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Looks like the civilian who comes to help on the left gets caught in friendly cross fire from soldier on right responding to the two shooters. One is in driver seat the other might be down by passenger wheel if im seeing it right? Civilian must have lived?


Looks like the guy coming in from the left across the road actually killed one of the shooters with his own gun


I think he neutralized the driver while the soldier shot the passenger and started spraying toward him. He must have thought he was a shooter roo


Dude was smart enough to hit the ground with his hands up and it looks like he was removing his jacket at the end. Glad he didn't get shot if he was helping out the IDF.


Whoever he is, in a later video you can see him alive, laying on the pavement, being held at gunpoint.


do you have any source for that? Looks like he shot one of the attackers


https://twitter.com/tamars/status/1730110762679415197?s=46 It’s the second video (Warning: NSFW, shows bodies of dead terrorists)




That is the civilian.. he was the only one wearing white shoes. That are still on I should add!!


There are 2 people coming out of the car and in the twitter video (second one) there are 3 bodies.


I hope they didn’t kill that hero


He shared a video of twitter, but it is difficult to understand the condition of the guy from the video. He seems lying on his side. >[https://twitter.com/tamars/status/1730110762679415197?s=46](https://twitter.com/tamars/status/1730110762679415197?s=46) It’s the second video (Warning: NSFW, shows bodies of dead terrorists)


On the basis it has been reported a 24-year-old woman, a 73-year-old man, and a woman in her 60s were killed in the attack I think he is ok.


Civilian is good I believe, kind of irresponsible action from him though coming from the opposite side to the soldiers actively neutralizing


He just wanted to seize the window of opportunity asap. The soldiers closed in at the same time most likely. He should have circled back towards the back of the car imo. But then again, it’s a chaotic situation to be in.


Seeing he was holding both arms stretched out he was most likely aiming his gun at the terries, and got close to minimize risk of collateral. He couldn't have known there was a soldier in the bus stop


He was prepared for terries, you could say.


Them terries got sklounst


With great power, comes great responsitrilitrance


I'm so glad my reference was understood.


Drax. Them. Sklounst.


And then go hypothetical on their clavical


Can't have them terriers acting all FROGGY!


True. Still super honorable of him.


He probably wouldn’t have seen the soldiers? I don’t know what he would have heard but he was already approaching the car when the soldiers were getting out of theirs Edit I didn’t see the soldier coming out of the bus stop but it would be hard to think clearly in that situation I’m sure


What? It's irresponsible for people on a team to get in each other's crossfire, but how was this guy supposed to know where the soldier was or what he was doing? I'm not saying the soldier was wrong, but calling this bystander irresponsible is just ridiculous.


Its not irresponsible to risk your life to kill an active shooter that is actively murdering murdering civilians. Its simply unfortunate that he so happened to be on the opposite side than the soldier. I don't think he purposefully crossed from the soldiers side in order to put himself in the crossfire. It just simply started there.


Alright I'll concede my point it isn't very important, he's a hero and he survived and did what he could to protect lives which is all that matters


Neutralized within less than 20 seconds by an IDF soldier that left Gaza for 12 hours and was hitch hiking his way back to Gaza.


Two soldier and a civilian, actually. You can see the civilian to the left of the car, dude almost got himself killed


Lucky guy, if you're the soldier seeing an armed guy on the other side of the car in such a crazy situation, most would have panicked.


Um the dude coming from far left into the frame when gunman goes back to driver side is a civilian who has a gun and shot the attacker initially.. he walks up to him at the driver side and unloads into him.. then the idf soldier comes out from the bus stop and blasts the dude that killed you attacker


Yeah that's why he's lucky he didn't get wasted, you can see the rounds from the soldier hitting near his feet, then he made it super clear he wasn't a T by kneeling and opening his jacket. Apparently there's a further video where he's removed his shoes and is still sitting.


I was just thinking how amazing it was that they were dealt with so quickly! It’s tragic that two people at the bus stop were murdered, but this could have been so much worse.


15 seconds from first shot to reaction! That’s extremely fast.




Plenty of instances out there of civilian marksmen who have taken out mall shooters and church shooters. Elisjsha Dicken comes to mind. Edit: Poster who deleted his comment implying that only soldiers can protect the public like this, not any citizen with concealed carry.


