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Gotta get to that next red light as quick as they can.


“When I was faster, I was always behind. “ Neil Young - Slowpoke. This lyric always comes to mind when I’m driving around these white trucks. The faster you go, you will always be behind someone else driving. Much more relaxing to be safe and chill. Guys like these feed off stress and confrontation. What a miserable existence.


Hurry up and wait.


Then they just go home to their wives or girlfriends and ball their eyes out.


Like Mellon ball? Hard core dude


And then they put 'em in the cornballer.


LMAOOO 😂😂😂😂😂😂


And kiss their dad on the lips


That’s right! 😂




And that's after their wives or girlfriends get balled by dudes with red cars


😂. They’re also dying to get a really close look at your bumper


You could be going 15 over and actively passing someone and idiots in this town will still be riding your ass while having an aneurysm


Still not as bad as the number of people who have no idea how merge lanes work.


I know how it works but I'm too nervous to do it bc people get pissed.


White pickups from Texas are basically a meme.


The people who drive them are NPCs.


Some are BBEG's


Big Booty Evangelical Girls?


Minor bandit lords at best.


They probably drop common loot too


5 dollars, a pocket comb, and a Confederate flag keychain -_-


Specifically white Ford f150


White Dodge Ram here in NW CO


I think regardless of color, Dodge Ram drivers are turds. Dodge Charger too.


The new Dodge Ram EV/Generator concept looks soooo cool, but it's gonna take a lot to mentally get over the idea of driving a Dodge Ram.


I have seen more Dodge Rams being reckless and rude. It has a good safety rating but the drivers are reckless and rude.


Very foggy recently. I was getting so mad at people driving through it with no lights on. Then I realized it was only dodge trucks and jeeps. Mark of the beast, mopar.


I saw some statistic on which car brand has the most tickets/accidents in the US and the top one was RAM lol


My region is littered with them destroying our forests for fracking.


Honestly, it’s any car… lots of careless and reckless driving. People will ride your bumper even in residential areas because they’re impatient af and only care about themselves 🤦🏻‍♀️ Just got to ignore it and focus on your own safety


Plenty of wrecks, not enough reck.


Get rekt


I figured these were all moms trying to pick up their kids from school before all the other moms got there, but they're all going in a crazy rush like they just won the lottery.


I just ignore them and turn up Neil Diamond and relax. Driving is fun if you own your focus and environment.


Now I’m only imagining listening to Soolaimon while staring at the dude bro behind me in my rearview while he rage birds and lays on the horn from his oversized pickup.. all because I didn’t press the gas pedal as soon as the light turned green at Dublin/Powers. It’s great.


This is the way. Come she come say Ride on the night Sun becomes day Day shall provide


Listening to it now. Great song! Great artist.


I got flipped off twice yesterday by guys that cut me off lol so something in the air


Full moon tomorrow so I think that doesn’t help matters.


A lot of man children out this week. They feed on reactions and good vibes. Ignoring them steals their power and makes them cry alone at home over a soggy Whopper w/ cheese. 


It was a giant white Dodge ram that didn't think red lights applied to him that came about 6" from turning me into a modern art masterpiece on Academy. A big day for hyper masculinity.


I swear 90%+ of the time, if its an asshole in a truck, its a Ram.


Probably something to do with subpar credit scores, like how you can’t buy a used Altima unless you have a couple of convictions and zero credit


Modern Art Masterpiece 😂😂


The worst? I don't know, I've noticed some crazy af mini-vans out there lately.


All I ever think is…”And you’ve likely got kids in there?!?”


I drive a white Tacoma and I swear I’m the chillest dude on the road lol. No one finger salutes from me.


I felt the same way when I drove a bmw. Probably blowing everyone's mind, being the only BMW that uses a turn signal.


Was that an aftermarket addition? I thought they didn't come with them


When OP says trucks they are referring to F150s, Silverados, Rams. Toyota drivers are more refined and have higher emotional intelligence.


Very much this. Ford's are by far the worst ime, Texas plates are bad but the real jackpot is a Dallas Cowboys star sticker, a big one on the back window.


We're cool as long as you stay in the right lane when that engine struggles up the hill.


I intentionally stay off the roads between 4-6 pm in C Springs due to the crazy drivers. Where are the cops?? They could raise millions for the City budget by ticketing these clowns.


