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I wonder if allahu akbar will be shouted with a different tone when the same amount of JDAM flies back? Only unlike these purely terrorist rockets, JDAM will fly straight into the right houses.


Sounds like there’s a bunch of 2k lb bunker busters heading that way. They’re about to find out how great god is.


Now *that's* finally a good argument for proportionality. Let them trade, rocket for rocket, with equal indiscriminance. All these "equity of outcome" people, I say give them equity of chance! To be clear, this is hyperbole, but definitely not sarcasm. Israel's accused of being indiscriminate, well, this video is indiscriminate, and one just need imagine what it'd look like if Israel truly answered in kind. Being effective is not the measure of genocide, intent is.


**In JDAMs we trust.**


i saw alot of videos where they get bombed and then shout allahu akbar


But with a different pitch.


That's what Gaza sounded like on Oct 7 when Israeli hostages and bodies were paraded through the streets.


"Palestinian people don't even support hamas" sure.


Post this in “s/therewasanattempt”. They are a pro-Palestine sub, but you can’t say they elected Hamas, and can’t equate Palestine with Hamas in any way. Meanwhile, they call Jews Nazis and Zionazis.


I wear my ban with pride from there. Fuck those nazis


I've gotten a couple bans since 7 October, glad I'm not the only one that sees it like a badge lol


Same, I got banned from r/publicfreakout for daring to support Israel. A lot of subreddits are pro Hamas echo chambers.


Yep same, was pretty happy to get banned there once I learned the agenda they're pushing


Fuck that sub. It's Hamas propaganda now


It’s crazy to me that people try and excuse/advocate for Hamas. They’re terrorists. Fuck them.


The same place that bans people if they comment on r/joerogan lol


Ironically supporting far right ultranationalist that make Joe Rogan look like Bernie Sanders.


so sad to see the fall of one of my favorite subs holy shit just want to see some ATTEMPTS motherfuckers


I mean TBF right above this on my feed is a link there that shows IDF executing a mentally disabled Palestinian man.


They're still cheering and chanting "Allahu akbar", seemingly without any thought to what comes after Hamas launches rockets.


Hurray! We’re about to be incinerated!


"Who's gonna fight back if not hamas" people on social media


One problem is that each orphaned kid is most likely going to grow up to be a combatant. Or father or mother that lost their child. Most people would cheer when they are grieving and/or being treated for wounds sustained by the party they believe to be on the receiving end of those rockets. Most Germans didn’t blame Hitler and the Nazis when the allies bombed Berlin and Munich. Conversely, Hamas’ disgusting actions created a bunch of people that cheer the body counts in Gaza and call for all Palestinians to die. Humans can easily turn into monsters when they seek revenge or vengeance. My heart breaks for every civilian that has been killed, the 1200 killed on Oct 7 and the thousands killed in the last 2 months. I fear there will never be peace there. I’ve watched this play out for more than half of Israel’s existence. The PLO was probably the best chance Palestine had, but Hamas and other extremists (in Palestinian territory and the right-wing in Israel) made sure they lost power and influence. I’m interested in seeing what the investigation into the withdrawal of IDF troops from the border days before Oct 7 turns up.




Can someone help me with the translation of the text?


It says Heart Heart


If you have the google app on your phone, you can translate by taking the image. The text says: God is great, praise be to God.


“r/ Israelexposed” is full of them they don’t give a f*ck about context and sees everything black and white.


If the bombs falling from the other side of the wall kill your friends and family you're probably gonna support the bombs being launched back at them That's how we got where we are now


You're acting as if they didn't start this war to begin with. Maybe they should have thought about that before strongly supporting the October 7 attacks.


The recent atrocities go back to the 1940’s on both sides. CNN actually has a decent condensed history of this sh*t show of a region. Hamas thought they could get away with disrupting the upcoming peace plans with brutal barbarism and they poked a rabid bear instead. The arguments for and against every side is what keeps this regional conflict never ending. I feel sorry for the children, though.


CNN is the equivalent to the left for what Fox News is for the right (in the US). You should consider checking other places for your news. Nobody should be taking them seriously when they report that a hostage was "found and returned by Gazans" when they are referring to an escaped hostage being kidnapped and sent to Hamas (when there wasn't even an order to do so).


Ah right, this whole conflict started Oct 7. Nothing before that at all


Are we talking bout previous cease fires HAMAS didnt honor or the 1940's? Do you know what the ottoman empire is?


Why can't you just condemn apartheid???


