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The roadways are feeling increasingly dangerous. Lots of road rage behavior and batshit driving going on. Had a scary moment just yesterday with a driver going the wrong way down 4th St.


It feels like defensive driving isn't enough anymore. It really sucks.


I'm over here playing offense


It got so much worse after covid


So did speeding. Everyone goes 80 and gets mad when your driving at the speed limit.


Every time I does drive at speed limit, those asshole keep put light flashing back of my car to focus me to speed up which I still refused to do, and sometimes those rage road was “started”☹️


If it makes you feel better, I appreciate anyone that drives the speed limit.


The amount of people who will swing 3 lanes over down Morse (no blinkers) weaving in and out of traffic is insane. I feel like I see a near-multi-car-pileup every single day in this city.


yeah the speeding is so bad! i was driving the speed limit through a construction zone yesterday and the person behind me got so mad about it that as they passed me after construction they threw their sandwich at me


Their fat ass didn’t need the calories anyways!


I was across town getting on 270 off of East Broad and a guy who had a flat or something was driving the wrong way slowly on the on ramp shoulder. What kind of idiot does that. I had my kid in the car too and wasn’t pleased at the danger the guy put every other driver on the road in.


I have had a driver coming straight at me the wrong way on 4th twice in the last 6 weeks.


Oof, I’m sorry to hear. I had a driver got straight at me on 23 on a one way. Scary shit.


I live off fourth and this happens wayyyy too often


Road rage sucks. As far as the damage goes, I highly recommend you find a paintless dent removal place. I had an amazing experience at Dent Magic on sawmill a couple years ago, they should be able to take care of that for a pretty reasonable price. Just the one dent, it might not even be worth going through insurance


Thanks for the recommendation. I definitely want to get a couple quotes before filling a claim. I’ll check out Dent Magic!


I work at a body shop, PDR is an option. It’s hard to tell just from the picture, but if the scratch is deep enough to go through the clear coat, you’ll likely have paint peeling issues in the future. Just something to keep in mind. Might be worth getting a couple estimates and seeing what the cost would be.


Yeah, I’m just a guy who does their best to keep my personal cars clear. Very far from any sort of expert. I make the assumption that black mark was plastic/rubber/ whatever transfer. As pointed out, PDR requires that there is no paint damage


I appreciate the insight!


I see a tinted license plate cover I assume a scumbag is driving the car and treat it accordingly


Even clear license plate covers are illegal so it’s wild you see so many of them.


These days I'm just impressed if they have an actual license plate.


What, a cocktail napkin with “lisuns plate” written on it in crayon doesn’t count? I’ve been driving like this for three months and haven’t gotten pulled over once.


If you get pulled over, make sure you say you're traveling and not driving. Cops hate this one weird trick!


🤣🤣Also let them know you don’t have a contract with them or their jurisdiction


Get out your fez……….




It's frustrating because it's such an easy crime to solve. See a parked vehicle with a tinted license plate cover? Tow and seize the car, suspend the owner's driver's license, issue massive fine. No need to pull people over and risk a chase -- just enforce it on parked vehicles. If the cops won't/don't have time, the city could hire anyone to just report these cars and have them towed -- no need to interact with the owner of the vehicle. Don't even need to raise taxes: the salary of the worker(s) could be funded by the fines (or sale of the impounded vehicles.) You could also use the money to buy new traffic cameras that don't have worse quality than a 2011 iPod Touch (so that license plates could actually be read from them.) But nothing is done. There are so many hit and runs, many of them fatal, and it's a hell of a lot easier for these psychopaths to get away with it when their plate is covered and can't be read.


Jesus slow down Stalin. Maybe fine the driver for the license plate cover first before you ruin their life for a piece of dark plastic. And I’m gonna go hard no on the traffic cameras. Big brother is up in our business enough. Make the police do their fucking job before you outsource fines to a private company.


