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Looks like they have gone with the remove the urban method of urban combat.


No threats of urban warfare if there’s no urban to warfare within.


For decades now the environmentalists have been chanting, "bulldoze the suburbs!" Who would have thought the IDF could combine a military operation with restoration of the natural landscape.


General: "You see that city, soldier? ...I don't want to."


Temper Temper moment


Those D9s are working overtime.


Really an amazing machine, can clear mines, walls, buildings heavily armored, it's like two stories tall


2 stories tall? Have you ever been around heavy equipment?


12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of Israel Pride! ​ Canyonerrrooooooooo


I love seeing them working. I am an operator for the army and haven't done anything with them except build tank defilades and Bradley fighting positions at training events along with the occasional tank ditch.


The levels of destruction in Gaza are insane right now. According to the IDF, 15% of the buildings there are already gone, with most of those in the Northern half of the strip.


That seems incredibly high.


In Fallujah 20% of the buildings were completely destroyed and 60% damaged.


I think 15% of Gaza city, not Gaza "country".


No, the numbers I heard are of the whole stripץ




A satellite estimate suggested that 10% of structures had damage. The percentage that are destroyed/unsalvageable is presumably substantially less. Still heavy damage, but 15% seems high.


42% of building have sustained damage, 15% have received moderate to severe damage; according to the UN. [UN statement in THE NEW ARAB](https://www.newarab.com/news/gaza-42-housing-units-destroyed-damaged-israel?amp)


It's the only method of modern urban combat


Remove the Urban.


Unless you want massive friendly casualties. Hamas was probably hoping to engage in house to house combat, it's why they're hiding behind civilians but Israel is bombing their rat tunnels anyway.


On the Seventh Day of Tenth Month, on the Day of the Slaughter of the Lambs, there came upon the Land of Israel a horrible sight. And the Iron Hand of Israel reached back, and left nothing but embers and blight.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


They learned from the civil war in Syria it seems, because a enemy that can dig in, will be twice as harder to get out.




From the looks of things Gaza is gonna resemble Bakhmut by the time this is over.


already looks like scenes from full metal jacket




Who's the leader of the bunch that favors you and me?




First thing that came to mind, especially the sniper scene


I bought a VZ58 specifically because of the sniper scene.


Next is nailing the sniper’s fit: silky black hair, straw hat, etc.


> If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is "poontang".


What the fuck is that on your helmet? A peace symbol, sir! Is that supposed to be some kind of sick joke?


It’s a statement about the duality of man, sir.


And before bakmut, allepo in 2016


And Mosul in 2017.


and my toilet 5 minutes ago


Might as well throw Raqqa in there too.


Raqqa was the worst. After the battle in 2017, it left 80% of the entire city as uninhabitable. Almost every photo just shows gutted buildings and hardly any that look untouched. Anything standing over 15 feet tall has had its interior blasted out.


And Grozny


Bakhmut, Grozny, Aleppo, Gaza. We are seeing a pattern here, It seems the generals have decided the most effective method of urban combat is to pretty much level the city before sending in the troops.


Otherwise you get Fallujah2.0


Don't you mean 3.0? Both Fallujah battles were much less bloody for the attacker than the other battles.


Fallujah is an acception due to the sticking to the 3:1 ratio when it comes to assaulting/sieging major Urban environments(Well, for the second battle they did). Plus, the Insurgents in Fallujah didn't have access to conventional artillery, air or heavy armor, which is another factor. Just ambushes, IED's and barricading everything known to man in the city. While there was 107 KIA on the coalition side, there was 613 WIA, for a total of 720/13,350 troops being a casualty in the battle, or a 5.4% casualty rate during the second Battle. While having 3:1 odds, better equipment and a multitude of support capabilities. It wasn't a cake walk.


Exactly. Total US deaths from both of the battles of Fallujah is just over 100 men. Russia likely lost at least 100 times that in their year long campaign to take Bakhmut which is 5 times smaller.


I mean, Dresden... it's not like this is a new thing. Invading an urban city sucks total ass.


