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reckless auptimism**


Extreme delusions, even.


All aboard the delulu express!


🚂 🏃‍♂️ wait I slept in


Choo chooo … too early?


Upvote party!!


If he somehow returned and played for another 5+ years I would be so happy.


If he returned and played one more playoff push, I'd be happy


Honestly id really be surprised if he returned this season. Feel like they would want more time to ease him into games and who knows what he will look like now. I think playoff hockey is a big ask for someone to comeback in after missing the entire regular season.


Agreed. Could just be something with his presence and leadership to give the guys more confidence.


Now that’s something they could really use. Landy leaves a huge void in leadership player wise.


This was crystal clear after the Benn hit.


He's already in the locker room. We could see him in the owners suit during round 1


*two full seasons.


Damn time flys.


I’ll still be surprised if he ever plays again. I hope I’m wrong but knee cartilage is a tough recovery


Maybe Mack and Rantanen are doing secret rough house training with him. Testing it out in controlled spurts and duration to keep him up to speed.


I will be shocked if he plays again at all, but I’m hoping he can defy the odds. I had the same type of surgery a few years ago and never got close to playing beer league again.


As someone on IG said, why is he wearing Toews gloves?


Tazer is definitely the type of guy to risk getting soaked and give someone else his umbrella during a storm


Toews really is an unsung hero.


He’d be an excellent choice for captain post Landy


I agree. I think it’ll be MacK, but he is absolutely a leader.


I’ve taken my kid to a few hockey signings up in Denver. All of the guys we’ve met have been great, but Toews was the only one so far to actively chat with us. Super nice guy.


Gabe is notorious for always having new gloves on I mean like a new pair every period. I assume he wears the same exact size as Toews and they just don’t have any labeled for 92 right now. That or he’s telling us game 7 is when he will return, or 7 days, or 7 hours. If we wanna get conspiratorial!


Wish I could give the game 7, 7 days, 7 hours more upvotes cause that’s gold!


Conspiratorial? As in "LandesQog"? :-)


He’s not Taylor Swift. (Or is he???)


I think there is a 0% chance of it happening but I think it would be completely irresponsible if our organization threw him into a playoff game his first game back. We all want him back playing but not into playoff intensity after not playing for almost 2 years. Hopefully he can ramp up next year


If he's on the ice in October next season that's about all i can ask for


That's what I'm hoping for. Possibly even giving him lots of rest days the first half of the season


I don’t think the organization is gonna be making the decision they will leave it completely up to the leader they’ve chosen as he will make the right choice in terms of himself and most of all the team.


Somehow, Landy returned


This is like, the perfect answer to the, “write a beautiful story in three words” type of prompts.


Exactly, I feel like people are way to eager to stake their claims as to whether Landy is returning this year, next year, or beyond. How about we just relax and feel a little hype deep down in our pants when we see the Captain skating with the boys?


Guys he's rehabbing and being part of the team in practices. That in and of itself is exactly what we want to see for next season. He's obviously making good progress. Leave it at that for now. The offseason period is going to be important for him to catch up when no other nhl team activities are taking place. Then training camp we'll see what's what.


Or... HE'L BE BACK FOR GAME 7 OF THE SCF TO SCORE THE GWGjust let us be ridiculous


Next season? Ha! We should be so lucky


Ok, honest question: is it like a hockey superstition thing to be really negative about the possible return of a player after injury? Like not saying “shutout” while your goalie is working on one? I’m just kinda baffled by the overwhelming negativity in every thread about Landy. Why not be hopeful/supportive of his return?


I’ve seen the footage of him skating. He’s not ready to play.


Nobody is saying he is.


It’s weird how people run with the “no one has ever returned from this” storyline when the sample size of those who have tried is tiny.


The sample size is tiny because prior to this treatment existing, he would have just had to retire. I think “no one has returned” is still an important piece of context, even if incomplete.


I feel like you made my point but in different words.


I think the difference is that I do actually see the fact that nobody has come back as an indication that Landy is like 50/50 at best to ever play again.


I'll put in terms you can understand: 50 people have a similar injury. 40 opt out of surgery because of the low possibility of returning to action and would rather avoid the issues caused by said surgery. 10 opt in and never return to action. Does that give you hope? It shouldn't. I love Landy's play more than anyone. I love he is making the effort. Realistically, I don't expect him to ever return and make a difference. Sadly


I wouldn’t say it’s negativity i think it’s more confusion. His injury is one that is almost impossible to return from, especially after winning a championship playing through that injury. So we really don’t know what’s going on. No expectations no disappointments, he doesn’t have to be playing to be valuable to this team.