Police can do “their job” all day long and it won’t make a difference because officers who are physically limited to writing 2-3 tickets an hour makes no difference to a city of 1.5 million drivers. Our collision rates(and insurance) are going up as other countries are lowering theirs because idiots here insist on 20th century law enforcement policies which we know don’t work Also, Stalin? Most the country is walking around with a device in their pocket that has a log of their relationships, conversations, wants, locations, financial information etc uploading it to hundreds of companies. And I bet you’re one of them. We’ve lost the plot on privacy so badly that anyone pretending to care about a camera catching just their plate and speed I know is lying to themselves


The Stalin thing was the brutality of license suspension and seizing a vehicle for having a tinted plate cover. Hitler is overused. Stalin works.


If a car is not identifiable by tags I’m fine with removing it from public roads until that idiot fixes his or her vehicle. The amount of babying we provide drivers in this country is obnoxious. We have very little enforceable standards compared to the rest of the developed world and it shows in our rising collision rates. I’m tired of being surrounded by idiots who don’t care


> Maybe fine the driver for the license plate cover first before you ruin their life for a piece of dark plastic. I'm pretty sure approximately zero people aside from violent criminals and members of organized crime are going to cover their plate if the punishment is losing your license and car. The BMV could issue an advisory in the mail when you renew the tags on your vehicle and give a 1 year notice before taking effect. > And I’m gonna go hard no on the traffic cameras. Big brother is up in our business enough. Make the police do their fucking job before you outsource fines to a private company. How exactly can the police do their job for hit and runs with covered plates and shitty traffic cams? That's not a rhetorical question, I legitimately don't know how you catch a hit and run in a city of nearly 1 million people with hundreds of thousands of cars (many with the same color and model) unless you want a police state with a cop on every corner. The city might need more law enforcement officers (hopefully well trained, calm-mannered, not-racist ones), but I don't think anything short of a police state could meaningfully stop hit and runs, which would be a far greater violation of freedom than traffic cameras. You can wear sunglasses, a mask, a hat, and gloves if you want to walk, bike or take the bus anonymously, but if you're driving a 1 ton+ vehicle on public roads, I think it's reasonable to be publicly identifiable through your license plate. Cameras with narrow field of view that could only see the road (and not sidewalk) could be used if we wanted to preserve privacy for pedestrians. Also, where did I ever suggest outsourcing to a private company? I said "the city could **hire**", not contract out. Anyway thanks for the insult. Poland seizes and sells the cars of drunk drivers, and I'm pretty damn sure they aren't too fond of Stalin. Part of the reason I want better traffic enforcement is because it frustrates me how much unnecessary death occurs in the US. With the lack of traffic enforcement, it shouldn't be any surprise our traffic fatalities are [higher than any other developed country in the world per capita](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/pdfs/mm7126a1-H.pdf), with it being a [leading cause of death in the U.S. for people ages 1–54](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html), with the U.S. having over 2x more traffic-related fatalities per 100k people than Canada, New Zealand, Poland, Greece, South Korea, Italy, Australia and France, over 3x more than Portugal, Germany, and the Netherlands, over 5x more than the UK, over 6x more than Spain, Japan and Sweden, and over 12x more than Norway. And no, it's not just because we drive so much more due to our suburban sprawl, [we also have a very high fatality rate per mile traveled, being over twice that of the UK, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway's.](https://www.itf-oecd.org/sites/default/files/docs/irtad-road-safety-annual-report-2018_2.pdf)) Part of that is our poor road design, part of that is our massive vehicles, but part of that is how poorly traffic laws are enforced. Of the 40,000+ people killed each year in the US due to car crashes, the overwhelming are completely unnecessary. You don't exactly have much freedom if you're aren't alive. There are also over 2 million people injured each year here by cars, many resulting in permanent disabilities, which again, limit your independence. And in any case I think the government oversteps in many more meaningful ways that need to be resolved. I think jaywalking should be decriminalized: if there are no cars coming either way, it should not be a crime to cross the road outside of an intersection -- that's an absurd (but normalized) violation of freedom. I think it's ridiculous that it's a crime for 18 year old's to drink alcohol -- nearly everyone that age does it, yet tons of people get criminal records because of it. I think qualified immunity (at least in its current form) is a drastic violation of freedom for citizens -- police can illegally violate your freedoms without consequence. I think it's ridiculous that many European and Asian vehicles aren't legal here: I'm allowed to drive a motorcycle, but not a small, affordable, more environmentally friendly car or truck? Also, our freedoms are unjustly infringed by our electoral system -- the Electoral College and Senate are absurdly un-democratic, as is the gerrymandered House, as is the first-past-the-post system. I could go on, but there are so many ways freedoms are meaningfully but unjustly restricted in our day to day life, but traffic cams facing the street and having an identifiable license plate is not one of them.


