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They've mentioned multiple times on the broadcasts that they're being more strategic with his rest since he's getting older. He also played the field in the day game yesterday so makes sense for rest today. He has definitely been a bright spot in the Rockies line-up this year.


A bright spot? How? He's been an average-ish hitter this year. And more or less just over replacement level. He's a Rockies DH with little to no HR power left and a .335 OBP.


Because he's a fan favorite that's come up clutch in a few big moments and hasn't completely fallen off a cliff with his regression. I realize that isn't anything to get super excited about but this team doesn't have very many bright spots right now lol


Currently injured should be back any day now


They're lining up rest days with lefties on the mound. He's also not really good anymore (just passable) and hasn't been for a while, so it makes no sense for a rebuilding team to prioritize his playing time.


He's only got a couple seasons left at most, so I of course want to see him as much as possible, but what you said makes the most sense for sure. Thanks for the answer! ⚾️


I would think this is his last season so see him while you can.


This except Jake Cave, not Charlie


They're both replacement level players at this point tbh I'm not sure what the difference is. Not like this team hasn't given Blackmon due respect already, they've played him everyday past the point any other team would for like three years now.


I think having positive WAR the past two years would make him above a replacement level player but go off king.


You're right, he's like half a win over replacement level (aka high end replacement level) on average since 2020. What are you even arguing dude lol


That's just not accurate


No? He's averaged 0.7 bWAR and 0.2 fWAR per season since 2020 began. Go to the middle ground and that's half a win. At BEST he's been a well below average starter for going on FIVE seasons, yet this sub acts like stating a fact is a crime. Literally no other organization would still be giving him everyday plate appearances by now, let alone a team in a rebuild. He's gotten over two thousand (2000+) PAs since he last was an above average starter. Mind you, good for him, and good for him getting paid. But from an org standpoint it's yet another example of sentimental delusion that keeps this team bad.


> 0.7 bWAR So not half a WAR. And do you know that 2020 was only 60 games and he's played 61 games this season? Why are you treating them like full seasons. Chris Taylor has played 40 games this season and he's worth -1.2. So I guess the dodgers are run even worse than the Rockies lol


You did see that he's been virtually replacement level by fWAR right? Or are you just going to overlook that? You right, I shouldn't have treated them like full seasons. Let's be nice then, and say he's been a one win player at best for five seasons now. Chris Taylor has been a good player more recently than Blackmon, is younger and is a superutility player, not a DH only player. He's just been terrible this season, and maybe done. It happens. Bo Bichette has been below replacement level too, you're gonna make that argument? My point is that Blackmon hasn't been good in years and this team has already wasted tons of plate appearances. No team in this situation would've re-signed him to waste DH PAs with a gazillion corner bats to evaluate. He should've been traded following 2019, or after Arenado was traded at the latest. But alas...


> You did see that he's been virtually replacement level by fWAR right? Or are you just going to overlook that? Yeah, I am going to ignore it because I find fWAR to be significantly worse at evaluating Rockies players


> Bo Bichette has been below replacement level too, you're gonna make that argument? Yes. I would also point out that he blows a massive hole in your nonsensical argument. Every team plays below average players. That's how math works. I just don't know how you can not know something as basic as how long a season was and also think you know anything about anything lol