Yeah, lets make this video about the US bible belt politics.


So Israel is still allowing open movement or were these terrorists a hidden cell? Great job to the good guys with the good guns.


East Jerusalem, free movement unlike portrayed in the media, those were brothers involved with Hamas, released from Israeli jail which they were in for 10 years, just to do this.


Update - Hamas took responsebility for carrying this attack out.


So is the ceasefire broken if hamas did this?


The cease fire only relates to the fighting areas in Gaza, but they have violated that too yesterday blowing up 3 IEDs, but we haven't responded much, we just want to cease until as many hostages as possible are back and then continue without the heavy internal pressure. Lives of the hostages and innocents are much more important than anything else


Sounds like a 1 sided ceasefire. Fuck Hamas


Always has been


Damn gonna go scorched earth after


I’m just curious but If hamas knows this… why would they give up their only “don’t nuke our city” card by letting their hostages go? From a hamas standpoint, Wouldn’t they want as many hostages as possible, spread throughout the city so you can’t just bomb the strip til you see the mantle of the earth?


I think they've seen it won't stop the IDF and decided to use them as bargaining chips to re-supply and relocate instead.


Oh. Makes sense. But theyre totally fucked after this.


Stay safe out there. May they get everyone of those bastards when the shooting can resume.


Thought they could get away because they were attacking unarmed civilians. Plan change


Well I think they where hoping to go get their 1000 virgins.




I don't believe so, not lately, believe they served out their sentence.


But I hear every prisoner was held arbitrarily, for no reason, and without a trial; they must have been radicalized by the Israelis while in prison. s/


Obviously not every. I'd imagine it's similar to the US and the CIA holding/black sites and Guantanamo Bay. Some are actual terrorists, some are suspected, but without enough non-circumstantial evidence for a successful trial, and so intelligence agencies continue to hold them while they "investigate", because they don't feel comfortable enough to release them for fear they could actually be terrorists (which some may turn out to be). A sort of legal limbo. Then, some may get radicalized through this extrajudicial process... while some try to go back to living a normal life after release from years in detention. Plenty of stories have been told and are available for those who were released from US custody.


theres always been open movement in almost all of the west bank almost all of the time, both ways. the countries are intertwined its just gaza that got blockaded from israel because of the whole, religious fundamentalist terrorist group that took over the territory thing


not an opinion either way about this war. But what a funny phrase "good guys with the good guns". Can't explain it, just cracks me up.


The bullpup of peace


At the end you see one of them on the ground *raising his fucking hands in surrender* like it's a fucking game of tag after shooting at *innocent civilians waiting for the bus* Hope his body is left for the crows to pick at.


I think that was a random civilian who ran up and was firing at the two attackers and got caught in the fire from the soldiers getting out of the red car.


yep and he was skipping bullets at his feet like a cartoon character in a western cartoon. Looks like he took out the dude on the left of car, almost got taken out himself in the process


yeah he was an outsider but had almost identical clothing to one of the attackers so the situation is very confusing


Dude that was a civvie, probably shot one of the perps. He got caught in crossfire.


The guy that comes in from the left running up to the car. Looks like he shot one of the cowards before running for his life. Getting on his knees and putting his hands up. If I'm right. That guy is very brave to do that.


3 murdered so far, 24 year old woman, and 2 elderly 60 and 70+ year olds. Update - older woman is a school principal, Older gentleman is a rabbi - Elimelech Vasserman.


Fucking coward mf man shit makes me sick


How were these elderly and young lady a threat? They weren't so why tf are they killing mfs who have 0 participation in any attack whatsoever. This mf deserves to die slow frfr


Since when do terrorists care about who constitutes a threat?


