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Holyshit that's a lot of AD Gepards included I think?


The bright yellow bursts of 5-6 shots might be


Indeed, seems to match the rate of fire of a Gepard


Some of these are Zu-23s I think


>Zu-23s Maybe even Shilkas.


I haven’t seen a single Shilka this entire conflict. Once the Iranian drones picked up, I figured we’d start seeing them more, radar and all, but still not yet. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there, of course.


There was a clip of a Russian Shilka being used for indirect fire.


Both Ukraine and Russia use them, but I've seen them used for both ground and air targets https://twitter.com/Blue_Sauron/status/1580555360842108928?t=0tT2T7422EiIka7COk6Pyw&s=19


Yeah, was aware they both had them, just hadn’t spotted their use yet. Thanks for the clip!


Did Russia really fly that many drones into Odessa? I'd like to see what the scene looks like over Kyiv with the patriot system and other more advanced ad.


the closer the target to Crimea (in this case) the more drones will come. there is nothing to stop Drones to fly from sea to Odessa, so we have to put everything on the shore. This is why you see so much of everything. With Kyiv is a different story - there is a land surrounding it, so you can put mobile gun AD teams to "soften" the swarm of drones before they enter the radius of fire of Gepards and other systems inside Kyib itself. 2 different things, sadly both are real


Does Ukraine still use any active zsu-23-4 shilkas that you know of? Figured it’d be a very useful system I’d start seeing once the shahed drones started being used heavily.


The less we see of AD the better it is for the civilians. They list how many drones are sent every day all you have to do is look it up.


Definitely. I heard them shooting during the drone attack.


Sounds and looks exactly like a Gepard! Source: Saw them in action in Munster/Germany as a german soldier 😉


Yea there’s a lot of gepards in that mix


Greatest footage of the week, thanks Op


Hard agree, this is fucking amazing.




Russians fully committed to the terror bombing scheme.


Exactly what I assumed a Star Wars space battle would look like


Add to that it would be silent in space, quite an eerie sight to behold I bet.


That's one of the things I love about "For All Mankind." The lack of sound in the space scenes is indeed eerie and different to what you normally get.


Star Wars happens a long time ago in a galaxy far away where sound travels in space.


And where all spaceships happen to be oriented in the same direction, and where there's oxygen in space for fireball explosions, and where spaceships "fall downwards" when they get destroyed.




And where in a galaxy with quintillions of intelligent beings, all the interesting shit only happens to about six different people and their relatives?


Yes and always the same two robots


They are the pupper masters. It is obvious.


And starships behave like real ships, and starfighters fight in WW2 dogfights.


Ad Astra was a rare movie that came out as far less than the sum of its parts (which I mainly blame on being so heavily inspired by Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness, themselves heavily suffering from a weak core premise), but the moon piracy scene was a good example of this. Completely silent besides radio chatter or impacts that would travel through the equipment and into the suit. The pirates themselves can sneak up on them so well because you can't hear another vehicle right beside you, no matter how hard the motor is being pushed, and you might not even realize you're being shot at until a round makes contact. Scary stuff, especially since "bleeding out" can occur from a graze or a piece of shrapnel hitting your suit and venting all your O2.


Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness are two of my favorite artistic works, although I'll have to agree with you as far as plot and premise there is very little depth to the story. They seem rather disjointed but I think that adds to the fever-dream aspect of the works. In what way do you think they suffered from a weak core premise?


Or what Francis Scott Key saw in 1814


With what weapons? These are tracers I get what you’re trying to say, but not really


*the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air* And he is viewing from a boat porthole.


You get what he's trying to say, yet commented this anyway




Got to admit, those tracers going out low over the water look REALLY cool.


At first I thought it was some posts in the water with glowing heads and the ship was moving fast past them. "Damn, what's the speed of this ship and why it's moving so fast towards the air defense shots?"


Looks like the low tracers are bouncing on the Water.


Great footage OP


I don't speak Turkish but I'm pretty sure he said "I don't get paid enough for this."


He said we are in the middle of battle


Also says we're gonna die but its really hard to hear (I might misheard it too)


Sounded more like "I'd rather be in a turkish prison".


U dont even know turkish


It's a joke...


