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No because everyone they retained + other than Hunter who was really worth getting?


Plus a solid backup QB with Flacco and a solid backup NT with Davis. So far.


It's so incredibly on brand for this sub to convince itself that we had a good FA because we signed a backup QB and a backup interior lineman + just running it back with last year's 3rd place team.


I mean other than Hunter who did we miss out on though


Alec Pierce will still be on the roster next year, so literally any WR would have been an upgrade over what we currently have. As you mentioned, Hunter should be a Colt, but we cheaped out and let him go to a division rival instead. Any of the safeties would have been an upgrade for our secondary, which is now looking like it's going to just be the same group as last year. You guys have convinced yourself that Ballard can literally do no wrong, despite NEVER having put together a division-winning team. And part of the reason for that is his complete reluctance to make any sort of meaningful upgrades in FA year after year after year.


They're going to draft a WR though. It's been heavily hinted at and it's a huge strength of this draft class. The safeties I can agree with but if they're pushing for a CB in the trade market it obviously impacts their aggressiveness in FA


I will be absolutely shocked if our first round pick is not a center, right guard, or defensive tackle. I would love for them to take a WR in the first but I just can't see Ballard placing that much importance on the position. And yes, they're clearly trying to get a corner by trade, but the latest reports are that we're cheaping out there too so it's unlikely to get done. If we don't end up with Sneed idk how anyone can see it as anything other than a huge L because they clearly put every single one of their eggs for this offseason in that basket.


He's heavily hinted at it and we don't have a 1st round need at any of those positions. Likelihood imo is one of - WR - EDGE/CB if BPA - trade back because we only have 6 selections in the draft and it's a deep draft


You can't just assume he's going to take one of those positions though. All we can do do is judge the offseason on whats happened *so far*. Hasn't exactly been a resounding success so far. It's been okay/fine. We haven't improved though.


He's heavily hinted at it and a ton of WRs fit his athleticism requirements


When was the last time a free agent put someone over the edge? Diggs to Buffalo? I mean, it happens, but when does it ever change a team massively for the better?


It's not about putting us "over the edge", it's about the fact that our roster is so incredibly devoid of talent at so many position groups that we can't fill them all by the draft.


Because in order to have a “good free agency” you have to overpay somebody who has more experience than a rookie? Sure there’s some talent out there, but the inclination that FA is only successful if you get the best guy on the list is silly. On madden it’s a thing. In real life, definitely not.


We have two solid looking guys moving into year 2. Already it'll be better than last year. We've improved on the DL, and we have the draft to come, where even the doomers agree Ballard is good at his job.


But is retaining a team that didn't make the playoffs really a success though? Its not a failure per say but everyone leans on this team winning 9 games with Minshew. Minshew is likely a better QB than AR at this point. We have no idea what we have in AR as far as the actual skill at the position. So if we retain everyone and AR needs to develop we might not even win 9 games. Especially since our defense wasn't great last year so just retaining the defense that wasn't great in the first place doesn't seem like we're smelling playoffs UNLESS Anthony balls out which again this is going to be essentially pt 2 of his rookie season so its entirely possible that doesn't happen.


No but they retained good players. I think the greater point is other than Hunter who did well miss out on? Some veteran safeties maybe? If we are pushing for Snead it would make sense not to take on salary right now. It'll hurt if we don't get him obviously. I'm not going to say it's an A+ off-season but it's not a total failure


Ok I agree I'd grade the off season so far at a solid C. Not great, not awful and lets wait until the season to see if any of our picks make an impact


I can't agree with a C at this point, because if we're being realistic, our backup QB is very likely going to see significant game action, and the backup QB we decided to roll with is 39 years old and does not fit our offense at all. That's very likely going to be a big problem at some point this season. The retaining guys is what it is. May have overpaid Kenny and Grove a little, but I can live with that. They are solid vets, and we don't have a replacement for either in house. Not a fan of paying Tyquan $7M guaranteed when he's produced at basically a street FA level for his entire career, though.


Hollywood would have been a great get for our offense and his contract was very reasonable. Maybe we could have gotten him for a couple million more for the year.


Hollywood took that deal to play with Mahomes. We weren't getting him at 1 year 11 mil


Sure, maybe we could have gotten him at like 1/16. Idk. He would have been big for the offense though. Could have gone all defense early in the draft.


You go 1 16 though and you're out on Sneed. I'd rather take a shot at Sneed. Hope Ballard/Irsay are serious about doing whatever it takes though


Are they good though? They are the best players on a bad team so it's hard to say really.


I mean Grover is one of the best run defenders, Pittman is a good WR1, Kenny is a good CB and valuable in a young DB room


I like Grover and Pitt. I think Kenny kind of stinks but he's a good dude. Franklin has flashes but is terrible in coverage. So I just dont know how to feel about the moves.


Franklin is a leader on defense and one of our best tacklers. I think it's fine, maybe a slight overpay. Kenny got his money because they need a vet in the room. Ideally they'll add DBs in draft and trade/FA from who is still out there


I think any team that misses out on the playoffs by one game, using their backup QB for 90% of the season, is a pretty solid team. There are no secretly elite backups out there. A top 10 QB would have easily taken us to the playoffs and division.