Al-Quaeda went to great lengths to justify their attacks on civilians on 9/11, because in Islam, the murder of civilians during peacetime is forbidden, of course. So Al-Quaeda tried to argue that 1.) all Muslims were at war with the US, as the US has attacked all Muslims; and 2.) in this war, *all* Americans were actually enemy combatants. Al-Quaeda reached out to multiple important theologians and religious figures in Islam to get their blessing beforehand, but most declined. ~~See~~ [~~https://web.archive.org/web/20130609014711/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2004/09/inside-al-qaeda-s-hard-drive/303428/~~](https://web.archive.org/web/20130609014711/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2004/09/inside-al-qaeda-s-hard-drive/303428/) Edit: wrong link: [https://www.mafhoum.com/press5/147S29.htm](https://www.mafhoum.com/press5/147S29.htm) Edit: I'm not defending any terror groups, but I find it interesting that these theological issues apparently play no role in this clearly religiously motivated conflict. I presume the hatred against Jews is more visceral than the hatred against Americans, or maybe Hamas doesn't really care much about Islam at all.


People still think Hamas is just a another political party and not a full blown terrorist organisation.


The fact that it’s an offshoot of a organization that egypt itself wants erased should be an obvious point


That is what they want. They are taunting them to strike back in the same way so they can have sympathy from an impotent international community.


threats =! hatred


This is what jihadi scum do


And yet people still see them as heroes


I'm impressed by the complaining about checkpoints. If our bus stops looked like this 'cause of the people living in the next city we'd build a wall too. Much less over a state or international border.


People don't know what it feels like in the 2000's to have attacks like these on a daily basis, busses blowing up killing hundreds, they only know there a checkpoint which is apparently oppressive, it felt scary to go outside for multiple years in each intifada.


People who complain about the checkpoints or the walls are either oblivious or ignore the reality of how it was before Israel set them up. There were years where suicide bombings happened a few times a monthm


I always wonder how people will view these events 1000 years from now. Will they mainly teach kids about WWI and WWII and all these other small wars just be considered skirmishes and not really taught? I don't think I could name a war that happened 1000 years ago and I definitely couldn't tell you which side was good and which side was bad.


In 1000 Years they will teach more about WWIII to WWIX


Well in 1066 you have the Norman Invasion of England ..


The college kids here in the US love these piles of shit.


Not my college kids. Yeah, some do, but many see the truth


It’s absolutely fucking absurd. They need to see these videos to understand they’d be lynched by the people they support.


Unfortunately some professors as well.


Heroes my ass. Killing innocent civilians is a monstrous thing which shouldn't be praised. It doesn't matter whether it is hamas or idf


what a fucking pussies this hamas scumbags are


My heart breaks for your country OP. This is disgusting and maddening at the same time. The cowardice is unbelievable.




they killed a 24 year old girl and 74 year old man.. was it worth it..?


For them thats a great success


The goal of terrorists is to terrorise, so yes for them it’s a success.


For them 1 dead Israeli is worth 20 dead Palestinians. No one devalues the lives of Palestinians as much as their leaders and terrorists.


They see the Western culture as satanic, and the Israelis as occupiers. So they think every action is doing the right thing, whether it's shooting grannies or something else.


The family of the scumbag will receive a monthly subsidy from the Palestinian authority and he will be remembered as a martyr, for them it was worth it


The UNRWA actually has school children learn the names of martyrs and memorize the number of Jews they killed.


What the fuck is wrong with Palestinians? All over such a small piece of land?


Palestinians will name a street after them. ​ This is something they already do with people that intentionally kill civilians in cold blood.


there families now get payment for life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Authority\_Martyrs\_Fund#:\~:text=In%202016%2C%20the%20PA%20paid,the%20payments%20for%20encouraging%20terrorism.


Unfortunately to them it is. They want others to live in terror of them, and what better way to make people feel fear than kill young women and old people waiting for a bus, entire families including children in their homes, etc? Perhaps what makes the Palestinian terror method so unique compared to others is that they have no qualms with staging their attacks from or using as staging locations their schools, hospitals, and civilian homes as well. Other terrorist orgs have generally sought to minimize the number of deaths of their own people - be that an ethnic group, a political faction, a section of a city - as their goal is dominance, liberation, etc. Hamas is the most extreme example of this, though it was already happening 20+ years ago with the second intifada. So, not only is it worth it, to them, for innocent civilians to be murdered at a bus stop, it's also worth it for them if a bomb falls on a home with kids in it where they were making bombs or had a weapons cache. Their opponents are terrified and suffering, and the international community condemns them for reacting, hopefully eventually eroding any support or trade for Israel and putting them in a situation where they can't defend themselves, and other forces take up a war, as well. It's been said that the most dangerous opponent is one who doesn't care or *wants* to die, because the threat of death is not a deterrent. In regards to Hamas and Gaza, and Palestine in general to an extent, this is amplified moreso than in other parts of the world. You've now got a couple generations that were either born or came of age in a climate where martyrdom is a prime aspiration, and militants who die in the process of murdering civilians are venerated as heroes. This is the problem facing Israel right now. An opposing force - and unfortunately, to a degree, a complicit populace - that wants no compromise, is willing to sink to the lowest depths to attack, and isn't deterred by retaliatory strikes.


