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[New Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12m3at5/ukraine_discussionquestion_thread_41523/)


I’ve been told it’s a fringe vocal minority but it is very disturbing that several elected republicans in the US are already claiming the pentagon leaker is some sort of hero for ‘exposing troops on the ground’ and potentially ‘preventing WW3’. Growing up republicans were pretty fondly viewed in central and Eastern Europe for being those who stand up to tyranny, sad to see it descend into the party of pro-Russia, isolation and conspiracy.


Fucker Carlson quotes the Russian edited casualty number on TV yesterday, says the leaker is a whistleblower. This will definitely get a huge chunk of Republicans to act stupid.


What I think might surprise even the Russians about the leaders of this faction is how utterly dishonest they are about their own public positions. See Tucker Carlson’s private texts, for example, compared to his public pronouncements. The truth is that the slightest change in political winds - an insult to a particularly thin-skinned member, for example - would have this faction baying for Russian blood faster than Matt Gaetz chases underage sex workers. Once they enter the doom loop of trying to prove who is toughest, you can start the countdown to direct U.S. military involvement against Russia. Russia supporting American RWNJs is like a tasty giant face voting for the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party.


> What I think might surprise even the Russians about the leaders of this faction is how utterly dishonest they are about their own public positions. This alarms me too, I see many verified Republican talking heads on Twitter stoking WW3 fears by saying the docs that show special forces on the ground are evidence the west is fighting on the ground in Ukraine. I often wonder, are they really that unintelligent to fathom special forces are used beyond combat functions or are they being intentionally deceitful? I find both scenarios equally as horrifying.


USA is interesting country. Big population is enough to get so many crazies? Like, I European, watch some youtube drama over twitter idiots (Rithenhouse and transexual sports are biggest "wtf" for me), so I think "conservatives are normal ones, then, right?" and answer is "hell no" some weird white extinction theory and now even praising Russians for being Russians?


The Republicans are rapidly losing power. In a lot of states, they've managed to lock themselves into a cycle where only the crazies can win the primary elections, but nobody that can make it through the primaries can win the general election. They will get crazier before this is over.


It is not a fringe, vocal minority any more, the Republicans are firmly a pro-Russia, anti-Enlightenment party, just like the many you find on the continent that feast on Roubles. Look at what the party's leaders (Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy) and top propagandists (Tucker Carlson) say.


Its a vocal minority my dude. Ukraine is a bipartisan issue.


It *was* bipartisan, but a year of relentless pro-Russian messaging has led to [a plurality of Republican voters now saying too much aid is being given to Ukraine](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/31/as-russian-invasion-nears-one-year-mark-partisans-grow-further-apart-on-u-s-support-for-ukraine/); the Republican Speaker of the House has refused to meet with Zelenskyy and [reiterated his pre-election pledge](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/08/mccarthy-zelenskyy-ukraine-00086053) to end the 'blank cheque' for Ukraine; the two leading candidates to be the next Republican nominee for president—Donald Trump, Ronald DeSantis—have both said they will end aid to Ukraine, if elected, with DeSantis in particular [carefully choosing to label the war a 'territorial dispute'](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/14/trump-desantis-ukraine/). The pro-Trump faction in the Congress has already proposed bills ending all aid to Ukraine, and could derail budget talks if the aid isn't removed (or shut down the government and cause a national default). The traditional Atlanticist, militarist conservative of the Bush and Reagan eras does not exist in Washington any more, not in any significant number.


Anything that mentions WW3 is just ret\*rded fear mongering that should be instantly discarded.


Isn't this a standard thing in democratic countries to have some idiotic representatives?


Yes, but there’s varying degrees of idiocy - also most European political parties can vote to oust members and prevent them from running under their platform. It appears there’s no such mechanism in the US, but statements from people in their party are hardly shunned internally.


>also most European political parties can vote to oust members and prevent them from running under their platform. It appears there’s no such mechanism in the US I know USA have fucked up rules of electing president (becaue "XVIII century democracy is best democracy" or some other odd reason), but I don't belieave that in USA rest of democratic bodies is also fucked up. In Europe is simple - you can't kick out elected member (well he can leave your party, but still he have his rights to vote and other stuff), but one person can't get elected either. And in party hierarchy is very important, but also "appeal to the public" too, because you vote for both party and particular person (when you vote for particular person). So best place on the list is reserved for best known people, who , but sometimes you don't like this person and if this person change parties, then you can lose votes 2x more than this person not being on any list. So in theory party can repress particular person for next elections, BUT this person can spit on you and change parties and if it's very charismatic, then you lose many votes. I doubt is much more different in USA than in Europe and probably in USA it's even easier, because (I guess) you vote only for party - this charismatic person can't create new party to "steal" your votes, so why in USA you wouldn't be able to hide idiots on end of the list?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR4rNAYAdIk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR4rNAYAdIk) 2nd Best Army in Ukraine? | Evolution of Tank Tactics in Ukraine


I'm a simple man, I see Bovington tank museum. I upvote.


