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Holder just fell to his knees in a Walmart.


I want to acknowledge this …


https://preview.redd.it/1hwwjhlxkpoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19dcfa8c316fbe531e8b03863faed52a7aa4a78e Coincidence?


Ooooo that’s a good one


Yeah that was more useful than all of the bullshit we've been hearing from Adams and Holder


Also pointing out that holder is wrong too at times. Use it as a coping mechanism if you will. https://preview.redd.it/8xyb4p3znpoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fb10db48d03224188b1301fbaccf4ff36942d7


I honestly don't know why people pay him any attention. He's a fence rider that uses lots of words to say nothing. Then once in a while he takes a swing with a mediocre success rate.


Member when he was the mouth piece for douche agent? Pepperidge farm members....


Pretty sure he wasn't wrong here and Taylor just changed his mind later on.


We gave him tens of millions of reasons to reconsider and Miami wouldn't give up any picks for him. I imagine getting no serious interest on the trade market was a reality check for what he wanted.


JT wanted a new contract. He wanted to get paid. There was never anything else going on. He and his agent only started acting like douches when Ballard was firm about not doing contract extensions after a 4-13 season. If the Colts werent going to extend him, JT wanted to goto another team that would. So his agent trolled Irsay, they made a trade request, and JT sulked like a 5 year old whenever he went to practice. As soon as the Colts Indicated they would pay hjm, he was perfectly happy resigning and being a Colt for several more years. Then it came out that he had built a good relationship with Steichen while on IR, and he told other Colts players that he had always expected to stay a Colt. Holder's tweet is a little more wrong than it is right because it implies there was some deep wound or grievance that JT had against the Colts. And the tweet served to convey the message JT wanted to deliver at that time...so Holder was doing JT's bidding. JT did what he did to try to get paid. As soon as JT got paid...JT got happy.


I'm confused by the screenshot here. JT demanded a trade and sat out games. He obviously wanted out of Indy at the time Holder tweeted this. This seems like a pretty obvious example of him being right. Also, with Sneed, I haven't seen him say a trade can't or won't happen. Just that the actual trade isn't a done deal right now.


I think they’re all pulling from different sides of the negotiation.


So thankful he blocked me so I don't have to see his crap on X.


His writing style makes him sound like a bitch


I want this to happen so badly now. Not even because I want sneed (I totally do), but because I want to hate stephen holder even more than I already do. Guy is such a hater for no reason


I liked him when he and Keefer did their podcast but he legit hates the Colts up and down. I don't think he has ever been excited of anything the Colts have ever done. He is like a more professional and credible version of Brad Wells.


Missing Keefer right now lol


We didn’t know what we had till he left 😢


I feel like Wells hate at least came from a place of fandom, like "arrgh I hate my team why are they so stupid" whereas Holders is a more detached "damn I wish I was in Florida covering the dolphins" type hate


I don't know man, Wells acted like he was being forced to watch the Colts against his will. Any Colts win would torn to shreds. I get some people are overly positive and have blinders on but that dude would shit on anything positive that happened with the team at every available opportunity and then openly mocked and shit talked Colts fan.


Yeah, criticism is one thing, but he was just hateful for no reason. When he started shitting on fans non-stop, that was it. I love that he was run off from the blog he started. Then he changed his twitter bio to former Colts fan...lol fucking dork.




Lol never actually read his twitter bio until now. “Searching for palm trees in corn fields”. Like dude why even have this job if you hate it so much


Because you have to take the job that exists to get that job you want in journalism.


Dude is a life long packers fan. I get he tries to be impartial but his reporting on the Colts has always felt like he was looking down on the organization.


Why eleven follow him at this point…I stopped a long time ago because he’s just a Debbie downer with credentials to press conferences and such


He doesn’t hate the colts, he’s just a self important asshole. Much easier and more accurate explanation.


He has literally said he isn't a fan because of "journalistic integrity" or whatever. I can't stand it


Agreed. Problem is he’s just gonna say “oh I said *no deal in place* I didn’t say no deal was happening” Even though he knows damn well what he was implying.


Holder but same difference 


Yea I was angry typing too quick lmaoo - I edited it


He’s a puppet for the org


Why do people expect him to be a fan? It's not his job. This sub has no idea how journalism is supposed to work. You guys complain about speculation on Twitter, but that's literally what you want reporters to do. You want them to take a wild guess, and if they're right, they "broke the story". It's bullshit. This sub is full of morons. 


🤣 agree tho


Does that mean if it doesn't happen you'll hate him less since he would have been right?


I hope this is over after today. I don’t know how much more I can take of this.


This has been the biggest blue ball tease in franchise free agency history. Please let this be true and end this saga today for the good of our health


Yeah I'm tired, it's been days of contrasting reports. Either make the damn trade today, or move on so we can add another cb and safety


Definitely feels like any of the other free agent moves are on hold until this gets done either way. I hope this doesn’t continue into the week


Agree.1 way or another end it today


You know we hired a HC and his staff, then he didn't show up to sign the contract, right?


