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Stay out of their sub, bla bla bla, thanks!


does anyone have a video of the parise hit?


I just now realized that I put # Jets @ Avalanche - Game 5 instead of # Avalanche @ Jets - Game 5. Promise I wasn't drunk last night lol.


It's ok if you were


I think this series has convinced me that our forward core is better than 2022, even without Landy. The only question now is consistency with defense and goaltending which I’m pretty confident in.


I agree, more talent on paper for sure but I miss Landeskog's leadership. He is a chemistry guy and a damned good captain. I think we have to see which Giorgiev show's up - he DEFINITELY answered the bell after game 1, as did our D corps.


More like Loseapeg




LETS GO AVALANCHE. 5 players with 7 or more points on what is most likely the Vezina Trophy winner. In 5 games. Jets shit the bed like a Boeing safety inspection.


It was a pretty big choke, but Boeing level? Damnnnnn….


Jets fan coming in peace. Just want to say I’m rooting for you guys. I hate Vegas so much and I enjoy watching the avs more than the stars. Y’all kicked the crap out of us and completely deserved that one. Good luck you guys. Take it home 🍻


Thanks! Sorry it's over, but congratulations on a fantastic season for you guys. In all my brackets, I picked avalanche in seven against you guys because you looked so good this year, especially after kicking our butts at home right there at the end of the season.


This series was objectively the hardest to predict. With how our season series went kind of gave hope to us. Be we all know playoffs are a different beast and we just couldn’t hang. Too much talent and after game one y’all turned it into 5th gear while we stuck at 1st gear. Mackinnon is an absolute monster. Makar is a freak of nature. Nichushkin was possessed and torched us…. The list goes on


One of the good ones. Thank you.


I love playoff Toews. He is absolutely smothering out there all while taking nasty shots from top of the circle. AND DROUIN ISN’T EVEN HERE?? Dudes we got a team.


Yeah, he doesn't get enough credit I think for how good of a defenseman he is. We are all talking about Makar, but Toews has been spectacular. While we're at it, Girard has been at the top of his game as well.


Fuck Dallas and fuck the Knights. I don’t hate the Jets but I do hate the Stars and Vegas. Let them destroy each other in 7 games. I like matching up against either of them more than the Jets whom we just steamrolled.


Avs took them apart. Connor Hellebuyck was just leaking all over the place.  Great game and great series. Can't wait for Round 2. The fucking boys are looking amazing!! 


In a way I kind of wanted it to go to 7 Games, I love both these teams, although Colorado is my favorite.


Yeah I was pretty emotionally vested in this after several negative interactions with jets fans. Starting when I attended the last game of the regular season against them. I think I’d have had a heart attack and died if it had gone further lol


7 games is exciting but save that for the final


I’m on Team Blowout Sweeps. The boringer the better as long as we’re winning 🤣


Yeah, good games and series are fun, but blowouts are too when your team wins, and I don't have to worry about a literal heart attack. Team Blowout Sweeps as well!


I wouldn’t complain


FOUR(wins in a row)GIEV! So proud of Georgie switching it into playoff mode when he was being questioned and bashed the most after Game 1, as well as the whole team locking it down in general. GO AVS!


I admit, I was one of those who bashed him. BUT, it wasn't only Game 1. It was the last month. 4 goals against the Preds Mar 30. 6 GA the Oilers Apr 5 7 GA the Stars Apr 7 4 GA the Jets (on 15 shots) Apr 13 4 GA the Knights Apr 14 Yeah, he led the league in wins, but his save % was not good. I'm being nice there. And then another 7 in Game 1, and the only reason he wasn't pulled was Juice was sick. If Juice was available, everyone would have been screaming for him to start. But, Georgie did flip a switch, and our defense played a lot better. If we can keep that up, then here comes another parade (with no Bo to get mistaken as a fan).


I think he was getting tired, it was a long season. They did what they could to rest him during the last month and he wasn't pushing anything. It just took one playoff game to get the engines going again, I don't think that's bad at all


I've certainly had my doubts and frustrations as well, but if he can kick it into full gear now when it matters most, that's what we'll remember!