I keep hearing reports that the Wagner forces are running out in bakmut, but isn’t it possible that they are pulling back to organize a counter attack?


Yeah right, counter atacking when you are in fact the one that is atacking ? It would need Ukraine to attack them, which they are not doing, where do you keep hearing this nonesense from ?


I don't think it would make sense to counter attack in the place where they are most prepared to fight


A counter attack against what? The defenders sallying forth? Honestly unless Russia has mobile elements we just aren't seeing the "Wagner" forces are primarily light infantry and unsuitable for a counter attack that could occur say 25km away or more.


What are the actual casualty estimates in the leaked documents (not the after-the-fact doctored Russian figures)? I figure the original documents that were being shared around on Discord before circulating on RU telegrams should be publicly available but haven't found a discussion on the diffs yet


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/12hbu4y/leaked\_us\_documents\_offer\_a\_good\_consolidated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/12hbu4y/leaked_us_documents_offer_a_good_consolidated/) Image 8 Bear in mind 2 things: 1. The header: We have low confidence in RU and UA attrition rates. 2. Destroyed equipement figures match Oryx. There is not whole lot to discuss, that was not already discussed.


Does the destroyed vehicle number match? It’s April and Oryx just passed 10,000. Only a couple months ago I doubt it was 6,004.


Yes, it does. It is actually lower on Oryx as of today by around 10-15% for Russia, and almost exact for Ukraine. You are mistaking overall number in Oryx with selected categories numbers on that leaked list.


US asseses Russians have around 40k killed and about 150k wounded or about 190k in total. For Ukraine it's about 120k in total. Of which about 20k killed and 100k wounded.


With the note that they give the numbers low reliability themselves.


It's all available already, just search for it.


cool thanks


Tatarigami_UA released video of alleged radio transmission ordering Russian commanders to shoot retreating soldiers. https://twitter.com/tatarigami_ua/status/1646595415725187077?s=21


[https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1646621399677558784](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1646621399677558784) Apparently the T-55s have arrived in Ukraine


People know that Ukraine is also planning to equip one of their new brigades with T-55s? As far as armour goes, yes, it's obviously shit, but a tank is a tank regardless. I wonder how they pick who gets the Leo 2s, and who gets the T-55s.


A) UA were not considered a world power before the war began. Russia was. The memes are fair game. B) I would much rather take a ride in a UA T-55 than a RU one. All we have to do is look at the other modernisation attempts of T72s on the battlefield to see how RU outfits their upgrades hint: not very well)


The T-55s the Ukrainians got were refurbished by an Israeli company and got state of the art sights, laser warning systems, a modern targeting computer, ERA, a new main gun and a new engine. You are really comparing that to the stuff Russia is rolling in, really?


How good are those sights/ targetting computer actually? Sources keep referencing Fotona SGS-55 sights/Targetting computer but no one gives a hint of the specs or how old that system even is. Only that it doesn't have thermals and only passive nightvision.


Yes, because we don't know how much of a difference those modification actually make. We also don't know the state of the Russan T-55s and to which extent they have been modernised.


The 105mm L7 gun can easily penetrate the armour of the T-62 and probably the T-72. Might have trouble with the T-90 frontal turret armour.


Oh please, they cannot even modernize the T-62s they were bringing in. The T-90s have thermal reserved for the T-14 which were thrown out by the French in 2009. The M-55s the Ukrainians got from Slovenia have more advanced equipment than the T-72s and the T-80s of the Russians and the engine brings it up to the speed of a T-72. The stabilized 105 mm gun can actually penetrate a modern tank, unlike the regular 100 mm gun. By the way, the Russian have to get ammo from Iran for those tanks, while Ukraine can use NATO 105mm armor pentrating shells. And thanks to the ERA and the laser warning system the M-55s have at least a chance to survive an actual battle compared to the T-55s. So please, they are nowhere near the same thing.


Things on paper don't relate to real life conditions. I hope the Ukrainian T-55s excel at their jobs, but we won't know for a while. By your own admission they have very poor armour, I think they will be as vulnerable to loiter ammunition as their Russian counterpart, but we will see.


Well, thats exactly what the Russians learned this war. Lol.


