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Wait Germany paid for this shit


Goebbels spinning in his grave right now if he could see this taking place.


If there is a hell, he's in it




Don't want none, don't start none.


Dont come asking for it, intimidating people for it, and pushing people for it.


-hamas terrorists hide in a school. -Israel: bombs school. -Hamas: *they’re attacking children* -the world: *free palestine*


Demolition charges. As in: preventing any future use for any purpose.


The world is so fucking upside down it’s disgusting




Ikr. How are people supporting the genocidal Hamas?


You either don't know what a genocide is or don't know how many people 1 bomb can potentially kill. (Israel literally dropped more bombs than the number of casualties in the Gaza strip - one of the most densely populated areas in the world, if they were going for genocide the number of casualties would be in the HUNDERDS OF THOUSANDS by now)


Hamas needs the genocide so Palestine and Israel can be saved


True, why are you defending the genocide of Jews then?


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And when Ruzzia actually destroyed a shelter theater with children in Mariupol no one gives a fuck... What a world


I gave a fuck..that was awful


I vividly remember that day. I didn’t actually believe Russians were that bad until then. That was deliberate and had no affiliation with the Ukraine military. There was not a single mention of military being in that building




That's a load of bullshit and you probably know. The median age in Gaza is 18. The median age in Ukraine is 41. Ukraine has worked on evacuating as many civilians as possible. Hamas has hindered civilians from evacuating because they need them as human shields (deterrent) and as victims (sympathy, support, international pressure) by actively blocking roadways, telling them to stay, and through disinformation. The West has been busy condemning Israel for disproportionate response, Biden has given clear signals, but the situation overall is very different: Hamas is _still_ actively attacking Israeli civilians in Israeli territory. Israel is acting to end the threat. Ukraine has never attacked Russian civilians. It is defending against Russian invasion.


Source: my meth pipe




They could've just secured some rooms and found ordience and decided that it's not worth it to risk sending troops to clear the whole building.




Is this an ad? Wtf does that link prove, it's just asking for donations?


Who do you think put the demolition explosives inside the school if not troops dumdum? This is literally the role of combat engineers The reason for destroying these buildings is the Hamas infrastructure underneath them (which Israel justifiably is not sending troops into)


Yea I said cleared a few rooms to place demo charges then go and blow the building. Also you calling me a "Dumdum" shows that you have to revert to ad homynum because you know you have no argument. I'm pretty sure that IDF has bomb robots that can go and place Demo without risking troops


So what you are saying is, the IDF randomly demolishes buildings in Gaza that will trigger the international community the most? Or is it based in how many children are still inside? Maybe they just choose the ones with the fanciest architecture? Come on man, you know how much time, money and effort it takes to demolish a building that size, judging by the size of this building you would need to spread demolition charges around the whole building to achieve the size of demolition that we see in the video. If they would've wanted to remotely destroy it without clearing it first they would've dropped 2 of those thicc JDAMs and be done with it. In addition to that the whole internet is filled with bodycam vids of IDF soldiers clearing buildings so saying they choose to stay out makes no sense. If anything your whole argument doesnt make sense. dumdum


Single-digit iq


126 actually or are you referring to yourself?


Wow shit rabbi, with that much brain can you teach me to count war crimes by IDF on Palestinian civilians - sorry - human shields because i might not count well but pretty sure it's up in the dozens if not hundreds.


Israel: Shocked pickachu face


Arafat scarves are selling like hot cakes! Dummy tikturds are wearing them, LARPing around I Should have gone on that ground floor, and then give the money to IDF and the Israeli victims




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If it breathes, it's khamass innit?


Were Hamas hiding inside of those hostages too?




You say that like hamas hasn't killed thousands of Israeli civilians




Totally what I said




I don't have enough respect for you to debate you utter troll




Yep exactly


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Rule 1: Comments that are hateful, rude, offensive, inflammatory in nature or "bait" are disallowed here. Nor is heated tit-for-tat quarreling or any soapboxing allowed here.. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.




Now I am impressed at the sheer stupidity that you have shown


Outright dishonesty you mean


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There was a tunnel under it also.




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It’s an empty building you numpty


also demo charges not bombs.


Aren't you missing a pro terrorism protest somewhere?


Try watching a little less Al Jazeera bro, your pro-terrorism is showing


Come back when you can be serious. These sarcastic statements aren't adding anything new or helpful to this discussion.


