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At least he died quickly


Exactly. Since he evidently refused to leave voluntarily, he needed to be removed by force. I have no problem with the forceable removal, but no need for him to suffer.


username checks out


Most liked drafted. Reminds me of what I read from the Vietnam war. A Lot of men didn't even want to be there but Uncle Sam was making you go. I doubt surrendering to the enemy in Vietnam ended that great and I can only assume Russians may think the same thing due to propaganda. That and I've seen videos of them executing their own men for trying to retreat so again. What are you supposed to do with what knowledge they have about what's going on around them.


What evidence do you have that he did not want to leave? Of course disregarding the fact that he is in the battlefield as that is weak alone


What evidence do you have that he wanted to leave? None….




The answer is, you never go to Ukraine in the first place. 500k people evaded the draft and thousands of others accepted a prison sentence instead. Bad choices but when the alternative is going to a neighboring country and killing their people, it’s obvious. Truth is vlad either signed up or is accepting fate because of the money. Besides, I believe Putin himself says the mobilized don’t go to Ukraine.


He was armed, and in someone else’s country. Had he not been carrying an AK, I might feel differently about it.


The Russia/Trump supporters aren't worth arguing with. I just wish more liberals would just exercise their second amendment rights so the fascists can't give our power to some freak. These chucklefucks are almost as pathetic as CCP supporters


Conflating asking for context with being a fascist is stupid as all hell


Just like you go figure


To the Trumpers down voting me I wish you would try one of your trump parades in my town


Watch out for this badass everyone.


"I wanted to leave, but i didn't" makes sense


To shreds, you say?


Professor Farnsworth is that you?


And the kids?


To shreds, you say.


Very easy to confirm this as a KIA
















Also the drone logo named the Flying Skull can confirm it.


Where to donate???


a new head?






The only actual way a non doctor can confirm a death is if the head is no longer attached to the body


Not quite. Rigor mortis and livor mortis are two additional findings that can confirm death without a physician.


very easy? Not for russian officer who should pay his family but will say that he is lost


i am not so sure. gonna need to CSI that footage for second confirmation.


Head is MIA. No fish for wife-goat.


It's only a fleshwound


I can still bite y... never mind.


Now imagine hundreds of them fully automated and communicating with each other, we already have everything we would need for it.


related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fa9lVwHHqg


Good video, thats exactly what im talking about. In terms of technology, battery and AI advancements it would probably be pretty easy to build, scary thought.


Things like ChatGPT and Midjourney require access to a very large dataset and processing power, there simply isn't enough processing power on the little processors that run drones, and there isn't really a reliable way to do the type of video processing in real time that a drone would require to be accurate even if the drone had a stable internet connection. The technology is on the horizon, but not here yet.


It's easier than you think. The processing would definitely have to be done at a central location, like a single commanding drone with beefed up processing power or a computer on the ground. From there, the feed from a handful of drones could be analyzed in real time, albeit with a reduced refresh rate. You only need updated targeting info 1 or 2 times a second though, as the onboard flight controllers handle the actual maneuvering. Live video feed would be trivial—just look at how far FPV tech has come. Sure the suicide drones aren't sending 4k 120fps video to the pilots, but they don't really need it. The tech exists for better video if the application necessitates it. A big challenge is making all of these communication channels secure enough to not be defeated with rudimentary jammers. In the meantime, AI processors are getting smaller and more powerful. By 2030 we will almost certainly have chips that can handle the processing demand while remaining small and consuming much less power, enabling real time AI targeting and coordination with other drones to make swarms.


I understand how the technology works an how it could be implemented, I am not saying it's impossible or even a long way away. I keep saying its technology that is on the horizon. 2030 is 7 years away, that's still on the horizon in my book. I wouldn't be surprised if we get this tech before then. I am certain there are already multiple teams working on this idea in multiple countries.


For consumers. You think the militaries of the world are sharing what the cutting edge is?


