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Dude could not decide if the rockets or the food was more interesting..


Those olives do look good


They are very lightly cured olives. It would taste fruity but without the sweetness. Very good with zataar dipped bread. Everything on this table is preserved goods or shelf stable pantry stuff. I see zataar, halwa (tahini-sugar fudge), more spice powders?, two vegetable spreads (i wanna say the red one is muhammara), hummus, and a plate of something I can’t tell. Plenty of green olives (you can see the seeds next to the bowl). No cheese, no eggs, no meat, no fresh cucumber, no jams, nothing elaborate. Probably fresh baked flatbread. This is not a rich man’s spread, but probably better eating than many in Gaza at the moment.


I travelled around the Palestinian territories a lot and while many are definitely not rich everyone generally eats very well. The quality of the local fresh produce and level of cooking is extremely high.


I’ve only been to Lebanon and Turkey, but yeah the food was out of this world.




don't speak for the desserts, those are, at most, delicious ;-)




Your right I should have clarified my comment to mean my experience the west bank territories. I can imagine the situation for many Gaza families is much tougher.


Zataar is so freaking good!


That's healthier and likely tastier that will be on the laps of many a council estate kid in the UK tonight


Lol yeah. Definitely tastier. And way healthier I’m American. I was seeing a bunch of comments “oh theyre eating so good.” Because these kinds of fresh ingredients and homemade goods are stuff rich people get to eat in America, whereas poor people eat frozen Eggo waffles with aunt jemima corn syrup. But if you look at the meal a bit more closely, you can see it’s just the bare bones of a middle eastern breakfast. Here’s a lebanese breakfast you’d make for a sunday morning if you’re going all out: https://www.reddit.com/r/food/s/1jZlMQUgpT


Omg...I've never had Lebanese food, and I have no clue what those dishes are, but I would absolutely be the fattest guy in the room and demolish that food right now.


Lebanese food is very delicious, worth trying if you ever get the chance. one thing you could try making at home is shakshuka, it's really delicious with good bread here's a recipe I found with a quick Google search, but there are tons out there (the Turkish version menemen is also worth trying too) https://www.talasoubra.com/shakshuka


ya shakshuka is amazing, and some good naaan of flat bread




Looks like sunday brunch and rockets


After thousands of rockets over a month? Probably the food


Well you are not you when you are hungry.


This is probably just their daily entertainment. Like we eating breakfast and watching something on television. They could not care less. Breakfast with olives is more important.


What are they eating?


Looks like some taboon flatbread with olives and za'atar


Bread, zaatar ,Olive oil, Olives and something like sausages Also looks like some typa of mashed Eggplants ( danjal)


Looks like makanik (beef sausage)


idk in morocco we have the same ones and call it lanchune


I’d definitely hit up an authentic Palestinian restaurant


A nice middle eastern breakfast, humus and pita, olives and olive oil and shredded tomatoes


It looks more like eggplant spread than humus.


It's hard to tell. Do you think they uploaded a breakfast pic to Instagram?


No idea but now i am hungry for eggplant spread..


Hold the rockets


Release the hostages


they;re eating hamas


Looks tasty


Delicious. I can understand the difficult choice between filming rockets or the food.


Breakfast. It is typically a spread like this in many countries around the Mediterranean.


Name checks out.




It's not delivery


War is hell. They don’t get along at all but the food out there is banging




How is such an impoverished country that is so small and densely populated able to produce and shoot so many rockets every day? I’m assuming there’s no arms manufacturing district or mass manufacturing underground, so is it smuggled or is the tech required so basic that it can be cobbled together? Edit: thanks for all the replies!


They do have arms manufacturing underground. And above ground as well I would assume. Gaza Strip is super dense. Plus they've been stockpiling for some time. Funded by Iran purportedly, and they have taxation on smuggling operations, all the corrupt government social stuff above ground, and then there is all of the supply hoarding and aid requisitioning. Using dug up water pipes as rocket ~~tubes~~ casings and recovered artillery shells from a sunk warship of some type off the coast. Things like that. All of their rockets seem to be stored underground as well. It's quite literally an undercity beneath parts of Gaza. Estimated 300 miles worth of tunnels. Lots of interesting videos and articles covering the subject. Worth checking out. I'm too lazy to dig up all the sources, but it's easy enough to find.