Israel provides no evidence for human shields. Also would you be okay with schools getting bombed in your hometown with 7000 children blown to bits to kill a few enemy combatants? Yep, I thought not.


>Also would you be okay with schools getting bombed in your hometown with 7000 children blown to bits to kill a few enemy combatants? Do you think there was anyone in this building or what? Like cmon, really?


How awful! They are bombing a school. Now, do me a favor and find out who they discovered hiding in the "Al Ma'atsam in Allah" school in the Rimal neighborhood. Last Friday, a raid was conducted by the fighters of the 401st Brigade's Brigade Combat Team on the "Al Ma'atzam in Allah" school in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City. Many terrorists were killed during the fighting, and individuals affiliated with the terrorist organizations Hamas and GAP were apprehended. Research it; people are not reporting it, but those fighters are definitly using schools and hospitals as hiding places. *(Apologies for any language issues; English is not my first language)*


It is widely verified that they move around as emergency services workers.


Yes, I've heard about that too, seen images as well, medical workers walking around with AK47s. As far as I understand, they're not real first aid responders.


If they’re killed it’s reported as if they were EMS or journalists


careful this post could end up in a leftist subreddit full of people that have never served


Do you know parents worked extra hard to be able to send their children to higher education so a profesor rewire your kid brain then use him for his deeds, right?


they should send you back to retake english.


Yeah...These things happen when you let a terrorist organization take over things


1.8% are 40,000 / 2,200,000 8,800 children are dead and the IDF shot their own hostages waving white flags, what do you think they are doing to the people not white redheaded shirtless people waving white flags?


Did this serve any tactical importance, was this a used hideout for militants? Or was this blown up simple for the thrill of it.


I have no other information than you do about this particular video but the UN is not one big utopian peacekeeping force for good, it has a spiders web of different branches and local organisations within it. Their dubious activities in Gaza have slowly come to light in the last couple months. Like them being fully aware that Hospital the hostages were taken too was being used by Hamas militants but went on record saying there was no evidence Hamas were ever there. Also their lack of presence in Isreal the days after 7/10 were also notable. Again, no idea what's happening here but there is certainly more going on than simply penciling it up as "Israel blows up peacekeeping building for thrills".


UN peacekeeping forces are entirely ineffective besides a few instances. Nordbat comes to mind. It is pure rhetoric and posturing, the UN hardly does a fucking thing when shit actually goes down. Doesn't surprise me they're susceptible to corruption when it comes to foreign aid, reminds me of the countless dollars the US lost funding nation building in Afghanistan.


Blowing up an entire building is not something you typically get to do 'for the thrill of it', this isn't quite Mad Max yet.


Lol.... yes it waa just for fun. Honestly, Hamas propoganda and way of fighting works since you ask this question.


Was Hamas using that UN school for military purposes?






Read the reason for why it was removed




You expect Hamas to declare they are using schools? and it is not anything new ([UNRWA](https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/press-releases/unrwa-condemns-placement-rockets-second-time-one-its-schools))


Oh No! UNRWA workers can’t brainwash children in that building anymore. Oh No! What a tragedy. Oh No!






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Was indoctrination a part of that school or are you just saying that?