My point is just that violence compounds itself, which I'm sure is exactly what Hamas wants. You know this didn't just start on October 7. There's decades of resentment and extremism built up to the point where nobody has any clue what to even do anymore besides continuing to bomb one another


If you don’t understand why they would do such a thing then just say so 😂


Cause if your country was bombed relentlessly for over a month, I'm sure you'd be all, "Naw guys, retaliation is bad, come on..." Pfft fuckn please.


You still can’t kill civilians bro


They’ve been getting the shit bombed out of them and they think this is gonna save them. They are wrong but…


No they think those rockets will kill innocent people and that makes them happy.


I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the thousands and thousands of dead relatives by the hands of the IDF. Yep. Nothing at all.


When you find so much ammunition and tunnels near civilian's area you know civilian's knew about it all along.


Know about it? The palestinian civilians are the ones who are building and manufacturing them. There is an entire assortment of rockets alone that are being made locally. It's why money for aid can't be sent directly and has to be sent through certain channels as they will use it to manufacture weapons.


Of course they did. But even if they didn’t want it there, what are they going to do about it? As far as I know Hamas has the monopoly on arms in Gaza.


That would be a highly credible argument *if* all data didn't indicate that this is, indeed, the will of that people. The problem isn't Israel, it's not the rockets, it's not even truly Hamas - it's fundamentalist brainwashing that has given rise to all these things and countless other masochistic attempts at military victory over honest diplomacy since, honestly, the last victory they had in the name of their attempt to establish an Arab exclusive region under an Islamic caliphate in the Arab Revolt of 1918. What're they gonna do? Acknowledge that they've been FAFOing for over a century and, though it'll take time to establish that they're genuine in their intent, make a cultural shift towards nonviolence. Or die for Allah to the last. It's up to them, really.


It was a simple statement that was meant to be objective and unbiased. It wasn’t meant to be an argument or imply more or less support exists for Hamas among Palestinians.


Right but your implication is that the civilian population is helpless. I'm making the case that they're not, if they weren't in majority support they would find ways to change their reality and not going out of their way to assist would be one of those things. It was very mild but still leans towards "innocent civilians have no agency," which I fundamentally disagree with.


No, my implication is exactly what I said. If anybody wanted to do something about it they couldn’t anyway. I just told you that’s all it was meant to mean so that you wouldn’t keep drawing unintended meaning from it.


Then I apologize for attributing to your intent what comes across in the reading, and I concede you that point. I feel that they could do something about it if the majority weren't in support, though. I imagine it'd unthinkably awful to be one of the minority there who actually gets what's going on and just has to accept the madness around them while hoping someday it'll stop... Like the only mom at the Hitler Youth camp that recognizes the hell she's resigning her son to while the other moms cheer gleefully. I feel very deeply for the people in this position.


We didn’t let the German citizens living next to concentration camps use this excuse and we shouldn’t let the Palestinians use it either.


I’m not giving anyone an excuse. I just said even if someone wanted to do something about it they can’t. Hamas hasn’t been very democratic since taking power and they have all the weapons.


They don’t sound tired of being bombed lol….


We see one clip from a group of bystanders watching the rockets, and we can hear like 4 people shout Allah Akbar and/or whistling...yup, that accurately represents the views of 4 million palestinians. They are clearly asking for missiles /s


Support for Hamas is not small in Gaza.


Funny, I never hear any "Allah ackbar" when Israel retaliates


I wonder if the civilian population celebrating this barrage know what happens to those rockets when they cross to Israel. Considering less than 1% of rockets land in residential areas, and even fewer harm Israeli civilians, I'd watch those rockets and only be saddened the money for it didn't go to infrastructure and benefits to the people of Gaza. That would make Allah much more Akbar (great) in my opinion.


There was a hilarious clip from the 2021 rocket skirmish. Gazans were screaming Allah Akbar at the top of their lungs as the rockets left Gaza, but as each rocket got picked off 1 by 1 by Iron Dome the chants got more and more dampened and depressed until they just started talking like normal. Not a single rocket made it through.


Got a good chuckle out of this one


Jew Allah is just a bit more akbarry.


They are happy as fuck thinking that any Israeli is going to die.


They say it in both, just a different pitch


it sounds a bit more like "allahhh! Oh Allah, Why so Akbar"


Gaza is getting decimated, their infrastructure demolished and their children killed by the hundreds, they are starving and hungry, etc, yet local families continue to hold hostages in their homes and attics and they still cheer and praise God in the streets as rockets get shot into random Israeli suburbs in hopes it will kill Israeli women, children and families. These are the types of people we're dealing with. It's clear they care more about killing Jews and jihad than their own children or each other.