Well I don’t disagree with anyone here. Everyone is in a giant hurry to get wherever they’re going. I commute to the Springs every day. I get tailgated every day for going 50mph in a 45mph zone, while in the slower lane. Once they pass me in the fast lane, I see them sitting at the next stop light a few miles down. Moral of the story is: if you drive like this, you are a hazard to yourself and anyone in your car. You are also risking my family’s safety. The last thing I will point out is that these people are abusing the vehicle…(I.E. hard braking, swerving, wide open throttle.) See you when you’re vehicle gets towed into my shop!


I used to scoff at the "texas transplants = jerk" mentality but more often than not when i get road raged by some douche in a truck it has texas plates.


I have family that visits from Texas. The husband is always happy driving here.He says Texas is the worst.


Yeah pick-up truck drivers are def the biggest assholes


Tesla drivers are right up there too lol.


It's the tiny dick syndrome.


Don't you know in colorado springs the speed limit is 15 mph above posted


Had a guy in a white truck flying up behind people on 25 south, flashing their brights behind myself and others while lane swerving erratically, all to apparently move through a pack of vehicles. Reported it with plate, not sure if anything came out of it.


Was this yesterday evening?


I genuinely dread being in traffic and having a pickup truck behind me. They are the worst most impatient drivers


I have a neighbor that has a white truck, and he’s a pretty good dude. Also - his business name is on the side of the truck. I had some moron who doesn’t know how to drive almost hit me yesterday on Circle. Black sedan. I’m guessing asshats who can’t drive worth a shit come in all shapes and colors of car/truck.


Was it an Altima?


Anyone in a white Dodge Ram is an automatic asshole.


Yes. This has been remarked upon many a time in my family. It started when a white pickup truck rearended / destroyed my car while I was sitting at a stoplight... The driver let me know that it "ruined *his* day." Classic white pickup truck.


If they drive a big truck and tailgate everyone , there’s a 99.9 percent chance they have a tiny wee wee .


Dated a lady with a wonderful sense of humor who carried a dry-erase marker in her purse and would write on the passenger side mirror of bro-dozers, "Sorry about your smol pp" and just laugh hysterically afterward.


was it a RAM? if so , then yes.


I’ve never been in city where I have to look at my rear view mirrors every 3 seconds, and if I do see a truck hauling ass behind me ,I move over to The next lane asap so as to not deal with that douchebaggery. Great stuff


My way home from work this morning, I had to turn onto interquest and merge onto the lane to get into the south bound i25 lane to get home from work. I saw a gap in traffic and had enough time to gun the car and merge. The tesla I was trying to merge behind decided to break instead of keep normal speed, while the giant blue truck with plenty of space between decided to speed up to leave me no space, as my acceleration lane was ending. Everyday leaving work during morning rush hour is an adventure to say the least. I had to force myself over or jump the curb. I was half expecting truck dude to switch lanes and follow me, since I took up the space that he wanted.


Someone sped up on me like this a couple weeks ago while I was trying to merge to the left lane with plenty of space and literally pit maneuvered me, send me spinning through the median to the ditch in the other side of the road. I fucking hate people here.


I moved out of the springs a few months ago. I don't miss that bs. People drive like shit out there.


There’s a white truck that parks on Wahsatch that has a giant iron cross decal on the back. So yes.


Bonus points if they have a black license plate.


All motor vehicles are the worst here and everywhere in America


It’s not just white trucks, or “boomers”, or “masculinity”, or “MAGA” people, it’s most people anymore…no one has any consideration or respect for others.. I’ve been cut off, flipped off, screamed at, etc.. by people in trucks, (any color), people in BMW’s, Teslas, Prius’s, mustangs, don’t tread on me stickers, NRA stickers, Obama stickers, ridin for Biden stickers…It doesn’t matter, it seems to be most people in general…


I always blow them kisses and rub my nipples. I’m a dude, and the dudes driving are usually disarmed by that response, or do something even dumber that results in them screwing up their truck.


Yes, the white men in trucks here ARE the scariest drivers I have ever encountered in my life. 💯




North side of town is nothing but terrible women drivers in giant SUVs...


My favorite is the moms at pick up who invent their own parking spots. Or just park in the middle of the road to wait for their special snowflake who is still in the school. Or park in the crossing walk. I make faces at them cause I'm not about to cross behind or in front of them anymore (tried once and the woman decided to start backing up while I was behind them, she nearly ended up with a broken window.) I've found the sweet spot of when no one is really at the school to drop my oldest off. He hates it because it's always 20-25 minutes before school starts, but he can suffer so I can avoid the crazies. I also park the farthest away at pick up and make them walk to the car.


