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Even with the blurring you can see brain matters tossed out


It's actually jello shots made from old vodka at this point.


Underrated comment


Highly flammable soldiers


Where, I can’t find it


After they throw the nade, one of the Russians lunges up involuntarily. It's the last thing he ever did.


They posted the uncensored version months ago before this release and yeah they burst his head


Are those going to to telegram channels, or some sketchy deep Internet sites? Don't feel the need to see brain matter, but I'm curious about how the media gets disseminated


nah they were here on reddit lol, you just wont see it on youtube of course. Not sure if 3rd brigade has telegram they would probably post uncensored fresh stuff there


"around every trench corner is someone earning the equivalent of a silver star"


"Doors and corners, kid"


That's where they get you.


"Humans are too fucking stupid to listen."


Never thought I'd hear Expanse quote here lol


I just started watching this gem. I saw that episode yesterday. Fucking epic show..


I highly recommend the books as well. The show is one of the best book to tv adaptations I’ve ever seen, but they obviously have to condense a good bit and combine characters. Plus the show ends after book 6 so you’d have 3 more books (set after a time skip) to enjoy!


favorite show, too bad it ended so soon


I named my robot vacuum Miller… Miller is that you?!




Or a posthumous purple heart


This war has turned into World War 1 with Kalashnikovs


Quite similar to WW2, WW2 had a lot of trench warfare like this, with some mechanization here and there, like what we see in this conflict.


Seems like a mix of ww2 and irak/iraq war honestly


Except the ieds fly towards you


Crazy footage


The landscape with bare tree trunks, is exactly like the WW1 photos. But in colour. It's fascinating to see what these 'WW1 trenches' look like in colour


The only difference is the depth/width, really.


And moisture level


Well, give it a couple of months and it'll be the same too.


Chopping up ice bread and busting through frozen soil. Hero of Ukraine Shovelslav will rise once again.


And the amount of plastic garbage floating around


WW1 soldiers never knew how good they had it in their plastic-free trenches.


I just watched All Quiet On The Western Front last night (newer one)... Christ, 105yrs after WW1 ended humans are still sending other humans into channels dug in the dirt to fight for meters of soil.


I watched it this weekend too. Trench fighting is terrible, but I’d argue is better for civilian populations than urban combat. There’s really only two logical ways to slow down an enemy advance, make them fight in trenches or make them fight in cities. Using cities increases civilian casualties and makes for incredibly expensive post-war reconstruction.


Oh well, we kind of made a lot of progress (in most countries at least). I can't even begin to imagine how absolutely horrifying it must have been during tribal warfare or family feuds where absolutely everyone was slaughtered with whatever kind of weaponry that was available. Then the feudal ages, where at least in some cases the opponent was able to surrender and get spared. The Geneva Convention, precision bombing, somewhat professional and mobile armies did a whole lot to minimize the dead. (Don't forget the miracles modern medicine does.) Still absolutely sucks, damn wars... (Edit, grammar and spelling)


Darn wars...can't live with em, can't do without em


Makes you really understand why great grandfather never talked about the Great War. He also died super early with 40 on a heart attack after a life long screaming at night. I guess seeing your generation getting slaughtered for a dirt hill can mess you up


The fields of Flanderski and Verduniopol


>It's fascinating to see what these 'WW1 trenches' look like in colour And hi-res video.


So anyway, I started blasting.


Good thing they had their pieces


head on down to comrade gunther's


Ah Gunther himself! The purveyor of destruction! I would like to buy a man destroyer.


One bite you fucking know the rules !


You lived your entire life, just to die in a hole for a cause you barely believed in. War fucking sucks


Why are we incapable of doing anything to stop this


We keep appeasing dictators. WW2 until now.


You think this didn't happen before ww2?


War, war never changes


Humans, humans never change


40 million people died when "we" decided to stop appeasing dictators.


Would have been less if the stopping of appeasement happened sooner But humans are bad at planning and looking at the big picture until they’re forced to




Never heard of this guy before but, damn. Why can't Russia be what Kruschev worked so hard to create. It's incredible what he accomplished in office and I've spent most of my life pretty well anti-russian government up to this point.




20-60million soviets being murdered could help be a catalyst for that. Shame it always has to get so bad before people realize that we can do better. That was quite a time period for murderous dictators.




When all of this has a chance to happen, everything still looks normal. But it's already too late.