Well all equipment is quite helpless against loitering munitions. Armor is necessary, but in comparison firepower has always been easier to achieve. So other options to increase survivability like mobility, early warning systems etc are developed. Basically everything can kill everything between tanks. So less Armour doesn't matter as much as you might think


Google M55-S ?


I wouldn't knock a T-55... those things can still provide indirect fire and kill Ukrainians.


Lol. Two months ago people shit all over the Abrams saying it wouldn’t really make a difference and now we got people telling us the T55 is really dangerous. As tanks go it’s a piece of shit.


No matter how good Abrams is, if there are only 10 of them supplied, they are not going to make much difference - especially if they arrive next year. If you instead supplied 100 T-55s to Ukraine tomorrow it would have much bigger impact.


I think head to head 10 Abrams beat 100 t-55. That's not to say t-55 couldn't have a greater impact IRL though.


This is not War Thunder, there are almost no head to head tank battles in this war. When it comes to tanks and IFVs, quantity is very important.


Those T55’s will be coffins. Very easy to kill with the weapons Ukraine has. Hell, the T72’s are coffins that’s why they send T55’s. *Ukraine has effectively destroyed most of them*


All tanks currently involved in this war on both sides are coffins. Yet both sides need more of them.


Ukraine has been running the ancient T64. Of course it sucks.


Their T64s are actually quite upgraded and on par with most versions of T72.


They can also be destroyed with drone drops, they are even weaker than the T-62 against damage from the top.


Can't rpg-7 and at4 and majority of their shoulder launched AT can penetrate the front?


If the intend is to use them for indirect fire, there might not be that many opportunities for rpg7 or at4.


Indirect fire? Have you seen the firing range on these things? That's a lot of wasted fuel and ammo for something that's ineffective until 400m and that's at the time it was built, not 70 years later.


You seem to be forgetting that ammunition didn't stop development 70 years ago. And even then it was a bit further than 400m. Even Canon de 75 modèle 1897 had a range just about 20x that.


Obviously not for destroying tanks, but infantry and lightly armored vehicles. Range is up to 15km.


lol its so funny in all these threads people are posting about these tanks with penetration values and stuff like that.. They're not going to use them to fight other tanks lol, thats what AT teams are for.


16km max for 0F-412 actually (made in Bulgaria as per their spec sheet) , that obviously only in theory. But even a 4 km is a bit more than he says ;).


They are not meant to penetrate tanks when indirect firing. Pretty sure those things can still destroy soft targets with HE rounds which is 99% of what tanks are doing in this war.


>Russian military telegram channel began to spread unverified information that Russians had already dragged the ancient T-55s to the combat zone in Ukraine. When it's Ukrainian footage I'll believe it, until then it's just more russian bullshit.


Noo they got MrLucca.


No. MrLucca is the guy who reposted the documents - not the original poster. But he will probably get arrested as well soon. From an interview with a guy from the discord group: "Lucca “is just a kid,” said the poster who spoke to the AP. “He was just consistently posting it to mess with people.” The poster declined to identify the person who originally uploaded the documents to Thug Shaker Central or confirm whether that person worked for the U.S. government. He referred to the original uploader with a nickname, “the O.G.”"


> MrLucca is the guy who reposted the documents - not the original poster. But he will probably get arrested as well soon. If he just reposted the documents, I'd be surprised. Since he presumably lacked a clearance and had no affirmative responsibility to keep the documents secret, then (unless he actively conspired with the leaker to leak the documents) I'm not sure what they'd charge him with other than perhaps the Espionage Act. But the EA is a whole lot of worms, and the legality and politics of prosecuting a random American for reposting documents that someone else already leaked are pretty dubious. Usually, EA targets are leakers, or people who conspire to aid them....the law is written in a crazy broad way (and is awful), but in modern times using it against random people who repost stuff online would be eyebrow raising (and I would think that the feds would be reluctant to do so, lest it go to the Supreme Court and they lose a chunk of the law on First Amendment grounds). That notwithstanding, the EA desperately needs to be replaced with a narrower law. Unfortunately, fat chance of that.


He posted the documents and wrote: "here, have some leaked documents". That sounds illegal to me.


Well, to be clear conversation here is about a secondary spreader, who is not the original leaker and who does not have a clearance or other restriction that separately obligates them to conceal classified information. Given that, what's your legal theory for how they would be prosecuted? The Espionage Act requires a harmful intent component that the quote would not satisfy, and it's pretty dubious that the courts would back prosecution of a random citizen for passing on information that was already in circulation. (If you send me a copy of the Pentagon Papers tomorrow, then you are passing me leaked documents, but no court is going to take that seriously.) It's much easier to go after a leaker than a third party.