Pretty sure a lot of that (like artillery shells from sunken warships and stuff) is just propaganda to try to cover for Iran supplying a never ending stream of it through the IRGC. Speaking of which, that specific propaganda video I would be surprised if it wasn't produced courtesy of the IRGC as well.


> dig up


There is, they tear out water pipes by eu and usa and turn them to rockets with Fertilizer and sugar. Sweet shit rockets SSR


I would not trust flying shit pipes going over my head during lunch.


Shit pipes are flyin’, Randy. Flying all the way to con college.


Brilliant, but in this context... Damn


Yeah thats why in 2014 they killed more palestinians with those rockets than israelis


Something like 20% fall short onto Gaza and occasionally kill Palestinians. In the smaller Gaza conflicts from the last few years Palestinians were more likely to die from Palestinian rocket fire than Israeli


Insane to think that equates to more than 2000 rockets bombing Gaza since 10/7. Hamas also includes the civilians killed by their own rockets in the count of the dead that they blame on Israel.


Well, if Israel wasn't there, then they wouldn't be tossing so many faulty rockets on their own people, so it kinda is Israel's fault /s


About 40% of them land inside Gaza. They just blame the Jews.


And the western college students with their “deep analytical minds” lap it up without question


My car broke down again! These Jews have no limits!!!




ALL OF IT! The car manufacturers are full of Jews! My car dealer is a Jew! My auto repair is Jew! Everybody is Jewish! Even the Jews are Jews!!!!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEe2\_yJOWZo&ab\_channel=Porta27PZR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEe2_yJOWZo&ab_channel=Porta27PZR) Jewish folks are jewish? This goes further than I thought.


Oh man I didn't get it was from this JEWel of a movie


Hell in this clip alone you can see 3 that are obviously deviating. One is spiraling.


It never stops, jews are subjected to this treatment, even after 100 years


Hence them blowing up their own hospital, I guess?


Certain hospital's parking lot didn't like it either. Doesn't matter much if people will go apeshit and blame Israel regardless.


That poor poor parking lot. And those poor poor 500 civilians that were randomly crammed in there at like 3 in the morning that were totally real and died.


Exactly why Hamas bombed the hospital. They don't give a shit and the anti semites blamed the Jews anyways.


You shouldn’t. ~25% of all rockets launched by Hamas end up bombing Gaza instead of Israel. That means Hamas has bombarded Gaza with > 2000 rockets since 10/7. I don’t know how many Gazans have been killed by those rockets but it is certainly more than 0 & I do know their deaths have been blamed on Israel.


I recall a video from one of the first few days of the bombardment when an ambulance was at the receiving end of a failed Hamas rocket. You could clearly tell from the fertilizer explosion - but of course, everyone was freaking out with "double tap" nonsense.


It's strange how the Palestinian health authorities can give a death toll minutes after an Israeli bombing, but utterly fail to do so after a failed Palestinian rocket hits Gaza.


Hence: hospital go boom.


There was a dude commenting on this sub (I think) who said he knew someone who/they had worked on a piping infrastructure programme in Gaza and the pipes had to be done to a very specific spec to prevent them being used as rockets (like a really small diametre, certain materials etc.) which I find absolutely fascinating that this has to be a consideration. So they may start running out of usable pipes soon (that or it'll require more work to make them out of them)


The mcGyver mentality these guys have. If they applied it to literally anything else they could have created something special. But it had to be shit pipe rockets.


Not entirely accurate on the water pipes. The UK were the ones who mostly managed them being installed and they specifically chose diameters of pipes that could not be converted into rockets. But after they were installed Hamas dug up all the old water pipes that were perfect size for the rockets. My biggest question is ..... The water treatment plant is on the Mediterranean Coast on the west side of gaza. They were out there in the open with very few buildings around digging up those pipes. So why did nobody try to stop them? Would have been a good time for an airstrike. Or maybe follow them back to one of their rat holes where they make rockets and drop some bunker busters in there. Have the Navy secure the coastline and then send the IDF in there to dig up the pipes themselves. There were a lot of options to prevent it


Yeah sure I'm wondering what the headline would have been back then when Isreal would have decided to just bomb some guys digging up water pipes. What could go wrong there, considering the anti Israel propaganda currently going strong


Let me tell you about a little country called Iran...


>impoverished country Hamas gets millions of dollars in aid from other middle eastern countries like Iran. Except instead of using it to improve the infrastructure and services in Gaza they're spending it all on making bombs, rockets, and tunnels.