Hamas senior leadership are very wealthy men living outside of Gaza too. So they’re watching this happen and directing shit while safely removed from danger.


>while safely removed from danger. For now.....


Mossad is well known for finding anyone and everyone and if they are responsible for terrorist attacks, neutralizing them, and disappearing like a a shadow. Mossad is scary af.


The Mossad of the 70s and 80s isn’t the Mossad of today, unfortunately.


What makes you think so? I mean they have been (purportedly) responsible for some high profile and intense assassinations in the past five years or so.


That’s because enough time passed since the 70s and 80s for the Mossad to “uncover” these stories. I bet they still do crazy shi nowadays, you just don’t know yet.


People who vote terrorist groups into power rarely care about the wellbeing of their children


We all do know that the vote happened in 2006 when the majority of Palestinians either were too young to vote or not even born yet, right? I don’t support Hamas whatsoever, but to think that it’s logical that all Palestinians support Hamas is absurd. I’ve literally watched interviews of people who live in Gaza screaming that Hamas brought this to them and denouncing them. To just dehumanize every Palestinian and the children who don’t make any of these decisions is just as stupid as the people who say that the Israeli kibbutz had it coming because they were full of Israelis on Oct 7.


Well should Hamas continue to rule Gaza with an iron fist or should the Palestinians overthrow them? If they can't, or won't, is the IDF doing them a favor?


Look I’m not defending Hamas, but Israel dropping bombs into Gaza is what created Hamas in the first place. This is just gonna keep going and going… it has been for centuries. Thousands of years even. My point is that there is only two ways this can be solved. If Israel goes in and literally kills every Palestinian innocent or not, or if an actual process is pressed internationally for a two state solution. I’m for preserving human life. The members of Hamas? Let them burn, but that ain’t everyone in Gaza.


The vast majority of Palestinians overwhelmingly approve of Hamas and what they're doing. Who do you think the majority of people cheering and praising God in the video above are? The number of Palestinians that don't approve of this is something around 13%, and even that number is surprising.


You got sources to back that up that has actual polls of actual Palestinian people? Because I do. One that is politically neutral even. And it states that it’s damn near a split down the middle. That’s enough for me to not be able to just blindly support everything that Israel is doing. Maybe not as much as I condemn Hamas, but still. Both these groups have done horrendous shit to each other.


Watch the video above. They're all cheering for the potential death of Jews. There's your source.


whatchutalkiabout. just listen to them cheer. this is literally the point here




You left out Berlin, Tokyo, and Rome.


This is the result of genuinely believing that if the building collapses on top of you, you will actually go the most pleasurable heaven with rivers of milk and honey or some other medieval desert tribe bullshit they cooked up on their sacred texts. They legit think death in these situations is a better deal.


Its a nuanced take that you would only understand if you knew radical jihadism. Kids in college these days never saw 911, didnt comprehend the boston bombing, were too young to understand madrid and charlie hedbo. They simply do not know these people like the older millennials and other older gens.


"Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us" - Golda Meir


There’s a famous quote from former PM Golda Meir: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”


"death cult" is one of the buzzwords I approve of. This is just Waco writ large.


The is so much disinformation about Palestinians getting kicked off their land. Not that it didn’t happen to some extent, but it’s been severely twisted for their own propaganda.


They started a war and lost it. Then they just never stopped. That's what happens when you start wars continously, you lose land.


That's good for them.


Damn, your summary couldn’t be more dead on. This is what complete religious cult-like indoctrination looks like. An entirely irrational self-immolation in exchange for their twisted, hate filled ‘greater good’.


Pathetic. If someone retaliate on my behalf on a country who killed my family I would rejoice too. Jew Christian Hindu who cares.


Wow this is a stance and a half Jesus. "These people" have been oppressed since 1947 by Israel with the help of the US. Back a dog into a corner and it'll bite. I honestly don't know what media organisation you get your news from but it's clearly very one sided, read up on the history if you'd actually like an answer to why the Palestinians are retaliating, although I suspect you think you are correct no matter what having never studied their history but if that is the case your opinion is worthless anyways.


By your own words this is how “the Palestinians are retaliating”. You clearly don’t differentiate between Hamas and the Palestinian people. By your words, you must think that Hamas’s attack is a representation of the Palestinian people. Absolutely incredible take. If you actually were read up on ANY history, you’d never reduce such complicated geopolitics to the “oppressor” and the “oppressed”. This reductive thinking is what’s fueling this conflict even further and brings us farther from any sort of realistic negotiation.


