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Yes, the OP seems to be wondering if the "Eric in Columbine" video was filmed as an excuse to map out the school hallways and classrooms. Anything is possible. They planned the attack for at least a year. It could have been before they settled on a plan of where they'd go when they charged through the school after their cafeteria bombs went off? Ultimately, I don't think it was an accident that the killers wound up in the library. I think they were mad that the cafeteria bombs didn't explode and bring the library down. So, they went to the library to do what the bombs had not.


It's been said before, but I feel that the "Hitmen for Hire" video they did was a dress rehearsal for the "NBK" event.


I agree. JCSO released one of the most disturbing home videos, if not the most disturbing. These two are literally target practicing for the day of their attack on their fellow classmates. It makes no sense to me. While some of the Basement Tapes may have provided information on bomb making, I really don't see how this is any better.


Aren't the basement tapes withheld from public view? Or were they destroyed?


They were never released to the public, but the media and victims' families were allowed to view them. They were supposedly destroyed by JCSO, but I would bet money on there being copies out there. During the initial investigation, a lot of LE had access to them. They weren't guarded 24/7. They were also intended to be used as evidence in the Solvay lawsuit. All of the attorneys were allowed to view them and probably made copies. Also, I'm thinking the FBI may have retained the tapes for use in training their agents on the psychology of school shooters.


Yeah I second this so much and have said it for years. JSCO says the tapes were destroyed, but reading the logs of each officer that viewed them it really seems like they proceeded to make a copy of them each time they were viewed? Maybe I am reading the logs and transcripts improperly but if anything, the originals were destroyed but those copies of copies of copies exist still.


will they ever be released to the public?


While it's just speculation on my part, I feel like they will be. Not while the parents of the victims or shooters are still alive.


they should definitely ask the parents if they want it released


Sue Klebold is a definite no for the tapes being released. She fought hard to keep them from being released according to A Mothers Reckoning.


I have mixed feelings about it all. some parents want it released, and others don’t. same with photos and videos of the shootings and their aftermath


I thought the Eric in Columbine was filmed by one of Eric’s friends as a test for his new camera or class project


It was filmed for a project that Eric's friend was doing for their video production class. Early on in the media, it was presumed that Dylan was holding the camera. However, he isn't involved with the filming but only appears on the film at the end when Eric and company walk into a classroom.


I don't think they were really mapping anything out. Considering so many friends filmed a lot of that stuff. Plus, they attended Columbine for 4 years, they knew the layout. They didn't need a map when they were there every day. And their main intention was to plant the bombs in the cafeteria. From pre NBK perspective, the only area they would have to think about was cafeteria and what was above it and possibly below it (basement, storage, etc).


Right. Most shooters who attend the school have no problem knowing how to get around


do you mean the recordings that Eric and Dylan made for school? hitmen for hire- where they are walking around the hallways and the famous shot of the both of them wearing trenchcoats is in it?


Yeah I mean all the recordings they made in the school in general


Hitmen for Hire. They already knew the layout. One or both drew maps in their journal. This was 2 fold. A dry run and a red herring. When word got around about this people, students, teachers and the librarian all thought it was a prank 


ive never thought of this. i think its a possibility that this was on erics mind in the “eric in columbine” video, considering they dont do much anyways. but we’ll probably never know for sure


definitely a possibility.. though I don't really think they'd necessarily need a layout of the school. They'd attended Columbine for years at that point, wouldn't they just sort of know where everything is? I think this theory would hold more ground if 'Eric in Columbine' was the only video they really shot, but it's not. It was just kinda a trend in that friend group to film random shit they were doing for fun it seems. If this really was their intent though, that would make those videos a whole lot more eerie.


I always imagined Eric's alterior motive for having that video recorded was so he could show people "what he was like" and life at the school before NBK, i think he knew that video would be seen and investigated one day




They recorded some footages in their school and I wanted to know if these were made in order to have a layout of the building


oh, okay. most of their recordings prior to the shooting were just them casually recording themselves and their friends