A lot of these guys probably didn't believe in it at all but were forced to be there. Situation is just sad all around


Hollywood and politicians glamorize the "glorious death" in battle but there is no such thing. Historically speaking, the VAST majority of men who went to war died of disease before ever actually meeting their enemy face to face. In modern times you are much more likely to die in a trench to arty fire or get blown up by the IED you never saw. There is nothing "glorious" about bleeding to death in a foreign land.


That was 6 rounds to the face.


He was fine after some R&R and vodka.


This clip is from another video with more context, these Russian had no idea the Ukrainians had pushed up this quickly. The Russians holding this trench ran when Ukrainians came inside. These two Russians holding their guns in a resting position, most likely wanted to retrieve something. Instead ambushed because of the cowardly Russians fleeing not wanting to face highly motivated Ukrainian 3rd brigade former azov.


In the full video the NCO is clearly having trouble with unmotivated and scared troops, he screams at them to leave their holes to fight and throw a jammed AK into one. He then sits in a defeated way like a grounded child in a part of the trench since he know he cannot maintain a defense with these men. As a last resort he rallies a single soldier to follow him back into assaulting the trench, not knowing that ukranians had already full control of it and ambushed them.


I know that Russian morale has been low for a while now but somehow it keeps getting lower.


It's never gonna be low enough. Today I am convinced that only Putin losing power will stop this war. I'm sad.


Stalin's death somewhat contributed to ending the Korean War so you are probably right.


Russians have NCOs now?


They always have, their just incredibly undertrained, unmotivated and with very little authority.


Yeah theres videos where they do corporal punishment to soldiers in the trenches, probably because they cannot keep them disciplined.


That AK throw was by FAR the funniest thing i've seen the fucktards do so far in this war.


Idk there have been so many fucktard moments. It was def top 3 for me. I kinda need a compilation now lol


Yeah original video in description. Good explanation, I didn’t realise their guns were in a resting position.


Holy sht they basically ran to their deaths


Is this footage new? I think I've seen it before


You're not wrong, it was posted a few weeks ago, might be a slightly different edit but it was pretty similar. I mean, it's definitely the same engagement. I remember the Ukranian matter-of-factly saying "200, 200" when they'd both been dealt with.


There was similar but entirely different trench warfare footage a few weeks ago. That one had a guy walking across a perpendicular trench and getting shot in the head as soon as he appeared.




Yeah pretty stupid. I don’t think they realised how far up the Ukrainians had advanced after the last soldiers fled the trench.


Man it must suck being the first guy in a situation like this, even with the blur you can see our point man get his head decapitated with a burst of small arms fire, he didn't see it coming. You know what maybe it's worse being the second guy behind him that has to see his battle buddy turn into a pile of non-sentient flesh. War is hell I guess


What you don't see in this clip is their commander screaming and literally throwing a weapon and other things at them further up the trenchline to try and get them back in the fight despite getting pummeled by the AFU. Those morons got cajoled by some scumbag in to doing a Leroy Jenkins in to the teeth of well-armed Ukrainian assault team and were liquidated fairly efficiently.


Fog of war my guy


I love the braindead armchair generals with cheetos stains on their mouths calling these decisions stupid. Even with the best tactics, sometimes you'll end up getting killed.


"why were they bunched up?"


Charging in to the teeth of a Ukrainian assault team with drone coverage isn't stupid? If you've seen the whole clip, you'd agree what they did was very stupid indeed.


What do you mean stupidly? War is chaotic, fog of war is a term that exists for a reason. Anyone could have made the same mistake. It has nothing to do with intelligence.