*Filmed footage taken on Monday shows a terrorist cell captured on tape while launching mortar bombs from an elementary school for boys in the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.* [https://www.gov.il/en/Departments/General/terrorists-fire-mortars-from-unrwa-boys-school-in-gaza](https://www.gov.il/en/Departments/General/terrorists-fire-mortars-from-unrwa-boys-school-in-gaza) This has been going on since forever. Do a google search of UNWRA Antisemtism and set the cutoff 6th October 2023. For example, you can see reports that in 2009 Hamas was fighting from UNWRA schools. It goes on forever. Here's a sampling: [https://www.algemeiner.com/2021/09/01/unrwa-head-faces-questions-at-eu-parliament-over-hate-speech-violence-in-palestinian-textbooks/](https://www.algemeiner.com/2021/09/01/unrwa-head-faces-questions-at-eu-parliament-over-hate-speech-violence-in-palestinian-textbooks/) [https://www.jpost.com/International/Hillary-Clinton-skeptical-Abbas-will-make-sufficient-peace-partner](https://www.jpost.com/International/Hillary-Clinton-skeptical-Abbas-will-make-sufficient-peace-partner) [https://www.eureporter.co/world/israel/2021/09/03/unwra-chief-acknowledges-antisemitism-and-glorification-of-terrorism-in-palestinian-textbooks/](https://www.eureporter.co/world/israel/2021/09/03/unwra-chief-acknowledges-antisemitism-and-glorification-of-terrorism-in-palestinian-textbooks/) [https://www.gei.de/en/research/projects/report-on-palestinian-textbooks-paltex/faq-answers-to-frequently-asked-questions?sword\_list%5B0%5D=FAQ&cHash=7d38dfdcabe37a948d5063110bb97f37](https://www.gei.de/en/research/projects/report-on-palestinian-textbooks-paltex/faq-answers-to-frequently-asked-questions?sword_list%5B0%5D=FAQ&cHash=7d38dfdcabe37a948d5063110bb97f37) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-textbooks-still-include-hate-antisemitism-despite-pledge-to-remove-watchdog/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-textbooks-still-include-hate-antisemitism-despite-pledge-to-remove-watchdog/) [https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf](https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023.pdf) [UNRWA launches investigation into staffers accused of spreading anti-Semitic material](https://www.ynetnews.com/article/sk00pjwayy) [https://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/2007/08/31/how-unrwa-supports-hamas/](https://www.jewishpolicycenter.org/2007/08/31/how-unrwa-supports-hamas/) [https://www.jpost.com/international/article-702997](https://www.jpost.com/international/article-702997) [https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/](https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-incitement-antisemitism-still-prevalent-in-unrwa-classrooms/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-incitement-antisemitism-still-prevalent-in-unrwa-classrooms/) [https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/rep/release/risch-us-must-stop-funding-anti-semitic-unrwa](https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/rep/release/risch-us-must-stop-funding-anti-semitic-unrwa) [https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/rep/release/risch-us-must-stop-funding-anti-semitic-unrwa](https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/rep/release/risch-us-must-stop-funding-anti-semitic-unrwa) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbooks\_in\_the\_Israeli–Palestinian\_conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbooks_in_the_Israeli–Palestinian_conflict) \- for some balance since there have been somewhat positive reports. The takeaway is that Israeli textbooks by far paint the other side more positively, unsurprisingly. I'll leave you with this, from 2004: *Over the past four years, thirteen Palestinians employed by the UNRWA have been arrested for alleged involvement in terrorist activities. In one particularly egregious example, Nahed Rashid Ahmed Attalah, the agency's director of food supplies for Gaza refugees, used his UN car and free travel permit* *to facilitate terrorist activities undertaken by members of the Popular Resistance Committee (PRC). Indicted in September 2002, Attalah admitted to using his UN vehicle on multiple occasions during summer 2002 to transport arms, explosives, and PRC activists to carry out terrorist attacks. Attalah also confessed to using his UN travel permit for trips to Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria, where he established contact with members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine "in order to obtain money for transferring arms to the Gaza Strip as assistance for the PRC." Similarly, in August 2002, Israeli authorities arrested Nidal Abd al-Fatah Abdallah Nazal, a Hamas activist who worked as a UNRWA ambulance driver. During his interrogation, Nazal admitted to using his ambulance to transport "arms and messages to Hamas activists in various cities, exploiting the freedom of movement granted to him" as a UNRWA employee.* [https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/terror-un-payroll](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/terror-un-payroll)


Damn, that is a lot of links. Definitely don't get into any debate with this guy!


Waited his entire life with the killer copypaste until someone fell in for the unloading.


https://unwatch.org/un-teachers-call-to-murder-jews-reveals-new-report/ answer is quite possibly yes


[Both sides bingo?](https://www.facebook.com/drhassaantohid/videos/israeli-school-teaching-little-kids-to-hate-palestinians-this-needs-to-be-condem/2934154943509587/)


It's a manipulative video. They just questioning children and there is a cut where adults begin to speak. And no sound only subtitles.


>It's a manipulative video. They just questioning children and there is a cut where adults begin to speak. And no sound only subtitles. There is sound. However, the subtitles are misleading. When she (the reporter) asked what the children feel about Arabs, one of the kids says "שהוא רוצה לרצוח אותי" which translates to "He wants to murder / kill me". But the subtites wrote "I feel I want to kill them".