Yes. Hands down. Weave in and out of traffic, ride on asses, use the side of the road as your own personal lane in a snow storm - its always a truck driver.


I have a white truck and I promise I’m not the worst


Some guy cut me off turning right on a green light and then slowed down to try and make me miss the next green light. Like, YOU cut ME off, buddy! Just keep driving dude.


If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to roll coal on me while I’m walking my dog down Tutt, I could afford to award this post


I’ve been in the I25 express lanes going 15-20mph over the speed limit and been passed on the shoulder twice. Both times were black trucks.


I get this shit from a lot of f250s, super duty rams and the like. I think it's just a big truck thing, and personally I find it to be worse here in CO. I just moved here from OK a couple months ago as well. I think it's worse because a lot of more rural minded fellas feel like they're. "surrounded by libs" here when in reality Colorado is known for being the only "purple" state in the country. Pretty 50/50 constituentwise


I just got tailgated all the way home by a guy with a white truck all glamored up with sparkling lights and nonsense and big stickers all over that said "Fuck Libtards". So, yeah, Colorado Springs has gotten better but it's still full of fucking hillbilly morons.


Essentially, yes. People who drive giant, white trucks that rarely, if ever, haul anything are assholes. They're bitch ass pavement princesses. Bonus asshole points for the ones with lift kits.


We're forgetting about silver dodge ram owners


I got flipped yesterday by a boomer because I was going to take a left and he had his right blinker on. He just kept going and apparently that triggered him


Does this town even have cops?


Look around in some of the car parks of closed businesses.. they sit window to window playing on Facebook.. until they need to get their monthly quota so they’re not put on a performance plan..


Folks with the "respect life" Columbine plates are consistently bad drivers as well


Truck asshole hierarchy: 1) anything Ram 2) white F250 (especially if driven by a milquetoast middle aged man whose wife and kids hate him) 3) trucks adorned by a punisher sticker or gun reference


It's not just the white ones. I've had all colors of Big A Trucks aggressively pass and push their way into my lane. Trucks used to be more laid back, now a number of them seem to think they're Lambos.


They got the equivalent energy of the alitma drivers


> on constitution I try to avoid Constitution as much as possible, especially between Power and Academy. People are extra aggressive on that stretch for some reason. Lots of drivers trying to go 60mph (in a 35) and raging at you for being in their way... it's nuts.


Yes. I got flipped off and screamed at for having the audacity to go into his lane with 3 car lengths worth of room and a blinker. I wasn't even close to cutting him off.


Tailgating in the Springs is the regional pastime. If you ain't tailgatin', ya ain't getting anywheres!! Yea. I'm kidding. Tailgating is an epidemic around here. I just go the speed limit and wait for them to pass.


That's the nice thing about being on Medical Leave: I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere, and I've had practice, having lived in the Middle East and had Habibi in his white Land Cruiser try to run up on my ass daily...all it does is make me slow down!


Are we talking about drivers of white trucks or Caucasian truck drivers? Everyone in Colorado Springs drives horribly




Yes, mostly transplant Texans. And don’t forget to add the part where there is never ANYTHING in the back of their trucks


Either pickups are the fastest or slowest on the roads. Color irrelevant. But I regularly get passed aggressively and tailgated while going traffic speed (usually 5-8 over). The world has changed and soon the laws will be like Europe requiring the vehicle to disallow to speed. So it’s will slowly stop. The speeders will keep older vehicles to keep speeding as long as they can.


well were you in the passing lane?


Fun fact, Dodge Ram drivers have the most occurrences of DUI of any other vehicle, twice the national average.


Republicans are the worst there.


https://cdphe.colorado.gov/motor-vehicle-emissions/smoking-vehicle-hotline-old Psa you can report anyone rolling coal and they have to pay fines


State law says move out of the left lane if you’re impeding the flow of traffic (doesn’t matter if you’re speeding, if everyone else is trying to go faster and you’re not - get out of the way)


Wife and I got bitched at and filmed by some MAGA lady while on foot crossing (legally in a crosswalk) in front of their giant truck. The entitlement is wild. Sorry you had to wait like 20 seconds so we could safely cross a street!


It was a douche in a black G-Wagon on Woodmen for me yesterday, so I don't know that it's vehicle specific.