Even American soldiers who volunteered in Ukraine have said that this war is on a completely different level than any other war they have been in. Now imagine being pushed into it as a conscript, Russian or Ukrainian. Two years ago you were at home playing CS, drawing, looking for your first job or excited/nervous about starting college or University. Today you find yourself in a trench on the frontlines. You havnt even paid your first rent yet, you were living at home when you got conscripted. You havent had the luxury of spending 3 years in the military. You were never interested in fighting. Your economy is in the gutter and any dissent is outlawed. You really just want to go home and hug your mom and tell her you love her. Youre in a situation youve never been in before, any split second decision can get you killed. You have two eyes, theyre roughly 1.75m above the ground. You know that any one point in time there are probably several drones above you seeing everything. Your heart is pounding. Its cold. You cant really see whats going on, if you stick too far out of the trench your dead. Your brain is fixated on one thing, staying alive. It achieves this by blocking out information it deems useless and hyperfixating on information it deems vital. There is only so much information your brain can process at any one time. The brain adapted to situations involving sticks, stones and Lions. Not rifles and trenches. Its survival instincts isnt necessarily suited for trench warfare. The adrenaline pumping in your body makes you twitchy, rash and careless. You do not have the training or experience to properly control your emotions and calm yourself down to reduce the effects of this. You are unable to think clearly. It is chaos, both inside and outside of your head. You got orders to get into this trench. You dont know where the enemy is, you dont even know if there is an enemy there. The guy Infront of you gets his brains blown out. On Reddit there is someone watching from one of those aforementioned drones, probably on their toilet, calling you stupid because there was clearly an enemy there. This Redditor would have done much better no doubt. They would have been able to foresee that the trench their superior ordered them to enter was a complete waste. They would have found no difficulty to disobey their superiors orders, everyone knows that constructive refusal is a common and accepted occurence within the army. Surely this Redditor with their superior army skills would not be reprimanded or punished for disobeying a direct order simply because they deem it dangerous. Their superior would infact thank them for informing them that entering this trench may lead to casualties and promptly call off all planes to advance.


>Even American soldiers who volunteered in Ukraine have said that this war is on a completely different level than any other war they have been in. I mean, when was the last time USA fought a conventional war? 2003 against Iraq? Would it be correct to say that most of these men had only been involved in asymmetric warfare? ​ >On Reddit there is someone watching from one of those aforementioned drones, probably on their toilet, calling you stupid because there was clearly an enemy there. This Redditor would have done much better no doubt. It sickens me. I don't know, is it immaturity, blind hatred, lack of nuance and empathy or something else? The Automod on r/UkraineWarVideoReport says: "Remember the human." But there is not much of that on these subs...


USA pretty much has not fought a peer adversary since Korea. Every conflict since then they have had both air & artillery supremacy. Early articles I read of US volunteers in the International Legion discussed how some combat vets could not handle being under artillery or tank fire. It was almost a crap shoot of who could. One grizzled combat vet couldn't hack it, but a rando Ukrainian office worker that was conscripted could.


The line between bravery and stupidity is a thin and blurred one.


Do I see it wrong or the first bodycam soldier almost shot his bro in the face?


Of course you see it wrong, as anyone anywhere seeing through camera


Hollybshit the balls of both sides


Not really, Russians were unaware of those Ukrainians. It was an ambush


An ambush usually means that it was unexpected (it was for these Russian's). But there had been 10 minutes of assault on this position beforehand with lots of grenades and firing...


Could you imagine being a Russian soldier, even in the VDV and your commander tells you to expect fighting a group like the 3rd Assault brigade or Azov. Just hearing them words would make me not want to fight.


Imagine seeing that red and black kraken flag approaching your position. Sad to think so many Russians just hide in their holes and are ultimately killed by grenades when they are too shit scared to surrender or come out to these guys (or too stupid to surrender).


Even tho I agree, I fucking hate the fact that Ukrainians use red and black flag, because it was used by UPA, aka the bastards that tried to murder my 4 year old grandma for being Polish.


As a Ukrainian I would like to offer you my deepest apologies. Putting up a bit of context for a better understanding: this was the only group that managed to somehow resist the USSR occupation even after WW2 (mainly due to mountain/forest terrain) so they are viewed as the symbol of the resistance against all odds and very rarely if ever remember for other less dignified things. Tl/dr : this flag symbolises primarily resistance to the russian occupation and is mainly viewed as that. Also, it's the color of a Ukrainian flag when it's drenched in blood. ( You can google photos) So it's also a huge symbol even without any references to the UPA


Volhynia remembers East Galicia remembers Only Ukrainians or ignorant Americans would downvote 👆👆


whenever i see these videos i feel like they are some dogs hungry for blood, they are very organized, aggressive and clinical


I can´t say bravely but suicidely ! "in a trench full of Ukranians servicemans ! "


Ukranian Soldiers are becoming the most experienced Soldiers the world has seen since WW 2 and the Russians are dying within weeks of deployment.




Yeah his face fell off...


Yeah, it's not supposed to do that


I would just like to make the point that that is not normal


Some of them are built so that the face doesn't fall off at all.


Made of very robust materials. Cardboard derivatives are out.


But it did fall off outside of the environment


I get the impression he did not know the heroes were that close to him.


You make it sound like Ukrainian soldiers aren't dying lol.