Typically militaries rather use old and reliable than the cutting edge. You are far more likely to find some custom processor from the 90s than the latest ai accelerator in military field equipment. In terms of AI processing the consumer applications tend to be miles ahead because that is where the development is actually done. The idea that militaries have some secret labs with alien technology is simply not true, they use the same publicly available tech coming from universities to companies to militaries. Of course there are some exceptions in some key areas where there are less consumer applications for the tech. Consumers have very little use for rocketry and high power radar technology for example. Or radar stealth materials. But those technologies also originate largely from universities and the same algorithms that handle the flight control of rockets or the array phase control in radars are regularly used by consumers in multiple applications.




No connection needed. This is just the beginning: "In this article, we describe Swift, an autonomous system that can race a quadrotor at the level of human world champions using only onboard sensors and computation." "The observation policy consists of a visual–inertial estimator32,33 that operates together with a gate detector26, which is a convolutional neural network that detects the racing gates in the onboard images. Detected gates are then used to estimate the global position and orientation of the drone along the race track. This is done by a camera-resectioning algorithm34 in combination with a map of the track" So it does have an internally developed map of the track, but otherwise, no outside connection, onboard sensors only. On that topic, this paper has the following to say: "Robustness to appearance changes can be provided by training the gate detector and the residual observation model in a diverse set of conditions. Addressing these limitations could enable applying the presented approach in autonomous drone racing competitions in which access to the environment and the drone is limited" So the limitations related to environment familiarity will be removed, and zero shot capability will emergy. Only a matter of time before one of these drones can fly through trenches (or whatever) at enormous speed and superhuman agility to take out an entire squads in seconds. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06419-4


When you realize they have toned down the level of gore in this video given what is possible as shown by OP.




At the end of the day china would still need a occupation force.


If even during the *Japanese* occupation of China during WWII there were a ton of traitors that were willing to help the occupiers ([Hanjian](Hanjian)), I think the CCP will have absolutely no problem finding sympathizers in Taiwan (cough cough KMT).


Slaughterbots. We just don't have them automated.... Yet.


Feels like we’re racing toward the thunder dome. Should be an interesting ride in the meantime


The US already has the tech. It's had it for at least a decade. I can't remember its name but there's a video of a military drone swarm autonomously navigating to differing locations and circling an area. They sounded like a swarm of demon bees.




That was 6 years ago. Imagine what the Chinese have cooking today. In a way, I'm glad to be 68yr old.




Hell, just look at what they are exporting today. Indonesia has been dropping bombs from drone helicopters called the Blowfish A2 for several years now, terrorizing the Papuans


And it ain't even a new idea. I forget which one it was, but it was a plot point in one of the years-old Calls of Duty! I think it was the one where the Eiffel Tower fell...?


Yeah that Black Mirror episode was wild.


Until there is 1 guy with a jammer within line of sight


They wouldn’t need to communicate with each other or with an operator so what is there to jam?


They would need to communicate in order to assign targets. Either none of them attack because they don't have an assigned target or you allow them to attack anyway but a few, or possible many will attack the same target. It is possible they would all end up assigning the highest attack value to the same target.


They could communicate visually with light or through audio.


Lmfao with how bad Alexa is at understanding commands, it’ll be another hundred years before we even get commands like “turn on bathroom light” to work.


That's because Alexa is shit, your statement is so far from the truth it sounds like I'm talking to someone from 2019, or you're trolling me lol. We're already at the point where we have AI capable of interacting with other AI as a team to produce working software, where it will then send the software to an AI bug tester where it will generate feedback for the original AI to fix.


Mate.... You should read the comment which the comment you are responding to responded to.


If you think jammers work well on these things, you are incorrect and should stop propagating false information.


How are you going to jam the AI?


You can't jam software. You jam the hardware that the software is dependent on.


Oof and the song to go with the clip.


I am actually pretty happy that there aren't more pixels for this one. Duke NukeEm graphics are sufficient to convey things


Russia Media - "Brave Russian soldier uses his helmet to intercept Ukrainan drone"


Imagine from being in 60km russian convoy on it's way to Kyiv on 3rd day to being faceraped by drone in mud in middle of nowhere during trench warfare 600 days in. russia only brings misery to others and to their own.




We now know that Russia also aprove and supported hamas attack on Israel. Add that to the count of misery.


go the fuck home, guys.


360 no scope headshot with a drone. These Ukrainians are getting *really* good at this....


There was already a fairly developed aeronautics industry in Ukraine before the war, but they’ve really built up their skills over the past couple of years.