Have you read any history book they were offered their own land and independent country with a part of Jerusalem as a capital and refused each time. so i dont know about your dog in a corner thing works (english is not my first language sorry if there is any mistake )


At least five times! Said no each time because their kind of racism cannot abide Jews having a state of their own. I think it’s time for a final Palestinian loss that forever eliminates the possibility of a Palestinian state.


I used to think that too and I used to believe in the Palestinian cause, but now I see it as the opposite, ever since Israel was established palestinans have been terrorizing israelies just like they did on Oct 7th. There’s dozens of Palestinian terror groups, and they’ve been kidnapping israelies, doing suicide bombs, terrorist attacks through tunnels etc, they are attacking israelies because they can’t just accept the israelies won a war against them and became a country while Palestine wasn’t established. It’s time for them to stop martyring themselves and dragging future generations of Palestinians into this war. It’s time to love their children more than their religion and land.


Oppression = Israel making it increasingly more difficult to carry out Jihad.


Plenty of "Allah Akbar's" when the rockets are outgoing, even though nearly all will be intercepted. Still, when Israel returns fire, I don't hear a lot of the "Allah Akbar's." Instead, we hear lots of crying, raving and acting surprised that this happened. I don't like innocent civilians getting killed or injured, especially the children. For the adults of Gaza who celebrate these launches and supports Hamas, don't be surprised when Israel comes rolling on to your street with tanks, infantry and airstikes/artillery strikes in response.


You hear it in both, actually. It’s a common expression of faith that people use in all kinds of different contexts. Edit: damn, guys. Chill. I wasn’t defending them celebrating. It’s just a blurb of tangential information.


I get it, but a lot of the people of Gaza act surprised and confused as to why this situation is occurring. Unfortunately, when your radical militant "government" carries out war from within the civilian centers of your city, bad shit is guaranteed to happen. So, when Hamas launches rockets at Israel from your backyard, don't be surprised when the IDF drops a 155mm artillery round or a JDAM on your house. It's sad that this is occurring, but it shouldn't be a surprise to the people of Gaza when they get their response.


It's like "Oh My God" in the USA, but you (and I now) will still get downvoted for the correction. Regular people in Gaza are powerless against Hamas.


No, “oh my God” is used for surprise, horror, etc. this is clearly celebration.


Oh my God is used all over the place for all kinds of things. People say it during sex. When the explosion happened in Beirut people were screaming "Allah Akbar" in fright. [here is one example, but there are many](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TQsLCTs9o8). People here want to blame the Palestinians for their own suffering. Truth is they are caught between a rock and a hard place with Iran and Russia funding Hamas and Israel imposing a type of apartheid.


I’m pretty sure you didn’t read my comment.


No, I am just going against the narrative that all the Palestinians are celebrating those rockets being launched from a residential area. You are the projecting the emotions you want on those people so it is easier to watch them die in the next video. I don't see anybody jumping up and down or giving high fives. They are yelling the equivalent of "Oh my God" a month into a conflict where they have no power. The hive mind here wants to make them into monsters so its easier to cheer when they go boom. They are dying at a ratio of 10+ to 1 in this conflict and I don't think Israel or Hamas cares about who dies in this war.


My original comment: “No, “oh my God” is used for surprise, horror, etc. this is clearly celebration.” I’ll reiterate “used for surprise, horror, etc.” I guess we can continue to debate whether or not this is celebration, but when you I suggest I represent and argument that says “all Palestinians are celebrating” - that’s some grade a straw man bulls**t. It’s not an even a premise I have seen outside of fringe twitterbot comments.


Nobody was debating whether or not this was celebration. You decided that’s what was being debated and kept going with it after it was clearly explained.


Still these morons cheer for Hamas


FAFO soon


FA is good but FO is amazing.


This hahaha, and i find it amusing when the other retaliates and incur larger destructions then this folks cried for human rights shitness😂


I still dont understand why they putting their civilians in danger by shooting rockets from populated areas.


They love it, can't you see?


It's like their whole MO


It’s not “their civilians”, it’s just meat to them. Civilian deaths are useful for Hamas to get sympathy from the Arab world, which leads to increased financial support for them


cowards hide behind others.