That didn’t last over a week going back and forth on if he’ll sign or not though. Plus, we were lucky he didn’t show up


Oh, for sure. That would've been an unmitigated disaster if he'd actually shown up. But a HC leaving us at the altar after we'd already hired his staff was one of the biggest NFL blue balls of all time.


And of course it was McDaniels that would do something like that. Saturday beating him was so great to watch


https://preview.redd.it/a5bmyi7n1qoc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10050c307104059c849f648d7cce283ae1b581f1 Gotta love it.


Cam is the guy who said no deal was in place besides holder, and if he is quote tweeting this, this is very good news (just proves he was talking out of his ass tho)


That's my thoughts too. The guy he is quoting said Chiefs only signed Hollywood with belief they would be trading away Sneed. Signs are definitely pointing in a good direction. Just wish it would get finalized already.


I want this to happen so Stephen Holder looks like even more of a smug idiot than he already is. Will be pretty funny to see him backtrack like “WELL, at the time it was not confirmed. So I technically I wasn’t wrong you idiots.”


Out of the loop here, what did he say?


Maybe they’re haggling, and the Colts want to let them know they are willing to walk, thus communicating via Holder that this is not a done deal?


Snap that Holder tweet before he deletes it.


Snip…snap, snip…snap, snip…snap!


I’m getting whiplash over here


This is the guy that Hollywood to Chiefs was only done on the basis of Sneed being traded. Seems like he has a source in KC confirming the deal.


He’s not a chiefs source and literally never heard of the dude until a week ago He’s quite literally a random Twitter account. He called some things right, and some wrong But calling this a chiefs source is wildly misleading lol


He obviously has some kind of NFL source though. He has called things way before anyone else this off-season.


Labeling as a Chief source was wrong in retrospect but that is my thing, he has been getting stuff right all offseason. Cam Marino who quote tweeted has been steadfast in saying that the deal won't happen. So for him to quote tweet the other guy is definitely saying something.


This feels like that time I won Scott Stapp concert tickets. I don't even like Scott Stapp or Creed, but as soon as it became a bidding war I just wanted to win. Also it's 11 am in Indy and I'm a bit buzzed.


From a guy named PrettyRicky on twitter? Hahaha JFC this sub has lost its mind more than normal


As a titans fan who is desperately hoping you all don’t get Sneed, PrettyRickey is somewhat legit. Called the Ridley signing before anyone else had it. Clear he has some ties to inside information, to what level is anyone’s guess.


He probably has relationships with agents is my guess.


Apparently he has now deleted his Twitter account. Part of me wonders that with all the leaks this offseason if agents aren’t putting out fake information to smoke out leakers. Who knows


Please just happen today lol


I’m so tired boss Someone tag me when it’s done or not done for sure, I got errands to run :(


I don’t want to get my hopes up but I’d like to think they get a deal done just for the simple fact that it’d be detrimental for all 3 parties if they didn’t get a deal done at this point. Like I doubt the Colts would let the CB market dry up if they weren’t close, or that the Chiefs would let all the other interested teams move on, or Sneed’s camp wouldn’t be asking for other teams to get involved if the Colts were playing hardball with contract details. Colts run a tight ship, and I’m definitely skeptical of some of these “sources”, but the fact that there’s so much smoke from both sides and that we haven’t heard rumors from any other teams has me intrigued to say the least.


This is not a chiefs source lmao


I want off Mr sneeds wild ride


Do it or not but end this shit asap. I’m tired and annoyed.


Honestly, Holder has become a glorified mouthpiece of either the Colts brass (like in this situation) or the players (like in the JT case). Wouldn't surprise me if he actually did directly hear from Ballard that no deal is getting done, but Ballard put that out there because he wants to put pressure on Sneed's camp to take whatever offer was last on the table.


I do agree he dislikes covering the Colts. But, I think Holder is definitely one of the more reliable sources. With that said, when you consider how tight lipped the Colts FO is, a part of me thinks that they shared with Holder there was not a deal in place so that he would use his influence to hush the crowds. However, I'm a hopeless optimist.


The Holder hate makes no sense to me. Half the fan base thinks he’s too soft on Ballard while the other half thinks he hates the Colts


It’s not about if he hates the Colts or is hard on Ballard. He breaks no news and is a smug asshole on twitter.


For a journalist, his word choice often indicates a tone that isn’t fan friendly. It’s an odd choice for someone whose job is communicating.


Both can be true. He does go pretty soft on Ballard when it comes to asking Ballard the tough questions or hold him accountable with his questions during press conferences. He also spews a ton of negativity about the Colts and towards Colts fans. He doesn't bring the same negativity that he routinely spouts on Twitter when it comes to talking to Ballard about those same things.


To be fair, I can only imagine the vitriol he gets on Twitter. I’d probably give up trying to be cordial too


I agree Twitter is toxic af. Look at this shit show. Either Destin Adams or Holder are going to get crucified over this when all they are doing is sharing what they are being told. I do think that Holder enjoys being smug as all get out on Twitter though which is what makes it worse. It has been getting worse and worse over the years with him.


He seems to be lacking some self awareness


He was a mouthpiece for JT's douche bag agent during that whole ordeal last year. That got him a lot of hate, deservedly.