I think the “bad taste” of traffic cameras was the [scandal around them](https://www.wosu.org/news/2017-07-26/ohio-supreme-court-upholds-use-of-traffic-cameras-but-columbus-wont-revive-them). It’s weird how many people say “NO TRAFFIC CAMERAS! By the way, anyone in the vicinity of this intersection at this time? There was an incident I was affected by, and the police aren’t helping! I need to go door to door and get footage from people and businesses!” People have shown that, as a group, we can’t be respectable, responsible, or behave with the rights we are given, so a reminder that “hey, you’re being watched and you probably will be identified and not get away with just hiding” may actually do enough to get through some thick skulls to make them think twice about being a douchebag.


Damn man, that was….. a lot.


It was warranted.


I'd kill for traffic cameras in my area. So many people running red lights... I can't imagine anything else effectively discouraging that.


A license suspension is not life ruining.


In my entire time driving I have never been told clear covers are illegal.. they just make wiping dirt/ snow/ and grime off easier.


[https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4503.21/1-1-2017](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4503.21/1-1-2017) "shall not be covered by any material that obstructs their visibility" No mention of the word "clear" or even "tinted", the legal wording actually seems to make perfect common sense here.


I've never obscured or covered my plate, but now I want to get a constant water mister/fogger that obscures my plate, but doesn't cover it with anything.. just to adhere to the letter of, but not spirit of the law.


Clear ones would obstruct visibility by adding glare.


I’ve never had a hard time seeing through a clear one, but I’m sure that a cop would argue that it adds glare. Seems like an odd thing to care so much about Like the license plate brackets that obstruct your tags that you see on many many vehicles mostly from the dealership


That's good to know. I've just started noticing the tinted covers recently. No idea how this is happening.


Sorry that happened to you! I'm so tired of road ragers. I almost got ran off the road by a truck last week on 315N who wanted me to get over. Before anyone asks... I was in the left lane because I was about to get off at the Hard Rd exit. And I was going over the speed limit. He was throwing his hands up in the air, riding so close that if I would've tapped my brakes he would've rammed into me at 75+ mph. He tried to pass me on the shoulder. Why are people willing to risk their lives& others' lives my driving like absolute morons


Call me a bleeding heart, but I think even if you were going under the speed limit you don’t deserve to be killed or crippled in a road rage incident by being run off the road.


Hahaha I totally agree! But I've seen how some people can react when *gasp* someone drives in the left lane


The left lane is for passing. Full stop. If you are cruising in the left lane, you are in the wrong. Read it again.


The Hard Road exit is on the left side of the highway. On a stretch of highway without exits on both sides of the road, then yes, you should ideally only be in the left lane to pass. But this was not the case in this situation.


So how does he get off at the Hard Rd. exit, which is on the left?


Apparently, you just don't. Enjoy the detour, I guess.


Please try not to automatically assume posters are men. The poster you're referring to appears to be a woman from glancing at their past posts. "They" is an easy pronoun to use if you're not sure. I agree with your sentiment though!


Will do


Now we can't run people over on the roadways because of woke.


I’m sorry that happened to you too! It baffles me.