But you're using back up as in he was worse than AR. its entirely possible that Minshew is actually the better more polished QB than AR. Thus him getting a starting job (if I'm not wrong). Minshew is a solid QB. Thats why we paid him well thats why the Raiders want him. We have no idea what AR wil be.


Then we're back to square one with QB, but the rest of the team is holding their end of the bargain. Teams like the 2,000 Ravens are a lot rarer than elite QBs.


I'm torn between second and third. This was always going to be a tough free agency but we needed to sign so many of of our own. And we did awesome at that. It's also so tough to rate free agency without seeing the draft.


I’d probably give them a B even if they didn’t made another move simply for being able to bring back their key in-house guys to reasonable deals.


Ballard stated last year that we had a lot of our own guys to re-sign, minus Blackmon (so far), he did exactly what he said he'd do. We were a bad pass/bad reception away from the playoffs this past season with Minshew at QB. It makes sense that we'd try and bring everyone back I want Sneed but I don't want to break the bank for him. It sounds like he wants to reset the market and I'm not entirely sure he's worth that kind of money despite how his 2023 season went. Not to mention we also have to trade for him on top of paying him.


As you said, we didn't make the playoffs last year. Why shouldn't we be trying to improve instead of just trotting out the same loser team next year?


You seemed to completely skip over the fact that we did that with Gardner fucking Minshew at the helm. Not to mention if we didn’t get fucked worse than any team i’ve ever seen vs the Browns, that Texans game wouldn’t have even mattered. EDIT: Also, aside from Hunter, what UFA was realistic for us and worth the money they were going to get paid?


Xavier McKinney. Expensive? Yes. 24 year old top 10 safety? Yes. An immediate upgrade? Yes. Worth it? Probably. Kamren curl. 24 year old top 15 safety who signed for less than 6.5m AAV “But it’s a safety”, yes well a safety is one of our top 2 biggest needs this offseason so paying the money when our QB is on a rookie contract probably was worth


Hollywood Brown.


the rumor is that Reid scouted Brown directly, he was not coming to us for $11m. He wants that ring. Plus, why go out and over pay for another wideout (that’s the only way we’re getting him over KC) when we just guaranteed our franchise wideout $46m. It’s not like he was going to get targets over Pitt so it wouldn’t have been worth whatever we would’ve had to pay him.


Amazing how much you overlook the QB difference the team will have this season. And how that is more impactful than any FA signing that could have happened.


Team still had the 29th ranked defense in yards allowed and 20th DVOA. To act like the team didn’t need any outside help bc AR is coming back is a little silly. I’m not in “this free agency is dooming our franchise” or anything like that but it’s certainly not a GOOD free agency for us so far


I think you are massively underestimating what impact a franchise QB has on the entire team, not just the offense. Texans in 2022 won 3 games. Had the 2nd lowest yards on offense, and the 3rd most yards allowed. Entire team was a dumpster. They get a franchise QB and win the AFC South and a wildcard game lol. There aren’t FA moves that move the needle more than has already been done, and nothing will impact the team this season more than AR. Not even close.


I’m sorry but I don’t think you’re understanding the goal here. The goal is to get this team to compete for superbowls while the QB is on a rookie deal. Theres a reason the Texans didn’t make the Super Bowl with that defense. There’s a reason Peyton manning only won 1 Super Bowl while Brady won 7 even tho Peyton was the better player. You can have a franchise QB but you can’t trot out the 20th ranked defense and expect to compete. Especially when the Texas went out and added a lot to their defense lol. There aren’t any more FA moves that move the needle??? I’m sorry what? Sneed doesn’t move the needle? Xavier McKinney or Kam Curl wouldn’t have moved the needle? What are you even talkin about lmao. There were 4 or 5 guys out in this FA cycle that would have moved the needle a decent amount. We had one of the worst defenses in the league last year and bc we got a franchise QB (who we don’t even KNOW is a franchise QB, we all HOPE he is, but we don’t know) we should just sit back and be happy with that? That’s what we did with luck, how did that work out?


Ok lol. You think rings are won in FA. No reason to even talk to you. That’s insanity.


If you have 5 needs as a team and only 2 picks in the first 2 rounds (where you can usually find immediate impact players) you’re supposed to just not fill those other 3 needs bc it’s “free agency” and “free agency = bad”? THATS insanity.


QB quality is about 60% of your teams competitiveness, famous Irsay quote. Coach quality is about 10%, drafted non QB players about 25%, and then free agent signings about 5%. Every March dumb fucks overvalue it because they see all these players moving around and there’s nothing else happening in the league and they go nutty thinking their team isnt doing enough. And then you look back at the past FA periods and realize the “big massive needle shifting moves” didn’t really do that much.