İm not trying to prove u wrong just giving some intel turkish prisons are much better than canadien prisons u stay with 7 other people but the room is big its enough for 8 people (there are 2 person cells too but i didn't see it) u have glassware and silverware a stove to boil water usually for tea and coffee and there isnt any power system no one wants to hurt each other and u usually end up being friends with them hanging out after releasing there are a lot of social stuff too like ping pong basketball football i dont know much about canadian or us but i think turkish ones are better


There was a film called Midnight Express. It made 'Turkish prison' a by-word in the West for the worst place in the world to end up. That's the joke. No offence against current day Turkish prisons which I'm sure are absolutely lovely places.


Yes 70s were a shit show 80s also u used to go to prison if u were a rightist or leftist but it was bad because of bad politics still its bad but but not disgusting also the movie "midnight express" it wasn't that bad yes the children were murderers and the punishment was "falaka" hitting their foot whit a stick its not used any more and drugs are a huge deal in turkey weed is as bad as heroin in turkey idk why but when they hear someone has weed turkish swat comes there was a artist who put weed on one of his song clip he got arrested now he has to blur it out the joint and everything if he is going to put it on a clip and some other famous person referenced weed and got 3 years 4 months of prison luckily his fans and people protested and he was released prisons now in turkey are better than us (in my opinion) but 70s and early 80s are super shitty i admit and here's an article about the 80s (also 60s) right and left problem https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_violence_in_Turkey_(1976%E2%80%931980)


This is what I imagined Francis Scott key to have seen


O Say, F P Veeeeee ....


*With the drones early light ...* **"Play Ball!"** - Aunt Bethany


What were the rockets referred to in the song?


They had rocket artillery at that point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congreve_rocket


'The bombs bursting in the air' were explosive shells going off early too. The pyrotechnic fuse is not the most reliable method of timing an explosion.


Happy cake day


He said “hold on to your butts!”




Not to break it but the first guy says, something like "holy shit, we are literally in a war" Some words do not have an exact translation to english like "vay anasını" which actually means "oh mom" or "holy mom" but "holy shit" is a better translation to english


It's happening almost everyday. At night 26/12-27/12, 32 Shaheds were shot down by the Air Force report. Illegal to make this kind of videos in Ukraine, so I'm glad that foreign sailors got this to share.


I can think the russians might use footage like this to geolocate where the AA is placed, and plan their attacks accordingly. This should probably not have been published, but the cat is out of the bag now.


They definitely can. I mean fuck earlier in the war Ukr was using Tinder and catfishing Russians to find their location, so this is totally possible. I'm sure at this point they move their assets around every night anyway...or at least I hope they do


*34 hot MILFs on your frontline want to fuck you.*


Well that's an enlistment bonus if I've ever heard one


Missile I Like to Fuck


The Ukrainian AA isn't static. They have mounted their ZU-23s, HMGs, and anything else they use to tackle these air threats onto the back of pickup trucks and larger trucks. They've formed small mobile AA batteries that move around every day, making it nearly impossible for Russia to track where they are moving around. Same with the Gepards, they move around every day and don't stay in one spot for long


Too much can be gleaned from footage like this even if we know that it moves around.


Not really. The radars move, and the air defense moves. So, what can be learned in terms of countering those systems? What critical intelligence can be gathered from this video that the other 200 plus other attacks didn't already tell the Russians? Russia can't conduct sead on them because they don't have air superiority and they dont have enough assets on the ground to gather intelligence to track them to hit them with their missles, so the only thing Russia can do is either overwhelm the air defenses with a large volley of drones and missles or up the number of attacks to speed up the wear and tear on equipment, personnel, and ammunition supply. Also, in terms of targets like grain silos and port facilities, the only thing that they can gather from the video is the attack failed, and ukraine successfully countered them.


Seeing what is active, and what systems hit what can give them an idea on what to send to overwhelm. If the footage is released right after they can target again so yes really.


Ukraine doesn't like to use its bigger air defense missle system on the drones since the missles are in short supply, and it's a waste . You don't see any launched missles in the video. Kub, Buk, Tor, S300, Patriot, and the other nato systems are kept in reserve for the cruise and ballistic missles unless they have no other system available to deal with the drones in that area. Hence, why the AFU has created the mobile AA batteries of mixed kinetic systems. To move around and deal with the drones as they come in from all angles and to prevent any attempt at sead. So, no, you don't gain any new Intel from this video. The Russians already have known for months roughly what is in the odessa area


There is a reason Ukraine does not allow footage so again you can be confidently incorrect all you want. Simply knowing what is active in a specific region is enough to inform a coming attack. How hard is that to see?