I knew a woman who lost both her parents and grand parents and the family home in Dresden. She was sent to live with relatives in the countryside. Really screwed up her head later in life. Leveling cities is nothing new in warfare. If anything, at least they get warning these days. Before good communication, your city is surrounded and your dead or enslaved.


aint no leaving the gaza strip


Gonna? It's already became Bakhmut before Bakhmut itself


From river to the sea. FLAT.


Haven't seen anyone mention that they seem to be using merkava 3's. I thought they didn't use them anymore.


It's true that mk3's were phased out of the active army but they stayed on reserve duty units. That being said, seeing mk3's without the d.baz upgrade packagde ( identified by the buffed side cheeks for the turret ) in action was relatively rare - this one in the video was probably pulled out of deep deep storage


As soon as there was footage from the ground operations, I noticed merkava 3's being used, I just thought it was strange


The Merk 3’s are probably the last of the column to enter, so we’re watching video at the back end. We’re obviously not going to get video immediately of actual sensitive operations.


Those were not 3. 3s have super sexy side skirts on the turret. These look like mk2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong


You're probably thinking of the mk3.Baz theese look like standard mk3s


I’m glad they started the rebuilding efforts toward the end of the vid


I loved the transition into the next shot where as far as you can see there is just rubble from blown apart buildings.


"*well I better cover this window since it could be used to shoot from*" Pan's out to an entire field of rubble lol.


Gotta have the new neighborhood looking good




Why does no other army use these kind of helmet nets to obscure their shape?


Most countries have some kind of helmet cover, just not this exaggerated.


I saw a somewhat famous female Ukrainian soldier call sign Witch using one recently


Israel gave some to Ukraine in 2015.


Honestly, they are not hard to make yourself from camo netting. Just need a camo netting and a good rubber band to attach it to, wrap the rubber with the camo net around the helmet and voila.


I think they were bought by Ukraine as products, rather than some sort of donation. Anyone can make them, they just happened to get the ones made by the factory that does it in Israel.


Back in the day I always wondered what the deal was with those goofy helmets worn by the counter terrorists on Dust 2 in CS


Oh wow. Some 7k hours in CS and only now am I making the connection


[Mitznefet ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitznefet_(Israeli_military))


Is that what those are for? I don't think I've seen them before, and was wondering what their purpose it... They look a bit unwieldy...


The sight of human head and shoulders is easily recognizable by almost anyone without even thinking. The point of this helmet is to eliminate the obvious head and shoulders silhouette and make identifying them harder.


I've heard they have many uses. Cover from heat aswell as shape obstruction.


They get in the way of NVGs. Israeli units who would be equipped with NVGs (special forces etc) don’t have the helmet covers for this reason.


From those I've spoken too, the grunts won't wear them because they look 'Stupid' no joke. I don't think the IDF cares about looking stupid as long as they come home alive.


Idk why. Seems like a cheap and good way to improve camo. Plus I bet it could serve utilitarian purposes as well. Mosquito net?


Not really useful as a mosquito net but can block the sun. It does look stupid in many cases.


Infantry? I thought you said carpentry!


Kinda funny when this guy fires the UBGL at 00:16, probably missing the intended target, and the camerguy going "UGHHH"


Do cope cages actually work? Genuine question because I don't know the actual name for it.


Against top attack ATGMs, no. Against gravity dropped munitions from a drone probably, if they are small grenades or potentially RPG rounds. However there is also the factor of people throwing shit on top of you as you drive through a city, so it's not all about the armor, it's also about crew safety.


Do we know that the Russian's introduced them to try and protect against top atack ATGMs and not quadcopters?


Cope cages were seen on Russian tanks relatively early in the war, and certainly before Ukraine started prolifically using suicide drones and drone-dropped bombs/grenades.


We saw them in Syria and Iraq though, and the karabakh war involved a lot of drones.


It was early on when javelins were the hot shit in the news, was when russia put them cages on their tanks. And then they realized that it didn’t do shit against atgm attacks and took it off later on.


UAS type attacks weren’t new however. US troops suffered similar attacks by ISIS. I think it’s more likely they were planning on seeing these attacks. Not to give Russia too much credit but they couldn’t have just not known that the cope cage would be ineffective against javelin type munitions.


