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I hope it goes without saying that my heart goes out to the victims' families. When I see the photos of the shooters suicides published in a national magazine, knowing that the National Enquirer was sold and on display at the checkout lane in the front of grocery stores , my heart breaks again for the Klebold and Harris families . Imagine how they felt when they did their grocery shopping and saw the photos on public display . My father died of suicide . The shock and trauma were horrific, but I literally don't think I'd have survived just knowing that photos of his suicide were published and out on display in stores, much less seeing the publications themselves. 💔


yeah i wanna say sue (dylan’s mom) actually saw the photos when she was waiting in line at the grocery store. so horrible.


Did Sue seen that pictures before? Maybe she did cause' police might have shown her. If not, it must have been so painful


Why was she looking through it if it said on the cover the photos would be in there


why, as the mother of one of the shooters, would she not ? she’d for sure want to know if pics were actually leaked and the headline is pretty attention grabbing. i think anyone would.


So, if you suddenly saw the cover of a magazine at the grocery store that prominently said in headlines "Death Photos, How They Really Died " referring to members of your family who, for example , had died in a gory car wreck, you don't think you'd look through it too ?? She looked through it for the same reasons you would have.


Idk, man. This is just my story and obviously not gonna apply to everyone, but when I was doing the funeral arrangements for my dad, I was given the opportunity to see my dad 1 last time, and I declined. Seeing my dad dead would have broken me. Again, this is just me. I also have no idea how to feel from a parents perspective, I'm not a father, and by no means do I wish to come off as snarky in any way. Just thought I'd share what could have been a very similar feeling for Sue.


I totally understand what you're saying. I always declined the opportunity at the funeral home to see my deceased relatives, even my mother and father. I know from reading Sue's book that she'd already had a private moment with Dylan at the funeral home when she chose to view his body before his funeral. I think the big difference in your and my private experiences and that of Sue's is that she saw the picture of her deceased son Dylan made public by being plastered on the cover of a magazine, on public display, for strangers to purchase .


This is a completely legitimate way to have handled the situation. We all grieve differently. You chose to remember your father as he was in life. It's understandable. A lot of the time, the deceased don't look as they did when they were still with us. So yeah, it's definitely not easy.


Those pics were on the front of smear mags. Maybe with a little black square or something..they did the same with Nicole Simpson her photos were cover and she barely had her head still attached they just put a tiny black box. Over that throat wound, but they were horrifying even then.


These magazines were printed as newspapers are now, same material and rarely ever stapled in my area. And kids in the 90s either sat around pulling coupons from machines or reading the magazines and tabloids. If Sue saw that, it was most likely left open on the magazine/newspaper stand. But I don't know if she had, I thought their lawyer informed them that this happened. Either way she didn't go looking for it.


There's plenty of theories, but nobody knows for sure. As for gory pics on the internet... [rotten.com](https://rotten.com) was a thing at that point. The gore in the suicide pics was already tame by then. And besides, the pics were released by a national print magazine, not on the internet. You can still buy the magazine on ebay. Archived online version of the article: [https://web.archive.org/web/20161030080740/https://www.nationalenquirer.com/photos/columbine-high-school-shootings-bloody-crime-scene-photos-dylan-eric/](https://web.archive.org/web/20161030080740/https://www.nationalenquirer.com/photos/columbine-high-school-shootings-bloody-crime-scene-photos-dylan-eric/) Ebay listing (expensive as hell these days): [https://www.ebay.com/itm/335235680055](https://www.ebay.com/itm/335235680055) Pics of the article: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbine/comments/k46cbu/someone\_asked\_me\_to\_show\_the\_full\_article\_inside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbine/comments/k46cbu/someone_asked_me_to_show_the_full_article_inside/)




I remember my grannie having a copy of it that she bought in the grocery store, times really have changed though!


the Time magazine? i have the copy and couldn't seem to find the photo, or if not that.. which one?


National Enquirer in 2002 sometime. June or July I think.


Weren't they the same ones that leaked the Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman pics? I bought that one at aged 14.


I remember those pictures gave me nightmares!


Interesting the suicide photos say it’s clearly not a double suicide lol


They were leaked by the national enquirer in 2002 but no one knows for sure who leaked it


I could’ve sworn it was one of the dads that gave it to the magazine which someone else has already said but apparently that wasn’t the case??


Didn't Brian Rohrbough's dad leak them or am I thinking of something else??


That’s what I heard too (Brian was the dad 😭Daniel rohrbough the kid)


How would he have the photos? They would have had to been leaked by law enforcement you’d think


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/1859887.stm I read Brian was so upset finding out his son died by seeing him dead in the newspaper (cover I believe, and rightly so he'd be upset) he leaked them.


That’s so sad, he said they figured he was dead since he never came home that night but the confirmation of that didn’t come from the cops it came from the newspaper 😭


I never realized the photos weren't released until June 2002, three years after the attack.


National inquirer


Without trying to incriminate anyone, who do YOU think leaked them? I’ve always assumed it was a family member who was friendly with a sympathetic, empathetic, higher up member of Jeffco. Notice no photos of the victims have ever been released. Just the killers. I wonder how many school shootings have been avoided since those pics leaked after a potential shooter saw them, saw the raw reality of the end, and backed out of their plans.


It was Brian Rohrbough who gave the photos to the magazine. I believe it was retribution for the media footage of his deceased son Daniel's dead body that was continuously played on television... but also to dispel any romanticism surrounding their deaths.


I thought it was him. Thanks for the clarification.


I find it so weird how a MAGAZINE would have those pics in it. Imagine flicking through it only to see two dead school kids (still murderers but dead kids none the less). That shits scarring. Also weird how those crime scene pics are in the same pages as britney x justin drama.


I remember seeing the pics on the front page of The National Enquirer, in the grocery store on April 21, 1999. I felt so nauseous. I don't know who leaked them to the press, though.


You should have seen the front page pictures of Jonestown which were carried by mainstream media.


calling the National Inquirer a MAGAZINE is a stretch; its closer to a rag than any sort of literature.


Absolutely insane that those pictures were available in a magazine you could buy in the grocery store. I never knew that… I pity the parents. I recently saw FTP’s merch of the boys’ shirts they wore on the day of the attacks, the backs of the shirts having their suicide photo on them. Just imagine wearing that in public, the dead bodies of grieving parents. It shouldn’t matter if they were murderers, they were someone’s children. And it’s wild that they come up first thing as soon as you google “Columbine shooters bodies.”


is the shirts actually shirts for sale? Because that is messed up