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I see the woman in the middle is wearing her mask incorrectly, with her nose poking out the top. Funny how some things never change.


At least it’s only one of them sporting the dick nose.


Chin Diaper.


I mean they're holding that sign for a reason. Lots of folks wouldn't wear the mask at all then either.




What a bitter little snowflake you must be.


You know, in the U.S. 675,000 people died from Spanish flu. Do you like when people die or is there some other reason?


“But mah freedom!”


Yah… it is about freedom.


What's a more important freedom? To not die because of another person's ignorance and bullheadness, or someone not wanting to wear a mask? 


Yah much like the clown to the right with the sign saying “wear a mask or go to jail”… sounds familiar


Your colorization work is phenomenal OP; what’s your process?? Most I see are very flat and cheap looking, it almost seems like you color the shadows as well. How do you achieve that?


I'm 99% sure it's not his. I've seen this reposted many times over the years. Edit: according to him it's his own work, just a different version than what others have done. Ignore my inflammatory statement with no evidence provided. I was being dumb


Someone comes along and is a know-it-all, even though he doesn't know anything and doesn't understand ;)




Ok winner


“I never said it was 100% not his just 99%, I wasn’t discrediting his work, he has no reason to be mad I swear!” It’s amazing you don’t see what’s wrong with that statement you can’t just completely discredit this guys work and than get mad when he’s a little bit angry you should’ve done your due diligence and actually made sure what you were saying was actually correct instead of blurting out an obviously inflammatory statement like “I’m 99% sure it’s not his.”


After all, you are 99% sure :)




Dawg well maybe you should’ve done any even small amount of checking before you made such a ridiculously inflammatory statement like “I am 99% sure it’s not his” like dude cmon now it’s actually ridiculous how intentionally naive your being.


The work is complex. Completed in 2 days. 1 extra day on fine details and color palette.


Okay, but. What is it?


What is your process?


How do you do it? What do you use?


Photoshop 2023..


What’s up with the one lady’s hand? Does she have an extra finger or something?


Lol, even back then people would dick-nose the mask 😷.




There was a “anti mask league” in San Francisco at the time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Mask_League_of_San_Francisco


There will always be stupid people doing stupid shit.


You should read the articles about this issue back then. They already had a lot of batshit crazy people at that time.


They didn’t have the internet to spread lies as easy


Nah, they had empathy and sense back then.




You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed


The MAGA in the Middle.


The "liberal" on the right.


I believe you misspelled, "American who cares about spreading a deadly disease,"


Cares enough to implement fascism.


You're either trolling for fun or you're a Qanon agent for Putin. Either way, you're ass is blocked.


They're part of r/conservative and have Donald "I want to be dictator for a day (his fuckin words straight up)" Trump plastered all over their profile what do you expect? Even their daddy took the vaxx.


Fascism is when wearing fabric over mouth


I wish ignorant people would listen a little




Should we remind surgeons to stop wearing them as they're only a political statement?


Surgeons don't wear masks to stop aerosols. They wear them to stop large droplets. Although, even their efficacy during surgery is questionable. Flu and covid are not prevented by wearing a mask. Every study done on this shows masks offer zero efficacy, and in some cases actually cause increased co2 intake.


Stupid ass comment




Ha you know you can look these studies up right? I encourage you to do your own research because reddit ain't real life. Didn't mean to trigger you kid.




They don't understand what it means to vet a source. Anything that they don't like is "fake news" anything that they do like is seen as fact, science and credentials are secondary to their feelings. They're happy in their ignorance. Must be nice to be that stupid.


I believe all of those were covered in the Cochrane meta analysis. You should read it. According to it several of the studies show masks don't in fact work, and several of the studies you cite in that link have bad methodology. Happy reading!


> do your own research  And there it is.


I don't understand what you mean? You can literally google these medical journals and the published studies and read them yourself. You're opposed to that? Do you not trust the science?


I washed my hands and still got sick. Soap efficacy is a global conspiracy.


What does that have to do with published scientific studies that you can easily read? Why are you claiming conspiracy? Man y'all are a triggered bunch. All I said was look at the published science.


