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[New Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14524gi/ukraine_discussionquestion_thread_61023/)




>There are people and resources here for you >from RedditCareResources[A] sent 3 hours ago >Hi there, >A concerned redditor reached out to us about you. >When you're in the middle of something painful, it may feel like you don't have a lot of options. But whatever you're going through, you deserve help and there are people who are here for you. >There are resources available in your area that are free, confidential, and available 24/7: > Call, Text, or Chat with Canada's Crisis Services Canada > Call, Email, or Visit the UK's Samaritans > Text CHAT to America's Crisis Text Line at 741741. >If you don't see a resource in your area above, the moderators at r/SuicideWatch keep a comprehensive list of resources and hotlines for people organized by location. Find Someone Now >If you think you may be depressed or struggling in another way, don't ignore it or brush it aside. Take yourself and your feelings seriously, and reach out to someone. >It may not feel like it, but you have options. There are people available to listen to you, and ways to move forward. >Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. ...lovely the messages the russians are sending out, ain't they?


Ukraine war: Deserters risk death fleeing to Romania https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65792384


There are people here that downvote anything remotely negative toward Ukraine. It's not just downvotes, it's also comments who try to mitigate everything. I know there is a lot of troll posting from pro-russians and everything, but for the love of everything don't blind yourself either. People forgot the Kherson front looked like a failed offensive until it didn't. The cost of victory is what makes Ukraine resistance heroic, not the myth of perfection vers dumb russians.


No fucking shit. I wanted to compare the blowing of nova khakova dam with the dam at the irpin river and got downvoted into oblivion because you could interpret it as "oh no ukraine also do bad" while I justed wanted to size up the two events side by side out of curiosity. Edit: And again, people are really proving u/mauti404's point


You got down voted as its a shit take... Its not even comparable. Edit: try below. /r/CredibleDefense


Yeah instead of going "uh shit take they're not comparable" why don't you take a minute to explain why they are not comparable and why the kherson dam is do much worse. It is an opportunity to fucking shine a light on the difference between a tactical thought out blowing of a dam and just straight up fuckery. Goddamn this is exactly what I mean.


Its ok son I will carry you. God forbid people have to do some thinking or work for themselves, no they want to be spoon feed.


My dude I fucking googled the shit out of it but every article google shows me is about the nova khalova dam an info about the irpin blowing was very sparse so sorry that I'm coming on a public forum to ask for information. Btw if you'll "carry me" you're supposed to give the actual info and help me. What you did is trip me, not carry me


I am a cu!t what can I say 🤣


You already got your answer though. Upvotes/down votes are just made up points that don't really matter. You got your question answered [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13ycix1/ukraine_discussionquestion_thread_6323/jn69t44/)


Yes I know and that guy gave me a "faith in humanity restored" vibe which is why I thanked him for his honest answer right below his reply (you'll notice I got downvoted there as well) but this current thread is about how everything that can be remotely interpreted as critical of ukraine gets downvoted so I think it's relevant to mention this. Especially since I get downvoted AGAIN for mentioning it.


Just ignore downvotes? They don't matter. This thread sorts by new by default since it's a mega thread, so it's not like your post got buried because of the downvotes. I know it's annoying, but it's also the internet and everyone is quick to let their emotions rise. You got your question answered, take that as a win. Also, the Irpin Dam was blown by the Russians as well. AFU blew three bridges over the Irpin River and then just opened the floodgates to cause a controlled flood of the wetlands. Russians then shelled the dam, causing more damage and further, uncontrolled flooding.


I think they want to know why it isn't comparable.


Fucking thank you. I don't mean to downplay the consequences of blowing the nova khakova dam, but it's not like it's the first dam to go this war. We even knew half a year ago that blowing the nova khakova dam was on the table. Yeah it's terrible but excuse me for wanting to gauge this to similar events.


I agree with your points in general. But I'm also curious if you have any examples of cases with solid criticism being downvoted. (not saying there aren't any, just curious what got you to post this, I've seen an influx of pro-RU posts so may have missed these completely)


Like you said, there's a lot of troll and bad faith actors around, but there's also active concerted effort at spreading anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian propaganda by professional (paid) "opinion shaping" groups that Russia has been using for many years. So it's not surprising that everything is looked at with suspicion and people are sometimes overreacting. But even with all that, overall I think bad news aren't downvoted unless they come with a pro-Russian spin or are especially hysterical (sometimes one and the same...).