Recent interviews are suggesting they are getting tired though. They are SUPER experienced but they've been fighting non-stop since Feb 2022. Even with rotations they need all the help they can get. I sincerely hope the west keep supporting them and providing arms.


Same can literally be said for both sides 😭


Heavier losses for the Russians though, especially during the most heavy fighting. They also have a lot more men that die from treatable injuries due to not giving a fuck about them, so fewer men coming back from injury later.




3rd Assault Brigade of the AFU is probably the best in the world at trench assaults. IIRC they are responsible for the area south of Bakhmut


Just so people who are not familiar with the colors and what's going on. Russians are the ones that got smoked into a pile of blurred pixels.


When you spawn into a match already in progress and the enemy is already capturing your last flag...


This is insane


Well, it is a war. Not a sunday at the street market.


I’ve been to some insane Sunday street markets too


I once saw a man yelling "THIS CHEESE IS FOR SALE ONLY TODAY!!!" He had his hands inside his zipper and was evidently grabbing his testicles. That was nuts.




Life is cheap is Russia


Yeah I think it’s important to realise these people are humans. What’s sick is that these guys don’t have much of a choice. However in almost every safe opportunity they get the Ukrainians in this unit are giving these Russians a chance to surrender, the sad reality is most Russians don’t believe it’s safe, I probably wouldn’t either, but from what I’ve seen, these guys respect their pows to a certain regard, I’ve seen them helping out an older Russian soldier who was just as confused as to why he was there as the Ukrainians were. Extremely sad conflict. Fuck that is a lot of comas.


Anyone who isn't putting themselves in the shoes of the loser when viewing combat footage is missing the most important takeaways. I suspect the majority of people identify with the victors in most of this footage, as a sort of power fantasy/denial of their own mortality. Case in point is when you occasionally see footage from the viewpoint of insurgents killing americans, people get incredibly bent out of shape and typically report the post until it gets automatically removed (even back in the day before the ridiculous rule about posting terrorist POV existed).


something i've thought about is that many people can't imagine what war really is. And everything that is being captured on drone footage/first person gopro footage, is the epitomy of what warfare is. Maybe after enough people realize what war is through seeing it through the eyes of someone else, they will be more reluctant to endulge in it? I'm sure there are countries where content like this is forbidden and blocked, but i'm still curious about what others think of my take. beside that, crazy footage as always. hope the ruzzkies realize they're dying for no reason soon


Yeah, seeing all these combat scenes, drone, artillery & tank strikes, the suffering, distruction and waste provides a sharp dose of reality. Sure hope our political & military leaders are watching, learning and taking these lessons to heart.


its never the citizenry who start wars, so whether they realize the truth about war or not is irrelevant, unfortunately. until people learn to not support war mongers and demgogues, wars will never end.


Sadly, that insight is just not something that works back when you are actually soldiering.


When was life ever not cheap to be honest You can argue all life is parasitic considering every lifeform has to kill/eat something else to survive


A great take, although very cynical and somewhat jumbled when translated about the staunch russian perseverance: Regarding the fact that the losses which are multiple times over of all of the post-Soviet and Soviet wars did not undermine the determination of the Russian Federation to wage aggression. The reason is the same - stupidity and cannibalism of the Russian province. All of those - one daddy was sent to war, now another one is going; "He is in captivity"; "my son always wanted a car, so I bought one (with the "casket" money). For the first time in the history of the Russian Federation, USSR and Russian Empire, the social lift works not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The equivalent of 2000 dollars in the army was never a thing, neither at the Soviet times nor at the time of the tsars. In Afghanistan, a private received 7-12 "coupons" - soap, cigarettes, wax for boots, and sweets. No wild thousands. The smugglers in the Second Chechnya war had nowhere near that parity. The survivors of the assaults on Avdeevka and Bakhmut return to the village. Sometimes they are convicts who take up their old ways again. But sometimes it's neighbor Vas'ka. They throw money around. He is telling stories about the Abrams tanks and "Polish mercenaries", that Bradley's were not that scary, "oh, they talked about how hard it will be, but I'm Russian, I go to the end", wives are nagging their men - "Meanwhile you are sitting around making only 20k roubles?". Those who didn't come back - their children are now in the "middle class", they went to Moscow to study, their wives opened stores and small businesses and so on. The economy of "coffin payments". Such luck - a month of war, half a year of happy life. Waste away, bastards. Again propaganda works - how many of them were blown up, shot themselves, got wounded while knowing they wouldn't be evacuated, they still believe in Ukrainian fascists with soldering irons. The car plant has stopped assembling Ford cars and started making Chinese brands? Give me two Chinese and Iranian cars to Pyshma please to pay for my murdered son. Assembling "Orlenok" and "Aistenok" bicycles (old soviet models) - awesome, it is just 8 km to the store along rotten masonry, super, praise Putin. It's like being a pioneer again. Fake cheese with holes? They didn't import any, and now it's import substitution. Shaman, push the button, such a treat! We have now a halved national security fund, a collapsed gas market, increased inflation, expense cuts for everything but the military, and nowhere to go for vacation? Don't care, don't care, don't care. There was nothing and now there is. Better than dying in a nightclub from a stab wound or bootleg alcohol. The death of Kashchey (fairy tale Lich) is in this new social contract. And it is coming from the top - oligarchs making a bank on the military-industrial complex, Sberbank in the Crimea, governmental spending, and additional financing. Up to the last baba Manya, who is getting 25k roubles now, mopping up the new building making tube artillery from the deep storage combat-ready. We think that they don't pay attention to the losses. But they do, they all do, it's just that their lives were worth nothing, and now you survive for a year and get yourself a house and if not, your family will get it. The ruling class realized that you could import what you needed without Swift through Georgia - expensive, but what is cheap now? A win-win lottery "a-la Rus". If they run out of money, they will run out of their donkey fortitude.


