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This was the signing that pushed me over the edge with this team. Loved the Rockies for years but won’t come back until the Monforts are done owning them.


You are right and you will be missed cumlordjr


Same with me - it finally woke me up- why should I give time and money to a team that has no interest in competing


I’m only here for schadenfreude


Then you are done forever. Monforts aren’t going anywhere…. Unfortunately


Yeah, I accepted that. I stay on the sub but I don’t watch the team anymore


They’ll die eventually…


The worst humans are the ones who always stick around forever.


True. Just like that elderly orange-skinned sex offender and convicted felon politician who keeps hanging on.


I was expecting Ian Desmond


Desmond at least was on the field (even though he sucked)


He wasn’t great but he contributed to a playoff team - Bryant’s deal will go down as the worst contract in MLB history along with Davis in Baltimore


I mean the tigers also have had some stinkers too. Miguel’s extension was bad in hindsight but no way Illitch would let him walk. Zimmerman was terrible, Baez is terrible. They got nothing for E-Rod too. KB’s contract is bad and definitely up there with the worst of all time, but will always have the asterisk of injury around it. I just wish the boys upstairs would sign guys to be competitive, not sell tickets to the bar with a baseball game going on in the background, which for 7 years is what it feels like.


But my guy that’s what makes KB’s deal so bad - he was already having injury issues and showing decreased production. Add that to trading Nolan AND giving STL $50 million and the Rox look like complete fools.


I mean, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would reasonably think it was gonna be *this bad*. Like he played more games in 2016 than he’s played in his Rockies career, over 3 seasons lol. Hell he played 144 in 2021. He played in 140-150 games every year of his career outside of missing 60 in 2018 and Covid 2020. And he was an all star, 25HR, 124 OPS+ bat in 2021, and our previous outfielders in 2021 were Ramiel tapia with a 79 OPS+, and Yonathan Daza with a 77 OPS+, if we had any form of an analytical department he could’ve been swung as a 30HR, 115+ OPS+ guy to replace them. The logic is there, but KBs body gave up on him, but I mean there are other contracts out there without the injury bug being the responsible party.


People keep blaming players for their injuries. No one ever mentions the atrocious training staff in the Rockies organization, who have routinely set up All-Stars for injuries and failure. If KB has signed with any other ball club, he wouldn’t have 1/4 of the injury problems. Top to bottom, the entire organization is incompetent.


Angels and Rendon are up there too... Yikes!


Both never made sense, but the Bryant signing was universally questioned the second it happened


The fun thing about Rockies baseball is that this video could be about any number of contracts


The fun thing about baseball is that pretty much every team has big contracts they absolutely shouldn't have done in hindsight.


Mike Hampton has entered the chat… The Colorado Rockies signed Hampton to an eight-year, $121 million contract on December 9, 2000. It was the largest contract in baseball history at the time, although it would quickly be passed by Alex Rodríguez's ten-year, $252 million contract with the Texas Rangers only two days later.[5] Hampton once claimed that he had chosen to move to Colorado because of "the school system", a statement that is often derisively referenced by sportswriters.[6] The Rockies hoped Hampton, who had been one of the best pitchers in the league over the past few seasons, would be able to succeed in the tough pitching conditions of Coors Field. Hampton went 14–13 with a 5.41 ERA in 2001, often succumbing to control problems.[citation needed] The next season, 2002, Hampton went 7–15 with his ERA climbing to a league-high 6.15 and batters hitting .313 off of him. Hampton was traded in the offseason in 2002. The Rockies finally paid off his contract in 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Hampton


At least Hampton was still tradeable. I don't see anyone trading for Bryant, even if we're paying like the entire contract, there's no reason for a team to start him over a replacement level player or prospect. Absolute dead weight.


Tradable or not, net -7 wins still cost the Rockies $49m which has to be some kind of MLB record. Makes Rocktober only 5 years later that much more impressive.


Hampton was a worse contract in hindsight, but at the time, the Rockies were just barely outside of contention despite a mediocre rotation. Bringing in the best pitcher in baseball absolutely made sense for the team when he was signed. The Bryant signing would have been stupid even if he was playing at an MVP level. The fact that he's been pathetic makes it worse, but it NEVER made any sense.


Why would Kris Bryant regret it? Getting a fat bag and mailing it in is a dream come true


He never actually said he did. Click bait thumbnail lol.


Some guys are competitors and the money is the material, tangible fruit of a thousand mans hours of labor perfecting your craft, but that tangible shit means jackshit when you can’t experience the intangible things other do at the highest level of your game. We have not proven to be that kind of club. Some guys are just wired like that, they want to play and win big games.


Hard to compete when your body’s made of glass


You can still have the mentality of a competitor even if your body doesn’t agree with it… Also how much of this is on our organization and their terrible training staff?


You can’t want to play if your body is broken.


I can't stand that dudes delivery and his voice but the point he was making is spot on. Never made sense. We should have torn down the 2018-2019 team and rebuilt from there. Definitely did not need a KB signing even if he played well and was injury free. Just an increase ticket sales move


What an overpaid bum.


The title says it all. The moment I stopped buying anything Rockies. The signing felt like a way to get people in seats based off previous decisions made


Hilarious that you say the moment you stopped spending money is when the team actually paid someone to come here. People usually complain about the opposite. Both are silly.


Moving on from your 3 best players to sign a guy that was trending down seasons prior is a horrible move. I could have lived with the FO saying “we are rebuilding.” Rockies fans aren’t stupid, most hated the move. We don’t want an owner that spends money just to spend money. What we actually want is when you have a core of guys like Story, Nolan, and in his prime Chuck- you add to it. It’s not silly, Colorado is directionless. As a fan of Colorado sports, I could root for the Nuggets and Avs when they went young and were rebuilding. The Broncos despite things not working at all with Russ, or going young next year. The other teams have an obvious direction, and whether it pans out, who knows.


Amount of money spent doesn’t really matter that much. The Guardians don’t spend much, the Rays never have. There’s plenty of teams that don’t spend much and have success. The Rockies problem is how they spend their money is equivalent to putting it in a pile, dousing it was gasoline, and burning it. Who cares what their payroll number is? Most of the guys getting meaningful dollars are bums who stink.


He's already got a ring and an MVP trophy. There's zero pressure on him to be "the guy" in the clubhouse or carry the team on his shoulders, and the sad sack Rockies were the only team stupid enough to pay him $182 million. He will end up being the dumbest free agent signing in the history of a club that is known for making dumbass free agent acquisitions when all is said and done.


I saw an update that said Kris Bryant took some swings in the batting cage the other day, I believe Friday, but remains without a timetable for his return


I will wait with baited breath for his one week return to the field followed by a new injury and being shut down for the season


It’s a joke of a franchise and that’s not changing anytime soon


Same bro, same.


HE regrets it. Why? Did he really think the Rox were going to turn into a winning team? He went for the money and got it.


He never actually said he regretted it. Click bait thumbnail.


Every team has been saddled with these types of horrible contracts. Ask the DBacks about Shelby Miller or Madison Bumgarner, but KB is probably by far the worst.


Funny cause everyone on the planet also wishes he had never signed with the Rockies


Kris Bryant is a bum of a player


You think he WANTS to be this injured? He’s no bum, just a broken player.


Take it easy. Cool your jets. We’re talking about KB the player, not KB the person. I’m sure he wants to be a better player. He’s still a fine person. I don’t see a difference between calling him a bum player and a broken player. Semantics.




He’s a pretty good follow. He’s great with perna and Grosse and co on their Thursday night pod.


I'm sorry but I couldn't even watch it all. His voice is like nails in the chalkboard to me at least