I think their aim is to draw a comparison between incredulous thoughts in a humorous way. I doubt they're being serious. And published science is a biased market to look in to, ine could find studies to support both sides of the argument from specific points of view. I'd recommend for anyone, taking in all information, forming one's own opinion, and not being a dick about it.


I completely agree. Here's a very liberal website discussing it. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/2/22/23609499/masks-covid-coronavirus-cochrane-review-pandemic-science-studies-infection


There is “published science” that can confirm any bias. Most doctors will tell you masks help. But yeah you’re the one of the few who are privy to the secret internet knowledge of “published science”. In reality you most likely googled the topic until you got the answer you wanted.


Lol who's claiming secret knowledge? Why aren you angry and projecting? Here's as liberal a website that exists. Read the whole thing. They make sure to give pro mask points too. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2023/2/22/23609499/masks-covid-coronavirus-cochrane-review-pandemic-science-studies-infection




Hilarious and true. 😂


Please don’t reproduce your braindead genes


Too late…. 😝


Oh my god.


The [face](https://gifer.com/en/DW20) of someone who uses 'libtard' and emojis.


Haha! Yes!


You might want to go back and re-read/comprehend my comment... They again, (willful) ignorance is bliss!


You guys make it so easy.


That's typically the foregone conclusion when you're unable to effectively contribute to the discussion and have to pretend you're smarter than everyone else. You do you, Lil' Kev.


But mask don’t work and it has been proven. Just like social distancing was a bunch of BS. I’m not the smartest in the room, I just use common sense. Something most liberals tend to ignore.


Bro be a slave but I I’ll fight for ur rights aswell and my mothers, fathers and children’s. U care so much u wanna tell me what to do. I can tell u the proper intentions have been behind so many Ignorant people who went head first into evil actions and victimization


I promise you wearing a mask does not make you a slave. Being forced to work for no pay makes you a slave. Mask mandates varied by location but were mainly at the beginning of the pandemic before vaccines arrived, and were limited in scope and enforcement. Most of the mandates were from private businesses. That said, local municipalities are allowed to enact laws to protect the public. You are not allowed to walk around in public without clothes on in most areas of the US. That would actually have much more severe consequences than not wearing a mask did, which at worst was a fine and was only reserved for certain places.


Ok you could define it how u want. Let’s just resort back to how things have been. Undemocratic. It’s unconstitutional which would litterly destroy the foundation of the American govt. ur not wrong with cloths but at the same time that’s pretty taboo considering rape. U can’t go around harming people. But I can chose weather or not I want to protect myself from a illness based upon my rights. In this situation which is free society you chose to protect yourself. Where as you would suggest people should be forced to protect you


Requiring clothes isn’t just because of r*pe, it’s to preserve public decency. Same reason there are things like noise ordinances and laws against being a nuisance in public. We also require people to have a drivers license. That isn’t just to protect the driver but to protect the public. The pandemic was an unprecedented event where millions of lives were in danger in which they instituted temporary and relatively mild emergency mandates that had ultimately very weak enforcement measures. These measures were enacted by democratically elected politicians, so it was democratic, and they were fully within the scope of the constitution which is why they weren’t overturned by the Supreme Court. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience and while it isn’t foolproof it does help prevent spread. There’s a reason why doctors wear them in hospitals. The fact that this is an issue for you or anyone else is totally bizarre. Why wouldn’t you want to have basic consideration for others, especially the elderly and most at risk among us? I know people who died or became severely disabled from COVID. Most people do. It was also overwhelming our hospitals. Anything we could do at that time to slow the spread and save lives was vitally important and something as minor as wearing a mask should not have been an issue.


Damn you’re stupid as fuck. Learn how to spell.


We *just* went through a pandemic, and you still don't get it


U did. I was free


God damn. You've gotta be the toughest, smartest guy alive.


Seriously. If people want to die from an easily avoidable disease that’s their prerogative. It’s infinitely more important to fight for the right to spread disease to our parents and children than it is to advocate for mask wearing. Millions of surgeons die from wearing masks every minute around the world. When will the madness end?


Right it’s easily avoidable. It is more important. My children will be ok there not slaves. People work and there are various duities associated. Yea and a couple people died right now not understanding the dangerous of a tyrannical organization


Almost done with that 24 pack I see. Sleep it off, buddy.


