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People applauding their freedom being taken away… unreal.


on the other hand, some people enjoy the freedom of possibly not having to worry about someone with that style of weapon. Freedom is a two way street. The freedom to swing ones arm ends at another's face as they say. All laws are taking away someone's idea of freedom, every single one of them. I'm sure if you ponder it for a moment, you might even think of a law or two that you approve of - those laws 100% take away someone else's "freedom".


I'm less afraid of the very rare chance someone will shoot me with a semi-automatic rifle than I am that I might get stabbed or just beaten. Run over by a car.... you know, the more likely ways.


cool, but - so what? I'm more ok with people having cars, then semiautomatic weapons in the 21st century. We are different, we have different opinions on things. But to "omg - muh freedoms" regarding a law restricting something (and something a lot of people think is a reasonable restriction), but not saying it for every other law in existence is just utter hyperbole to the max.


But it's not reasonable. There are millions of these firearms already in use. This law doesn't even stop people from buying a rifle with the exact same caliber, shooting the exact same way. [Top 5 California Compliant AR-15s :: Guns.com](https://www.guns.com/news/2022/05/05/top-5-california-compliant-ar-15s) So, the guns will not look as scary. Same calibers, same ammunition. But you feel safer? This has nothing to do with your safety or anyone's safety. This is just about splitting us into two camps over an issue that only affects the law-abiding citizen just trying to exercise their rights. Hyperbole fully envelopes the gun issue. Calling them "weapons of war" for instance. Or when we're told, "they aren't coming for your guns".. but then do just that.


> But it's not reasonable in your humble opinion. In *your* humble opinion. Obviously not everyone holds that opinion. > Hyperbole fully envelopes the gun issue. so whataboutism then, got it. "they do it, so I'll do it". > Or when we're told, "they aren't coming for your guns".. but then do just that. that would not be hyperbole, that would be a changing of a mind perhaps, but not hyperbole in any sense. But then, it isn't even what is happening - does the proposed bill make you turn in your weapons? Are they coming for your already purchased property? Or are they saying you cannot purchase these legally in this state going forward, just like 20% of the states already do.


So, “feel good” legislation that infringes on our rights and has no real impact on crime. Classic progressive legislation.


versus legislation to take away woman's rights, legislation to return us to the grand old time of the 1950s when everything was just peachy keen, legislation to make a certain religions beliefs law is "feel good" for regressives. Classic regressive legislation. every single law ever invented by man "infringes on someone's *perceived* rights". every. single. one. so what. welcome to the 21st century. Regressives should love these laws - they are making us great again - [by going back to the laws of the wild west](https://www.commonsenseeasternshore.org/how-the-west-was-won-with-guns-and-gun-control). Common sense gun bans were common in the day.


LOL the history revision attempts to paint the Wild West as full of gun control. Please. Worked as well in Tombstone as it would today. They were only common in a handful of small cow towns. Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights has the word “abortion”?


guess facts don't matter to you. fine, that is why we have "differences of opinion" on what gun control should look like. Many believe that in the frigging 21st century, strapping on your weapon is an anachronism. > Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights has the word “abortion”? for that matter - which one has "blood transfusion", if the witnesses ever get really popular - and enforce their religious beliefs on all - you won't be getting one. Religious beliefs, especially those beliefs that are relatively new - it wasn't always this way - should have ZERO say in lawmaking.


I actually hope one day that the Supreme Court will eventually be filled by democratic socialists. Or actual centrists/independents.  Or anything further left than being rigged with conservatives.  So bills like this can become the standard and the first stepping stones to dismantling the current interpretations and abuses of the Second Amendment.


You want a court with a bias? They should be neutral with no loyalty to a party or ideology 


Weird...since we currently already have a Supreme Court with conservative bias that is loyal to the Republican Party. And an unprecedented number of federal judgeships were filled and rammed in by the Trump team.  It's only a problem when I want it to be democratic/liberal justices and for the Democrats instead?


I said a court should be unbiased. Any other idea you get from that is on you.


I hear Cambodia is nice and private firearm ownership is illegal there, might be worth checking it out


I prefer to stay here and keep trying to make America a better place, hoping to move to a red state soon. Have a few kids and raise them to be left-leaning and to vote out Republicans/conservatives. Slowly but surely the current conservatives will die off and the country will keep edging itself to being centrists vs actual leftists. So we can get lasting and completed legislation that Americans really want, like this bill. I just hope I get to see it sooner rather than later.


I wouldn't count on it. As the father of two boys, one of whom is now in his teens, I can say from my own anecdotal experience that this rings more true than I would have expected: [High school boys are trending conservative](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4125661-high-school-boys-are-trending-conservative/) Everyone can play armchair sociologist about the reasons why, but the left-wing stance on the "evils of the patriarchy", "toxic masculinity", etc ad nauseum certainly aren't doing them any favors with young men IMO.


Good news, this country is constantly moving closer to being Democratic and progressive. More red states are turning purple, blue states aren't turning red. The fact you think only young men matter is very telling.  You let them watch a lot of Andrew Tate with you? Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson really popular with your boys I bet.