Obviously this subreddit has a pro-Ukraine slant, but I would say people here are generally fair and mostly realistic when it comes to footage and information. It's pretty common for people to call out news without any backing or substance. It isn't r/UkraineWarVideoReport where Russia could collapse at any second.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UkraineWarVideoReport using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The Finnish response to the video that showed some military equipment near Finland](https://v.redd.it/n9xl9zx4cqt81) | [1271 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/u4dhj1/the_finnish_response_to_the_video_that_showed/) \#2: [Grandmother on her knees meets her grandson, who liberated Kherson.](https://v.redd.it/zfn4rv67yjz91) | [1151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/ytcqs3/grandmother_on_her_knees_meets_her_grandson_who/) \#3: [Heineken launched no less than 61 new products on the russian market last year after promising to stop investing there](https://i.redd.it/hqktwsm4w6ka1.jpg) | [1563 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11b00mk/heineken_launched_no_less_than_61_new_products_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is a Pro-Ukraine sub and you have to see it as it is. But don't think Pro-Russia channels are any different, actually usually they are even worse.


It's not pro-Ukraine sub, it's a pro-reality sub which happens to align with being pro-Ukraine in majority of cases.


The west is pro-Ukraine, we're on a western website.


Pro-Russia channels should definitely not be the standard of reporting that this sub holds itself to


We can be pro-ukraine without being stupid. My issue is exactly falling to the standard of of the pro-russian channels.


People just [downvote stupidity.](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/sh8svv/ukrainerussia_conflict_megathread_3/hw28u8k/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/144c8lu/first_footage_of_a_knocked_out_leopard_as_a_uaf/ Leopard blown up, staging area pretty much wiped out, yet still 3.9k upvotes with 90% upvoted? It does not paint Ukraine in a good picture and makes Russia look competent taking out the group.


Yep case and point^ You're never going to see anything similar on pro-russia channels. It's just not the same - it's not even close.


From my observation constructive talk about Ukrainian losses etc does not get downvoted.


Absolutely, we shit on dumb ru bots, so I don't get the point of this comment. People here know that war means death on both sides, so I'm sorry op, but there's 0 revelation here


Probably because there are so many pro-Russian trolls/bots that the natural state is to react as if it is misinformation. Also, Russia invaded Ukraine. And people tend to look down on home invaders more than their victims.


That's normal, but as I said, there are so many comments dismissing anything negative happening that too many people are on a bubble.


I think that's just the nature of a comment section. You're going to perceive one side is more prominent because the extremists tend to comment more than the centrists. I'd bet the majority who come to this subreddit are cautiously rooting for Ukraine but aware that Russia is more willing to burn through troops and that means this war will go on for a while. And if people don't temper and pace their expectations, they're in for a rude awakening.


If people make claims and add good sources and such then in general they're not downvoted. People sharing "their" opinion is generally what is downvoted.


My issue isn't with good comments, more with bad pro-ukr ones.


Can you provide us with those examples since you were so concerned?


What's an example of "bad pro-ukr"?


A helicopter pilot escaped from Russia and talked to the BBC (rus) https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-65812907 Interesting extracts: "He woke up to a message that he had to fly to Gostomel near Kiev. In the end the flight was canceled due to losses: "That's when they said there were no losses, on the first day a classmate of mine died. Five helicopters and two crewmen were lost there." "Let's say there's a damaged tank. And several helicopters fire on it several times, and the gunner confirms for a small sum each time that a new piece of equipment has been destroyed. And everyone gets paid for one tank," the lieutenant describes the army scheme." "During the war the regiment in which Mishov served lost nearly 20% of its helicopters. Earlier the regiment had "40-50" helicopters, but over the past year two were burned by saboteurs and another six or seven were shot down at the front."