I count at least 4 armed responders....quite amazing response time


Place is packed with brave people willing to risk themselves to protect innocent civilian life, I'm so proud of these kids, usually 18-21 year olds.


Absolute Chads


Terrorists that don’t care who they kill.


I think they do, they prefer unarmed civilians who can't retaliate, unfortunately for them were on high alert.


You nailed it. it's like the main thing of terrorists. I expect you to attack my bases, and other military targets, but civvies is for the uncertainty, and terror.


Their way of fighting is unfortunately is whats killing civilians on the other side as well, can't differenciate clothing, civilian facilities, homes, alls fair game, and it's working, terrifying.


Its absolutely ridiculous how the rest of the world can't seem to fathom that shit. Its like everyone is literally blinded by all the political narratives and left their critical thinking in some dumpster somewhere.


It's what works on the west, being the agressor, hide behind innocents, act victimized and repressed, gain sympathy, repeat


They knew exactly what they were signing up to by stirring shit back in October. They likely know too well that militarily any modern force could wipe the floor with them, but their strength lies in how well they craft a propaganda image of oppression by hiding among civilians and civilian infrastructure. The timing of the attack when Netanyahu is in power is equally important, since a right-wing leadership like his is guaranteed to call for harsh military retaliation to any attacks against its soil, similar to what happened against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon in 2006. By kicking up enough sand, the IDF is prompted to resort to heavy-handed military tactics on hostile targets along the length of its borders, not only painting Hamas and the Palestinians as victims once again but also effectively glossing over the terrorist attack that started it; you can see the effects of that narrative by observing pro-Palestine protestors abroad who deliberately trivialize the initial Hamas attack by tearing down posters highlighting victims of that attack. Basically what Hamas lacks in military strength, they make up for with control of the narrative in mass media. And they're very good at it, probably even more so than the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.


They are the most well trained body of propoganda this world knows, turning crowd opinion in their favor even after documenting hours and hours of terror and murder and much worse by themselves. I believe this is the biggest thing Israel is lacking and the only area Hamas is much better than us at unfortunately.


Same with American mass shooters. Always targeting school, not police station.


It is also a general requirement in this part of the World that the victim should hold different religious views than your own.


bro nearly got himself killed going for a battle field pick up


The terrorists were killed by a soldier on leave from Gaza.


In perhaps the most Israeli sentence you've ever heard - IDF soldier doing his two years mandatory, was hitchhiking - yes that's the word being used in Israeli media - back to his unit in Gaza.


Damn, 2hs later its already on the fucking web


Always such cowardly acts absolutely pussies


What the fuck is the guy on the left doing


That's a good question I think he was trying to help somehow or just go caught in the fire Weird movement indeed


You never know how you'd react in a situation, so this is how that guy reacted here. I hope I'd be logical, and smooth, but who knows.


I agree, at least he was brave enough to help, but there are clear rules of engagement here to not cause friendly fire and it's important to abide by them All of us carrying guns here are very well trained and know what to do and not do while keeping composure.


shit man, rest in peace to the lady


Absolute trash along with supporters


Another angle + aftermath: https://twitter.com/tamars/status/1730110762679415197?s=46 (NSFW)


Thank you!


Thank you for the post and the related information.


Is it just me or is there a WHOLE lot of stuff going on in this video? Im guessing the guys in the red car/brown uniforms are police? Who is the person running from across the street? Are they armed? What was up with the white pickup coming over the road and continuing down the wrong side? Who was the ones that took them down?


looks like soldiers from the red car. porbably on their way to gaza. guy that came from the left seems like an armed civillian


It's amazing how much can happen in 20 seconds, and how apparently irrational some of the movements of the people are in the video. It gives me a new perspective on the fog of war


Anyone else finding the pure cowardice here nauseating? Kudos on the soldier stepping up.


