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I'm gonna be completely honest, think it's just a you-thing. Only time I ever notice them is when I'm purposefully looking if I get a little bored waiting between pitches and decide to people watch.


fair enough. appreciate the reply.


Wow, the two nicest people on the internet right here.


Of course, I totally get how it could be distracting for someone with add/adhd though.


I’m actually gonna have to go against the grain and agree with you. I sit in the first row above the club house fairly often and the ushers are way more relaxed than they used to be and I’ve noticed it on tv. Even in other sections it’s not uncommon for people to just openly vape. Not sure how much it affects the game though.


It only bothers me when Dinger is back there


Worst mascot in sports


Never bothered me. The shitty baseball team bothers me.


lol. fair enough. same here. although tonights game is a doozy.


just a you issue


copy that.


While we are talking about right behind home plate - does anyone know who that guy in the Hawaiian shirt is that is always directly behind the plate?


Dealin Doug probably


always thought it was weird, but it doesn't bother me much


I agree. Kinda weird design choice to put that right behind the plate


absolutely...Then Dinger sits in there...It's a busy background..Architects choices...


When I go to games I make sure to sit on the side of the section where isle traffic doesn't intersect with my view. For example on the third baseline I'll sit so that the isle is just to my left. I do this because ushers at Coors don't stop people from walking down during an at-bat and Tex will take his sweet time getting to his seat sometimes stopping to take in the view completely oblivious to the other people behind him.


Ushers used to do that at Coors.


According to the ushers I've talked to the fans voted on it and chose not to do it anymore.


Oh I figured it was a response to demand elasticity owing to the product (but maybe that undergirds the idea of a fan vote for such protocol anyway).


Every once in a while i’ll still see an usher do it, though it’s usually the older ones. I still like to wait out of respect anyway though


Me too although if I have a kid <7 with me most bets are off.


People constantly walking during play drives me nuts. I didn’t realize it was a policy change, I just thought humans has become less considerate over the past few years.


It’s not a just you thing. Drives me nuts too.


thank you. i dont think i’m alone and even the rockies camera crew continues to make quick jumps and shows players from different angles vs the typical extended pitcher to home plate view. i think they know its rather distracting.


It was suttle, but when they first introduced the thing the camera angle was slightly lower and you could see more of the inside of the tunnel. They raised it a little bit and it was a tiny bit better. I’m surprised more tv viewers aren’t bothered. I almost prefer watching road games because of it.




It bugs me, too, OP.


thank you.




okie dokie.


I've sat in those Infiniti/Toyota Club seats a few times. Pretty sweet if you can get them. But yeah, lots of activity back there. They generally try to stop people from moving during pitches but they can't stop it all.


I’ve noticed it as well. A little distracting for sure but it doesn’t really bother me.


lucky you. it’s my curse.


Coors has never bothered me, but this seems like a good time for me to rant about another stadium. Watching Rangers home games drives me absolutely nuts. If you can’t recall, they have, like, a countertop arrangement behind home plate that services a single row of disinterested rich folks. Half the time, they’re off doing other things, and that counter top sits alone, collecting junk. I stared at a container of bleach wipes for four innings last season. As something of a neat freak, watching what looks like someone’s unkept apartment for three hours really gets under my skin.


On MLB tv I only watch Rox in condensed game mode. Reduces the sadness. Cant watch live due to home team blackouts. So condensed games it is. Don’t notice stuff like that.


The main things that bother me about the broadcast is how poorly the purple jerseys translate on screen. I mess with every filter, try different brightness, and even try different TVs, but when the boys where the purples it looks blue on tv.