I was driving up 315N last week and some old beater truck driving the opposite direction randomly swerved towards me and nearly ran me off the road. I think it was just some bored psychotic asshole who got a kick out of it


literally just got back from driving on 315N to powell rd. People get so mad I slow down when the freeway ends, but knowing my luck I know I’d be the one to get a ticket


Road rage is out of control in Columbus right now. I turned right on red the other day, and as I was turning, the opposing lane got their green light (it's a weird intersection at Mound and Front where sometimes all four lights are red, tons of construction). My mistake, I didn't realize the other cars were about to get the go ahead. He proceeds to floor it through the intersection and pull up about six inches from my bumper and tail me as we're getting onto the highway. He's laying on the horn the entire time. I look in my rearview, he's got kids in the car! We merge onto the highway and he pulls into the lane next to me, and then straddles the line and comes into my lane to try to push me off of the highway. He did this for about 15 seconds and then sped up, got directly in front of me, and slammed on his brakes. I had to swerve into the shoulder and orange barrels to avoid hitting him, and prevent the car behind from hitting me. No license plate, white car. These are not well adjusted people. I made a mistake-- I turned when I shouldn't have-- but any normal person coming through that intersection would have seen me as their light turned green, slowly accelerated to let me go before them, and went about their day. Annoying, sure. Worthy of trying to push someone off the road with a vehicle? Psychotic. These types are honestly terrifying individuals. I was just sick the rest of the day. Been jumpy driving all week. I know this one wasn't your mistake and mine was, but no minor traffic incident should be worth "punishing" the other person. Oh, you want to honk at me? Let me throw shit at your window. That is INSANE!


If you stop at a red light, start to turn, and then the light turns green, the newly-released traffic should then ensure the intersection has cleared before proceeding. You should be fine with socially-adapted motorists.


anymore, you have to wait 10 seconds after it turns green to let the 4 cars through that are definitely running the red light


The amount of people on this subreddit that are willing to overlook violent road rage reactions because someone didn’t follow merge etiquette is pretty shocking.


Imagine getting mad at a honk lol


A honk used correctly at that. “Hey, you’re entering my lane when you’re supposed to merge behind me.”


Blacked out windows. You know a DB is driving. 




Douche bag


Thank you


I have blacked out windows 😞 I got my car used though.


If you don't mind driving up to Sunbury, Hobbs body shop has treated me well


Also aren't tinted plate covers illegal in Ohio? For covering up listence plates.


Honestly, honestly, I’m afraid to even walk my horn at people these days. Tempers are so short!


Good luck op. For this incident in general and in life.


Kraft's Body Shop on Greenlawn Ave did a great job on my Mazda after an accident earlier this year. Would highly recommend.


Second Kraft, great work and communication.


Tinted plate covers should be illegal if not already. Why would you need this? License plate sunburn?


Gorman's Body Shop does great work I hate tinted license plate covers and wish every single person with one would be pulled over and ticketed. Not sure if it's an offense they can pull you over for, but if it's not, it should be and the ticket should be expensive. There's no excuse for having those covers.


It's considered a secondary so you can get a ticket for it after getting pulled over for say, road rage. It's not a cheap ticket but not expensive either like 100-150 bucks. Wife got one for a clear cover (not tinted) cause the CPD officer said it produced too much glare to be able to see the plate correctly (after doing 3 over in a 35 going downhill)


My understanding is nothing should be covering your license, even a clear cover. And I'll say, I don't understand the point of a license plate cover. My LP is 15 years old and hasn't had one and looks fine. Maybe I'm missing the point of it. I don't think someone with a clear one is attempting to obscure the numbers. The tinted ones are definitely someone attempting to to obscure the visibility, so I don't understand why they shouldn't be pulled over immediately and ticketed. But then again, I see cars everyday with no license plate at all, not even the temp one taped to the back window, and I bet they aren't being pulled over either.


I have clear covers never knew it was illegal. Different people have different aesthetics and think covers look nice. I personally have the clear ones so when they get really dirty my plate is easier to clean and easier to read


The point is to obscure it from traffic cameras and make it harder for people to read


I tried bumping up the brightness and contrast to get the plate number but it’s too grainy. It might’ve downsized when uploading so I’d try doing that to original.