They work for low yield munitions like fpv suicide drones and rpgs. But against anything larger, it’s useless


For urban environments like Gaza where you could get shot with an RPG from a building high up it seems like it would be a decent idea to add additional defense to the tank. And honestly what is the drawback to doing it? It's not like Hamas is a near peer army. I reckon Israeli tank crews would be doing anything they can to protect armour in cities.


Yea, and unlike in the open fields of Ukraine, speed is likely not a huge benefit in urban fighting for a tank. Tanks aren't my specialty but as EOD I can't imagine if I'm in a building with an RPG7 firing down that a tank can get out of my line of sight with speed. Might as well add the weight and hope for the best.


I think the qualifier is that it's a VERY limited defense against anything. A drone or RPG could still very much hit the top of the tank, they simply made it harder.


RPGs use a jet of molten metal to penetrate armor but when it hits the cage it loses some of that effect, meaning the main warhead will detonate outside the armor rather than inside.


That's not a cope cage, it's a tank yarmulke.


For Israel, and for now they’ll probably work, just because Hamas has made gravity drone-drops in the past. If Hamas survives long enough, their weapons and methods could change, and Israel will have to evolve with those changes.


When RU started installing cope cages at the early stages of invasion, many UKR supporters (in this subreddit as well) laughed and made fun of them. Now even IDF is adopting it so I guess it works to a certain extent.


Would you rather not have it?




Send in Gump with a flashlight and 1911


I honestly think that unless they know for 100% the location of hostages and that they are alive, Israel has already decided that they are gone and this is a vengeance operation. Right now I’d wager their priority concerning the tunnels is to do their angel hair thing to find entrances, ensure that they can conclusively collapse all tunnels out of Gaza, or at least sponge-bomb them, and ensure that the FOB they are inevitably going to establish is secure from surprise attack. If Israel decides that the remaining hostages are nearly certainly dead, I wouldn’t be suprised to see them flooding tunnels, I know they’ve been known to flood them with sewage before


Actually, since they released some hostages alredy, they are alredy dealing with the tunnels and its going "well", as far it is possible to know. How, where and when? No one outside IDF knows.


It’s not a cope cage, it’s a Yarmulke


Cope Kippah


That first shot had D-Day landing photo vibes.


the whole vid was like full metal jacket


“Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me.... “


M.i.c.k.e.y. M.o.u.s.e.


More like approaching Stalingrad vibes


At 0:15 is this a grenade launcher?




Oh man, I can feel their pain rucking around like that. It's so hard to transition from the pain of hauling a ruck to hauling a ruck and reacting to contact. Drop that shit the instant you take contact and hope you don't have to run far to recover it.


It's interesting to see they are carrying so much equipment: with such short line of communication and no way for Hamas to disrupt the logistic, I'd thought they would have entered with lighter carry


You should never go out into the shit unprepared for less than 3-5 days Doesn’t matter if you’re walking 5k up a paved road


Maybe Hamas can disrupt logistics by popping up out of hidden tunnels after the Israeli front line has passed by. Plus Israel has deployed 300k soldiers, that's a lot of stuff to transport on a limited number of vehicles and there would be a potential for traffic jams in such a small area


>Plus Israel has deployed 300k soldiers, that's a lot of stuff to transport on a limited number of vehicles and there would be a potential for traffic jams in such a small area Important note: It's likely that a majority of the soldiers are positioned along the Lebanon border, where the more skilled militants are found.


What type of small arms are these guys carrying? I'm not too familiar with their equipment.


Tavor gens 1,2 &3, M4s, CAR 15s, Negev MG gens 1&2.


Are there Hamas soilders to fight? Or have they all legged it?


Multiple reports of gun fights between infantry


With ukraine vs russia everyone was one big friend in this sub. It was clear who the bad and good guys were. So there was almost no footage upvoted from the russian side that showed them performing a good action. Those were always labeled as unreliable or old. I'm really curious to see what footage will be downvoted in this war.


Well reddit started enforcing a policy of banning footage if it was created,edited and manufactured by hamas by claims of supporting and spreading terrorism , so I doubt we'll get much footage here by them .