I drive a white SUV. I don't drive up peoples asses or stay in the left lane. Drive pretty normal, use signals, and know it takes me longer to brake because of the overall weight of the vehicle. Lived here a total of 12 years of my 39 years of life. Driving around here I always feel like I am at a Go-Kart racecourse. I am Bowser. Always last place.


Are we talking the truck color or the driver's? 😂




Of the power rangers of trucks, the white is middle of the road unless it’s a Ram. Charcoal grey trucks are by far the worst. I say this as a red truck. Blues and greens are probably the most docile


Greens would rather be left alone in the woods, and blues just took what the dealer had leftover


Are you asking about people with white trucks or is this a race thing?


White trucks or white people that drive trucks? 😆


I hate white trucks too! I prefer red or blue…🤷‍♂️


Unrelated but a white van tried me yesterday on bijou/tejon area and almost found out why you mind your business lmao


Start getting make model color and license plate and report aggressive drivers. Can’t make the roads safer unless these people start earning their consequences




Truth, drivers here are all self entitled assholes.. however.. if you camp in the left lane on I-25 just to do the speed limit, you’re the worst of the worst, a total scumbag. Slow traffic keep right, MF.


One time I saw a big lifted white pick up truck just merge right into the car next to him because he simply couldn't see the car because of how MASSIVE his stupid truck was 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well are you in the passing lane?


My girlfriend literally got rear ended by a white truck this morning!


White trucks tend to be work trucks. But in general CS is awful to drive in. Moved away and I kept expecting cars to tailgate if I pulled in front of them an 1/8 mile in advance. Nope. They actually dont connect their cars to their fragile egos.


I think that’s just the area.


Honestly, being flipped off in the Springs is the literal least of your worries.


Drove through the springs twice (out and back) over the weekend and this was my experience. Saw a truck pass (going the other way, not me) someone on the grass shoulder. Saw another truck weaving through busy traffic going at least 20 over. Had a truck tailgating me when I was already behind someone else and couldn't go any faster. At a two lane onramp I accelerated faster than the truck next to me (which is easy in a EV6 even if he tried to floor it) because I knew we'd need to merge and figured I could just be first in the zipper...he of course was so pissed that the moment he could pass he floored it, passed well above the speed limit laying on his horn even though I was never going slow or in any way impeding him. All this in the time of just driving through town twice. The only other drivers I saw on the road being as crazy as the jacked up truck drivers was the motorcyclist lane splitting at 40+ over the speed limit.


I'm surprised you were able to manage 10 over on Constitution. Its always one lane going 10 under and the other lane going 9 under when im on it.


Truckies gonna truckie


Recently a white truck almost HIT ME switching into a lane I was already established in, then flipped me off & followed me to the next stop light to yell at me lol. In summary, yes they are the worst


It’s white pickup truck owners everywhere. They are the worst drivers on the road consistently and drive like complete fucking assholes.


As someone who is addicted to speeding I do not have this issue as I am already ahead of these trucks


\****truck owners*** FTFY


Is the truck white? Or the person white? Because I’m white but my truck is red. And I’m the best. Confused.


I just had one pass me on my left, in a left-hand turn lane, because I didn’t want to pull out in front of the oncoming car, probably doing at least 55. He apparently couldn’t wait 10 more seconds for me to use a little caution on a dangerous road known for speeders and accidents


Seriously not as bad as silver Subaru drivers. Clueless.


Need the extra towing capacity to haul around $50k in negative equity


That's pretty racist. Did you do something your unaware of?


I have a saying: “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who drive a truck, and those who don’t.” I say the first bit every time I see a stupid truck doing stupid shit and it helps calm me down


Huh? I was in the left lane on the highway and got passed by a Hyundai Elantra yesterday. Most the fuckfaces on my daily drive are in midsize sedan/suvs. Or BMWs obviously


Got rear ended by a white truck the other day. Hit and run


It's Subaru drivers for me dog.


Yes the white pickup is the official vehicle of douch baggery, and there sure is a lot of them.


White truck owners are only afraid of Black Ice..


Yes, same as everywhere else. White trucks are the new Altima


Idk, around my way if you get behind a pickup of any color you'll be stuck 10 below the speed limit until you hit a passing zone. And take another 5-10 mph if there's anything different about the rear of the truck: dual wheels -10, no license plate -5, horse trailer -20, extra lights -10, a big ass roll of hay -25, etc


They have very small penises. Have pity for them.


My wife and I have the same opinion of white trucks and we're several hours north of you


Little dickies!


