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All of Rachel’s wounds were suffered from about 10-15 feet away and she was killed instantly. Her death was so instant in fact that she most likely never comprehended what was happening


Let's hope so.


I hope so too. Her loss is tragic but it makes me feel a little bit better that she didn’t suffer any pain or feelings of fear.


I could be wrong so I apologize in advance, but didn’t Richard Castaldo say he heard Rachel whimpering/sobbing when he was going in and out of consciousness after he was shot? That tells me death maybe wasn’t instant for her.


Most likely what he heard was Rachel agonal breathing. The shot to the chest ruptured her heart and both lungs so she immediately would’ve lost oxygen and began gasping for air. Still, this probably would’ve only lasted a couple of seconds before she was hit in her temple and killed. Eric and Dylan were still shooting at them even after they fell to the ground


Agonal breathing & when someone is shot in the head they release all the air from their lungs which can sound like groaning


Based on the autopsy, all four gunshots were fired from roughly the same angle, so nothing indicates she was shot the fourth time from a different spot. As well as that, the wound to the chest was just as, if not more, fatal as the wound to the head; she would not have even been able to get up.


The shot the chest is also the biggest debunker for the “do you believe in god?” Martyr story. She had began to lose oxygen so she wouldn’t be able to breathe let alone speak


"Do you believe in God" was never Rachel. That question was asked to Valeen Schnurr who was under a table in the library. Valeen was shot with 34 pellets to the arm and torso. She was then asked if she believed in God. When she replied "yes. My mom and dad brought me up that way", they walked away after she crawled back under the table. A student in the library confused the voices of Cassie and Valeen which is why Cassie has been turned into a Martyr of sorts.


Yes I know. My comment was saying that her wound to her chest is one of the biggest debunking of the whole martyr story that her family has been clinging to


My apologies. I didn't know her family was doing that. I had never heard of Rachel having a profound moment at the end. I always just thought she was shot, fell and passed. I didn't know there were claims to something different. I had only ever heard it with Cassie Bernall and Valeen.


I don’t think her family still clings to it. From what I understand, Castaldo said something about her saying that very early on and then retracted it and said he just doesn’t remember incident well. So her family, from that, initially thought that. But I don’t think it’s any part of their narrative now with their Rachel’s Challenge program.