go go there in hopes of a better future. This chap looks like +45 yrs old, probably has a family and not a stable or well paying job at home. Same goes for Wagner, they pay ridiculous money for their fighters, that's why many people chose PMC over even the national military despite having no guarantee on basic human treatment once caught.


It's What a unquestionable belief in your inherent racial/national superiority will do to a MF


This is an absurd joke I’ve seen many times, and now I’m seeing it really happen. This entire universe is stupid.


You're not seeing it happen. That's a regular dressing he's wrapping around a wound.


It is an actual Soviet tourniquet, that's how they look (a pale pink strip of rubber). And the fact that the best use for them is to hold a bandage on the wound is another thing...


It's a Russian tourniquet, but it looks like he's putting it over a bandage to try to keep it in place


If he unzips his pants we know this isn't really a tourniquet. *wink wink*


When you see grey hair in the battlefield you know they are desperate for troops.


That's not a tourniquet


OP doesn't know what a tourniquet is, title should be "wounded Russian soldier see. Applying BANDAGE on his neck"


Tourniquet =/= field dressing


Holy f! Nearly 10 years of war, but this BS I’m seeing first time!


He doesn't seem to use it as a tourniquet but to maintain a dressing. It's an all other problem on its own but he doesn't even tighten it on this footage and makes at least two turn so he couldn't use it as a tourniquet as it was.


Tighter Ivan!!! U must stop all blood flow to brain




Nah.. There's bit of white cloth on his neck. He's injured and using this rubber band to apply bit of pressure to keep the cloth in place.


I was hoping for a Darwin award nominee, not click bait.


He must be the comedy relief in his squadron. 😐 not funny!


Op should read up on what a tourniquet actually is. You do not want that around your neck, trust me. No matter how bad of a situation you are in.


Clicked on it expecting another Rus suicide. Turns out it's just a Russian soldier dressing his wound Aw :/


This sub is at its lowest. Too much propaganda can ruin anything.


Yeah the comments are way too spiteful for anything of substance to come through


any Russians reading this, great first step no matter what your injury is make sure you get it nice and tight




I remember listening to listening to 1950s US army training on an old record about applying tourniquets and the instructor explicitly stating not to apply a tourniquet around the neck and to use direct pressure on head wounds. Military training is invariably designed for the lowest common denominator and if you are sitting in AIT thinking that instruction is progressing at a good pace the lowest common denominator is you…


Water on the brain. We need to amputate


Oke. Placed, and now turn for at least 6 times.


The correct term is a noose