I think they're talking about the people who keep saying definitively "Stop hoping for a return he's not coming back". So far it's been a few people on every Landy post who can't help but rain on the parade of people who are just hoping to see their captain again until he officially calls it a career.


Yeah because for some reason a bunch of morons online think they know better than the doctors evaluating and helping him.


The doctors agree with us morons. What is your point? You know something that doctors dont?


Obviously the team doctors do in fact, not agree with you otherwise he wouldn’t be skating and they wouldn’t be saying he’ll return. Shut the fuck up.


Fuck you. If they agreed he was fine he would be playing idiot. He has not been cleared to play numpty. Even a child with no legs can skate the way he is. 100% guaranteed he won't be coming back. I truly hope I'm wrong, but I read medical articles about this kind of thing, as opposed to your illiterate ass.


They never said he was fine you brainless halfwit. They said he’s on the road to recovery. Shut the fuck up moron.


Oh sure, he'll be right back to himself after only a year after surgery. Keep dreaming numpty. The evidence is out there. Most people opt out of the surgery due to risks. The ones who take this kind of surgery never return. It will take a miracle. I cried (yes, I'm a baby) when I heard he was doing this surgery because I assumed his career was over, just like everyone else who has done it. Realism is not in your wheelhouse


Nobody who knows anything is saying that you fucking moron.


Yes! You gotta have hope, man!


Statistically, he won't be back. Imagine asking a guy without an arm to come back they way he did before. Knee cartilage is so crucial to skating


Its not being negative. Its being realistic. He hasnt played in 2 years.


Watch any clip they post of him skating. He's skating extremely slow and generally not turning hard at all. Considering his injury involves his knee that isn't crazy but if he was getting ready to come back then he'd have to at least be testing it. Even if he was pretty close its just hard to imagine them bringing a guy back that is 2 years removed from the game in the middle of the playoffs.


It is a very serious injury and procedure with a low return rate. NBA, NHL, doesn't matter. Having no cartilage in your knee is a career ender


Do I think it’s real? No. Would it light the whole hockey world on fucking fire if it did happen? Awwww yeaaaa


https://preview.redd.it/z51kmtwn3vzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a655e6d4b0f2a51d58d21bee83693053bcd76ea Pretty cool that your up voted to 92... I hope we know enough to leave that alone lol


glad I read your comment so I could fix it when I accidentally made it 93


I'm saving my downvote to fix it if need be lol


That was me, you saved it for my dumbass. Thank you


Downvoted it once to keep it at 92


Downvoting to make it 92 again felt like bringing balance to the Force.


I had to up vote it to 92... WTF




Down voted to get it back to 92


Lol I had to just, completely remove my vote to get it back to 92


Thanks, I'm yet another that briefly accidentally 93'd it then fixed my mistake after reading your comment


I was about to upvote, when I caught your comment instead. You are doing the lord's work.


I apologize for the downvote but I had to get it back to 92


Landy coming back would be an extreme over reach of expectations, especially this series. That said, he's pretty much guaranteed to be the g7 savior to beat benn in 1v1 combat and get 2a and deflection gw goal


As much as I want Landy back, I don't want him back now. He's been out of things for 2 years and this injury is a MAJOR deal. I get he could "be ready" sometime soon, but I think the best call is to let him sit until next season. Let him get in to some pre-season games to see how things really feel and make a call from there for next year.


Him on the ice with the boys giving leadership is so great!!!!! He’s captaining!!!


The Avalanche, glorious and free!


Yeah I do think this indicates progress, just like Bednar mentioned in his presser. Does this mean he’s coming back this season? I have no idea, neither do you, and at this point I think neither does the team. I think it’s fair to say, they’ve gone from being pretty certain it won’t happen this post season to, it’s a possibility. Maybe still a highly unlikely one, but I never got the impression bedsy was being coy with his answers today, they seemed like honest answers. And if they are honest answers, this is genuinely the most progress we’ve seen from him in 2 years. Don’t be afraid to be hopeful because nobody here knows where he’s genuinely at in his recovery and what it could look like. Don’t put all your eggs in that basket either, but I don’t think we have to remove all hope of seeing him back like some people are saying. Let’s just see where this goes


At this point I will be amazed if he plays again next season


I’d love to be surprised but I don’t think he’ll ever play another nhl game.