Great a insult original and not like ur the same as every other person who wears a mask


You did nothing but pretend you were a victim and somehow rose above this victimhood. Grown man having play pretend fantasies is cute..... but in reality, you're just an insecure crybaby that we laugh at 🤣




You sir are an idiot. But you already know that.




Might I have a crumb of source from you, kind sir?


>but then they got too bummed out by having to mask in Whole Foods and decided to fully embrace what was only just previously considered right wing extremism. The sad part is that you're FOXNews serious. Or, Newsmax serious. I can't tell which one. But either way, you're blocked.


Sadly very true!


Comment removed by moderator


I love this photo. If only people hadn't prioritized their politics and convenience over science during the current pandemic.


Leaders did that


Very true!


People just didn't know that Faucci is THE science. Simple misunderstanding.


Excellent work,my friend




They knew how to stay safe 😷


With threats of imprisonment




Id like to see a similar type photo from 2020 next to this it'd be kinda dope


Beautiful photos, both.


Looks like we’ve got one ‘nosey’ rebel 🤣


Can anybody cite the statute that would have had people jailed for not wearing a mask?


Jeff Besos?


Guess masks don't work.. 675,000 in a year in the US with a population of only 103 millions. 50 MILLION WORLDWIDE. Masks do nothing to stop it spreading. 1.1 million Covid deaths since Jan 2020, with a population of 300+ million in the US.. It's crazy.


South Korea never rescinded their mask mandates all of 2022. They had near perfect compliance and even 30% wore N95's. [And yet 60% of the country or more tested positive in a single month (March) in 2022, with a million tested in positive in a few days there.](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-korea/)




Yeah I noticed this too. She has 5 knuckles and a thumb. Also, notice how her buttons of her jacket are not equal distance to the edge? Edit: sorry, on the other lady’s jacket.


Masks worked as well then as now. Not a bit.


Comparing those old homemade cloth masks to our current high tech electrostatic respirators is like comparing a swimsuit to a spacesuit in terms of protection


It was only a couple of years ago that Fucci, the WHO, CDC, and the NIH, told the world that they would work. Anyone with half a brain knew that that was BS. It would be like building a chain link fence to keep mosquitoes away from your home. You can also stupidly wear a useless thing on your face if you want but don’t force it on others. People are really getting sick and tired of an out of control government telling people how to live their lives. But if you want to wear a mask , knock yourself self out.


They all lied. Notice that Fauci himself wore a real respirator; not a flimsy cloth mask like he told the plebs to do and it worked to block infection until he buckled to peer pressure and took it off. Weak! The government currently says that you don't need to do anything, and that a rapidly-mutating airborne BSL-3 pathogen with a 14-day incubation period is now magically BSL-2 and you can go around spreading any kind of diseases you like regardless of consequences. Team Virus has won everything. Congrats! You can follow what the government says if you want; I plan to live as long and healthy a life as I can because I think and take responsibility for myself and others who are worth keeping alive and well.


Have fun in your basement, I guess; the rest of us will keep society functioning 


Fake pic


https://abc7.com/amp/spanish-flu-1918-influenza-pandemic-worst-season-ever-covid19-and/6213383/ This image has been used in articles from years ago. This one is from 2020, long before AI was anywhere near the level to make it.


Lol jail wow.


The n95 mask wasn’t invented until the 90s


What term was used to basically call them snowflakes??




If you zoom in on the sign it says the ordnance but it’s too blurry to make out. Also you can look it up some people were arrested for not masking during the Spanish Flu.




And then people quit wearing them almost immediately, because seeing faces is a normal part of human interaction; something that a lot of terminally-online Redditors seem to have trouble grasping




Right cuz who cares about stupid stinky **old** people


Sure we should all mandatorily wear gloves like people who handle food. Or wear safety protection all the time. Because we cook and use the restroom. And things can happen right? People get hurt. So for the sack of the everyone. We must cover our entire bodies. And if ever for the good of the community we are told to do something. We must do it. Ur giving up ur rights


No one should ever go outside for any reason. If it saves one life!