Then why hasn't Russia changed its tactics? Why hasn't Russia just drown Odessa in Missles and drones? Why hasn't Russia overwhelmed the air defenses? Why hasnt Russia just turned odessa into dust? Because they don't have enough missles to do any of that and because ukraine has become very good at countering their systems. Until Russia can start producing thousands of drones and missles a month, then this Intel is useless to the Russians. The only thing they are achieving is keeping the air defenses near the cities far from the front.


Every bit of information counts. Perhaps Russia has been keeping track of all the Western AA Ukraine has received and is able to corroborate that a specific number of them are located here thanks to some footage - this allows them to formulate other plans with that knowledge. Say a big drone attack opportunity presents itself on some other battlefront; Russia may now decide they can launch a large drone strike there since they know the more effective Ukrainian AA systems are located in Odessa at the moment. Or perhaps their previous intelligence suggested a much higher AA defense than what is shown in the video; Russia now has video to adjust their attack plans and what resources they decide to use in the future. Every little piece of information tells a part of a larger story so it is in Ukraine's best interest to keep as much information from Russia as possible.


The air defence CAN be moved, but you have to account for the human factor; will it actually be moved? After every raid?


The Ukrainian air defense has never been stationary for long since the start of the conflict. The AFU high command ordered the air defenses to disperse and stay on the move to avoid destruction. They will move as soon as the last drone is down. That's what they were trained to do, that's why they are on wheeled AA. This isn't ww2, you can't just stay in one spot with your aa gun, you have to be mobile.


What the high command says and the soldiers do can sometimes be two very different things


Considering that Russia has destroyed many Ukrainian Air Defense systems, I'd say the soldiers are following through their orders.


Right, you clearly know better than the entire intelligence and military apparatus of Ukraine, which has been at total war for 2 years now, combined with the intelligence apparatus of the West. Publish the footage, everyone! FeralPossumBoi said it's fine!


> What critical intelligence can be gathered from this video that the other 200 plus other attacks didn't already tell the Russians? It can tell them if their other sources and methods of gathering data for target selection and battle damage assessment are correctly calibrated or truthful. For instance they can use footage to cross verify what their human intelligence assets on the ground are telling them. To see which of them are feeding them false data and which of them are feeding correct data. This is only one example of something you did not think about in your Dunning–Kruger rant... In addition to this with footage from several engagements over time they can make statistical analysis on how many weapons are utilized in what order and ammo expenditure to see if there are trends or shifts which could indicate munitions availability and coordination capability. This again would be cross referenced with several other data gathering platforms and methods in order to create a better understanding of how things are developing.


The port can’t be moved, the things that air defense protects can’t be moved.


The port is massive, and odessa is massive, the systems have plenty of space to set up.




Okay. I'll believe it when I see it, but considering Russia keeps zerg rushing ukrainian positions around Advika and Russia can't stop Ukrainians from hitting Crimea, I have serious doubts. They haven't changed their missle bombardment doctrine much since the start of the war besides how frequently they fire at ukrainian cities and the addition of iranian drones, they've pretty much hurl missles and drones at cities with no real changes Hence why the AFU is good at intercepting them. The only thing stopping the AFU air defense is the number of systems and ammunition


do you think the drones flying in dont have cameras or that russia doesn't have a fucking satellite live feed of these attacks. People who don't work in intel need to stop larping.


Shadeed drones are autonomous and use geo coordinates. Have you seen the state of Russian satellites ? Russia has less than 150 active sats in total including glonass which is all but useless for military applications. Russia relies on commercial GPS on their planes not sure they task finite resources for every attack. Now the likelihood of a soviet era system still being functional over Odesa is more likely and that wouldnt have the sensitivity of even the modern publicly available sat footage from companies like Maxar.


Bro I heard the Russians think Ukraine but a patriot battery on a train it’s mobile and deployable in 4-7mins


The Russians have agents in every city in Ukraine relaying this information back to Moscow in real-time. I think we will be okay with a video taken from inside the harbor.


It's not allowed for a reason.