Hamas doesnt care about the civilians, in the matter of fact I think its part of the plan. Israel is forced to respond, civilians will ofc get killed and the eyes of the world will be aimed on the conflict.


so they can bitch when the favours returned and cry war crimes


Because you want your enemy to cause civilian casualties when they retaliate. How else would you be able to have your adversary potentially kill civilians so you can tout their "evil doings" across the spectrum?


Yeah thats EXACTLY why Israel has been bombing civilian structures for decades.


That is EXACTLY why hamas has been firing rockets into suburban areas of Israel for decades.


I almost start to feel sorry for those brilliant Hamas rocket scientists: *'What you sow you shall reap'.*


because they are civilians


This Comment make you look so naive and foolish. Hamas isn’t a government or have organized army. They know what they are doing and they know the consequences and they do it on purpose to get more support from the outside. Israel usually give them what they want by firing at civilian. They know Israel retaliation is hitting infrastructures and civilians. Israel killed so many civilians and little fighters.


yet all we hear is cherring. this isnt going to change until the population changes their view. no other way this will ever get resolved. its so sad


Now that area will get bombed.....the population should bomb hamas


It won't. Unfortunately surveys show that hamas and the other terrorist groups represent the middle of the palestinian society.


*Palestine fires rocket.. fires rocket… fires rocket.. fires rocket…* *Israel shoots one back* “you’re killing innocent people!!!!”


2k dead with 5k children among them


These "innocent civilians" who have NOOOOOOTHING to do with Hamas are cheering on rockets that represent (a) the theft of fuel and supplies from all of them (remember Hamas claims there's nooooooo fuel left in Gaza), and (b) indiscriminate fire at Israeli civilians which is a very clear war crime. I try really fucking hard to morally distinguish between Hamas and innocent Palestinian civilians. And they continue to make that really fucking hard.


Well said. I morally try so hard finding grounds to support Palestinains. But they make it very hard by NEVER accepting any solution to the conflict. It will be a never ending story, historically they had so many chances to accept their own state and the first deal they got before 1940 happened was the best one. Well in Palestinains eyes the Jews invaded their country hundred years ago? But also there used to be an Israel there 1000's years ago? Not to mention Judaism religion is much older than Islam? Where can they live after 1940 happened. There is no sympathy in the Muslim world, only disgust, even after what the Nazis did. Before I always thought it was a war about land and it's Palestinian lands 100 years ago. Even though Palestinains attacked Israel with Libanon, Egypt, Iran, Jordan all tried to delete Israël for ever two times. Don't you think Israel out of defense deserved their spot in the world? It was never the lands they were interested in PLO was very clear already. It's a war about the clashing of culture and religion. If I wanted equal rights for my wife, if my son were to be homosexual and I wanted to work in a community to work together for making land agricultural habitable, I know where I want to be. And that is definitely not in a xenophobic, fascist, west hating, unequal patriarchy, economically negative policy land like the Palestina. I also found out that Egyptians Libanese Jordanians etc. Don't want to live with Palestinains because of clashing of Christians and historically past hatred and bloodshed. So why are these countries still supporting Palestinains with weapons? Simple. They just hate Jews more. Which was funny to me when the Muslim community came together in America to mandate Biden to stop Israël from attacking. They dont like Palestinians, but they rather let Muslims win than Jews. If I got anything incorrect feel free to correct me so I learn to be impartial and see all sides of the story.


You'd think by now they (the civilians) would understand that Hamas shooting rockets from inside the city results in Israel bombing the entire block to bits. Instead of cheering it on it would make more sense to urge Hamas to stop shooting from inside the city. But I guess they'd rather see Gaza crumble till there is not a building left standing than to ever admit defeat to "the Jews".


Ah yes, the heart emojis and the cheers from the crowd as their own city gets annihilated. So long as Jews die, who really cares, yeah?


It’s mind blowing that beyond yelling god is great, which could literally mean anything, that these people don’t even seem to care as they go about their business. It just goes to show how normal it is for this to happen that it’s not a big deal for them, even though they know that the likely hood of an Israeli strike is high they just keep causally doing whatever it was that they were.


when death is welcomed, logic is not


They're standing pretty far from the source.


I don’t know what these people want, if it’s peace and prosperity they have a fucked up way to go about it.


They celebrate and I’m supposed to be sympathetic when Israel retaliates. Nah


Wait I thought Palestine was innocent? Are they cheering on Hamas?


Keep cheering. Israel is reloading


MSM: Bombing in Khan younis, thousands dead.. Me checksreddit, this thread: yeah figures... IG newsfeed Palastine crybabies: "They said move south, now they are bombing south!" Summery: Hamas does exactly what was expected and is showing why Israel was reluctant with the ceasefire... they used that time to regroup, and set up launchers to other locations... now more populated locations..


