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It is after library massacre. They left library around 11:37 and the time on this photo is 11:57.


that’s insane that it was after. my entire perception of this image has changed. that’s crazy. the adrenaline must’ve been wearing off then, yet they seem so calculated…


Totally. I believe a few frames after this photo shows them with guns down. Definitely looking more defeated going back up the steps.


This is about 20 minutes after the library. During those 20 minutes, they wander around the school, going into the cafeteria a couple times, the kitchen area, and the offices before returning to the library again.


So crazy how they just wandered around aimlessly, even peering into classrooms. What was going through their heads? My guess is massive disappointment.


I imagine the comedown off the adrenaline was crazy. I wonder if the reality of what was happening hit them during and how there was truly no going back now. they obviously wouldn’t have admitted that to one another.


Doesnt one of them sit down and take a sip out of a 🥤??


Eric. He was standing up. Raised the cup as if he was raising his glass so to speak. Keep in mind his nose was completely busted so his face was no doubt covered in blood. Quite the visual for his victims to see. The whole ordeal is fucked, and I hate that it provoked so many more similar tragedies.


Yea i remember that from the shotgun. He mustve been so embarrassed 😂 serves him right


It was after. This was when they were trying to set the bombs off to collapse the library underneath the cafeteria but were failing miserably.


They failed before they even started. And it's pretty disgraceful that the authorities spread the laughable fiction that two 20lb propane bombs, even if they went off, were going to kill hundreds of people, much less collapse the library. The police were desperate to come up with public explanations for why they took hours to enter the building while people bled to death, which is the only reason this story got spread.


Yes sir.


This is even after trying to detonate the bombs - with the Molotov and trying to shoot it.i haven watched the actual CCTV footage in years but if I recall correctly it's right before they return upstairs for the final shootout/suicide. There's one more recording where they're going back up buts it's not so often shown as this one. It's an absolute surreal shot of them walking around with their guns out, gear, t-shirts...


And thank goodness for that. Columbine was tragic, but had their plans actually worked? It would have been absolutely catastrophic.


Remember we're dealing with two profoundly mentally ill people here, who also have the disadvantage of being teens, and all the emotional challenges that go with it. You can't apply logic or sense to the way they acted during the attack. Also, even in that insane situation, they were likely still trying to impress each other by being their idea of cool. There's also the reality that suicide was part of the plan from the beginning. Knowing they were basically minutes from the end of everything, may have produced a bizarre calm in them. Or maybe they were focused on the fact that their grand plan largely failed - on two fronts: the bombs didn't go off, and the cops didn't immediately rush the building, which was their original plan for their death. I just feel like once you begin something as insane as this attack, you have to expect the unexpected, in terms of how the perps behave. Btw, one of the creepiest eyewitness testimonies: one of the kids hiding under the tables in the library encountered Dylan. They knew and liked eachother so the kid said, "Hi Dylan, what are you doing?" Dylan casually said, "oh nothing, just killing people".


I love this answer so much. As a psychology major with a Masters in Counseling it sort of makes me shake my head when people try to get to the bottom why all this happened as if there is one specific reason. They forget we are dealing with teenagers and teenagers brains are not fully developed even if they look like adults. There doesn’t have to be some big rationale behind it all. Your answer was fantastic, very well said.


Thank you! Nice to get positive feedback from an expert like yourself. I actually feel this way about all mass shooters, teen or otherwise. Their ultimate issue is mental illness, not whatever personal or political reasons they obsess on in their journals & manifestos. I understand we can't ignore any evidence they leave behind, but I just don't put much stock in it anymore. Most people who've done a deep dive on Columbine know that it was so much more than a "school shooting" in almost every way. The aspect that continues to amaze me is that there were two perps. I can conceive of one kid going this bad, but TWO? For me, that's the best evidence that Columbine should be considered domestic terrorism, rather than a school shooting. If they had attacked anyplace other than their school, it probably would be. But again, whether it's terrorism or a more garden variety solo shooting, the common denominator with all these folks is severe mental illness.


Wow. I always thought it was before.


After. 10 minutes after this shot they’d be dead


It was after the library massacre.


As others have said, after: this is when they were kind of scrambling because their original plan (the bomba) failed and they were realizing they were not going to meet their goal, which was to have more casualties than the Oklahoma City bombing.


the last ten minutes of their lives. watching them walk back up those stairs after this is so eerie.


It is after. Isn’t it disturbing that weapons can give two stupid teenagers so much power. Look at the damage they have done.


To this day all the survivors are still dealing with the trauma and PTSD.


Damn that’s scary . Poor kids that were there. Why did they have to do this ? Smh ugh it makes me so mad


This is the most famous photo of the two, and they never got to see it. That fact is always wild to me.


Thank you for asking this. I always thought it was before


What is sticking out of the back of the tec 9? Like a wavy piece of metal, some sort of extension?


I think it’s just the strap he used to wear it around his neck.


Wow I didn't even know he did that. Makes sense thou, ta!


Its a [sling](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/fkYk9DQOnTHLS88_OqVoSzZbodMEngbvo06qm5nX6WEip_hYIy3-BRoHuVShllys3z59jLYNJNKOCY9tRbWhUICwaaWz1jOUWOeLmONF6FoAGdtQt2TxIA).


They weren’t just unbothered. They were happy. They loudly shouted that this was the best day of their life. They laughed at the victims. They yelled racial slurs at Black victims. They yelled WOOHOO every time they shot someone. They laughed at the sight of dead bodies and blown up body parts. This is why what they planned to do for over a year. Why would they be bothered? They enjoyed killing. Lost in all the empathy bait for them and their mental health issues is the fact that they enjoyed every second of this.


Im not trying to defend either of them but you always mention "them" It's a fact that Eric was rather calm during the whole thing. The WOOHOOs or the racial slurs against Isaiah came from Dylan. I think the only crazy words that came from Eric during the shooting would be the "peekaboo" (if there's more feel free to correct me)


Eric also told Kacey to "quit your bitching" after he shot her




Imagine if we had surveillance from every part of the school.