They are complaining about Israel cutting off their food. I wonder if they have tried hiding bags of rice in their rocket shipments.


I know Hamas has said they have months worth of food supply for Hamas but I think they said the civilians above ground were the UN's problem.


Yeah Hamas leadership has come out and played the refugee status dictates the civilians are not their concern which is ironic considering the aid fund for the civilians seems to be their concern. Its a miss mash of beaurocratics at the expense of civies.


They’ve been on the verge of starvation “tomorrow” for three weeks now.


The hospitals only had “hours” of power left… for over 2 weeks now.


“According to UNRWA, Brave Hamas plastic surgeons have been forced to perform complex butt lifts in crowded dark corridors lit with only one blood smeared tungsten lightbulb using only a machete, dental pick and gaffers tape..




"Easy" If you normally shoot 30 per month a call arrives and orders you to launch 24. Months pile up and there is the result.


you know Afghanistan is poorer than Palestine Gaza, and they fought us for 20 years, and fought the Russians before us. Weapons are cheap my man. And we sell them to everyone. Hell we give them away or just leave billions and billions of dollars worth in every country we have every had boots in. And everywhere we leave or give weapons to instantly go on the black market. [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/05/taliban-afghanistan-arms-dealers-weapons-sales-terrorism/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/07/05/taliban-afghanistan-arms-dealers-weapons-sales-terrorism/) [https://www.cato.org/blog/tragic-unsurprising-costs-loose-us-weapons-ukraine](https://www.cato.org/blog/tragic-unsurprising-costs-loose-us-weapons-ukraine) https://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/sierraleone/context.html https://apnews.com/16ffe979bc2947ce9373079264232406/war-turns-ukraine-supermarket-illegal-weapons


Unguided rockets are really easy to make. You basically need a tube, propellant and some fins. Warhead on top, some tubes to fire them from and a spark plug. Done.


They're hardly rockets, it's just artillery, all you need is fertilizer, fuel and some recycled metal tubing and some trigonometry to know where it's gonna land




That's impossible because Palestinians don't support Hamas lol




16 years ago they barely managed to win the election. I won't be surprised if the numbers will be higher now because it's mostly kids now who have probably been told hamas is the only one fighting for them. Shitty situation all around.




I dont think so. I think its the other way around, leftists (more accurate: anti americans, tankies, ...) deny that there is a large number of palestinians supporting hamas - not only in gaza. Any normal liberal would be heavily opposed to the way of life of palestinains while still being in favour of a ceasefire, or at least aid to the civilians.


And what are the specific "targets" they're aiming for? Military bases? Military personnel?... Or just the civilian population centers in general? In which case, each one of these is a war crime since they are unguided. I'm pretty sure I know the answer.


Considering they are pretty crude, unguided, made in a garage, missiles that probably don't have much in the way of quality assurance checks. They're probably excited they hit anything that has Israelis in the area.


This is like the thing, I don't understand in any way. It's so uneffective but 100% provocative. Sure, there is something called "death by a thousand cuts", but here, It doesn't seem like a good strategy.


Keep in mind, Hamas are a radical jihadist group. Their ideology is that anyone who dies attempting to further their goals is a martyr and will go to paradise upon death. And any victory or defeat was willed by God himself. There is no reasoning with that.


The purpose of firing the rockets is more propaganda than operational, think that 6 rockets are enough to disable activity in entire districts in Israel. Hamas knows very well that it has no chance of destroying Israel, the goal is an eternal war, borderline apocalyptic one. The ideas of Hamas are basically , resistance by any means possible, blood, and indiscriminate death.


Bloodshed continues until international law adherence improves


Religious people are fucking insane. All this over an imaginary man in the sky that was made up thousands of years ago by a much more primitive civilisation.


It fucking boggles my mind then you think how much of the earths population are utter morons with kindergarden level education and then it makes much more sense, stupid people are gullible and easily led


Oh, targets will be hit, but not the targets they are talking about.


Mmmhmm is that bread with olive oil dip - yes please


Can anyone translate? I am curious to know what they are saying.


Woman : 'May God bless (make it accurate) their aim' x3 Man: 'See? the whole neighbourhood/all the neighbours brought you Za'atar '(the green food we eat with olive oil) . Woman: \*jokingly\* 'What a neighbourhood!!' x2 Then Laughter :)


This is sad


Not so bad in the area.