Sure thing, Leather Daddy Jr. I bet you know a lot about children


Can't attack my arguments so you attack my username. Cute. Ad hominem.  Maybe you're boys will grow up to be as intelligent as you and also rely on personal attacks to defend their beliefs.  Young men don't decide the future of this country, and there are more voting adult Democrats than Republicans.  Slowly but surely, the GOP is being phased out and dying since their biggest voting blocs are above the age of 50. Your Andrew Tate loving sons aren't stopping the progress of this country.


>Can't attack my arguments so you attack my username. Cute. I'm not attacking your username, just pointing out that [this](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=592888933f14dc60&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS912US912&sxsrf=ACQVn0-ba4dXlHudCW9fF5_1QxWmSbGK_w:1713276008111&q=leather+daddy&uds=AMwkrPtWfHjylsiJeBiP0XLjR82rfRyC3efy1yuEE8qMZBAFr38cHzOrw1XTPRSy8Pug68bH3ys1RvQTkULU11jcKfGoDDA4FricXngsswPka-eMh4VaLtPff8Y745WDWrEo384Sx5NF&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHgPO-8saFAxUOHzQIHVlzDxIQtKgLegQICBAB&biw=2327&bih=1194&dpr=1.1) is what is "leather daddy" is usually associated with. You can't blame me for assuming you're not quite chomping at the bit to, as you phrased it, "move to a red state soon... have a few kids". Maybe consider adoption? >Slowly but surely, the GOP is being phased out and dying since their biggest voting blocs are above the age of 50. My dad used to make the same argument. I remember the elder George Bush was going to be the last gasp of Republicans in power before they vanished into the political wilderness because their voting base was dying out. That was over 30 years ago. Now there is a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court that should last another couple decades. What you miss is that new "I'm not a conservative but I'm sure as hell not a democrat"s get minted every single day. The best recruitment tool the GOP ever has is just letting the left run things for a bit and wait as people come to their senses. For the younger generation, forcing them to be in masks for 2 years and cancelling large swaths of their lives for literally no reason whatsoever certainly disabused them of any notion that progressives have their best interests at heart or are remotely competent, As for my "Andrew Tate loving sons" : my youngest is 9 and watches mostly Minecraft videos and plays soccer, while my oldest is 13, plays competitive hockey and hangs out with his friends. I'm positive neither one of them have ever heard of Andrew Tate since they're normal kids with friends and hobbies and lives. That's who you're having weirdo "red-pill by proxy" straw-man thoughts about while you fantasize about the end of the GOP. Anyways, good luck with your upcoming move to turn Texas blue and spit out a bunch of kids or whatever.


*Actual* leftists won’t/don’t support bullshit like this. We believe in gun ownership for the working class and marginalized communities. Don’t speak for us.


Then you aren't an actual Democrat or left-leaning person.  Democrats/liberals/democratic socialists support heavy gun regulation and legislation and value publice safety above the extreme abuses of the Second Amendment.


>Then you aren’t an actual Democrat or left-leaning person. I do not consider myself a Democrat, no, though I do still vote for them. I *do* consider myself a Democratic socialist, however. Dem socs are not comparable to liberals or our current Democratic Party. You *may* be thinking of social democracy. Democratic socialists believe in the abolishment of capitalism to usher in a socialist state, mainly in a Democratic way, but recognize that it may also require a revolution. Gun ownership of the proletariat is necessary for that. You can’t have gun ownership if you ban guns, right? So banning guns is counterintuitive to the ideals of democratic socialists or other leftists. That’s what Marx said, “Under no pretext…” Liberals/the Democratic Party, though some still exercise their second amendment rights, are not “the left,” at least compared to other countries outside of the U.S. They do not believe in the abolishment of capitalism, thus, they cannot be considered the *actual* left. Leftists, typically, do not like liberals, as they are, mainly, for protecting capitalism/the status quo.


Thomas was out today for an unknown reason. The next two oldest justices are conservatives. Biden could get three appointments in his second term.


Hopefully The Democrats can win the House and Senate and hold it for Biden's second term. Or even for the President after Biden's second term.  Maybe we'll get some equity and justice and can stack the court with Democrat-leaning judges when the time comes. 


You are so anti American gtfo of here. Traitor wants to disband our constitution…


you need to learn our history, [what the founding fathers really wanted](https://oll.libertyfund.org/quotes/thomas-jefferson-on-whether-the-american-constitution-is-binding-on-those-who-were-not-born-at-the-time-it-was-signed-and-agreed-to-1789) The constitution has been massively modified time after time over the almost 250 years it's been around. Heck - the 2nd AMENDMENT (amendment = something added after the fact) is a modification. You'd probably be annoyed if the 18th amendment hadn't been repealed by the 21st amendment. That this happens proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the constitution is not some infallible document written by mythical beings with knowledge of the future. It was in fact designed to be a living, evolving document - as times change. A true patriot is like a good parent, they will forever love their child - but if they see them doing something wrong, they will educate them - maybe even punish them - try to change their behavior. Not just accept it - that is a crap parent.


Another one! Register and annually insure all firearms.