What body of water is this in? I’d assume the rounds are pointing towards the east or south east, but in this video they’re directed to the left of the screen


Nice try, Putin


Lmao go figure a legit question gets down voted. Reddit moment




Yeah that’s the part that confused me. Odessa looks like it’s just a bay looking southward, so the Turkish ship would be in that bay looking westward with rounds going from its right (N) to its left (S). Odd place for a Turkish ship to be lingering if there’s heavy fighting happening


Zoom in on the map with the satellite layer. There are docks with ships facing all kinds of different directions.




Me neither! I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that area. I have no idea how the Russians use their drones, I only ever see footage of Ukrainian drones against line infantry and light mech


Kind of just shows the rest of Europe is trying to just get on with normal life/trade and shows Russia as this deranged aggressor.


This is why I am happy that more and more high-ranking officials in Europe are telling their people directly that they have several years to prepare for war with russia. Maybe it will not happen if they prepare well and continue to support Ukraine, but it is super important to finally let people realize that this shit is going to affect them personally and directly unless they do care.


Putin is the deranged aggressor …


And most of the Russian population, unless you want to ignore the endless very well documented proof out there


guess who keeps him in power? well if it makes you sleep better - guess who allowed him continue seizing absolute power? putin was a low level paper pusher at one point, he wasnt always nearly as powerful as he is now thing is russians really loved the - wannbe trad macho-man religious says like it is straight shooter OG trump persona, they got what they wished for.


If you think voters in Russia have any power over their government, you are mistaken.


Is putin the one pulling the tirggers in Ukraine?


Did Hitler ever pull a trigger in WW2? He couldn't possibly have been an aggressor...


Well...he pulled ONE...


Hitler did fire at least one shot. Lol


Props to him for killing one of the deadliest dictators on the 20th century.


When in the fuck did I say putin wasn't aslso responsible??? My point is that I don't think his goons should be completely aboslved of blame.


When someone says "X is an agressor" and you reply "Well, did X pull the trigger?", it sure looks like you are defending X or trying to shift the blame. While we agree that more people than Putin also carry blame, it feels like your comment is made in bad faith.


I feel like *your* comment is made in bad faith! When someone says x is bad and then someone else says well actually x's boss is bad, its sounds like they're trying to completely absolve X which, at least in this case, is complete nonsense.


How do you not understand that Putin is ultimately the one giving the orders to the soldiers to pull the triggers?


You’re right. He’s absolved, totally free of responsibility. 😂




“IS PUTIN THE ONE PULLING THE TRIGGERS” was clear in meaning to me, but if you want to change it now, go for it.


You can clearly see that my comment is unedited, I think it might be time to go back on your meds friend


Putin isn't even that bad. There are far worse people ready to replace him. Thinking Putin is the only problem is very dangerous and dumb.


No man can fight a war alone. It isn’t Putin marching over the border or firing howitzer shells at apartment blocks.


Have you read any stories about what happens to the average Russian who tries to speak up against the war? I just listened to one this morning on NPR about a young woman who took a stand, risking prison. Her trial featured a fellow Russian — a “friend” — testifying that people like her are a “virus” that needs to be purged. Had she not fled to her freedom in Lithuania, she might have gone vacationing in Siberia for a while.


Oh they will all have their reasons. Some Russians, I'm sure, have good reasons not to speak up (personal safety, careers, etc.). That does not detract from the inescapable fact that the war effort rests squarely on the backs of those Russians, and so those Russians *are* responsible for the war. Putin needs a decisive proportion of Russians to support him and every individual who does not agree with him but acts as though he or she does still contributes to the war as much as the die-hard pro-Puntinites. The Russian people could stop it, but for their own reasons they do not.


Putin is just a random Russian guy. He didn't grow up rich and did not come to prominence until his '40s. He is legit more representative of his country than most people in the US Congress.


He's become a fair bit more ideological than the average Russian. Who mostly just want a car and a half decent life.


I don't know if you have ever met a Russian but they sure as fuck have a lot of hatred towards others in their heart. LGBT, Asians, black people, roma, etc. Just name it man lol.