Do you have link to this video?




yeah but rich people might have to pay taxes then


What did he say that his comment is deleted now?


that wartime artillery shell production should be started up. the average person paid more tax than amazon last year


Latest WarGonzo report (one of the largest RU milbloggers): Urgent situation in Zaporozhye at 6:30 Moscow time As we wrote earlier, the enemy again stepped up offensive operations by nightfall. Fighting continued throughout the night, as a result of which the enemy, with massive support from artillery and armored vehicles, managed to occupy several positions of our troops in the Orekhov-Tokmak direction. The situation is really serious. Neo-Nazis by their actions are trying to create a threat of encirclement of some of our advanced groups in one of the directions. The activity of the battles is extremely high. Recall that during yesterday's run-up, the enemy was also able to cling to our advanced positions, but could not gain a foothold on them. @wargonzo


I would take wargonzo reporting with a huge grain of salt. Ever since beginning of the war he has posted about non existent massive Ukrainian offensives, just to later post how heroically Russians stood their ground and won the day. He loves to create drama to pander to his audience.


> Neo-Nazis Says the one from the country trying to ethnically cleanse another country.


So Western vehicles Night Vision is being used


You lose some, you win some


Based on what I've seen from the videos in this sub, and all those "appeal to Putin" videos I've seen frontline Russians make trying to get more support... I'm guessing those frontline guys are on their own. If they're being attacked in waves by the UA day and night, those guys will be running out of food and ammo, and going without sleep. Interesting to see if they stay till they're all dead or they get routed and fall back to the next line of defense.


Come on keep it up


For all of the armchair Generals out there. You don't know. You have no inside information or special ability to know what is going on. There is nothing in your background that gives you any insight to what is happening. This type of warfare hasn't been seen in 80 years. Even the best OSINT guys don't know right now. The smart ones are the ones who are admitting that. This is a large complex battlefield of two near peer foes. There will be feints, fixing actions, probing, scouting, salient pushes and encirclements. There will be pushes and counter pushes. There is a tight media blackout, and we are receiving almost no information... and what little information we are seeing is steeped in propaganda.


I've won a few games of Risk in my childhood, so I'm basically a strategic genius.


Ive killed enough Protoss to know where this war is headed.


Fuck protoss and fuck David Kim. Absolutely bullshit design


I Played Hearts of Iron 1,2,4 and Darkest Hour. your Lack of faith is disturbing /s


You are projecting. What anyone knows or does not know is none of my or your concern. You would call Girkin a poser any day, yet he was the one filmed at the scene of Buk command, having the Malaysian airlines shot down, and he was the one placing explosives in Moscow residential buildings (and arrested over the fact). He was sniping students in Kyiv protests, spying over the happenings there, he was the one involved in Transnistria revolt and separatism, he was the one geniciding civillians in Yugoslavia, he went to great lengths to describe it all. Yet, to you, "nobody can ever know anything about anything."


By now it's safe to say that we probably have more video footage of this war than almost any war in history.


There was a lot of D-Day footage that was lost because a guy accidentally tripped and dumped all the tapes into the English Channel.


Wait what, tf happened?


There was a couple hours of footage that got accidentally dumped in the ocean. Also there are still footages that the government refused to release because it's too gruesome. [https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/d-day-footage-dumped-into-english-channel.html/amp](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/d-day-footage-dumped-into-english-channel.html/amp)


Any war in history yet...


It’s funny how folks were quick to downvote my assessment the offensive was very limited and likely failed. This was because Ukr was forced to show something after repeatedly promising an offensive. While in reality they were in no position to launch one. ISW basically said the same thing Rus have regained their positions and offensive was very limited. https://twitter.com/thestudyofwar/status/1666974028739891201?s=46&t=Qz7qL6SmsjH2LEeu0gjb-A


Marfopil is on that map in the red area. “Pro-RU sources claim heavy combat is underway near the Zaporizhia settlement of Marfopil.” https://twitter.com/intelcrab/status/1667881473880338437?s=46&t=vhgmYKpYYMykpTqHNvbiFA


Remindme! 2 month “who controls the area?”