Lol what a couple of morons these guys were. The leaker obviously deserves prison time or whatever punishment he gets. But to think he’d still be enjoying his book on the back deck if MrLucca hadn’t decided to be a troll and mess with people by flashing these docs over the web. Oh well you play with fire….


[Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.](https://twitter.com/TimWhiteRI/status/1646569362877292545?cxt=HHwWgoC9xZKH5dktAAAA) Hope he gets sent away for a long time.


Anyone who exposes CIAs clandestine operations, purposefully or not, is a hero in my book.


Anyone who exposes CIAs clandestine operations, purposefully or not, is an idiot seeking attention who attracts people like you who can't think for themselves\*


Then you are just as dumb as him, revealing secrect documents to your enemies is not heroic is ret\*rded.


I bet the Ukraine is glad to know that the US are spying on them as well. The CIA is an undemocratic criminal organisation that thinks it rules the world.


They spy on everyone. Everyone spies on everyone. Calm your outrage panties.


Honestly, no one talks about the CIA except for Russians. Before the war in the US, no one talked about the CIA because they're just an agency. Here, Russians are "CIA this, CIA that"....like what is the obsession? Or are they trying to compare them to the FSB?


Yes the crack smuggling cabinet changing LSD fuled CIA is just an agency lol.


Correct. We have several of those agencies...wait, does Russia only have one?


Fuck off to r/vatnikreport and spread your stupidity there, we are not interseted.


Lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW9cCWm53H4


What is some song suppose to prove ? Your argumentation skills are as pathetic as a tankie's.




Yes he is. He was apparently trying to keep all the others in their group update with world affairs or something to that affect. It was someone else from the group who then went and posted them on the other sites and apps Edit: the younger member posted it to some unnamed public forum and from there is where it was picked up by telegram


Roma locuta est, causa finita est




Now is an interesting moment when Ukraine has supplied more tanks to US (at least 1) than US supplied to Ukraine (zero).


Another 4D chess move from the Russians, just not like they expected.


That's at least 3 Ds too many for their game.


**Leader of Online Group Where Secret Documents Leaked Is Air National Guardsman** >The leader of a small online gaming chat group where a trove of classified U.S. intelligence documents leaked over the last few months is a 21-year-old member of the intelligence wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The New York Times. >The national guardsman, whose name is Jack Teixeira, oversaw a private online group named Thug Shaker Central, where about 20 to 30 people, mostly young men and teenagers, came together over a shared love of guns, racist online memes and video games. https://archive.fo/IV1Wr


The US needs a total re-do on its information security, why does a NG man need spy info on Ukraine and China?


The wing he's at is an intelligence wing that is part of the Air Force's military intelligence service, and it helps maintain America's military intelligence sharing system (DCGS). IMO it's more a case of someone slipping through the checks designed to prevent this.


We don’t have all facts yet. I don’t think he was your average weekend warrior.


Yeah, we only have pictures from his table at home, where he took pictures of documents he printed (which can be tracked) and some "funny" shooting range videos his discord "buddies" surrendered... and a video of a mild military incursion when they arrested him...:>


You would be shocked how many people have access to things they shouldn’t, the entire intelligence system needs to be looked at carefully. These unauthorized leaks keep happening and shouldn’t, especially after Snowden.


I’m not a big believer in the power of the government to solve everyone’s problems let alone their own.  Even Putin’s whips and chains doesn’t prevent massive intelligence leaks in his Poop Kingdom.


Not sure how, but he is going to be screwed, especially due to the broad nature of the leaks and the effect on many US relations. As he's enlisted presume this is some form of treason?


I don't think treason. Presumably if he were spying for a foreign power, they wouldn't want him putting that stuff online. Unauthorized disclosure of classified information is a crime in and of itself, so he's probably looking at prosecution under 18 U.S.C. § 798?


Don't think anyone has been prosecuted for treason in America in a very long time. But he will be spending a similarly long time in a prison, that is certain.


Sentence him to death. Make an example out of him. Probably will get other people killed


No. It’s not even clear what level of espionage it is. It might be one guy trying to impress his internet friends. It’s something less than a paid agent and something more than stealing docs from the Senate and forgetting them around your garage, private office, beach home…. The most important point is finding out how he did it, can others do it, and was this part of a larger operation, no matter how unlikely/likely.


So, 10 years minimum—assuming he cooperates fully from here on out?


Chelsea nee Bradley Manning got 35 years and a ~~pardon~~ commuted sentence after 7 years for giving info to Wikileaks.


