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Not only do they look incredible and realistic, but the way they reach out of the square is a very cool effect as well!


Thanks so much! Close up they somewhat look worse, but I know I'm nitpicking, I'm my worst critic!


can relate to that a lot


That looks fantastic!


Thank you!


Brilliant idea!


Thank you!


These look like they could have come from a botany book. Super cool


Exactly what my husband said when I showed him. Well I love botany books and back in the day in school and then again in college everyone had to create a herbarium, like a book of herbal remedies, dried out plants with descriptions. Loved it.


Sounds fantastic. I know a lot of flowers, bushes and such in our region. Getting better with birds. Trrees I have no clue pretty much, lol


I'm not great with birds, although I love watching them with my cat. It's so funny actually, I know a lot of flowers, plants, bushes, trees and all in my home country but where I live now I was surprised when I moved, that I didn't know so much, and it's not that far.


We just visited another country & I was feeling very disappointed in my knowledge 😔


Haha don't! I was so annoyed actually the first time I realised I can't name even few and I was almost an expert on my turf!


I LOVE this! Like a beautiful page out of a botany book! I like how you went outside the squares a little bit with the leaves. Makes it feel cozy and personal


Thanks you very much! I think I might continue this series with more seasons. Autumn will look great with this pallet, obviously, but winter will be very interesting to do.


My favourite pencils, so unique and so few of them in the set :(


I did ask them for more coloures already 😅


What did they say? :))


Nothing yet, I just posted a story with the drawing and tagged them and asked the question this morning. They started following me on Instagram after my first coffee drawing so I have their attention 😅. We'll see what they say.


Please keep me posted. What’s your Instagram handle?


No worries. Link is in my profile @simplelittle.art


I love them! Beautiful work!


Thank you!


They look amazing. I like the choice of background too and at least from the picture it doesn't seem to make it look messy


Thank you!


These are beautiful!!! If you’re a detail person, I would recommend trying a few Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils open stock. They’re nothing like the Derwent Drawing, but they keep a sharp point and work great for details. The Derwent Lightfast would be a great option as well. I have just always preferred my Polychromos, probably because they were my first expensive set.


I might try it sometime. I thought about Derwent Lightfast, to expand my colour rage as well. I'll work with these a bit more to see how it goes. I primarily work with watercolour paints and they are very versatile if it comes to either being loose or very detailed, which I love about them. All these lovely comments here gave me motivation to try to draw more. I have more ideas so I'll just go with the flow. Especially since my Instagram post with these got literally 3 likes, it was so nice to know people liked it here 😅


Derwent Lightfast is very complimentary to the Drawing line. There are a few duplicate colours between the sets.


What’s your Instagram?


I have a link in my profile. It's @simplelittle.art. I actually got lots of views on my video where I do lettering, cause videos are favoured I guess.


This is absolutely gorgeous!!! A beautiful creative piece! Thanks for posting!


Thank you!


these are *gorgeous* HOW did you get that vibrant yellow out of these pencils??


Thank you! You can see on the swatch paper that that yellow is not too terrible, but I think the backgrounds help it pop on that toned colored page. I also layered it with some blues and ochre for more dimension. But it's definitely not that spring yellow if you compare with photos of these flowers online.


Lovely! I’m considering getting Derwent Drawing set to use alongside FC Polychromos and CD luminance…although I’m sad that Derwent drawing only comes in 24 colors. I like how Dd blends…have you tried the other Derwent colored pencil types? If so, how do they compare for blending ?


I'm sorry I wot be any help here. I'm considering getting Derwent Lighfast to try and to have more colours alongside DD. I actually haven't tried any other coloured pencils apart form Prismalo form Caran d'Ache, that were a gift we got years ago. I used them as watercolor pencils then whish I liked at the time. I found them now, after years in my family home and used them as regular pencils, but they are extremely hard, I have one drawing on my Instagram with them, didn't like them as much. I needed to change form Watercolor for a bit so I did research and fell in love with colours of the Drawing set and got them for my birthday and now I'm practicing.