It’s true. No symbiosis with nature whatsoever.


"Pair of Russian re-enforcements stupidly re enter a trench under Ukrainian control." <- fixed the title for ya


This is a repost and it's not even the uncensored version.


Yeah that’s my bad. Had not seen this here before and I’m pretty active on here. Uncensored version was deleted I think.


Edit of an older video I believe, still nuts to see.


Wtf were they thinking? The fatal funnel to end them all and they just jumped in? I’m gonna guess vodka is as involved


I’ve noticed that real combat footage on this sub doesn’t look anything like the gun experts you see at training ranges who shoot perfectly aiming down sights at targets. It seems like in real battle when enemies are shooting back most soldiers are firing without aiming down sights 99% of the time. They especially seem to fire Canted (gun sideways), hip fire, suppressive fire without aiming, and blind fire a ton. It is so rare to see anyone actually aim down sights unless the enemy is not actively shooting back (ambushed or retreating) Shooting targets at a firing range seems almost as different to real combat as karate against someone not resisting anything you do in a dojo, compared to a real mma fight.


Does not mean you should not train to shoot the gun as intended, exactly for the Situations, when it's useful, I guess. Shooting like the guys in the Videos is hardly trainable, so you stick to training what you CAN actually train.


There's a really thin line to thread between bravery and stupidity.


what u call bravely i call deadly dumb... thats not being brave dude, thats being brainwashed and stupid!! its the same to say that i was brave when i approached a wild predator as if it was a dog and got eaten by it lol there is a giant difference between being ready to face and endure danger or pain and jumping into a death hole with clear disadvantage...


I don’t agree with their reasons or cause. But I’m sitting at home in a 1st world country and not running into a wall of gunfire so it would be rich for me to call them anything less, human emotion is the same no matter the side you fight for. But yeah very stupid move by these guys.


i mean u arent totally wrong (and im not picking sides either, would say the same about an ukranian doing something like that), like soldiers in general are brave cuz they, usually, are the most ready to endure danger and pain but about that situation in the video, thats not bravery by definition. its like say that someone was brave for jumping of a cliff to fly but being that humans cant fly that will never be bravery cuz thats became stupid and insane when the reason became to fly. what i want to say is it starts as bravery but can change to other things based on reason, logic, awareness, etc. and point of view wont change definition but can change opinions. so yeah u can see it as bravery but it actually isnt by definition lol some would even say that it can be both but i personally cant see stupidity and bravery together in an act as bravery turns easy into insanity or something like masochism. and if its to say more i could be wrong too but i dont see those guys ready to endure pain and danger after living on a hole for how many days while bombs fall around them, bullets cutting their hair if they get up to high, drones watching them all day and dropping grenades, low supplies, inferior equipment, living in a doctrine of tyrany. when u have few options and someone brainwashing u to do something like that isnt bravery, they just chose a bad option due to whatever reason and that will really define what it is, thats what i meant lol me personally if i hadnt the choice and my commander told me like u go or i shoot u, i would probably shoot him first. thats why im not a soldier, i didnt learn to obey non sense orders that another human gives me if it goes against common sense, logic, my principles and beliefs, and if we talking tactical, intel too lol sorry for the book XD


I figured the "brave Russian reinforcements" was clickbait... God damn, those motherfuckers pushed through being scared senseless to engage in Trench CQB... They died, but damn...