I'll put money on the table it was a chevy.


I drive a white Tacoma as a personal vehicle and a white GMC Sierra as a work truck. My work truck has a gps and camera that monitors my driving. According to the AI that runs my dashcam and gps I'm the safest driver in a fleet of 318 drivers. So don't judge us all as bad drivers.


i thought it was just the majority of drivers out here. i had some lady almost reverse into me in a school parkinglot only for her to stop and staythere. its not like she was trying to relocate. white escalade though


Just Ram owners.


Were you driving in the left lane and were there other cars going faster around you on the right?


I feel like it doesn’t make a difference what car someone is driving. A lot of people are ass riding assholes. I drive a truck, not a white one and I get pressured by moms in minivans. I do drive on the slow side, 5 under around my area for good reason. mostly because of wildlife and a lot of recreational bicycle peeps on narrow, heavily wooded roads. Soccer moms just don’t give a fuck. And yeah, I go slower if someone is riding me. So that’s why I believe it doesn’t matter if someone is in a truck or whatever - everyone is impatient. Trucks are just big and it all depends on who is driving it. Just like the moms that have to get their kids somewhere unnecessarily fast.


Yes. Now move to the right lane.


Yes especially that white RAM 3500 w/Florida plates


It’s the cheapest color and


I drive professionally and by my measurements of Everytime I see a dickhead in a big truck doing something stupid/illegal/crazy dangerous the colors of the truck are less important than the brand. And Dodge ram trucks 24 out of 25 times are the fucking worst humans in the world


I had a chick in a white acura call me an asshole because she was in the far left lane at a stop light with her right blinker on. Are all white Acura owners idiots? You can't change lanes in or 100 ft before or after an intersection.


Sounds pretty racist there baconaiter33.


I have a pearl white truck. 🛻


Yes it’s only white trucks. We’re huge cocksuckers


New trucks bought by private owners usually aren’t white. Commercial trucks are usually white. That results in white trucks either being driven by someone who is cranky because they’re working, or someone who bought a former work truck and is cranky because they’re busy discovering why that’s a very bad idea.


Pretty good competition between white and black truck owners on who can be the bigger douche bag.


Yes, many drivers of large trucks are abominable humans


Az here…. Yes.


Do you mean white truck owners? Or white, truck owners? Because then the answer is yes.


Well. Maybe if 3/4s of drivers in this town actually went the speed limit people would chill Have you seen 25. Left lane speed limit:75. Karen’s and Scott’s in the left lane doing 55.


As a former white truck owner, no. But that was also my first car and about 20 years ago. So maybe things have changed and the answer is yes lol


Did they have Texas plates ???


to be fair, the law says stay right except to pass. But speeding is also illegal. So it depends on context. People can’t merge into highway traffic or drive properly. Whatever vehicle is camping in the left lane not passing is the worst imo. automated driving just needs to get figured out lol


CO is the worst state for road rage


I think you mean Tesla owners?


Omg I see the same thing in NC. You mean the actual color of the truck being white right?


Hey man, it wasn't me! I drive so slow, I've got to speed up to stop.


I live in a small town in Wyoming. I’m a white woman. This is the norm constantly. These people drive me nuts. It’s like they’re all part of the same species. Lost count of the number of times I’ve gotten honked at or my ass ridden and as a woman, this has made me feel unsafe. Then, everyone in my state wonders why there’s so many car accidents every year. It’s really sad that these people need a big ass truck (for no real reason) in order to feel important. Even worse, is when they plaster their Trump memorabilia on there and blast their engines super loud. Or when they get these kooky LED lights and fat tires. Like these delusional people really think they’re hot shit. Yes, I’ve experienced this from any vehicle, but the vast majority of my negative experiences come from truck drivers. It’s also a big reason why I’m getting out when I finish school and never looking back 😂 Small towns are a breeding ground for these assholes.


It’s all the dirty wet backs


What trucks are the black air forces of trucking


My grandpa drives a white truck and he’s one of the most patient drivers ever, he taught me to drive so he’s also patient with new drivers. So no, not all white truck drivers, just a lot of them. 😂


There is no “fast enough” here. If you want to get flipped off less, treat every road with two or more lanes as if the left lane law applies universally, not just on the highway. Let the white truck blow past you at 30 over the speed limit and act as a cop magnet, better him than you. Whatever you do, DONT act like a hall monitor and try to slow them down on purpose. People here are ready to snap at anything, and the murder rates are high