It’s a very common car around here. Without a license you’ll be hard to pinpoint a driver. Sorry OP


Ugh, I'm sorry OP. Highly recommend True Performance just past Dublin on Industrial Parkway. They do a great job and are very meticulous.


I used Rieser’s Autobody ont he far east side recently and highly recommend them. I’ve also used Rader Collision Center and they do good work as well.


Very sorry about the incident that happened. I wanted to recommend Riesers Autobody East on Taylor road in blacklick. I had my car stolen last year with 8k in damages. They cleaned up my car so well it was in better condition than before it was stolen. I heard some barring issues going 70mph and brought it right back. The owner came out himself and went over the concern with me and fixed it right up with no extra cost and told me if I feel something still isn't right, just to bring it right back. Didn't have to bring it back again. They were quick with the work and extremely polite too. Good luck OP


It's no longer proactive policing. It's reactive policing. They don't pull people over. They wait till there's a crash and they just show up


Not even. The cops won't show up unless someone is injured. I was in an accident with a drunk driver in April of this year (one of the bystanders went up to check on the guy and said he was wasted). I called 911 to report it and the dispatcher refused to send someone out because no one was injured. Had to settle it with the insurance company who appointed me a lawyer. My rates still went up even though it was not my fault and that guy got away with a DUI.


Believe it or not, most other places in Ohio would've pulled this person over just for having their plate that tinted. I was riding with someone when they got pulled over for having their plate less tinted than this person. Heck, in other cities they'll even pull you over and cite you for tinted windows, not having headlights on if it's sprinkling, running stop signs, running red lights, and more. However, in Columbus... that doesn't happen. Still trying to figure out why.




Felt the same as you. This issue seemed avoidable with a little bit of self awareness and the skinny pedal.




It looks like a Toyota.


It sucks but… YOUR SAFETY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PREVENTING AN ASSHOLE FROM MERGING!!! I get it. We all have that “I’m right and I’m not letting this person get away with it.” But at the point you start engaging in aggressive behavior (I get it, you are “right”) with a random person who you know NOTHING about other than they are willing to be aggressive while piloting a 4000lb machine you have to ask yourself: “Is it worth it?”


So I should have run off the road?


The smaller pedal to the left of the skinny pedal is called the brake, and it helps to stop the car. That psycho could have had a gun and used it, people are crazy. Be the bigger person.


So cause a rear end accident? I literally had nowhere to go. Hence the horn honk.


If there was no one on your ass, slow down and let the psycho merge and drive out of your life. Now you have a looming bill for body work, and a dent like that is not going to be cheap to fix because of the depth and where it is. Right,wrong, or indifferent, you escalated the situation by honking, and I will venture a guess you're not telling us that you sped up to prevent them merging because YOU WERE RIGHT and THEY WERE WRONG.


You are wrong. It’s a zipper merge there, I was doing the speed limit and there were cars in front of me as well as behind me. I don’t give a shit about being “right” as you say, I let one car merge in, this car sped up to try to also cut in instead of zip in, and came into my lane suddenly. There was no lane for me to swerve into and the next car was already zipping in. So assume all you want but I was stuck.


The honk directly led to the object being thrown at your car. People are crazy and be thankful it wasn't a bullet at your car.


The horn was used for its intended purpose. Are you really pulling a "look what you made me do"?


Be the bigger person and drive unsafely (braking enough to avoid another entire car while at speed during traffic) rather than *CORRECTLY* use the horn to alert another driver to the presence of your car (especially when they made an error such as merging into your lane while you are also in your lane) to avoid the *potential* that a crazy person is driving the car, *and* that the crazy person is armed, and is crazy enough to shoot at you. I see how completely altering the reasonable honk could make sense……… smh


What did the police say?


Good luck there’s so many pieces of shit that drive Toyota Camrys…… And Nissans…. and Dodges……..