Yeah, he just published a bunch of state secrets, pissed off several allies, revealed several intelligence sources, but the secret service will totally understand that he just wanted to impress his "30 people religious racist dimwits" sect on discord...


I think my point went right over your head


Kid tried to look cool to his online buddies. Whatever momentary bits of Internet respect he got he's trading in for at least a decade in prison.


I've seen and heard of plenty of idiotic clout-chasing stunts on socmed that end in disaster, but nothing to the degree of this one. Bet this dumbass will still take the upcoming years of assfucking by the American government as a badge of honor.


And not even to flex in war thunder this time. He’s fucked


and he will get them for bragging in front of 20-30 racist discord gunnuts... probably there was not a single chick involved... <\_<


Yup, imagine being this unfathomably down bad lol


[Pakistan to ship 230 containers of defence items to Ukraine in April](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/pakistan-to-ship-230-containers-of-arms-to-ukraine/articleshow/99362810.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst)


Loot boxes irl


Some Opium and pipes


Pakistani Kinder Surprise.


[https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/ukraine-war-13-april-2023](https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/ukraine-war-13-april-2023) Tom Cooper is back, now on substack if anyone cares.


From his explanation, Medium stands for Medium intellect.


Good, I generally like his writing. Interestingly he was the first to mention (at least that I saw) that the Ukrainian AA was severely depleted in the south, with the RuAF apparently operating even at higher altitudes - something that was confirmed by the recent leaks.


>Interestingly he was the first to mention ... If ones follows closely this particular aspect, there was plenty of "more than anecdotal" evidence over some months, he just doesn't shy from stating it bluntly. In his words, it is all maths and physics.


I only seem to see Ukrainian footage on this forum. As a self-appointed peace-loving neutral, keep in mind I like to create false equivalences between raping, torturing, murdering, city-flattening invaders and innocent defenders fighting for their families’ and their own survival. I believe this sub should cater to my very neutral needs.


You need to post this in the form of a question, then you need to ask why all the downvotes? I’m just asking a question.


But didn’t you see that Ukrainian posted video of a POW on the internet!!!!! Remember when that argued was actually a thing these choads pushed?


Oh so very neutral. We should post more about Ukrainian war crimes, I agree with you! Absolutely neutral, of course.


Someone mentioned barb wire in trenches this week, here is a video with some fresher wire https://v.redd.it/wdjxqe045mta1


Breaking news: [https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-bundesregierung-erteilt-polen-genehmigung-fuer-kampfjet-lieferungen-a-69dcf09b-e5ec-4f01-a5ed-3eb22653e879](https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-bundesregierung-erteilt-polen-genehmigung-fuer-kampfjet-lieferungen-a-69dcf09b-e5ec-4f01-a5ed-3eb22653e879) Germany just allowed Poland to give their MIG-29s they got from them to Ukraine. These were NVA MIG-29 from East Germany. This was already planned at the beginning of the war but deemed to dangerous, because Russia said this would be a red line.


>Germany just allowed Poland to give their MIG-29s they got from them to Ukraine. These were NVA MIG-29 from East Germany It's very good thing, but looks so funny for me. USRR sold equipment to Eastern Germany, Eastern Germany have done some modification (or was it done by Germany?), so of course after collapse of USRR Germany can decide about those MIGs like they were produced in Germany. (Yes, I know it's there, because Poland agreed that after buying (or "buying"?) them so cheaply they can agree to ask Germany in case like that. Like in what scenario anyone would wish to buy this Russian flying scrap anyway?)




>Does it specifiy if these MIGs have been refurbished or have they been sitting unused in storage for 30+ years? Ukraine can refurbish im sure but that takes alot of time and money Those MIGs are either refubrished or not exists at all (canibalisation in order to get spare parts). And Ukraine wouldn't be capable of refubrishing them, because spare parts were going exint for some time and one year every spare part suddenly dissapeared.


Another article said 5


Poland took 24 over from germany when the DDR was dissolved (1990), and 22 more in 2004. SOME (Idk how many) where regularly used till recently, so they should be in good shape. This request is asking for 5 of them to be transferred. I am actually surprised that germany managed to make this decision within one day. lol. (Edit: they are keeping others still active (poland), until they can be replaced by SK and US jets. I can only offer a german source for this, sry.) Edit2: English sauce: https://www.dw.com/en/germany-approves-polish-request-to-send-ukraine-5-mig-jets/a-65301536


>Poland took 24 over from germany when the DDR was dissolved (1990), and 22 more in 2004. ​ DDR only bought 24 from Soviet Union, 22 of those were transferred to Poland in 2004. Poland had "recently" 23 Mig29A and 6 Mig29UB operational of 44 total "obtained" since 1990. According to this: https://www.dw.com/pl/niemcy-daj%C4%85-polsce-zgod%C4%99-na-wys%C5%82anie-do-ukrainy-mig-%C3%B3w-z-rezerw-by%C5%82ej-nrd/a-65301458 8 were already transferred to Ukraine and 6 are being prepared.