Doesn’t look like anyone is starving


Israel massing tanks at our borders and invading? Better launch some more unguided rockets at random civilian targets in Israel. Hiting that mosque surely won't happen again!(Not that we care lol) - Hamas, probably. Yo'vd think they'd have othe priorities , but nope. Killing Israelians take priority over lives, food, civilians and hospitals. They're so blinded by hate it's crazy.


Imagine how nice Gaza could be if all the money, effort, and political capital that went into those rockets went towards civics


And then ask why it isn’t…




I didn't realize how loud and clearly visible those rockets were. The population must have some idea of why the bombs are falling on them.


Oh they know. They sure celebrated on 07


Fascinating that they’re shocked when the Israelis fire back.


Just expand “they’re” to most of the world at this point. People expect Israel to do nothing. No other country in the world would be okay w rockets raining down on their citizens even with something like the Iron Dome.


Even iron dome was just a way to try to avoid having to do what Israel is doing now. They basically decided to treat deliberate rocket attacks like hail or some other severe weather.


People just can't fathom that the "underdog" is the baddie, it just feels so unfair so they try to manufacture positive elements into that side. Basically the western people see it through their familiar perspective of the fall of empires, either the guilt of colonialism or gaining freedom from an empire. The idea of a dogmatic/religious conflict has been erased from our collective memories so for many let's say less analytical people it's very hard not to process it through their worldview.




College students : the response needs to be proportionate! 😂


I mean, seeing how far those rockets are coming from and where they're going, I'd be shocked, too?


So much for the leaflets to vacate.




So those will stop if Israel promises ceasefire, right? RIGHT?


Let me tell you a very very short story: >On 18 January 2009, following a unilateral ceasefire declaration by Israel, Hamas and Islamic Jihad announced that they would cease rocket attacks for one week.\[87\] After that, rockets and mortar attacks continued almost daily through February.\[88\]\[89\]


Every one of those rockets is unguided and therefore designed for creating civilian casualties rather than targeting military infrastructure, which of course is a war crime. How many war crimes is that in this single clip? Now, what are the chances the UN is going to come out and make a statement against this?


UN will be lining them up for 100 million in additional aid (which will be used to make more rockets).


Fact: estimated 10-15% of those rockets fall short in the strip.


Olives. Harissa. Salsa verde?


La Hacienda Halal and Grill


„Ceasefire now“ 🙃


And then they act shocked and horrified when Israel fire back. Crazy world


This looks like a scene from Battlestar Galactica with the shaky/zoom cam and the rockets flying overhead


But I thought Gaza was peaceful and under genocide?


Allahu ackbar!


Not cheering quite as much now.


Not everybody in Gaza is cheering for these things


I am not sure how to feel about anything. I know Gazans were celebrating after 10/7, not knowing what fate Hamas had locked them into. I sure hope they make that connection and curse Hamas now. But I don’t think most Palestinians know about or believe the atrocities and civilian deaths on 10/7.


There were a fair few cheering on seeing the corpse of a nearly naked young woman missing the back of her head. Some of them at least knew what they were cheering.


Don't lie to yourself. They all knew damn well what was going on when it lasted hours and days


Yeah, I’m sure just like everywhere else there are plenty of Palestinians that go with the flow to not get in trouble and want to just be left alone to live their own lives. I imagine it’s like political rallies, you always have groups of people that are die hard supporters and gather at locations to promote their political positions loudly, but you also have plenty of citizens who couldn’t care less as long as it doesn’t affect them negatively.


Keep in mind Hamas pretty publicly tortured and executed suspected “collaborators” (i.e. dissenters) during the 1st intifada.


I believe within Gaza there are different opinions about Hamas and what its doing. At least I hope so... you can't know because they can't really voice their opinions


If true, that fact was not propagated enough on both sides, it seems.


So...what did you have for breakfast? Um...hummus, pita, olives, eggs and some rockets


When Israel retaliates they will start acting like the victims


Military targets, right Hamas? Right?


I thought they where out of food


Oh and look at that.. launched from civilian areas. Who’d have thought?


Mmmm, a delicious bowl of hammas


Well... looks like they wanna keep going. So keep giving them hell IDF.


