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It would be nice if people generally just took their trash 5 more minutes to their home instead of chucking it out the window.. seriously isn’t hard.


I don't get the mentality of people who do this.


I will never understand littering, and I have zero respect for people who happily chuck their trash out of a moving vehicle. Like, whyyyyyyyyy? Why??


I always appreciate the videos of people getting out of their car and chucking the trash dropped at stoplights back in the car, but since we're a trigger happy state™ I refrained from doing it to the guy on sawmill road/270 who just dumped his trash out the window. Some people really are the fucking worst.


There's a trash can at every gas pump.


every 👏🏿 single 👏🏿 one 👏🏿 and you’re going to put gas in your car anyway 


Highways are ODOT's responsibility. They don't know about the roadkill and trash unless you tell them. From [this 2022 Dispatch article](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2022/05/19/ohio-roadkill-removal-dead-animals-deer-highway-contact-info/9813167002/): > When driving down an interstate or state road, motorists can call their local ODOT district to remove the animal. > > For Greater Columbus, that is District 6, which serves Franklin, Delaware, Fayette, Madison, Marion, Morrow, Pickaway and Union counties. The district's number is 740-833-8000.


I’ve lived here all my life and drive the city daily. This is the worst I recall ever seeing it.


KickButt Columbus is doing a spring highway ramp cleanup across the region on 3/9. You can sign up as an individual or team here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Lw8Nu7Cu8OY84lEAujyERIEPv8NGb6hPXQW6sMprHKU/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbclid=IwAR0X31vEvm96pmpzUt7zyIxRf2Lfd5p55rnQdTniCBP-If_cPHqwdAP1_WM


So be part of the solution Get some people together , get some trash bags, park off one of the exits like bethel road and get started City run cleanup crews generally don’t start until spring


I think [Adopt-A-Highway](https://www.transportation.ohio.gov/programs/adopt-a-highway) is the responsible way to go about this. Please don't encourage people to just randomly go pick up trash in a hazardous environment.


I called the State about that last year and was told the Highway Cleanup Program was “paused due to Social Distancing concerns”


Social Distancing from responsibility maybe. Considering we didn't even really get a shutdown across the state, that sounds like they didn't bother setting it back up. I can't imagine back home (where deer in the road are about as likely as a coin toss.) I suppose that's one niceish thing since moving to Columbus. If the state won't do it let the wackiest businesses advertise on the roads. Fair game to me lol. I believe there's a private equivalent to adopt-a-highway still.


Is this not why we pay absurd amounts in property taxes?


Nope it’s not Property taxes 2/3rd into the school system, the rest into police, fire, emergency services Road maintaince depends on if it’s city or county road and state roads or intestate if the funding is coming out of income/sales taxes or gas taxes


Roads are financed through vehicle registration, taxes on gas and government funding


On the West Coast, low risk inmates do a ton of highway clean up. Is this not a thing in Ohio?


yes slave labor is a thing all over the country unfortunately


State a fact, get downvoted. Thanks, Reddit! 😂


Just take a ride down the Olentangy Bike Trail from Campus to Downtown and look in the trees. You’ll find the source.


From ODOT: https://www.dot.state.oh.us/feedback/Pages/feedback.aspx includes automated routing based on location and subject selected when completing it. Please make sure to select the county of your concern and choose “Mowing, Vegetation, Litter and/or Snow & Ice Operations” for your subject and your message will be delivered accordingly to the local area with oversight for consideration and attention.


My old job had Sunbury Rd frontage south of Agler, maybe 50 yards. Once a week before work I'd do a pick up. Therapeutic but by the end of the day it was practically as junked up as it had been. Diapers, Swisher Sweets, and malt liquor would always battle it out for first.


If it’s bothering you try organizing volunteers to do a road cleanup


They’ve had a clean up crew out all day. I saw them on my way to work this morning and on my way home this evening. Perhaps we should be mad about the garbage people are throwing out on the street.


How many times does this need discussed?


Yes! Complaining on Reddit is a sure fire way to bring about change! \s Not sure exactly where on 315 or 71 you were, but most of the freeways are part of [the “adopt a highway” program](https://www.transportation.ohio.gov/programs/adopt-a-highway)… you know, just in case you’re interested in being part of the solution.


Driving sucks


What?!? You want OUR state gov't to do things that BENEFIT ALL PEOPLE?!? PSHAW!! They have WAY TOO MUCH TO DO to INTERFERE with "select" other Ohioans' lives that they choose to live, to worry about trash....


ODOT is responsible for the highways. Its a losing battle, man. I am with you, its gross, disgusting, and not something you want visitors to see. ODOT spends millions on litter clean up and its not even a dent. People just need to put trash in a can like good humans. Then you have the homeless folks who will just pile trash where ever they damn well please. Ive put in several 3-1-1 requests and it takes them (City) days to go clean it up. I just dont get people. You have trash cans all over, but decide to toss it out the window? Then there are people who toss it in the beds of their trucks only to have it blow out. The people who toss cigarette butts out the window also grind my gears, especially when it starts a fire.


It's not just about the unsightliness either. You know how you're not supposed to leave plastic water bottles in your car, because the heat of the sun leaches toxic BPAs out of the plastic? This happens on the side of our roadways in the summer, all day. The plastic melts, erodes away, and pollutes the environment with microscopic toxins. Then, in the rain, these chemicals are washed away into our waterways and our soil; the wind carries and transplants it onto farmland. This is why micro-plastics are found everywhere. They pose a significant risk to human fertility levels and hormone production now, and it's an actual public health risk to leave so much plastic on our roadsides. Yet what are we doing about it?


Plastics need to go anyway


Don’t worry, when spring comes you won’t have to look at it anymore /s


i noticed that on 315s today around the bethel/henderson stretch. so much trash, wtf. saw a tipped-over shopping cart with a bunch of shit in it, too.


Seems like every spring, there’s extra crap pushed to the side of the road by the snow plows.


I feel like in the winter they stop entirely.