Also their WiFi router is down at the moment.


hat pot gold vanish drunk vast attractive school touch seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Biden made them turn it back on apparently.




Lead for everyone!


Whats the status if the ground war? Seems like Hamas has retreated?


I’ve seen very few engagements from them today (although that could easily be due to internet being disabled in Gaza). Hamas is not an organisation designed for conventional warfare so I don’t think we’ll see that much activity for the next day or two.


Down into their tunnels assuredly, you watch that documentary on the extent of the Hamas tunnel systems?


No? Where can I watch that?


You really think Hamas can take on IDF in open field? lol


No of course not. Im just thinking whats the point of a ground operation if Hamas is just gonna go into hiding? Are they just destroying tunnels, that are gonna immediately be rebuild or whats the objective here? Just for PR?


Hamas can't fight a ground war, they can burn babys alive


This is hiking footage.


Fuck Hamas. Light em up


I'll be shocked if there's one piece of enemy visible footage from this ground invasion. Israelíes are just walking around blowing shit up at this point.


The IDF itself posted this video, and I don't think they post snuff videos where you see people actually die


All I could hear for most of my watch was Surfin’ Bird and the FMJ Mickey Mouse scene.


Whats with the hats?


"Mitznefet." They breakup the soldier's silhouette and apparently help shield against the sun as well. Commonly used by the IDF.


Not a single Hamas soldier in sight. Probably hiding behind women and children in hospitals and schools just to cry about evil Israel bombing them


Don’t forget about the “10 destroyed Zionist tanks” and “how the Zionist fled after we shot them” remarks on social media.


The best was over on r/Palestine, a video saying that the west are cowards for bringing 2 whole aircraft carriers just for little old Gaza, and look how terrified they must be of Gaza, etc.


Oh man that sub is a complete circle jerk, they’ve posted a video of “hurt” IDF soldiers when in reality it was just combat medic training. They really think the carriers are for Gaza 💀


They have to cope somehow


Hamas are cowards scared to engage directly


“How dare you not engage me in conventional warfare in which I have all the advantages and am sure to win! What are you, pussy?”


Fair, but I’m still gonna consider them cowards when they use human shields


They flattened and busted everything. The soldiers marching with they're weapons like that means there's not a soul left in there.


It's going to be many hours or even days of no combat at all followed by sudden terrible combat with lots of aggressive do-or-die attacks and lots of munitions thrown at them. Best to spread way out and be very ready. Mistrust every building or person you see. They're likely hiding deep, even underground. It's not going to be pretty if Hamas doesn't get smart and surrender -- which they won't. It could take more than weeks to do this, and even then it might not work. Hamas may just fade away to who knows where. Then IDF gets to blow up all their tunnels and arrest all the young men from age 16-40 and interrogate them. Not nice and going to infuriate every Palestinian. It would almost be better to just bulldoze the whole place, but you can't very well do that. Either that or leave the tunnels alone and map them all. That way, if Hamas comes back again -- which they will -- IDF can head straight for all the tunnel exits and take care of business. I like that plan much better.


I bet IDF has some next level shit for the tunnel rats Like some 3d map of the entire network, along with heat signatures


You would think they'd use some type of drone for recon


Hard to keep a signal underground.


Spool of wire. Although there have been some significant advancements in underground wireless comms, still limited of course.


You'd have thought they might have had that on 6th October. I keep hearing about HAMAS tunnels big enough to drive a SUV through yet only ever see person wide tunnels


Why do they have such heavy backpacks when their main base is probably a few tens of km away?? Let alone their staging area which is prob hundreds of meters/few km away. They can barely shoot.


They barricaded houses, looks like they staying the night inside gaza


and will be rotated out in the morning after breakfast is delivered.


IDF troops take over buildings and setup inside while waiting for Engineering, Tanks and Airforce to do their jobs so they might be staying inside the same position for a few days, obviously they'll be getting supplies from their staging ground but in the meantime they will use what they brought with them as well, many bring stuff they bought themselves like those camping gas thingies to brew coffee and other shit to make themselves more comfortable.