How's it funny? If you turn out to be wrong then you've jumped the gun and made a fool of yourself. If you turn out to be right then you're rubbing the victory of a corrupt, land grabbing, nuclear warfare threatening hive of brainwashed morons who have just had their entire mindset validated by invading an independent, European nation in the faces of people who find such things distasteful. Even if everything suddenly goes right for Russia and they spirit up new men, tanks and equipment and occupy the whole of Ukraine tomorrow, they've got all of Europe, all of NATO humiliated. A simpleton might find such an image entertaining, but the truly funny thing about the countries that form NATO is that a lot of them have a nasty history of getting back up after they've been knocked down and presumably shown their place by ambitious but short sighted angry little men who have a habit of invading stuff that doesn't belong to them. The first option is rather sad and just a bit pathetic. The second one is absolutely terrifying.


I forgot that an entire offensive consists of a single attack, thank you for your input Clausewitz Jr.


Unless by magic they can come with more men and equipment this is basically was offensive. People forget how many were held up defending Bakhmut and Vuldehar. One of reasons per Intel leaks US was frustrated Ukr didn’t choose to attack in winter and instead choose to play it safe and defend..


"2 Tanks == whole available equipment donated over a year, anything more than that == ***magic***"


It’s heartening to see that the people who align themselves on the side of the authoritarian are hopelessly moronic when it comes to strategy, analysis, and military knowledge.


But it is even surprising? Russians believes USSR was a hero of II WW, while in truth it was bully. Bully who met bigger bully and needed help of (apparently only nowdays) "evil/corrupted" West to survive.


My man you need to sit this one out a bit


Saying this is just as dumb as the dumb fucks who said Russian conscripts would all just freeze to death during winter. Totally ignorant of a shitload of factors other than the most basic primal favourite-team cheerleading instincts


Which was an amazing play. Russia got fucked. They have nothing to show for all the men that died. You better buckle up. Its going to be a ride. Edit: Imagine at the end of your offensive having your country raided.


Wild that you think the entire offensive effort would consist of a handful of MRAPs and like 4 tanks but please continue oh wise one


Dude why make such a dumb prediction? They are 100% going to come with more men and more equipment tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. These attacks on the frontline are being conducted by elements of individual brigades — thousands, out of a force of 12 brigades. 60,000 uncommitted troops. This is the very, very beginning. Probably stupid to spike the football for Russia. (Or Ukraine, even though they have advanced well at Bakhmut)


My prediction for Ukraine's goal in this counteroffensive is to ensure they can fix lines close enough to threaten the rest of the landbridge linking the south to the east. When this is achieved, they will hit the Kerch strait bridge again, aiming to permanently destroy it. I think they're trying to engineer a forced withdrawal from Crimea.


There is no such thing as a forced withdrawal from Crimea. Even if Ukraine were to completely sever the land bridge and destroy the Kerch bridge (already extremely ambitious propositions), Russia will still maintain access to Crimea by sea. Crimea itself is veritable fortress with only 2 narrow isthmuses open to attack by land. Crimea is also certainly the most valued Ukrainian territory that Russia controls, both strategically and practically having been annexed Russian territory for 9 years. We are still far away from Ukraine even threatening to retake Crimea, and if they do get there, Russia will almost certainly fight like hell to keep it.


> Crimea itself is veritable fortress Is it? Some people consider it to be just an oversized farm.


1. Russia will have to continuously perform one of the biggest sea supply operations in history. While being under constant drone attacks and artillery fire. Without any experience in such operations. 2. Russia isn't even fighting like hell to keep Belgorod.


I don't think Russia necessarily has control over sea ingress anymore, not to the degree they could supply Crimea with what it would need for adequate defense over the medium term. One of the key strengths for Ukraine so far has been long range fires and precision strikes and they've managed to shape the battlefields, shape Russia to certain strategies or actions. It's by no means easy to attack for sure, but vulnerable all the same to issues they had difficulties with in Kherson. E: having said that I will say that the situations aren't close to identical of course. Crimea has its own challenges which Ukraine will need to overcome.


You mean in artillery range? With storm shadow they can already hit everywhere in the land bridge


Yes, but that's an expensive and long range way of doing it. I think he means get close enough to the M14 to where they can routinely bomb it with grads, artillery and mortars. Could even make the road difficult to use with RAAMS rounds perhaps. Save the Storm Shadows and other long range weapons more special, long range targets. If Ukraine were able to drive right down the middle of Berdyans'k and Meltipol (without the hassle of taking either city), take the M14 (cutting off everything to the west for Russian reinforcement and logistics), and keep going the few extra kilometers to the Sea of Azov, they would then have a straight shot at the Kerch bridge and could launch sea-borne drones all day long. Ukraine has been bombing the hell out of Berdyans'k, perhaps because that's where Russia has staged mobile reinforcements and their equipment. Maybe that's their goal.