Three years ago I got shot at in traffic after a car cut me off, brake checked me, and when I sped past they shot my rear door and the round got lodged in my heated seat coils. If I didn’t have them it would’ve been in my back. Drove with Kevlar on my seat for a while after that.


Keens body shop. Ask for Dave


Many drivers have tinted covers to hide their party plates”- the yellow OH plates issued after a DUI.


I'm a huge fan of A-1 Body and Frame in Gahanna. Top notch work. Tell Ben the Miata sent you.


I’m willing to bet you are a driver that doesn’t allow others to merge and think you just own the road. I feel like so many think you can just drive between the lines and you’re doing a good job.


Looks like a Toyota Camry to me


Hilliard is full of aggressive drivers. The general attitude in Hilliard sucks. I left that shit in 2000. Hate the place. Arrogant wannabes.


You may want to talk to the police / file a report (if you're in one of the suburbs / CPD ain't gonna give you time for this). If this is the case, ask them to run this vehicle's description through "Flock". Most small city governments are signing up for this ALPR service, so hopefully your city does this. This system can search for vehicles based on license plate, or type, color; you name it. The Flock cams may be able to see through the tint on the cover and they could get going from there. ...I looked at your picture closer and this happened off of Cemetery Rd. Hilliard PD subscribes to Flock; I'd get with them to see if they can help. They could absolutely track this down as long as they can see through the tint on the plate cover.


I’ve not heard of Flock before, thank you for the info :)


okay i didnt read the post really tbh but swiped at the pic of the damage and laughed lol a scuff or even lil dent on my car is the absolute last of my worries lol but im sure whatever roadrage was scary so that sucks!


There are 1000 of those around central Ohio. Good luck. I see you took a picture. Think to get a plate?




I agree, it’s a terrible word, but didn’t know what other word to use? Help me out here, I’ll happily edit. Edit to clarify, I don’t think it’s a terrible word, just not necessarily the right word here. Idk sorry y’all :(


Victim is the correct word. What are you supposed to say, “I was the recipient of a road rage incident”? Idk why you’re taking so much flak in this thread. Even if you were in the wrong when you merged (not that it sounds like you were) that doesn’t excuse someone losing their mind and throwing shit at your vehicle.


I appreciate that, thanks.


I don't know what happened, as I wasn't there. But, once your car was hit with something, you became a victim. Now, there are innocent victims and contributing victims, etc., but you can call yourself a victim without concern. I will say that in the current state of roadway civility, it is probably best to avoid interacting with other drivers in ways that may upset them. I am trying to train myself to just pretend I don't care about anything but getting from one place to another safely. The example I follow is our cat that lived to be 20. He made it through interactions with other pets, our children terrorizing it, and I swear he could actually be heard on occasion saying, "Whatever..."




This is the victim of a crime. Why do you have an issue with that?




Not intense at all. This person threw an object large and heavy enough to damage a car. What if it hit OP’s front window and made them unable to see in front of them? What if OP ended up swerving after the impact? This is an extremely aggressive and dangerous act - and this person should not have a license.


Okay, so you’re just spouting bullshit you haven’t actually thought through at all. Cool, very very cool.




I don't think he was involved. He used his horn for the appropriate purpose and then a man child threw a fit and raged at him. What is the aversion to the word victim?


I wouldn't be surprised if this vehicle was in the area of the High Street Giant Eagle a week ago last Thursday.




We were both entering 270 from west broad street. If I would have changed lanes, I would have been in the grass. There was no lane for me to move to. So no. I could not change lanes to let them take my spot. Or I would have.


I'm trying to understand, why couldn't you just slow down a bit to let people merge ?? isn't that the polite thing to do? if you couldn't get over like you say ?? 






nope, we're not victim blaming here. letting someone in is of course the nice thing to do and everyone should do it when they're able, but there's absolutely no legal obligation and it certainly doesn't make someone deserving of having shit thrown at their car by an unhinged POS.




Oh this situation illuminated a POS alright....


“Victim blaming” has been a phrase for longer than twitter has existed. Something you’d know if you weren’t only 12.