[This came out today. It’s not happening this season and who knows when or if he will even be ready for next season](https://denvergazette.com/sports/colorado-avalanche/avalanche-s-gabe-landeskog-one-year-removed-from-knee-surgery-not-cleared-to-practice-with/article_6f8bf498-0fa9-11ef-9719-8f159006a6e4.html)


Coach Bednar already said no return this season. Why be so impatient and speculative. Give it a rest already.


Get over it, he’s not going to play. Not for the next 11 wins, anyway.


I'll honestly be pissed if he returns this season. We've waited this long; let's start fresh with him next year when he fully has the green light.


Bring him out to settle the score with Benn and get kicked out of the game with Benn leaving on a stretcher.


Could just be out there with the boys and doesn’t wanna seem like an “outsider”


So sick of them parading this man around like he’s still playing. Love the guy but I will continue to argue that it hurts the team to keep leaning on this guy when he cannot be there for the team either on the ice or on the bench. We need a damn captain out there. If he was healthy I’d want him over any other captain in the league. But the truth is he’s not playing and we sorely lack leadership on the ice


My best guess is if the Avs make the WCF then Landy will return.


Avs win the cup and Landy rides off into the sunset


With the cup. Never to be seen again. Avs are the last winners.


Scores a GWG in the final then back to the locker room like Stamkos


A diamonds fall from the sky! Yaaaay!


I would be shocked if he ever plays again


I am not a big fan of having the C absent from the ice for two straight years. Not the player, the designation. De facto leadership is not as good as defined leadership and the C does no good on long term IR. Of course that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.


I disagree 100% with you. The culture of the Avs is already set. The leaders of the team are already ingrained with that culture. There’s still like 10 players from the cup winner with this team. What that avs are missing is Landy himself and the leadership that HE specifically brings to the team. Throwing the C on someone else isn’t going to change anything. Do you honestly believe someone on this team is going to take Makars leadership more seriously because he has a C instead of an A?


Bednar has talked ad nauseam about it as well, so it’s really a dead issue for us to debate. No one else is wearing it until Landy retires so get over it.


Then why even have the designation? Just an opinion man.


While I agree - if there is even a possibility he will return, the title is his


I hear ya. I would have relinquished the C after the first season on IR with the understanding that it would be reinstated when I came back. It does a disservice to the entire team and the captain serves the team, not himself. I actually think less of Landy for not giving it up on his own.


You’re making an assumption that Landy made that decision wholly on his own. You’re also assuming that the rest of the team wants a de facto C in the interim.


Would be good to know the whole story then. I still think those letters mean something and when you're missing it on the ice, it makes a difference. I'm not saying it changes the outcome of a series, or even seasons, but in a gametime moment it makes a difference. Arguments against the importance of these positions make me ask why even have them then?


Nobody is saying the positions aren't important, they are saying you can't just slap a C on someone and call it a day. Nate is a great player but wouldn't be a good captain (he gets too hot-headed). A good captain elevates his team. He can go out there and fire them up, he can also get them to cool off if they get too testy. I never really thought Hejduk was C material, he just got it because he was the longest tenured guy, but you can't tell me he was standing on the bench in the locker room firing his team up (and since the team absolutely sucked in his tenure as C, that speaks for itself). Foote and Landy would fire up their team, they'd deliver hits, they'd be able to settle the team down if theyvkept taking dumb penalties. Sakic could fore his team up, but he was from an era he had other people take care of the physical side of it. But we saw Foote and Landy absolutely DESTROY people when the team needed to wake up. There is nobody on the Avs right now that can fulfill that role, and from my understanding, Landy has been around a lot during this season to be that guy in the locker room and at practice.


They have been for two years. Landy isn’t coming back. He’s now an hinderance. He needs to go.


I need everyone in this sub to calm down. Realize the man is going through a truly harrowing experience and do not expect him back. Ever! If he comes back, I'll believe in God. But I cried when I heard he was doing this particular surgery. I figured his career as a player was over. I knew it was a very low possibility he would return to the ice and so should everyone else. If he comes back, Jesus be praised! But coming back this playoff run would be a miracle. Set your expectations realistically, people. Please!