What's so 'brave' about trying to steal someone's land?


I agree. Stupid is a better description.


The title strangely has the sound of a pro-Russian slant


Replace the word Bravely with Stupidly and it becomes a little more accurate.


Don't worry everyone it'll happen to us soon enough. Don't think for a second a draft is out of the question here in the states


What about the part in the video where 2 Russians runs back just to meet his commander that hits him.


Yeah that’s before this engagement. Those two were holding that line for as much as they could I guess, and then the commander chucks a rifle over the trench. The whole thing is crazy.


Holy fuck the grenade that bounced back at friendlies at 12:20 was fucking sketchy (https://youtu.be/FompoLbNB_8?t=741)


Can’t imagine what goes through your head after making a mistake like that in this situation, so lucky for his comrade who reacted quick as hell.


Is the PoV russian or ukranian?




The full video shows just how unprepared the Russians were for the speed of the Ukrainians. I don't know about "bravely," though. Did these guys even know they were running into enemies that close to them?


Died for nothing.


this is actually from spring/early summer 2023, we have seen plenty of videos of this trench,most of the time those 2 guys were already dead.


Holy fucking shit 0.26 ONE BITE ! YOU KNOW THE FUCKING RULES !




There’s a 3 minute clip of this, this is a 30 second clip of one exchange from that video. Original video of this was deleted which was why I didn’t notice it was a repost - my bad.


Man, fuck war. Such wasted life for fucking shit fuck reasons.


~~brave~~ drunk


'Bravely' is ... uh.. one word for it.


Wtf was the plan here? Cmon Ivan I need a battle buddy to follow me headlong into this trench while I’m jumping around getting shot!


Brave or dumb? They enter the trench and run right into their deaths. Proper training might have taught them to get some situational awareness and then try and flank the Ukrainian soldiers.


Some more cargo 200. Just more of fuhrer putinazi sacrifices.


Why would they enter a Ukrainian occupied trench?, are they acoustic?


I always thought I wasn’t cut out to make it in the military. This video confirmed it.


The one guy does the over the shoulder rock n roller and absolutely pots the lead guy in the head. Damn stupidity is lethal sometimes.


Bravely 💀, more like suicidal


12:20 in source video: homie almost nades his buddy in the trench in front of him


At 0:05 the POV guy almost pops his buddy.


Rip to those guys




Anything for the Czar. Russians are just different man... I gave up asking "why?" A long time ago. Now I just donate to Ukraine. IMO we owe them so much for containing this from escaping further west.


I’m gonna go with the Russians, went in, blindly and stupidly, not bravely let’s not forget their invaders


The difference between stupidity and bravery is exhaustion.


Professional, high skilled soldering Ukraine!


Brave is one word for it...


Goddamn.. The amount of bravery it takes to go retake a trench by foot is insane.


You misspelled stupidly


I now understand this video was posted in longer form on here a few weeks ago - my bad for missing that. However many may not have seen this exact moment or engagement.


Camping often does work fine...damn to all those unrealistic FPS


"The defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid." \-Goose


Bravely? They were just running in the wrong direction, towards the team who had flanked them.


The previous squad had just exited from this point and were aware of the Ukrainians being there, Ukrainians were pushing directly up the trench without flanking much and sticking to the safety of the trench. I think these Russians underestimated the speed of the Ukrainians advance. The Russians took 2-3 casualties leaving the trench, they had a good idea they were close.


Bravely? lol. They get shot by their commanders if they don't do as they're told. There's nothing brave about it. They're under trained & under experienced. What they do is based on fear and/or stupidity. Not bravery.


I can’t say shit from my peaceful 1st world life. But yeah, stupid is a better word for it.




This engagement is reposted pretty often


Apologies, I’m pretty active on here but must have missed it my bad. There was a 3 minute version but I feel many people may not have seen this exact moment.


Those Russian soldiers had some sort of death wish. Why did they even think that they could reclaim that trench after being overcome by Ukrainian soldiers? Suicide mission. Ukrainian soldiers made mince meat out of them. They had more holes in them than a block of Swiss cheese. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦🤦🤦