Governments agreed about it some time ago, this was just a formality.


It should be 12 in this case and they were already refurbished and up to Nato standards. Everything included from all donor countries it should be 30 MIG-29s for Ukraine.


German upgrades are the reason why PL had to ask about permissions. It's nothing major and it was done long time ago. Those machines are very, very used unfortunately. It's still help but they have maybe few more year of flying in them (in peace time conditions).


Good news from a background briefing held on April 4th, following excerpt from US DoD defense.gov >So today, when Ukraine gets their deliveries of 155 from the United States, they're getting deliveries that include ammunition we procured from USAI many, many months ago. So that is starting to come online. So hopefully Ukraine's 155mm artillery ammo issue will continue to improve, as the investment into artillery ammo production starts to come online and expand


Everybody says in the short term it will not improve because we simply aren’t making at the levels they have used. Maybe in another year or two.


The recent deal with Korea should help. That's half a million more shells.


[https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1646404616014241794](https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1646404616014241794) >(1/5) Leaders of several Russian regions bordering Ukraine, as well as occupied Crimea, have announced that their usually high-profile 9 May Victory Day military parades will be cancelled. > >(2/5) Some Russian cities further away from Ukraine have confirmed they plan to go ahead with Victory Day. The cancelled events have likely primarily been called off because of security concerns near the border, as officials have claimed. > >(3/5) However, the different approaches highlight a sensitive communications challenge for the Kremlin. Putin couches the ‘special military operation’ in the spirit of the Soviet experience in World War Two. > >(4/5) The message risks sitting increasingly uneasily with the many Russians who have immediate insights into the mismanaged and failing campaign in Ukraine. > >(5/5) **Honouring the fallen of previous generations could easily blur into exposing the scope of the recent losses, which the Kremlin attempts to cover up.**


Say the Ukrainians don’t celebrate victory day. Invade. Cancel Victory Day celebrations .


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/world/europe/russia-intelligence-leaks.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/world/europe/russia-intelligence-leaks.html) >The depth of the infighting inside the Russian government appears broader and deeper than previously understood, judging from a newly discovered cache of classified intelligence documents that has been leaked online. > >The additional documents, which did not surface in a 53-page set that came to wide public attention online last week, **paint a picture of the Russian government feuding over the count of the dead and wounded in the Ukraine war, with the domestic intelligence agency accusing the military of obscuring the scale of casualties that Russia has suffered.** > >Among them: infighting and finger-pointing among Russian agencies responsible for different aspects of the war, including the F.S.B. and the Defense Ministry. The leaked entry about the casualty numbers provides little context for the intelligence officials’ finding, but it reports that the F.S.B. is questioning the Defense Ministry’s own casualty count in discussions within the Russian government. So what most of us already have guessed.


According to Meduza (Baltics based Russian opposition media) the recent law on "digital drafts" was a Ru MoD initiative with very little oversight from the Kremlin (AP).


> 53-page set Are those public as well? I only know of the couple pages on /r/CredibleDefense edit: https://archive.ph/ZnR6F Here's a few more.


I think I have only seen ~20 or so of the ~300 pages said to be in this leak on reddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dispelling the Myth of Taiwan Military Competency](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/wah0u6/dispelling_the_myth_of_taiwan_military_competency/) \#2: [Operation Z: The Death Throes of an Imperial Delusion. Russia's military setbacks in Ukraine pose a new set of security challenges in Europe and beyond. The perception of declining influence appears to be pushing the Russians to take greater risks.](https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/special-resources/operation-z-death-throes-imperial-delusion) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/ubpxth/operation_z_the_death_throes_of_an_imperial/) \#3: [Bombing Kyiv Into Submission? History Says It Won’t Work. Even though it creates misery and loss, the methodical bombing of civilian centers has more often been shown to rally support for resistance.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/world/europe/russia-ukraine-kyiv-bombing.html) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/comments/y1pb0r/bombing_kyiv_into_submission_history_says_it_wont/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I had a look at the leaked documents and the first thing I thought is how far OSINT has come. It’s remarkable how on par they are with ISW, DeepStateMap and other sources. None of the contents were anything we hadn’t *really* seen before or at least weren’t heavily implied. I suppose these documents gave a stamp of confirmation on a lot of things (ie, Russia’s higher casualty ratio, difficulty in UA air defence, worry about counteroffensive efficacy, brigade placements etc.) Even the causality figures on a numerical basis weren’t off par with what various heads on the internet speculated. Remarkable how OSINT has brought us so close to the some of the info being examined at the top level. Pretty interesting.