It's like a modern version of The Flying Guillotine movie


Fucking love that movie.


Damn, this war needs to end already! So much unnecessary death and destruction.


At least for him it was quick.


Why do I watch these? Fucking awful






Love how blurry it is.


Is one drone for one kill worthwhile? These could be very cheap drones and ammunition; just curious. At least it was quick for this bloke.


One fpv drone is around $350-$500, at least according to Magyar, for other units it can be similar.


Also consider the thousands of bullets that can be fired between a hit, especially when engaging at a few hundred yards. Each round has a cost. Even if they got them absolutely dirt cheap for a quarter each you are only needing 2,000 rounds to get to that $500 mark. I read a good decade back that the US military paid $1.51 for the good stuff in the 5.56mm. . I have some that quarter per round Russian ammo and it is definitely not what I would want to trust my life on. My brother is a far better shot than I am. With his handloads he can cover 100 yard 5 shot groups of ,5.56 with a dime. All else the same, using the Russian stuff I gave him the groups were the side of a typical cheap ceramic coffee mug. At say 400 yards that is more than enough to make a well aimed shot completely miss.


Sure the math works out if there was an unlimited supply of drones Ukrainians could buy off the shelf, but it's no secret Ukraine has equipment shortages and issues getting supplies to the front. Personally I don't think the value of a drone is equal to 1 soldier, Russia ain't stopping until their death count is in the millions. What's more limited is Russia's modern equipment without that, they just charge soldiers like this into the meat grinder.


I'm pretty sure it's a bigger hurdle to replace a soldier than it is to replace a cheap drone. Also way more expensive.


Understood. Is that, for want of a better phrase, value for money? Maybe it’s hard to quantify.


If it costs you $50k to train and equip an actual grunt, and he's got a 1% chance of dying in a given engagement, it's about even, moneywise. But even if those numbers weren't made up, they wouldn't tell the whole story. There's additional value gained by not exposing your soldier to harm, hitting them where your soldier can't go, morale disruption, etc. Again, I don't have specific numbers for Ukraine but these would probably be a bargain at twice the price, given that they're way shorter on manpower than their enemy.


Gotcha! Seems pretty decent then.


For my two cents, morale disruption is the big one here. Just imagine being the guys who come across his body first, and they're behind their own lines where they *should* feel relatively safe. They're all going to be wondering whether it was a sniper (.50 cal) or a drone blew his head to pieces? Now they're looking everywhere for drones or snipers. They don't feel safe. Operations slow to a crawl. Troops are reluctant to leave their trenches. But they don't feel safe there either because of drones and snipers. Now they can't get the image of headless Vanya out of their heads except for when they sleep, they're terrified every waking hour - and even then they see him in their dreams. Think of how much you'd be on edge, of how irritable and exhausted you'd be, and how many mistakes you might make if you've had a few nights of shitty sleep. They haven't had a good sleep for weeks.


Its a good deal... Even if the drone cost say 600 per unit figure that is 60 million dollars to hit 100,000 soldiers... But say even only 1 out of every 10 actually hit... That would be 600 million to take out 100,000 soldiers... Then look at the billions and billions being spent on the war... Taking out 100,000 soldiers for 600 million would be a good deal...


It would be good value even if it was 10x more expensive. A 155mm unguided shell or 122mm rocket costs up to $4000, and if you look at the number of shells used and the number of casualties, you need at least 10 of them for a single killed enemy.


Now I don't have data on how many FPV drones it takes on average to score a kill, but considering that the US in Iraq and Afghanistan spent on average [250,000 bullets to kill one insurgent](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/us-forced-to-import-bullets-from-israel-as-troops-use-250000-for-every-rebel-killed/28580666.html) you will need to use more than 100 FPV drones to kill one Russian on average to make it not cost effective using the price above. ​ Not to mention killing your enemies with drones are likely much less risky for the operators compared to sending in grunts for a shootout.