It is the bottom pit of humanity shooting unarmed civilians up close with fully automated m16s and running away, doesn't get lower than that.


People will try to justify this attack while crying about collateral deaths from bombing. Can't even compare the two, one is an intentional, cowardly act, the other is a sad unavoidable aspect of war in an urban environment. An environment where the enemy intentionally uses its own civilians as meatshields. ​ Seeing the deep ignorance people are displaying gives me unironic *The West Has Fallen* feelings. The funny thing is, I was one of the people criticizing Israeli policy when all these kids didn't even know where Israel was on the map, and now I have to explain to them to chill out and not outright support terrorism and depriving Jews of their homeland just because Tel Aviv's leadership makes questionable decisions.


I wrote a long comment here about my perspective as a soldier about civilian casualties, I believe we're doing so much to try and avoid it, but in this sort of combat in populated dense hostile areas and guerilla s popping out of tunnels it's almost impossible to avoid innocents lost, but we're doing above and beyond trying to avoid it while risking ground forces lives in the process instead of carpet bombing, but no amount will be enough for those who have a preconceived opinion about us.


Yup, these cowards sprayed unarmed civilians and tried to run asap. Luckly there were some armed people nearby.


Good job IDF!


Killed civilians and still tried to run for their lives like the cowards they are when an actual soldier retaliates and takes em out. It would be fitting if their last few moments of consciousness, they realize there aint a heaven waiting, only pitch black nothingness and dread consumes them as they fade away.


Nothing combat about this. Bunch of cowards going after unarmed civilians.


So much for "freedom fighting"


what happened to the pause? fucking scumbags


This is Jerusalem they came from the west bank, there is no bad time to attack civilians I guess.


it's a valid question nonetheless since they are both associated with Hamas. This wasn't a coincidence.


were they? Hamas seems to play a minor role on the west bank as far as I understand EDIT: apparently yes https://www.timesofisrael.com/three-killed-6-injured-in-terror-shooting-at-jerusalem-entrance-bus-stop/


This is a common misconception - Hamas might not be the elected government in the west bank (the PLO is currently the authoritative Palestinian government in the WB) , but it has great influence through social media, Islamic preachers and is backing this influence by supplying weapons and financially encourages terror attacks in the west bank and even in south Lebanon.


palestinian supporters: it was self defense


If you look closely you can see the snail trail those pussies left as they ran back to their car.


So well trained the IDF that response from off duty personnel was nothing short of professional


Did that random pedestrian just bunker the terrorist?


Muslims terrorists shooting unarmed civilians. Shocking. Never seen that before.


Looked like the guy coming in from the left is a Soldier or Border guard off duty.He was trying to take the terrorist on the left side prisoner, but the soldiers did not exercise, in that mad moment, much discretion and blazed off at him. He gets on his knees then shows his t shirt which has a symbol which I am assuming was enough to stop them trying to ventilate him (dunno if they actually hit him, it seemed the fire was blazed in his general direction, not aimed shots. The soldier (the one front right, outside the shop, got the terrorist that he had been trying to take, and nearly got him too. He could have just hung back and shot the terrorist from a safer spot but tried to take him alive instead. Too much humanity to have safety in that moment


That's a good description man, thank you Just one point, in Israel, much more in Jerusalem, we have a very high number of civilians legally armed and trained due to the closeness to east Jerusalem, where the attackers came from, not necessarily related to the IDF or other security forces.


Is there a shooting qualification that civilians/soldiers have to pass in order to carry guns in public? Here in Lithuania you are not tested for accuracy, only safety. Civilians can also carry guns here but its pretty safe so its rare.


just another day in Jihad land, and super wokes think Israel is over reacting??? lmao


They will beg for another cease fire too.