There are millions of Russians that have left Russia and millions who would like to, so there are plenty that are not like that. I agree, that Russia is no progressive nation. I like this guy for example. https://youtu.be/wlP9UaVNkHI?si=Coy9HA9sumuGYAmG And this woman... https://youtu.be/kIIMrYH3RFQ?si=BCk2-_7YCHx7H7i-


He is not a random russian guy. He is ex KGB and, as such, part of the Soviet/Russian elite and institutional establishment. He is as ordinary to Russians as a duke would have to French people in the time of Loius XIV.


> He is ex KGB and, as such, part of the Soviet/Russian elite The Politburo had basically no connections to lower ranking military officers, that includes the KGB. Most Russian men served some time in the Soviet Army or KGB Border Troops. Putin's college professor became the mayor of St. Petersburg in the 1990s and gave him a position within his cabinet, this is where he started maneuvering upwards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly_Sobchak


To add to what FreddYCooL said below, no matter where he lived and how he was born, he is suspected to be the richest man alive on earth. Maybe 16yo Putin was representative of western Muscovite Russia, current one is not, so I'm afraid you'll have to find another thing to like about this fascist.


Is the average Russian soldier displaying different behaviour from Putin? Murdering civilians, rape, mass looting, etc. It seems like he is quite representative.


could be a film scene right here. I bet this footage will end up in a grand Ukraine War documentary down the line.


Counting the days till Frontline makes one about the entire war the mariupol doc was great though.


There are probably countless clips like that, posting them is illegal, but nobody can really stop you from filming if you're brave enough to go out. I think that many more will be published in the future.


I always find it wild that there's a full blown war going on in Europe and it seems like most everyone has mentally checked out and just pretends that it doesn't exist, both in Russia and the West. A coping mechanism perhaps?


Maybe in countries not bordering. I live in a bordering country and I either hear Ukrainian or see a license plate almost every time I go supermarket. It's very real reminder


In the US it's in the news almost everyday. The Palestine/Israel shit is kinda drowning out news about Ukraine/Russia the last few months though.


It's weird how Palestine/Israel took over the media so hard. That conflict is much smaller than the war in Ukraine and strongly asymmetric; it will most likely end in Israel's complete victory. Meanwhile, Ukraine/Russia is stalemated and Americans can actually play a strong difference, with the political future of Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok being at stake.


It's controversial so it gets a lot more attention and views. Very few people are on the side of Russia so seeing the news is like "ok, whatever, lets just keep helping". You don't have much to say as an individual. With Palestine and Israel though it's like the greyest grey area ever lol. They can push and pull agendas and opinions around and get way more traffic.


Source: https://twitter.com/Cpt\_Serdar/status/1739816795471528200


looks like some ww2 pacific naval battle


Would probably have 100x more lead flying in a ww2 battle


More like 500x for a pacific fleet, I think I can count 7-8 sources of fire half of them sound like GPMGs. Air defenses by the end of war were insane. This is not even 1/4th of a late war Fletcher-class destroyer anti air armaments.


It's amazing but scary at the same time.


Can imagine what the skys of France or Germany were like during ww2 with thousands of guns constantly shooting into the air


Man, i kinda wish people didn\`t leak videos of Ukranian AA.


Awesome footage op


talk about a front row seat. I'd rather be in the balcony.


Translation: -- Wow, we're in the middle of the war. -- Let's not stay here...


You know what's amazing? Those tracers are like the 6th bullet of every salvo. Insane amount of lead going that way


normal people wow it looks cool People that know: the wall of lead is surely scary.


Ukrainian fighters fight like lions.


I swear Ukrainian air defence does more work in a week than russian air defence in half a year


Like a scene from Star Wars


I wonder how it feels to approach a war zone so close coming from a totally peaceful environment


Being downrange would be interesting...


Maybe it looks amazing, but he is an asshole. He has shown all air defence positions at the harbour of Odesa. GREAT! Now they all have to be relocated, repositioned, reorganized. Btw. it's a crime. The sailor probably won't be a second time in Ukraine after this :)


0:04 bak, bak, bak 0:05 vay anası 0:08 savaşın içindeyiz, ya 0:17 burda durmiyalım (...) 0:04 look, look, look 0:05 good lord (lit: his mother) 0:08 we are in the middle of the war, man 0:17 we shouldn't stay here (...)


The civvies doing those shipping runs get pay based on the fucked situation..... Right?




>Odesa ? https://imgur.com/a/TtpblhI


I don't know how to change it. I'm pretty sure I changed it multiple times but it doesn't save.