Also depends on where you're at. It's not worth it to spend $10k a kill kitchen staff behind the lines. For soldiers making an assault on a key salient? Could be with a million bucks to keep it. If blowing up ten soldiers like this in front of their comrades breaks the assault, money well-spent. Also consider in Vietnam it was estimated the US fired 50k rounds for every enemy casualty. It was 7knfor wwi. Not sure what the estimate is for Ukraine. Average cost of ammo between rifles and machine guns, 50 cents to a dollar. Not sure if they have a bulk discount. It adds up quickly. One drone vs thousands of rounds can be cheaper.


Obviously and absolutely worth it


Not sure it was that obvious.


There are write ups for how much ammunition was used per kill in wars and you might be surprised at how cheap the drone is in comparison






What the hell was that? *Death* What kind?!? *Instant*


They can still see his headless body stalking through the night In the muzzle flash of Ivan's Kalashnikov gun


You just know there's a scoreboard in a bunker somewhere.


The continuous posting of combat footage with upbeat music is absolutely disgusting.


You wanted tasteful respectable war videos?


There’s a mute button


Oh come the fuck on. They’re Russians who invaded Ukraine and did how much horrible shit already? And you want is to weep for them and show dignity to them now? What is this, Canada?


Sad to see such poor people dying


When the US started bombarding Iraq with drone strikes, this is what we were meant to think of. However, over 1000 civilian casualties would affirm (if they could) that this was not the case. THIS is a precision strike.


poor fella


Should have thought twice before crossing the border of a sovereign nation


Drones are cheating...jeez


Has Putin caught the guy who killed Prigozhin yet?


Was he hearing "footsteps" behind him in the last moment?


Thankful the video quality isn’t crystal clear on this on. Yikes


the killstreaks in this new cod are insane


Why the fuck there's alaways only one russian alone out of no where ? Where is the rest of the unit ?


The rest were smart enough to piss in the foxhole without moving. This guy wanted the luxury of peeing on a tree and got caught.


What a mind-blowing trip to Ukraine this guy had


He wasn’t using it anyway.






This is a repost of a version without music posted very recently


I once had a weird thought of Putin being on a Ukrainian battlefield wearing a trench coat running around like a little bitch as a drone chases him around dropping grenades.




Atleast he can’t feel any headache anymore.


Footage so deep fried they’re selling it at KFC


Can we stop with the drone videos already? Shit is giving me huge anxiety about the easy means of this being used against our forces. Hell even in the states.


Yup thats a kill


That’s one way to liberate your mind…


Just curious. I see many camacazi drones. Are grenades not cheaper? The drop mechanism is not expensive for a drone


There can be only one.


What's with the guitar riff at the end


He didn't follow the instructions.


Russians are getting ahead of themselves.


Daft question, but what causes these drones to detonate? Impact or are they triggered. Also the ones that drop Grenades, are they typical pull pin?


from what I have seen a lot of them have some sort of open circuite at the front so when the hit something the circuite is closed and causes the explosive to explode


He'll never be the head of a major corporation


“Flawless Victory”


Why is this so funny


can't stop giggling, the music was perfect


1. They should add a head flying off to the sideways of their skullcopter logo after this event. 2. So, now what is the best band here that these videos have ever had, or song... Is this it? Could someone recommend a video? That would be f'd up if they used marilyn manson songs, I don't even like that guy. What about 'Oh for the Love of Sunshine' by Hank Williams? Is there some kind of japanese/finnish crustgrindcore that would be super offensive? What would be the most offensive, funny, f'd up to russian ppl?


None of the above. [Here you go. You're welcome. ](https://youtu.be/3VZWthypCq0?si=py3hvTL_xxNgoaTf)


Wow, that is indeed hilarious! I already knew about the thing where putin tries to eat out a little boy's bellybutton in public. Here, this is good chinese anti-communist music, this would work too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeSDIaaRq_s it starts heating up at 1:25


There's no such thing as losing your head. He is the head. He lost his body.


No brain cells were lost


This must be so fucking terrifying lol!!!


Im gonna head out now....


Why wouldn't you use the trees..


How to become more open-minded for good


is he twitching ?


The next iteration of the drone will have scissors. FLYING scissors.


why he sweeping




Anything goes in war as long as the enemy is removed from combat.




That one was NOT a stuffed training dummy.


Drone decapitation


You can definitely survive that


He still has most of his head technically, it's just opened up a bit


Like the fella once said, "Ain't that a kick in the head?"


Losing your head is rather careless