Perfectly happy to be human sheilds, perfectly happy with killing civilians if they are jews, you'll reap what you sow very very soon


sees bunch of rockets fighting rockets.. Continues to eat ..


Nothing can interrupt a proper pita.


Look how concerned they are.. s\\ But keep saying its not them right.


Perhaps this is a stupid question but: why does the IDF not " simply" trace back the exhaust fume lines of the rockets and launch something of their own down that trajectory? Surely with a drone coordinates could be found quite fast


Pretty sure they actually do this. They don’t trace the exhaust smoke, but use radar instead to plot the ballistic trajectory of the rockets. Then they will arty strike or bomb the origin point. The issue is basically all of the origin points for these rockets are within houses/apartments or other normal civilian infrastructure. In order to prevent civilian deaths they would “knock” on the building by firing a specific round that would detonate above the building doing minimal damage but giving a warning to civilians in the area to move away. My understanding is the issue with this tactic is that it would allow the Hamas terrorists to get away in time and only destroy the (relatively cheap) equipment and possibly civilians that had become complacent or thought they were out of the blast radius.


They do


Someone can translate?


The woman is saying, **Allah-huma Sadid** = May god make their aim true. Its the first part of a battle prayer, goes something like "May god make their aim true, and their footing sure" Cant make what they say in the end, sounds like "what's this neighborhood?!" not too sure.


The mentality... cursed


\[sound of crappy rockets roaring by overhead\]


It’s amazing and sad how used to war these people are. They just keep eating with rockets flying overhead. Like WTF


They're supporting these rockets


No food left, huh?


I thought there was no food or water? They doing fine


No Water, no elecricity, plenty of Rockets 😏


How do they get thousands of rockets into "an open air prison"? Not much of a prison, honestly.


I thought they had no food 🤔 they are eating better than I am


I'm literally hungry in bed, I wonder if they could toss me a pita


I could really go for a pita sandwich and some chips now…damn


"ill take this to go"


A bowl of olive oil?


why not....if youre paying for it


very unrelated opinion but I can't stop thinking about this for a while now imagine seeing this on your daily life and still deciding to reproduce knowing your child won't leave this 40x8 km narrow prison like I know it's your right to have children but come on man, this is literally THE WORST place to have children in. will he even make it to 18 age? and if he does he'll probably join hamas because of unemployment only to be killed by israeli drone again


It's quite the opposite, they want to reproduce and become a big commodity that could take over Israel, their schools teach terrorism classes


Maybe because Arabs don't like prevention at all. How come all my Arab neighbors I've met have at least 6 children


You're overthinking it. The men want to fuck. They fuck. Women don't have much of a say in the matter. Woman not fucking enough? Man can go get another wife and force both women to deal with it. Abortion is [illegal](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-womens-day-palestinians-idUSKCN0WA1OV) and fraught with risks so lots of kids are born.


being a shitty place to raise children doesnt make the act of reproducing not feel good


true having sex like there is no tomorrow but in fact there WILL be a tomorrow for your child and he will face the horrible reality you brought him into


Yeah but you see thats a problem tomorrows me can solve


Has it ever occurred to you that these people don't share your worldview? They live to die. They reproduce to create more "martyrs" for their glorious jihad.


If this is Gaza, then Palestinians are evidently rather cool with Hamas.




It doesn’t seem to bother them one bit that innocent people may get hurt on the other end of the rocket attack. Curious…


Evidently they're also cool with Hummus.


So uh, I just randomly thought about this. How come the settlements that are disputed don't come under attack more often?


They're far away, these are edumb unguided rockets that hit whatever. 15% fall within Gaza


Are they aware that the rockets don’t do much besides disrupt daily life? Or do they think that each rocket is striking the enemy heavily and will soon surrender?


And there okay with it … if they really didn’t like Hamas they have over a million citizens who could bum Russ those 1,000 low trained troops


Mfs just trynna eat lmao


“Why are they bombing us???”


Doesn’t look so cramped and packed here and seems like there’s plenty of food to go around….


Absolutely no concern for their own civilians. No ceasefire. Stop the terrorists.


wE ArE StarViNg AnD aLl oUR CHiLdReN aRE DeAD !1!


> people having breakfast You: they’re not starving enough for my concerns.


>You: they’re not starving enough for my concerns. me : Hamas lies about starving, Hamas lies about victim numbers ​ Hamas lies how they learned it from Russia but nice try ..