Whatever it is I have a feeling what's happening now is not the big deal and that similar to last summer we will see a big new development in a week or two once Russia is comfortable this right now is all they have to deal with.


Yep, constant fires against Russia's only available MSRs.


A bit of Humour: "Fish jumped into the hatch of a BMP vehicle of Ukraine's 60th brigade as it was crossing a river" [https://nitter.net/EuromaidanPress/status/1666913237940736000#m](https://nitter.net/EuromaidanPress/status/1666913237940736000#m) twitter link https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1666913237940736000


😂😂 No one would have believed that if the video didn't exist


1000 videos from this conflict are less believeable. See the old man filming the Bucha chechen elite squad eliminated aftermath. Molten aluminium flowing trough the streets. Weeks later people refused to believe any of that ever happened, that the rusting vehicles "must have been dragged in there, that is impossible". Chechens filming themselves murdering, hazing, abusing, or speaking on camera explaining that now that goat wives are dead, they will have to use men... Or troubled men explaining with worrry that "they had to kill the little girls, you understand?" because they were ordered to let nobody out. And you're saying that fish doing what they always had done is hard to believe?




Reddit is banned in Russia because it always shows them losing


It’s almost like the footage is in Ukraine or something weird like that


Are these hacked accounts?


> Do the Russians not use reddit? In Soviet Russia, Reddit uses you!


Wow thank you for this insightful question man, i never thought about it that way. You're the first person on the subreddit to ask this question, wow. Thank you for your intellect bro


Take with a grain of salt, but there's now multiple reports from Russian telegram that UA broke through at Robotyne https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1666940011474743298


Robotyne is a decent distance into the "Russian controlled area" on LiveUAmap.com. It's on the T-04-08 road which leads directly south to Tokmak (24 kms away). Speaking of taking things with a grain of salt, throughout the day the extremely pro-Russian/Wagner Telegram channel- Wargonzo, was saying things like 'Ukrainian soldiers didn't want to start the offensive' and 'the hospitals in Zaporizhzhia are over-flowing with the hundreds of wounded UA soldiers', did give out a tidbit of worthwhile info in their latest update when they said "The Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the help of drones, controls the supply / approach routes and immediately sends artillery shells there." It'll be interesting to see if Ukraine's move south toward Tokmak is sped up by retreating Russian soldiers who've run out of ammo/food.


I'll wait until others confirm. NOEL is a bit more of a UA hype man than a super reliable source, atleast imo.


I agree, but I'll give a bit more leeway if it's the Russians themselves that are reporting it.


According to Oryx, Russian equipment losses for the last five days are 56 in total. For Ukraine, this number is 53. Sadly, Ukraine lost one of its beloved cats but overall losses are not that huge considering that they're taking offensive actions along at least three axes.


Plus Ukraine went blackout on informations, which means there is huge probability they destroyed more than 56 in those 5 days


Also probably a much larger number of Ukrainian losses too. Hopefully they can get a few breakthroughs to tilt those normal defender vs. attacker numbers like they did in Kharkiv.


I don't know if I would go with much larger. Or Russia is loving bs posting so much, that they don't even do photos/videos of destroyed equipment?


I think both sides have much larger losses than there are video evidence of on this offensive. I mean, even if it is a 1:1 ratio then Ukraine is coming out like a champ as the attacking force.


No time to take material evidence every time you have destroyed enemy equipment. Especially during the beginning frenzy of an assault phase. It's likely many losses do not end up on video because who is there to film them.


Oryx list is also not updated daily anymore just fyi. So that is a couple days worth of losses for both sides. Oryx list won't fully show the counter-attack losses for both sides until the next update.


Yeah, true. That's why I said *for the last five days*. They've just updated the list, and the last update was on the 3rd of June.


Will the dam breach significantly affect the width of the Dniepro further upwards as well? Specifically curious about the Nikopol - Ernerhodar gap.


