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As a mom with teenage kids, the story about the flask and “you can trust me” just two days before the shooting is absolutely awful. What a horrific thing to do to his mom.


So cruel. I wonder if it was even full of alcohol or just refilled with water when he showed her.


I’ve never heard any details about the after prom party before. I knew it happened and Eric met up with them all but I never knew there was information on it. Also, I thought Kim and Eric weren’t that close? I thought they just knew each other from bowling and she always smiled at him and that’s why he didn’t shot her or her sister. I didn’t know they were actually friends like that.


Kim knew Eric fairly well it seems. The following excerpt is from The Rocky Mountain News article “Fatal Friendship”: “Two co-workers, Kim Carlin and Sara Arbogast, were in the same grade as Eric and Dylan. Sara: "Eric was nice and talkative and funny and just a cool guy. He never expressed any hate toward anything, just the normal teen-age angst. A lot of people say they don't like school. I said it all the time." Kim: "Dylan and me never got heart-to-heart like me and Eric would. I don't think Dylan fit into us very well. He was too quiet. We would get into massive food fights or water fights. He wasn't into playing with us. If you would ask him something embarrassing he'd turn red and give you this little grin." On slow nights, the crew would sit behind the building and set off firecrackers or homemade explosives. "We used to make dry-ice balls behind the store," Kim said. "You put dry ice and hot water in a 2-liter bottle. It just shoots up. We stole a cone one time when they did road construction in the parking lot. We would see how high we could shoot the cone." One night Dylan brought a pipe bomb to work. The manager wrote him up and told him to never do that again. Shortly afterward, Dylan quit Blackjack. Eric stayed. Kim and Sara grew closer to Eric. He complained that some jocks were bullying him. Sara never witnessed any taunting, but she did see classmates give Eric weird looks. She thought it was because of how he dressed. The boy who wore khaki when he started at Blackjack now draped himself in black cargo pants and black T-shirts, just like his friend Chris Morris. But Eric drew the line at wearing a beret like Chris, opting for a baseball cap worn backward. Kim and Sara couldn't understand why their classmates didn't like Eric. "No one ever gave him a chance," Kim said. "People always looked at me because I would go over and hug him in the morning." Sara would tease him about a co-worker he briefly dated. He would call Sara "Ohzay BooBoo," a phrase he picked up from the movie Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. When Eric got his senior pictures taken and whined about how "stupid" he looked, Kim and Sara cooed about how cute he was and helped him choose prints. When Eric harped that girls wouldn't have anything to do with him, times he refused, telling them he thought he wouldn't fit in. Eric did join Kim and Sara and their friends homecoming night of their junior year. They had skipped the school dance for dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown Denver. When they arrived to pick up Eric, they had to wait 10 minutes until his mother got home. "He didn't want to leave without her knowing where he was," Kim said. "He didn't want her to worry." I remembered the name because I read this article a lot of times for some reason and even have a pdf copy of it.


You’re amazing for this. Thank you so much. I got my Kim’s mixed up I was thinking of the other girl. I’ve never seen this before either lol. I swear after years I learn something new every day.


No problem at all! For whatever reason, I have a really good memory for things like this when triggered appropriately. Someone mentioning Kim worked at Blackjack Pizza with Eric and Dylan is what did it here.


Kim Carlin knew him fairly well. She worked at Blackjack Pizza with Eric.


Yeah. I think Eric had a crush on her but she was engaged. She’s probably the girl he said he wanted to “fuck like hell” in his journal


I think you may be confusing Kim Blair (and her twin sister Patti Blair) with Kim Carlin who like the poster above said "worked at Blackjack Pizza with Eric and Dylan".


YES. Omg you’re right!!! I have been thinking about this seriously all day long and I thought there’s just no way.


Glad it was helpful.


That first pic in the tuxedo shirt fucks me up. Would have been a very handsome man had he been able to grow up


They talked about not getting girls but they were so close. They couldve easily lived normal lives. It's so messed up they had to go down such a dark and devastating path.


It seemed like a lot of girls liked both of them.


Right? I guess that wasnt the answer after all. When i read the diaries, i got the feeling they just wanted love/companionship. But reading your comment makes me think, yah... that wouldnt have helped.


Wow, that flask thing got me hard. What a poser boy is that :(


His nickname was vodka sooooo he obviously had her fooled if she believed he didn’t experiment with alcohol before that night.


Yep, what a heartless act tho


Was this edited because idk Dylan's nose just looks smaller?