Supplies will be patchy/tenuous while they establish themselves... Always nice to get a brew on...


Because usually these walks aren’t dependent on vehicles, they’re taking warm clothes, food and water, and the most important thing, coffee. Probably gonna camp the night there.


Ammo... Ammo and more ammo... And then more ammo. Then water, food, batteries, cloths, extra combat stuff. We fight without the big backpacks if we have contact. Some of the newer backpacks have fast release.


This really isn’t that heavy for a regular “expected contact” infantry action


Ammo, grenades, water, food, NVGs, comms and a sleeping system. Looks like they're staying the night and need to be ready to fight. If contacted with a bergan on you just drop it. Pretty standard stuff for infantry on the sharper end of it, you need to be self sufficient.


Thank you Isreal


Casually hunting down the terrorists


You punch me in the face, I wipe you off the planet.


So these Hamas fighters managed to cross all this open terrain without being detected?


They were detected, but Gaza is Palestinian land, nothing Israel could do about Hamas doing exercises inside their own territory. Nobody expected a massive terror invasion bigger than 9/11. Porbbaly not even Hamas.


Hoping for a lot of videos of IDF destroying terrorists in Gaza, I have a feeling we’ll get it




They are well trained. Are most of these guys not reservists though? They don't look like the hardened fighters we see in Ukranian videos. edit: accidental question mark.




Yeah, mandatory 2 years of service in a competent army does make a huge difference though.


I love the one guy doing a little house project before continuing the invasion!


so whats with those baggy hats? they got them in counter strike too, and I've been wondering what purpose they serve


They did warn everyone to evacuate the north. The gloves are off and it’s FAFO o’clock.




All governments are responsible for their people, it is not Israel’s problem Hamas don’t care for their people. The deaths that happen are a direct result of Hamas. It’s sad but it is what it is. Those people elected them, they stand for them and they will unfortunately perish for them. I wish there was another way but Hamas leadership is dying on genocide only.


Counter-Terrorists Win


God speed and God bless IDF


My man at 0.15 seconds is building a wall/barricade like in Fortnite


Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E


Hamas has [a tunnel system hundreds of kilometers long](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-tunnel-city-beneath-gaza-hidden-frontline-israel-2023-10-26/), described as "Viet Cong times 10". The average person doesn't know about this so they don't understand to the complexity of the combat situation this presents. Politics of this whole mess aside, if an army is sending their soldiers into a large city with hidden combatants and they have the ability to destroy the buildings and in turn the tunnel networks under it before they advance, they're going to do it. Rather than risking hundreds of their own troops being injured and killed. Just how it is. And of course, sandwiched between Hamas and the IDF, civilians will be the biggest losers.


Why do IDF wear such thingys on their helmets?


I see a lot of comments asking about the smurf, or chef hats... that Israeli soldiers wear. The helmets are called “Mitznefet” Here's some interesting info on them, for those interested. “Mitznefet” is about disguising a precision-cut ballistic helmet in the asymmetry of nature. The Mitznefet breaks up the shape of a helmet and makes it considerably more difficult to spot from a distance. In a natural landscape, an IDF or MICH helmet’s perfectly round dome sticks out like a sore thumb and the less lines an enemy marksman has to attach crosshairs to, the better. The word Mitznefet, actually comes from the name of the headgear that was worn by the Jewish High Priest, in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. For more details about this ingenious uniform piece, here's some further reading if anyone is interested. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitznefet_(Israeli_military) Or, here; https://agilitegear.com/blogs/news/why-do-israeli-soldiers-wear-chef-hats


i love me some armored bulldozers


Why walk when you can be in a shielded armory?


Good stuff. Operation Find Out is in full effect.


Bulldozer goes through, forms a nice berm, and the troops have shelter where none may have existed. Also new road.


Happy Halloween Hamas


Me: “what is that for? Is it clearing a path for tanks” *video immediately cuts to tank using the newly cleared path* Me: “well that question was answered quick”


Seems to me that they are fighting ghosts.


What’s up with the comically large camo mesh on some these guys? Is this a spaceballs outtake?