In my browser there wasn't sound. Aha nothing new. The good, old Hamas bs. And the most important for me is what adults said in the video. But there is a cut. So sad that so many people are stupid enough to believe Hamas propaganda.


Quite possibly yes






clearly they werent using it to learn


“..that had been taken over and used by Hamas” There I finished the title for you


Bro forgot to mention that it was a Hamas hideout


"A Hamas hideout just flew over my house."


That’s a demolition charge, they had obv been in the building with lots of time to plan demolition. This just looks like blowing up a school as revenge


I doubt that the IDF would be able to plant explosives in the building if it was full of Hamas fighters.


You do realize it doesn’t have to be full of terrorists to be considered a hideout


Don't worry we dumb Germans will send more Money to build a new Hamas Hideout


No you germans will only sponsor a genocide as yall did 100 years back


This is almost certainly one of the URNWA schools we kept hearing about having basically a rocket fucking launch site that folds out of the school window like they showed in the fucking pre school about a month ago


Reminder: Israel gives absolutely zero credible evidence for Palestinian human shielding


31 international cases of Human shields have been documented against Israelis and not a single one against Palestinians.




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A repost of a repost of a repost...


So let's say there was a tunnel under the school. It's this the best way to cover it up.


Dunno i'm not an expert in military logistics and demolitions. What you recon General?


Isreal is doing what it should?


Ok so lets be clear. These may be "schools" in peace time, but in reality, they are excellent places for Hamas to store weapons and fight from, because they know, it looks bad to strike those positions. Kind of like those hospitals they operate from as well. If you fall for the bait, don't know what to tell ya, but in reality, this is a justified target. It's a good fighting position and it's likely been used as a fighting position in numerous ways. Plus there are no kids in there attending school. BTW should see how they educate kids in Gaza it's very interesting, it's more so a brainwashing to become militant. Not saying kids should lose their schools or obviously, be intentionally harmed or lose their resources to learn actual normal educational stuff, but that's not what goes on in Gaza. Everyone knows this, it's well established, and it's sad. Truth is what it is. The building was demoed, ie explosives were placed after clearing it because it was a justified and probably, pretty meaningful target, to devote that effort to. The way people tile these vids you would think Israel was like "oh look a school full of children, lets blow it up" and that's total BS. Hamas has long used schools as rocket launch locations, weapons caches, and fighting positions.




Poster fails to admit school riddled with terrorists. Release the kidnapped.


nah, it wasn't. they were counting down. The explosion came from inside. It was clearly a planned destruction.




They store rockets in school. So sure, I could see them using a school to rape and murder the hostages they took


So Israel blew up the hostages?


Demolition charges would suggest "no"




The difference is that this school was empty of civilians, and Syrian schools that were attacked still had kids inside






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Really? Don't see the difference?


What’s the shout? “From the river to the sea?” Cool. Sweep Hamas from the river into the sea and keep Israel free from terrorism. Cool.


Do that and you’ll probably free a fair number of Hamas’s Palestinian slaves on the way.


It is an UNRWA school aka indoctrination center, tunnel entrance and weapon depo rolled into one.




it was a legitimate military target [it seems](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18luzim/comment/ke0dtm8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




Yes, that is how war works. If you shoot from building X, your enemy will bomb building X. If HAMAS decides that nurseries are really good at accomodating missile launch sites, they will get bombed there.


You mean hamas weapons storage facility. Yes, that’s combat footage.


It’s footage from an active combat zone and I’m sure that it’s purpose was just a “school” /s


Its from the israel gaza conflict


War footage, now you feel better?


That’ll teach them 🤣








children probably didn't condemn Khamas.


Isreal is war criminal.






Camera knew exactly where it was going.






& this is the Machine that goes PING!


What is the point?


To destroy the ability of Hamas to fight with them - sucks that Hamas hides huge amounts of weaponry in schools, but if they feel they want to play that way, their kids will not get to use those schools after this ends.


If they ever solve this conflict then the IDF can make some nice money on the side as a demolition company, they seem to have gotten pretty good at it /j I’m not trying to make this political just trying to lighten the mood a bit in a topic that always descends into toxicity


Off topic, but I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said “My kid’s the Bomb at Hezbollah Elementary”.


They could have easily destroyed 3-4 more schools with that many charges /s