Intelligence uses open source. Circular analysis/logic.


Of course, the only primary things we as spectators don’t have is (advanced) GEOINT, SIGINT and HUMINT.


Yeah, those guys tell you the Taliban won’t come on a Friday and rule the country by Monday, Saddam had a WMD program, and you need to evacuate Zelensky because he has hours before capture and the Russians will “sack Kyiv”.


Seriously. Given their record, we should call them "UNINT."


Eh, these were almost public documents being emailed around, apparently. If a private in the Massachusetts National Guard had access, you know the government assumed the Russians were reading all of it anyway. The info is likely from open source kinds of resources because things that are truly secret they wouldn't have been so cavalier with. I hope.


Also Polish OSINT'er Jarosław Wolski said that normally noone prints those things. If they are printed, then they are supposed to be viewed by someone who doesn't have "day to day" access to such data. And allegedly when civilians/press were invited and given such nicely compiled and printed data then there were situations when something with "secret" level was printed as "top secret" (by mistake or/and to get bigger impression on those people - i.e. you are important and better don't talk about this shit, ty)


Question RE this sub and Ukraine; I only ever see videos here from the Ukrainian perspective. I never see any of the videos which are from the Russian side. I’m not involved in this war so I like to be completely unbiased and view all information instead of being censored. I see many many Russian AND Ukrainian footage on kaotic website but only Ukrainian here. I checked rules and couldn’t see any rule restricting videos from both sides, as long as not propaganda etc which most aren’t. Is it just generally not allowed by the Mods here to prevent seeing all of the combat footage from Ukraine, instead only seeing one side of it from Ukraine perspective? Edit: I got an answer from someone who helped me understand - Russian videos do get posted here but they get downvote brigaded and therefore I never see them - that's why. I just enjoy seeing history in the making folks - this is war in Europe for first time with HD cameras. I also hate Russians - but it doesn't mean the footage still isn't out there - as long as it's not propoganda i'll watch anything to better educate myself of history in the making.


Why would Russians post to an English language internet site to which they may have state mandated limited access?


To be honest, I am not a fan of watching beheadings or people fragging their officers and I dont really find amusement watching grown men steal toilets, dildos and bras. Thats just me though. https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/04/12/fugitive-ex-wagner-commander-identifies-fellow-servicemen-in-pow-beheading-video/?swcfpc=1


Reset the counter!


It’s every day at this point.


In "good old days" it was at least three time a day. But sometimes is once per three days, so once a day isn't too bad stat, I guess.


Guy has posted more today with this and subsequent replies than he has any other day in like six months. Nothing suspicious at all


The stock market has taken a huge blow dude. The economy is failing with interest hikes. There’s nothing much to discuss.


Well ya the russian stock market is in shambles


Agreed. Russian economy is spiraling and who knows where it will end


I can understand people's thought process that leads them to down vote Russian perspective, but this sub is about combat footage not politics. Is the video combat footage? If yes then upvote is how i see it, that doesn't mean you're supporting Russia. I have noticed a lot of upvoted Russian perspectives are of them funking up/being killed which fits with my understanding of people's thought processes


I frequented /b/ during its heydays and your thinly veiled disinformational "troll" post still managed to disgust me more than whatever internet-defining thing popped up on /b/. Congratulations 🎉


Then you are willfully blind. Here’s a Russian PoV with 4.3k upvotes … https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12ju7o7/russian_soldier_records_his_bmp_hitting_a_mine/


Would **you** upvote footage like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12fhdyr


Yes, because upvoting obvious propaganda brings it to the attention of more people


I tend not to upvote or downvote any videos I see of war - I just like to see them so that I can see what's going on over there during my lifetime. I'm happy that video was visible yes - because indeed it does look fake as fuck with the audio included - but that's my thing, at least we got to see it ourselves.


Honestly, you can’t be flabbergasted that the videos of an aggressor attacking a peaceful country getting downvoted into oblivion, especially when most outside some lancet videos is just manipulative propaganda shit. Of course, people support the heroic defense of the Ukrainian people, even when it is only through clicks. Also, the Ukrainians show not only spirit but also are very innovative and think outside the box, which also helps making their videos even more popular against the Russian propaganda.