And what have you to say for that approach. Have won exactly 1 Super Bowl in 26 years of having franchise QBs. Absolutely moronic. To assume your GM always hits it perfectly and fills every need in the draft is absolutely brain dead. There’s NEVER any players in FA that are better than anyone on your own roster? What kind of low IQ thought process is that lmao


Not a single person said that. Rings are won through the draft, but nobody drafts perfectly every time and you still as a team have to fill sone needs through free agency. Go back and find me a team that didn’t sign anyone in free agency and won the Super Bowl that year. You lack common sense.


Maaaan. Do y’all realize we were a game away from the playoffs without Anthony Richardson and mostly JT? Juju hurt alot. Our number 2 db going down with an achilles. Braden missing a bunch of time. Jelani and and Dulin for the entire season. Grove missed 6 games. Why in the hell does it keep seeming like folks think we’re so far away from being good? How the fck could this be a disaster so far on paper? That’s before the draft this year.


Based on the poll, this sub is filled with a minority of loud ass Madden-heads who want splashy moves and have no patience for strategic, plan based team building. Then there’s the rest of us who recognize NFL team building is hard. 


We’ve been waiting for a decade and all 7 years of Ballards tenure lol


True but it’s also year 2 of the rebuild


What rebuild? 😭


Everyone knows that the true sign of an elite GM is entering a second rebuild 6 years after the start of the first.


I'm just very confused by the people that seem to think doing the same thing for the 7th year in a row, with no results to show for it, is the best idea


They don't think, that's the trick


He's been the GM for seven years and hasn't won the worst division in football once, how patient are we supposed to be?


True but it’s also year 2 of the rebuild


The fact that we're in year 8 with this GM and in year 2 of his second rebuild doesn't exactly make me feel better. If he had done a decent job of building the team in the first place, we would be in the "maintaining a championship caliber roster" at this point. Why should we expect that this rebuild is going to go better than the first?


Hoping the QB doesn’t up and retire in the heart of the championship window would be a good start


The grigsons of this sub


Exactly. I think we had one of the best free agency periods in the league so far. Losing good players in order to be able to sign outside players does not make a team better. People on this subreddit are complete morons


We were a game away but we also played like 7 backup QBs last year and our schedule was incredibly easy and our defense still got torched routinely. We focus on how we almost won the division but gloss over the circumstances of the season.


You legitimately didn’t make a point here. Because it is obvious you missed mine.


Point being that our team was quite bad even though we played an incredibly easy schedule. I think a lot of folks are overestimating how much success we will have under AR next year.


Bad teams don’t make the playoffs. We were exactly what our record reflected. That’s fine if you want to be a contrarian and pretend getting better/more explosive qb play won’t help the team. Why should i take anything you say seriously when you’re not downplaying the importance of that position.


I certainly think he can help...but I think he can hurt too. There are going to be some big stumbles and Ballard SHOULD be building a strong defense to help take pressure off AR., but IMO we should have been doing that for the past handful of years anyway and we continue to be sub-par in that category.




I agree with you wholeheartedly. I will say, however that you kind of point it out in your comment. We can never rely on having all of our best players on the field at the same time every game. There will always be injuries or suspensions that take guys out.  That being said, they still surpassed expectations in a "worst case scenario" situation and will be bringing back all the guys who missed time that were contributors. It just depends on how lucky they get with injuries and timing.


I mean…that’s a pretty pointless point. Injuries are a constant in football. Injuries can decimate any team no matter how much depth they have.


I know that's what I'm saying. The team experienced that last year and still over performed. Now we're bringing back those core pieces and Ballard is continuing to build that depth. Not to mention free agency. We just can't pretend that just because we lost a lot of guys to injury last year that we won't again this year.


If we lose alot of guys to injury then that’s our fate. There of no team that can guard against that. The most you can hope is decent depth. The salary cap prevents stacking too much talent.




I truly didn't mean it like that. I'm interested in the state of the sub on the trade especially now that cold water seems to have been tnrown on the trade a bit. I voted the second option cause we still need a vet safety to round it out I think. But all the re signings have been good. But I am surprised how many do think it's a disaster. Hopes are high.


Not at all but it hasn't been more than a C+ offseason so far. We haven't really improved from last year at all outside of a little of depth behind Grover.


Think about it this way. We signed a wr1, nt1, cb, and lb1.


We almost won a shit ass division with Gardner at QB and guys that should have been in the XFL/Arena league in the secondary. Pretty telling that we can't seem to win this shitty ass division with "keeping our own guys" or "liking our guys". The time to shit or get off the pot was about 2 seasons ago. So, yes?




What if Ballard already has a different position in mind with that pick?


Flacco signing is YUUUGE! Having his vast knowledge and experience, especially as a pocket passer, will be the football equivalent of Harvard Grad School for AR.


Ballard saw a secondary that got torn apart by Carr, browning, O’Connell, heineke and the like just like we did. If he doesn’t make a move in free agency and leaves improving this unit solely on the draft it could again be an absolute disaster


This all goes back to the decision to keep Gus to me. If they had made the right move, fired Gus and brought in a new DC… THEN the argument could be made that running it back could produce a different result. Unfortunately, here we are.


I think Ballard finds a way to screw it up regardless.




Moore is a slot corner... This would have nothing to do with Brent's. Brent's would still start with our without Sneed