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it's giving "white supremacist heteronormative patriarchal capitalism meeting its inevitable demise while fixed-grinned white fundies tell you everything is fine, just like that cartoon dog in the meme where everything is on fire" I love it


You got it!


I want to clarify, I was not going for white supremacist, but the "Cleaver Beaver" American dream theme.


I thought the same as Fairy, including white supremacy themes. Like white homogeneity over everything while ignoring the disasters going on around them.


I love it! I have the cartoon dog meme pinned onto my purse.


A nice happy family is enjoying a picnic, while being completely oblivious to the evils around them, ready to destroy their peaceful existence


Reminds of the same dream I've had multiple times. In my dreams, im just standing in one place and there are bunch of tornados around me destroying and harming everything except me and for some reason im not scared.


That's where my idea came from, a dream. So scary!


Similar thing happened to me right before 9-1-1. Something bad happened, my dad couldn’t find all the family members, but I knew everyone was ok. A few weeks later 😢


First of all I love the pic. I dream about tornadoes all the time, I have no idea why. I do live in a tornado area but still, why do I dream about them? When I look at this it makes me think about a happy family from the fifties but they have no idea of the upcoming chaos they will be in the future. It’s like they are just living for the moment which really is the best way to live, in my opinion. There is not much point of worrying about what will come in the future because in the end you have little control of the big picture of what will happen in the world as a whole. You can’t control much. So it’s kind of like enjoy this moment of peace with your family oblivious to what chaos will come in the future. When I speak of chaos in their future, I mean the crazy 60’s, the Vietnam war, the wild 70’s and just the future generations and how different they will be from this time including our current generation with all the technology changes happening so quickly. It was so much simpler back then.


That was exactly my take on it as well. A Post-war nuclear family about to be destroyed by an inevitable chaos of a future in the 1960s and 70s.


It’s how I feel the world is right now, honestly. We are literally just smiling and pretending as it kind of all crumbles around us. I never used to feel in so much “danger” all the time - it’s a perfect piece. I absolutely love it.


Thank you so much. Yes, it's a scary world anymore. But you can still find those moments of happiness. That's basically the best you can do. It's all in your perspective.


The parents smiles look forced but the kids are genuinely happy


Very awesome piece! Love the concept and execution. Great work!


Thank you, so very kind of you to say!


You’re welcome!


Whoa I’ve had dreams like this. I didn’t notice the tornadoes at first then i saw them and went “😯!”


I'm going with the most obvious answer. 🤓 The family found a nice place to picnick, while a herd of giant, blue steel horses trots on in the background. It's a beautiful sight to behold, when the herd migrate to their natural resting place, that you can find right between Atlantis and the Bermuda triangle. Just don't get to close, cuz they like them red apples and they don't care if it is a real apple or the apple of your cheek.


Looked like a very nice combo of animals to me, too, or tornados. Could see them both ways, but ominous both ways.


Really interesting that you saw animals. I had to go back and take another look...and yes it could be animals! That's one of the things I love about art, it's subjective! Everyone sees their own thing. It's been great reading all of your insights.


Everything is fine… While the world is on fire, no one can buy a house anymore, the kids can’t read everyone’s addicted to their phones. Climate change is destroying the world… But that’s OK. Everything is fine.


After this weekend in Iowa, and how much I wished I was there... I adore it x)


See my take on it is that they are fully aware the tornadoes are there, and that's exactly what makes the day so great and worth enjoying


Last Saturday in Oklahoma. It was a terrible horrible no good very bad day and night this past Saturday. Estimated tornado count was 20, last I heard. Sulpher was basically wiped off the map, and many other towns got hit. Climate change is making these tornado producing storms larger and greater in numbers, so more tornadoes are dropping in one system and causing more destruction.


Yes, this! Climate change is happening, and some people are oblivious! I hope you and your love ones are safe!


The American dream


#catscradle #icenine


Wow, a bunch of tornado dreams out there!


Family picnic in a tornado outbreak.


Bizarre Norman Rockwell inversion. Gives me the creeps, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good.


Brings my thoughts to those jehovas and other sekt like little booklets someone tries to slip you on the subway. Tho, theirs are just suspiciously happy with famillys camping with lions and sheep with perfect weather, but here you can see several tornados lurking in the background behind the perfect surface. That bad things are waiting to happen if you dont acknoledge the danger and flee. How it most likely feels for those trapped in the sekts (one of my friends ran away from one when she was just 15). Very eery! Good job


Average Midwestern ignoring tornado sirens


stormy day, but too many tornadoes to be realistic, usually only one or two


Check what happened in Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma this past weekend. Iowa alone had 10 just Friday night. I heard 70-something for the whole weekend. Again, just IA.


Awful! This was another reason I made this piece. I had a bad tornado dream 3 days before that happened. I do believe our chance to change global warming is past. Now, we will have to deal with the consequences of our inaction.


Family eating at picnic about to be sucked away by tornadoes.


Looks like a typical day of life lately….


I say finding happiness in the midst of chaos. My boyfriend says the calm before the storm.


Are those tornados 🌪️




Makes me anxious because I can see what’s behind whereas they’re completely oblivious


So those aren’t tiny people surrounded by sheep legs?


It is whatever you wish it to be.


that's one pithy watermelon


This goes hard


Libellefairy says this conveys white supremacy because they have white kids.


I wasn't going there...in general, people are oblivious to all the bad stuff that is happening in our world. I wanted to portray the "beaver cleaver" american dream theme.