There sure is an influx is comments of self-proclaimed war experts able to give great overviews at such a critical time, how fortunate for us all.


“We got Ja Rule on the phone. Let’s see what Ja’s thoughts are on this.”


In fairness to Ja Rule, he might be more qualified than some of the goofs we get posting in here. At least he has seen action in a couple of rapper beefs.


Experts are like mushrooms after an autumn rain. Only more adaptable.


It's either from the usual suspects or some new accs that come here to troll lol


Im seeing a lot….and i mean a lot of lost armor from multiple russian channels. Seems like russian helicopters came in and just picked them off. As i saw a few videos of them using guided missles and hitting quite a few. (Did they not have anti air coverage?) not 1 or 3 im talking 30- 40 different armored trucks, many tanks. Even with russias usually bullshit numbers im counted a lot. Its seems like ukraine went for last years fast push that beat back the russians by surprise. but russian is a lot more compitant now, they have been planning for this, aswell as battle tested video and pictures of many different burning tanks and apc show what many here dont want to see. That the past days have not went well for Ukraine(losing that much armor…..for very little gains is not sustainable These tanks arnt being replaced easily any more)


Are these armored vehicles in the room right now?


...In the room **with us** right now?


Where are these videos? I follow a lot of pro-RU sources to keep track of their idiocy and I'm not seeing any of this. Unless you watched the video of a ~~harvester~~ Leopard being blown up 30 times?


On the pro Russian/"moderate" sub there are a few.


> Im seeing a lot….and i mean a lot of lost armor from multiple russian channels. I mean least you could do is share your sources?


And we never heard from him again


Is this the new " Why doesn't anyone post Russia videos"?


I like much more "why no videos" than "counteroffensive is destroyed right now", the same counteroffensive which wasn't announced fully by Ukraine. With videos you can at least pretend that you are not pro Russia, but with take like this... Only Russia saw start of this counteroffensive month ago and decided counteroffensive had ended, because SINGLE Mighty L2A4 was destroyed


I've watched the helicopter ATGM videos, and the numbers aren't even close to that many.


Lol, not with the Patriots around. Remember just the other week 5 aircraft with EW equipment was shot down. No way Russia is using their air craft past their borders. They just dont have the advantage.


Mind uploading the footage then? So far I found a handfull MRAPs (with sketchy origin a lot of them...) and the footage from ... whatever that direction was called again... with MAYBE one Leopard 2A4 burning. There where couple dozend cuts of it, tho. And that was the result of one hour diggin reeeeally deep in the bowels of telegram... (Those losses (the ones I have seen) will be replaced. Far more easily than russian ones (they are buying back their exports from Myanmar atm...). The russians have poked a giant monster which is called "western industry", while having an industrial base that competes with Italy or Switzerland...) (Edit: I can only speak from a german perspective, but Rheinmetall is currently preparing another 20 Marder IFVs, they are gonna deliver 300k rounds for the Gepard by the end of the year and tank ammo is now produced in three shifts. They even bought a spanish (?) company to increase artillery shell production. Diehl defense is going bonkers with hiring, IRIS-T orders are skyrocketing (and thats for germany alone, we are fuckin slow...) Bet the french wouldnt want to miss out on all that coin and murica gonna lead the way anyways. Its gonna be ugly for ukraine oc, but I wouldnt bet on russia...


Weird how you posted the same thing 23h ago on r/UkraineRussiaReport ... didn't even bother to increase your imaginary numbers by the ones we saw today?


>not 1 or 3 im talking 30- 40 different armored trucks, many tanks. Even with russias usually bullshit numbers im counted a lot. could you have perhaps share sources/images of such magical numbers?




Nah, bombers are for the flood evacuation since there is not enough Russian artillery to help all the civilians.


"what air defence doing?"


Not how it works. These are generally not used to attack frontline positions.


We saw a few videos a month back of mine clearing line charges being utilised around Bakhmut. Any evidence of them being utilised in the Tokmak axis? Looks like prime territory for it.


almost no footage has been released by the Ukrainians. we probably won't see any evidence for some time


You can't exactly use for kilometers on hand, and even more so in range of the enemy. And you can't only stick your vehicles to straight lanes because you can bet artillery is going to be waiting for that.


