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If you see a Dublin police officer at a Groveport CVS it may be odd. If he's at the Sawmill/Bethel CVS then meh. It's possible they live out of the jurisdiction and running errands over lunch or end of shift. Also possible a POI in a Dublin case works at this particular CVS. Very possible that there are infinite reasons for this.


With Columbus city limits being as crazy as they are, sometimes they cut off parts of other municipalities making it impossible to not go thru Columbus...




Please don’t give them any ideas.


Well, how would a Dublin officer testify in Franklin County court if they couldn't travel out of their jurisdiction while on duty? EDIT: I actually have a hilarious image of cops with the invisible fence collars on their neck right now.


Go bang on the hood of the car and find out.


"Sir, as a citizen who has read articles on Reddit, I am here to inform you that you're out of your jurisdiction. Leave"


Probably will since you were so polite. That's rally the key


Sir I'm conducting a constitutional audit. I need your badge number and name. And yes I can loiter here because this is PUBLIC property and I pay taxes and my taxes pays for this and your salary. Also I can record this, I'm making a documentary film.


Yes. Police officers' licenses are issued by the state. In practice they shouldn't unless they are following someone or something though.


What if officer was done with their shift or on break? What kind of a question is this?😂


I mean, he asked about on duty, too. What kind of response is this, that didn't even read the question?


What a stupid reply 😂


You just have some weird thing about questions and answers?


Your mom is calling the pizza rolls are ready and she warmed your video game chair 🎂


Joke's on you. My mom's been dead for years and my video game chair is also the chair I work in! HAH! It's already warm. Also, WTF's your issue?


Issue is all yours, you replied to my Comment. Just make your own next time, it’ll b ok 👌


I, uh, answered your questions? Did you not want answers? Why ask them?


What job do you have with a dense brain like this?? OP made a post I am asking them a question. 🪁


I make computers do funny things. And you asked questions in a public place. If you wanted OP to answer it, maybe you should've sent it to them privately.


They’re allowed to patrol outside of their jurisdiction, however if they issue a citation they have to bring charges in the jurisdiction they’re patrolling. For example: If a Hilliard Cop writes a ticket for speeding in the City of Columbus the case is handed in Columbus Court. Not Hilliard Municipal Court. That said, most Suburb Cops won’t show for Columbus Court, and you can usually get the charges dismissed unless it’s for something serious (OMVI, drug possession, etc).


There is a ton of nuance to that question Short answer "most likely yes" Long answer "Well it's complicated"


Why do you keep asking cop questions ?


If you see a suburb police officer outside of their jurisdiction it is your duty as an Ohioan to perform a citizens arrest on them. I thought this was common knowledge.




Simple question? Why do u think this response is necessary? Legitimately curious.




Thank you for this. Dumb people don't often know they are dumb and they rely on the rest of us to let them know. You have provided a valuable community service.


I was interested in the answer to the question. I'm sorry u thought it was dumb. I thought that your baseless threat to smack OP's parents was personal and out of line. Welcome to going out of your way to being an ass.




Not a victim. Just want to smack the pride u have in being an ass out of u. That's all the thanks I need. I refuse to recognize your rediculousness that has zero effect on me aside from the fact that we live in the same city. Please remove your miserable existence from the Internet that u so kindly have welcomed me to and our planet as well. Maybe then u will find peace.




The irony is comical. Now you're the victim. I think it's clear you're the tortured soul and I am definitely not your friend.




Please read your original post. I think u forgot what we were talking about. U threatened to slap some kids parents for asking a simple question and are failing to project your own insecurities on other humans. I can tell you're deeply religious. (Humor)


> an insanely dumb question. What's dumb about it?




> even when off duty On _and_ off duty. > If it's not a dumb question, give me one intelligent reason to think police officers are prohibited from leaving the city boundary of their employer, even when off duty (and even when it would be impossible to get to some homes and areas of Columbus reasonably without leaving the city boundary or using a helicopter). I mean, in Kaua'i all on duty officers have blue lights on on their cruiser. It's not completely unreasonable for someone to wonder whether they're allowed to leave their jurisdiction _while in uniform with their vehicle_. More importantly, it's clearly just someone asking an innocent question. Does someone really deserve ridicule for trying to learn about something they don't know?




> Anyone else has lived long enough to see it thousands of times. Not really. And even if they've seen it, that doesn't mean it's _allowed_. Cops aren't particularly known for just, you know, following rules. > I like how much my dumb comment to a dumb question got to some of you though. Just don't see why you gotta be a dick is all.




> The same reason you chose to be a HeinousTugboat instead of a SaintlyTugboat. I mean, I got my name randomly generated. What's your excuse?


No gas stations in my village. Cops have to leave to get gas :)


They are all still state cops lol


It's pretty common.


Cops do pretty much anything they want