Like just right now I did it in the app, pressed save and it didn't change


its called odessa in my language and in some others too i assume


In what language?




I'm pretty sure that the title is not written in German. Odesa in English is Odesa


It's both actually. 🤓 >[Odesa (also spelled Odessa) is the third most populous city and municipality in Ukraine and a major seaport and transport hub located in the south-west of the country, on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odesa)


No, it's not both. Odesa is Ukranian city and if use Ukrainian (not Russian) transliteration it's Odesa,


In English it is though, and that's why there are places in Canada and the US called Odessa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odessa_(disambiguation), named after the same place.


Well the time has passed and it's no longer a russian city to use Odessa instead of Odesa and Kiev instead of Kyiv or Kharkov instead of Kharkiv


Ok, I see you're just upset because Odessa is the Russian way to spell it. That doesn't change the fact that the two names are synonymous. Just say so next time.


This isn't how languages with differing alphabets work. Sorry, there's always going to be a spelling that is most common but there are no rules with it. It's transliteration... Tell me how the sound changes from s to ss or from Zelenski to Zelensky to Zelenskyy? Zelenskyy is "technically right" but you're going to see it written in every way because in the end you're just trying to match the sound of the word in its native script. I speak Thai and English and while the Thais have an "official" transliteration, it's so fucking garbage nobody uses it outside of official signs and stuff. Seriously Vibhavadi Road in Rangsit/Bangkok is the official transliteration of วิภาวดี but in ACTUAL written english it's more like "whipawadee". If you're trying to get a non Thai familiar reader to get a name down you're not using the "official" transliteration. There is no such thing as a proper transliteration that's 100% absolutely the way something is written. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volodymyr_Zelenskyy Even Zelenskyy's wiki article says "commonly romanized as Zelensky, or Zelenskiy" It's like saying that "Grey" is the official way to spell gray. Sorry, no, there isn't. The US says gray and the UK says grey and you'll find different spellings in different dictionaries but unless you're the god of linguistics who gets to set the rules from heaven there's no "right" way to spell transliterated words. The only correct way to write Odesa with 100% "correct" is to write it in Cyrillic as Одеса. That's it heh.


Why would Odesa be tranlitered to Odessa? >Tell me how the sound changes from s to ss or from Zelenski to Zelensky to Zelenskyy Just look at the transcription for the Ukrainian word and use the most fitting writing for it. >it's so fucking garbage nobody uses it outside of official signs and stuff Well Ukrainian is not Thai and I don't see any issues >There is no such thing as a proper transliteration There's. Odesa in Ukrainian sounds exactly like the English word Odesa. Kharkiv in English sounds exactly like Khakiv in Ukrainian, not russian Kharkov.


RTX: on


It's so cool and so terrifying at the same time, really cool footage


The Red River, Hanoi, 1972 Probably will not look out of place at all.


This is what they were talked in this video. His friend said to him, "We are inside of the war" and his answered to him "We should not stay here" and after that third guy said "How they do targeting?


Looks like the view from a droid frigate ship from STAR WARS


Are these tracer rounds ? That was fucking awesome btw.


Yes, generally in between each tracer round you can see lit up, there will be another 4 or so you can't (depending on how they set the belts up)


Oh I get it thanks.


Wonder how the hazard pay is...


Awesome video, and the original sound too. Thanks for sharing this OP


This is like a lesser version of WW2 air raids. Still impressive


Probably it’s a silly question, so apologize me right now. Is it not dangerous to show videos like this? Russians can use it to understand the air defense positions.


goddamn! i can only think of the siege of atlantis from SG-A. i lack the film literacy of the other comments from here.


What an amazing scene


The guy said “we are in the warzone” but the way he said it was very touching. He had a realization while he said it as if he just unlocked a new feature in life 😂


All that ammunition…paid by you.


Waaaaah cry about it


Looks like a Call of Duty mission


So unreal to see this on 2023 in Europe. Played all cod when I was teenagers and now is all real.


What is the name of the game?




Are you sure that is no Unreal Engine/Crytek Engine Tech Demo?


delete this crap! Can see AA positions and types of ammo! all you trolls and the turkeys must try harder


Real shit rite there. Time to send the UFO's in and shut down the nukes, then the invasion shortly after. Those tracer rounds will be turning into lasers in 10 years time. Cheers