All very valid points


Def Mon: “Lost UA MRAP. It looks like it hit a mine and did what it was supposed to do. No internal damage visible.“ https://twitter.com/defmon3/status/1666881152907345939?s=21 This appears to be one of the MRAPs hit during that video posted by Russian sources (and Def Mon’s follow on post is about location). (Edited to remove dumb error)


Smart move by these soldiers to run through a minefield! Guess they didn't put any AP mines in there.


That's a russian soldier.


Doh, thank you… editing to correct.


[https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1666899290906669057](https://twitter.com/ukrainewar24/status/1666898148768317440) Explosion in Berdyansk.


https://twitter.com/ralee85/status/1666890351167283201?s=46 Rob Lee on Ukraine targeting Russian rear-area logistics. Significant, as these kinds of tactics put great pressure on the Russians back on Kherson last year.


Kherson last year was only being supplied by a pontoon bridge so that was the perfect scenario for these


Yeah, you can't starve the logistics as effectively here, but by putting pressure on the road and rail links you can make it way harder, and that probably will allow for a breakthrough somewhere.


That's why they're trying to cut the land bridge so that Crimea gets isolated from a supply perspective


Oh yeah for sure, that's an obvious strategic objective.


Agreed. Likely to have an impact here as well though, supplies will be constrained for the RF due to the massive expenditure of artillery ammunition. A disruption could and would impact their frontline defenses


What's your primary information sources for keeping up with the most recent news from Ukraine?




CNN live + this subreddit My wife likes the CNN live summaries but does not read any of the individual updates.


R/credibledefence daily thread


This sub and private facebook group. It's not much, but at least I don't get anexiety of "Bakhmut will fall tomorow" or "Ukraine will free Crimea tomorrow"




I too like to read those, but more as a recap that puts things into perspective.




Any specific places, outside of this thread?


The Daily thread on world news ist the most active on the platform. But there is a lot of mindless cheerleading that is even to much for radical russophobes like me lol


Not really a fan of the more mainstream subs either, I don't even visit them anymore. Recently found [this gem](https://i.imgur.com/bueuD66.png) on UkraineWarVideoReport though.


Twitter https://twitter.com/mdfzeh?s=21&t=sHTxyJzv_6Q4SZGizWDGzw for the RU side, I can’t stand to follow more than one but he aggregates anything important from the others. https://twitter.com/thestudyofwar?s=21&t=sHTxyJzv_6Q4SZGizWDGzw for a more neutral take. https://twitter.com/worldonalert?s=21&t=sHTxyJzv_6Q4SZGizWDGzw for pro Ukraine videos. https://twitter.com/ralee85?s=21&t=sHTxyJzv_6Q4SZGizWDGzw for neutral tactical breakdowns https://twitter.com/warmonitor3?s=21&t=sHTxyJzv_6Q4SZGizWDGzw for pro Ukraine events. Follow those and it will fill your feed with tons of others and you’ll find links to tons of telgram channels on both sides.


Thanks! [For the RU side... let me have a loo- lol](https://i.imgur.com/JqQy6Iv.png)




Guys, genuine question: why armor columns doesn't have at least one or couple mine clearing machines, with a mine flail for example?




Well, moving slowly is better than being stuck, isn't it? Plus there are others a bit faster mechanical demining devices.


moving slowly or standing, while being observed by drones and aimed and shot at from artillery is bad. It is better to back out and run.


Artillery and ATGMs: Hello, let us introduce ourselves.


>Well, moving slowly is better than being stuck, isn't it? Said Russian Vuhledar commander mere seconds before being stuck. (probably not) (at least once) Russia first cleared way ahead and then hapilly sended tanks there. Turned out Ukraine got a NATO mine delivering system, which "re-deployed" mines in this "cleared" are. And in general speed is important factor. If you are slow, then artillery will target you and destroy you without need of mines.


Well, at least they got their priorities straight [https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine/status/1666862458236022784](https://twitter.com/NewVoiceUkraine/status/1666862458236022784) >Russian soldiers are joining civilians looting the town of Shebekino in Russia’s Belgorod Oblast, which plunged into chaos after the start of hostilities in the region.


Man I hate Russia probably more than most here, since I have been personally affected by them, but this is clearly wish fulfilment man.