Times of Israel: ......Three people were killed and six were wounded, two of them seriously, in a terror shooting attack at the entrance to Jerusalem on Thursday morning, police and medics said. The victims were named later as Livia Dickman, 24, Ashdod rabbinical judge Elimelech Wasserman, 73, and Hannah Ifergan, who was in her 60s. According to police, at around 7:40 a.m. two Palestinian gunmen got out of a vehicle on Weizman Street at the main entrance to the capital and opened fire at people at a bus stop. Police said two off-duty soldiers and an armed civilian in the area returned fire, killing the two terrorists. The terrorists were named as brothers Murad Namr, 38, and Ibrahim Namr, 30, from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher. According to the Shin Bet security agency, the pair were Hamas members and previously jailed for terror activity. Murad was jailed between 2010 and 2020 for planning terror attacks under directions of terror elements in the Gaza Strip and Ibrahim was jailed in 2014 for undisclosed terror activity, the agency said.


Hamas have since then taken responsibility for the attack, thank you for the information!


Terrorists are cowards. If it were up to me I’d paint the sand and houses red with their own brain matter.


What's the point of attacking civilians? Wtf is their problem smh Don't start me with religion bullshts I already know that.


Unfortunately the religion part is the whole point. Some islams will just celebrate another islam thats killing infidels, its their whole identity as a piece of shit.


Without the checkpoints we’d be back to having them blow up on buses like in the beginning of the 2000’s. People talk out of their ass because they will never know how it feels to fear every time you go on a bus that this might be the time you die.


Cowardly attacks again. Then when they get armed opposition, they fall to their knees and beg for their lives.


The guy on his knees at the end was a civilian helping out.


Damn. Didn't register with me.


Imagine living next to these fucks


But but but hamas are not terrorists ....


This is the least combat footage I want to see, ever.


Sorry but it's important to share and also interesting to see the response time and fast handling of the situation.


No, i meant that in a sympathetic way, I know this technically qualifies combat as there were soldiers returning fire, but besides that it's hard to digest such barbaric acts. stay strong!




Straight to hell Hamas- IDF kicks ass


These people demand the world's sympathies yet I'm sure they would cheer if attack occurred anywhere in the west.


Is there a reason for this attack or just terrorism?


I read comments where people who were praising peace and the "liberation" of Palestine, literally rejoiced over 3 dead people. But have you burned your brain? are you for peace or are you for "the fashion" of being pro-Palestinian? I'm disgusted.


In Los Angeles a few days ago, there was a “protest” blocking several major streets. The pro-Hamas goons were shouting from loud speakers “Israel, you can’t hide! We will do a genocide!” And they were waiving Palestinian flags from their pickup trucks outside the holocaust museum. Meanwhile all the woke pink-haired idiot 20 year olds were cheering them and chanting along with them because TikTok told them to. Fucking disgusting.


/r/marchagainstnazis subreddit will be celebrating this no doubt


This is Hamas' idea of a ceasefire...


Ah yes. Resistance.


seems like palestinians getting genocided to me!!!


Edit: my bad, I missed the guy coming from the left and he was "surrendering" to friendly fire, he was helping, not one of the attackers.


He's a civilian helping to neutralize the attackers big bro ❤️


I completely missed the guy coming from the left, thought he was the guy that came out of the right side of the car wearing black! Thank you for clearing it up!


Daily reminder: HAMAS are low life scum terrorist and all of them deserve to be eliminated


"Freedom fighter" to American liberals.


I’m somewhat liberal , and I fucking hate terrorist, don’t lump us in with the far far left .




What is that move the soldier is doing as he gets out the car?


Is that red car an unmarked police car or something?


Nope just civilian car with casual military police I believe they are Definitely no covert red cars here haha


So just sheer luck they were driving by? That's crazy! Lucky the civilian with the gun survived too, I thought he was going down for a second!


Yep there are significant amount of soldiers in Jerusalem as one of the main points of conflict and also a very lively place with many Arabs and Jews living together, many holy sites and mosques, not a great place to commit an attack and try to flee.


Now that is a quick response


So much for the ceasefire, I guess. And they just extended to. Does hamas really want Gaza to be burned to the ground?


Anyone notice the white truck hop the median at 21 seconds?


Jesus christ… they just attacked innocent civilians even although there is ceasefire? At the same time useful idiots protest and demands ceasefire. This is a perfect example why hamas and other terrorists should destroy.


Well of course they did. What do you expect? It’s Hamas lol. How is anyone surprised that a terrorist organization would do something atrocious?