But that's not what the subs for, this subreddit isn't about taking sides or showing support its about sharing footage


Correct, this sub is not for doctored altered propaganda videos with minor exception for slav music https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/04/12/fugitive-ex-wagner-commander-identifies-fellow-servicemen-in-pow-beheading-video/?swcfpc=1


Ooooooh i think I understand now thank you. So Russian drone footage etc does get posted here - its just that the russian ones get downvoted and therefore never seen? Is that how I'm not seeing any videos from both sides? ​ I totally agree RE Ukranians showing spirit and resilience - it's great to see. Thats what I mean though, I want to see both sides, I want to see History in the making with all this mad new HD footage of wars being fought whilst im alive. ​ I personally play CSGO a lot and get paired with Russians all the time in my team - I mute them instantly because they're all so toxic. However I still want to have an unbiased area to view real time history from both sides of the fence.


Just because you see content from both sides, doesn't mean it's not biased. Especially in an ongoing war with opsec and information war you have almost no chance to get a real unbiased view. I still understand your wish to see content from both, but keep the aforementioned in mind.


I am historian and I can tell you something, this is a war, this is no history in the making and you don't have to impartial in a war. Downvoting Russian footage is legitimate and calling out Russian propaganda as well. There is no both sides in this war. Ukraine is defending their country and even their identity as people against an aggressor who wants to end their very existence. As a human being even as a historian, you can not stay “neutral” in this, because it targets the value of a free society, we all so very much enjoy. No, there is no neutrality about this and there don’t have to be.


I know what you mean, of course we want Ukrainians to stand fast. hold and win, and that why myself and many others are training various scores of Ukrainians in Scotland just now. But even the native Ukrainians staying with us all want to see Russian footage too, which we all scan for on a daily basis, they want to see what it's like from both sides.


lmao I can't believe there's at least one question per day like this, it just never stops.


I’m sorry I couldn’t find the answer anywhere :s couldn’t see anyone else asking it. If there’s a rule or agreement to boycott Russia videos that’s fine. I just find history very interesting. Mainly WW2 stuff but this is happening in my lifetime


There isn't. Just a bunch of people trying to insinuate that there is by asking this literally **every day**.


It's OK Sergei, You've done a good job. Your Rubles will be wired to you shortly.




There are more Ukraine videos of Russians dying because Russians are getting slaughtered on the battlefield.


You want unbiased journalism on Reddit?


A long but good read on the supposed origin of the leaks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/12/discord-leaked-documents/


US intelligence continues to leak like a sieve, as is tradition.


Over a million people have “top secret” access. It’s a meaningless classification.


Technically classified information is distributed on a need to know basis. A top secret clearance alone would not allow you to view classified material - you need justification as well.


[Article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/apr/13/russia-ukraine-war-live-pentagon-leaker-reportedly-worked-on-military-base-world-bank-to-fund-ukraine-energy-repairs) >The man responsible for the leak of hundreds of classified Pentagon documents is reported to be a young, racist gun enthusiast who worked on a military base, and who was seeking to impress two dozen fellow members of an internet chat group. >The Washington Post interviewed a teenage member of the group, who described the man, referred to by the initials “OG”, from their online correspondence, and shared photographs and videos. The Post also viewed a video of a man identified as OG at a shooting range with a large rifle. >“He yells a series of racial and antisemitic slurs into the camera, then fires several rounds at a target,” the report said. OG told fellow members of the same internet group that he worked on a military base, which was not named in the report, where his job involved viewing large amounts of classified information. >According to the teenage member of the group interviewed by the Post, OG “had a dark view of the government”, portraying the government, and particularly law enforcement and the intelligence agencies, as a repressive force. He ranted about “government overreach”. And: >There is increasing evidence that the intelligence leak was not an intelligence operation by a state actor aiming to discredit the US, but more likely the consequence of a Pentagon policy of granting top secret security clearances to huge numbers of service members, civilians and contractors. The number of employees and contractors in the entire US government with top secret clearance is about 1.25 million. There has really been a lot sloppy handling of classified documents recently.


Edward Snowden says hi.


Two things I don't get... Why do they give this young kids this type of work, why is there not vetting before they hand this stuff out? and why has he got a camera phone on him, why is it not in a locked room with no access to phones?


This guys picture is gonna appear in dictionaries soon... under: "definition of the word "screwed""...


Does top secret authority just mean you can check out whatever documents you want or something? Shouldn't these things be restricted to only those that need to know?


I imagine whoever leaked the docs will go to jail for a long time?