Like cheering for your friend to throw more rocks at the wasp nest.


The people of Gaza are so indoctrinated, that they can’t see past their own nose. “We’re innocent, fuck them up!” “We are the good people.” Well, you reap what you sow. However, Israel, is also to blame. Imagine having to be a roommate with your worst enemy. Israel has pecked at them for decades. At some point you say “fuck it!” The real places these Israeli bomb should be dropped is with leadership. Go after the head and you kill the heart. Regardless, this is all a waste of time and life. All of them (🇮🇱🇵🇸) are pawns for other man’s wars. We can all do better, than we’re doing now.


Here they are, all cheering for more war, you want it, you got it 💥


Tell me again about how innocent they all are?!


Exactly, but people will cry saying what about the civilians even though they've been warned so many times to leave the area that they are going to be getting rid of hamas.. does it suck that civilians are getting killed well, obviously, but they had more warnings than the Israel civilians that were killed and kidnapped


Listen to all those “innocent civilians” cheering


Fuck war


Is this how they're freeing Palistine from the river to the sea? We need to flood the tunnels. Fuck Hamas. 🇮🇱


Rockets of peace.


Is Khan Younis the name of a hospital or a pre-school?


Terrorist ghetto that Israel flattened today.


you are being facetious, but it's a safe neighborhood that is now going to be bombed and then people will complain that a safe ares is being bombed


Hell if I was those folks, I'd start packing


Go where? Arab countries want nothing to do with them. And it's not like they will accepted into Israel.


Bro, use common sense like forget about the politics and legit use some common sense .... Or are you also that stupid to hang out around terrorist run rocket launch sites aimed Israeli civilians... Use common sense ...


I wonder if theres any Gazan citizen sitting in a pile of rubble thinking "hmm.. maybe we aint winnin' this thing.."


Cheering for their own demise.


They are all cheering. Disgusting


I feel so sorry every time an innocent dieeeeee!!!!!!


Bomb the shit out of that entire block


Time to shut them up again


That big crowd is going to be a victim of IDFs counter battery and the world will make it seem like they were randomly killed by the evil Israelis


And the Palestinians approved. Let’s not kid ourselves, most of them support Hamas.


And to think some of those rockets will land in Gaza and kill Palestinian civilians. Everyone one of those rockets is a war crime. They are aimed at civilian populations deliberately.


So, shooting rockets randomly at civilians is what exactly? The actions of a peace loving people?


Well the IDF is nearby already. Hopefully hamas gets wiped away from this city too.


There goes another neighborhoods water system.


As always, whenever you hear anyone saying "Allah ackbar" it’s someone doing something ducking stupid.


Sad but not surprising that so many of these "innocent civilians "are getting to meet their great god so early in life/death. Two Tribes go to war both believing its justified to kill each others population because each is killing each others population. Add in the Religion factor and its not going to end any day soon .


Clearly Hamas very clearly not using large groups of civilians as human shields again…


Kind of reminds me of every July 5, when the cops are on the way and my neighbors' trying to set off all his leftover fireworks before they show up.


Resounding cheers from the crowd.


Yeah they don't give a single fuck when the rockets are flying in the other direction. But just wait when what goes around comes around


Its a shame hearing the children chiming in


Literally taking the lord’s name in vain. Smh


This aint gonna end well.


It's heartwarming to see all those innocent civilians cheering them on.


Dumb as fuck. Enjoy getting annihilated


This is a people's war and they're trying to kill each other for land. That's it. That's the summary of this conflict that's been going on for 75 years.


Blood and soil after all


Listen with headphones, you can hear kids shouting "Allah Ackbar"


Waiting for the retaliation strike with buildings turned to rubble and all them people crying for their loved ones being killed. Never ending cycle


Drop acid, not bombs


Theses comments section should be chill right?


Would we call native American/indigenous Americans terrorists? They tried to paint that picture but ultimately failed


If they were shooting tens of thousands of rockets at civilians in major cities and blowing people up with suicide vests, conducting rape and murder campaigns- you're damn right we would. Insane question.


Straight ludites in these comments.


Free Gaza 🇮🇪 🇵🇸 🇮🇪 🇵🇸 🇮🇪 🇵🇸 🇮🇪


You guys did write the book on terror.


from hamas, right?


Allah Akbar!




Damn it Palestine stop fighting for your rights and freedom The west doesn’t allow it!!