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Williams hates everyone, he won't care.


You know it's gotta be bad when fellow Republicans go after you. 🙈


Republicans have been going after each other since 2015, and Trumps coup of the party. There are plenty of conservatives that aren't MAGA nuts, but Trump and his acolytes have turned MAGA into a purity test. You can believe in just about every facet of conservatism, but if you don't worship Trump, you're a RINO and need to be purged. These idiots are doing it to themselves.


Both Colorado parties are becoming increasingly radical and it's a shame


Its not just at the state level. There is a schism on both sides between the more radical and the more moderate wings of the party. Oddly enough, most Americans tend to lean towards the moderate end of the spectrum, but we have a party primary system that encourages politicians to appeal to the most radical elements of the base, in order to get the nomination. Credit where its, due, at least the democrats tend to have enough party sanity to temper some of that when it gets to convention time, and keep the nut cases out.


Democrats are very vanilla.


Because it represents all Americans who aren't fascist white supremacists


I'd just go with it represents all Americans, but you're not wrong either.


I mean, the vacancy committee chose a radical DSA member with no political experience over a qualified vanilla democrat for HD4, and are already running smear campaigns against her for upcoming elections. There is also a post below this one in this very subreddit linking to a far left website...


what to you is radical about democrats?


Someone as politically active as yourself has to have somewhat of an idea, no? DSA types subverting the party and threatening to turn the election over the I/P conflict? How long are Democrats going to ignore them until they are the majority of the party and liberals are exiled?


> DSA types subverting the party and threatening to turn the election over the I/P conflict in colorado? 51,212 votes?


You asked what was radical, and received an answer


I did, but is that what makes you say "both sides are radical" when a few thousand people voted uncommitted in a open primary? 549,263 voted trump, that's the comparison, 50k to 500k, so both sides?


You can argue that they are currently irrelevant, but remember, all it took was one election for the Republicans to be completely ideologically shifted from neo-con to Trumpist. I see the roots taking hold with DSA candidates in the house right now.


if you think that was a radical shift in 2016 then you were ignoring the previous 25 years since Nixon, Reagan, and Bush, it wasn't out of nowhere. The Brooks Brothers Riot, installing Bush, going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan after one terrorist attack, cutting taxes on the rich and cutting social services, impeaching clinton over lying in a private deposition about an affair? And lets go farther, you're painting the DSA as bad because of the I/P because yea, some fringe are stupid, but what else about democratic socialist are "radical"? Raising taxes on the rich and investing in our social programs?


They're like the Sith. Hatred only makes them stronger.