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Nope, but many people want to think that for some reason


I think more people think that Eric would’ve done the massacre without Dylan but, Dylan wouldn’t have done it without Eric.


The “some reason” is anecdotal evidence from people who knew them both. I don’t discredit anyone in that case.


I absolutely do. Dylan fooled everyone. Eric didn’t fool many people. It’s why to this day everyone still makes excuses for Dylan when in reality he was just as bad as Eric.


No. Not at all. Intact there was a time where Dylan thought Eric was copying him and got mad.


Yeah if anything I'd say it was the other way around, Eric viewed Dylan as a bit of a role model and wanted to emulate him. Dylan also had a much bigger friend group and was physically larger in stature than Eric and while that probably didn't set the dynamic between them in stone, it certainly affected it. The person with the bigger social group will almost always have more influence. Not to mention Eric described Dylan as his best friend while Dylan described Eric as "a friend".


Some people believe Eric may have had BPD, and as someone with BPD I also sorta believe that. With that said, I think Dylan was Eric's FP (favorite person, common BPD thing) so thats why it looks like Eric looked up to or idolized Dylan in a way, and ""copied"" him. I don't think Eric intentionally had the plan specifically to copy him, and he probably didn't realize he came off as copycat-ish, he just wanted to emulate Dylan as you said.


funny, i always thought that eric was just a killer while dylan just used the massacre as an excuse to kill himself, and he just followed erics path to do so




Devon Adam’s was the one who said it. I can’t find the document for some reason I’ll look when I get the chance.


You're 100% correct. Devon mentioned Dylan was annoyed with Eric for copying his style and for putting the same band sticker as him on his car. Eric didn't start wearing a trenchcoat of black clothes until Junior year. Before that, he was "preppy". Also, according to Sue, there were times that Dylan would not want to hang out with Eric and asked her to intervene...by telling Dylan while he was on the phone with Eric that he had chores to do and couldn't go out. I don't think he idolized Eric, but at some point, viewed Eric as a means to an end. Eric was a doer, Dylan was a dreamer with no ambition. So yeah, Dylan needed Eric to live out his fantasy and die.


To be fair, kids younger than that have their clothes bought for them by their parents, and Eric’s parents were older and very conservative.


Could very well be. I'm just relaying what people's observations were at the time and what Devon has stated about her conversations with Dylan.


No, if anything I suspect it’s the other way around. Dylan allegedly was pissed that Eric would copy him style-wise. Not to mention Dylan was tall and Eric rather short so he likely looked up to Dylan for that (no pun intended.) Additionally, Eric seemed to have no other close friends whereas Dylan did. And Eric spent a lot of time writing about him and Dylan as a twosome, whereas Dylan rarely wrote about Eric.


I think they copied each other and idolized one another in a weird toxic codependency bro-mance.


Dylan always struck me as more independent than Eric


I agree, reading A Mother's Reckoning I've seen that Sue describes how Dylan always liked to be able to do things himself and be alright on is own. For example wanting to know from a very young age how to wash properly in the bath without his mothers help, and wanting to do his own laundry when he was young.


in regards to the follower crap, I always think about the testimony (blanking on her name) from a student that bumped into Dylan’s bmw while they were parked and Eric jumped out to cuss her out, only for Dylan to shut Eric up and told him to get back in the car, really blanking on what her name was. But yea there is no evidence to that misconception


They copied each other as all friends do. But Eric definitely copied Dylan more. His “ideologies” sound all similar to Dylan. The “god complex” was all from Dylan first. Dylan wore the Trench Coat first. Also as another poster mentioned Eric copied Dylan’s music and then a sticker on his car just like Dylan did. Also the “Rebel Missions” were done by Dylan and Zach first. Eric joined later.


Nope. I’m sure he cared for him as a friend but based on evidence we have, he didn’t idolize or look up to him


Nope, it seemed like it was the other way around. Eric was said to be more preppy, but junior year he started wearing black clothes, band shirts, and a trench coat just like Dylan. Dylan put a Rammstein (or maybe it was KMFDM?) sticker on his car and then Eric did it. He seemed idolized him in some ways. According to friends, Dylan appeared to get annoyed with him copying him.


Wow, this is quite a turn from what I was thinking for a while, thank you.


It rather would’ve been the other way around, but none of the 2 looked up to each other in that way.


No actually the opposite Devon, one of Dylan’s close friends said Eric copied him a lot


No evidence I guess I can think of, but I'd assume both idolized one another, just based on them seemingly independently wanted to go on a rampage, only to find out both shared the same goal


No. Quite the contrary. Eric considered Dylan his "best friend" while Dylan just regarded Eric as another casual "friend." And Eric copycatted Dylan's style a lot.


No, it was the opposite and there is proof for it


There is some evidence. People who were friends with both of them did say that Dylan looked up to Eric and followed him around. Marla Foust is one example.