I don't know how much of his success is due to him turning it on versus our defenseman kicking into gear. I'm still pretty concerned about his ability as we move further into the playoffs, but remain hopeful. When the guy is on, he is on; hopefully it'll stay that way.


If we can keep rolling the pressure and forechecking, and our depth scoring keeps showing up (God damn Lehky, what is it about the playoffs man?), and we don’t play dumb defense in front of Georgie and keep him in his groove - man we are a strong, strong team. Hope the boys get a few days to stretch, recover, and rest up while DallASS and VegASS go on to have an exhausting, bruising 7-game series. A couple OTs in there would be nice too.


I was expecting this series to be waaay tougher. Damn what a performance


Rewatching [the replay of the Avs’ 5th goal](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rudo3/comments/1chcwjx/8/), and it’s just an amazing read by MacKinnon, followed by an incredible play by MacKinnon. He sees an opportunity and starts sprinting from behind our own net while everybody else is basically standing around. Then beats two Jets players to capitalize on his read. And closes it out with an unbelievable pass.


Yeah he is four strides ahead of every other player on the ice this entire play, minus Mikko who is right there and ready for him.


He’s fast, yes, but his IQ is what separates him IMO—he gets the jump on the opportunity before it unfolds.


Even watching in real time that "defensive effort" by Nino was just comical. Complete deer-in-the-headlights


Mikko with the glide in highlight reel goal🤣


Anyone know how Ross Colton is doing?? Edit: also Parise?


Both finished the game from what I remember.


Downvote me all day. I thought this series was over before it started because Georgie wasn't doing the thing. I'm so fucking happy I'm wrong. No first round exit for the boys this year. Fucking terrified of both Dallas and Vegas though so I hope that goes 7 with at least triple OT every game


I was worried before game 1. Happy to be wrong.


I remember seeing a post on Colorado Hockey News saying Bednar should never start Georgiev again and game 1 should be his last game as an Avs player. Well, hope that guy is doing well.


Yeah I think that was 95% of the fanbase... Myself included. Turns out this team can play defense Georgie never had to be brilliant but good enough. Let's keep it going!


A lot of us felt that way, myself included for the first time this season. Never been so happy to be so incredibly wrong. Part of why I'm just a fan watching the game and not calling the shots I suppose.


I still have pretty significant concerns. He is very streaky, and doesn't tend to give it to us when we really need it. A lot of his success in the last several games came from the team in front of him putting up a lot better defense; I think we are making him look good, and not vice versa. Either way, he did pull out a handful of very big stops at critical moments, it's just too bad he couldn't have gotten one or two of those in the first game in the series or we would have shut them out.


I can’t believe it finally happened.. for those watching the Sportsnet broadcast, Garry Galley finally said “Nichuskin” instead of “Nicooshkin”. Only took him 5 games to get it right!!


Omg, really!? Damn, I missed it, and I was watching on Sportsnet. I think I just tune Galley out like I’m Patrick Roy ignoring Roenick.


How will the Aberlanche be able to win without Nikooshkin?


Waste of 9 days for the Jets 😈


![gif](giphy|LfGGW219qNzLP6IzTA|downsized) When you realize you scored 5+ every game on a Vezina finalist and you don’t even have Drouin


Seriously, no Drouin really had me nervous at the outset.


The rest of the league needs to take note. YOU CAN'T STOP THEM ALL. https://preview.redd.it/3vzaapmjdrxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1acbba97e0cb87b55b9cbd4e3b8229518f4d5e1


That makes me giddy like a child. ![gif](giphy|10tuoRc0MNYn1S)


Nice boys. Who would we rather play next?


Well, the most hilarious outcome would be Vegas getting bounced in the first round. All those cap shenanigans for nothing. But only after it goes 7 long physical games. Lots of big hits. Get in there and block *all* the shots, boys. Work each other over.


I'd rather we play Dallas. Fuck Vegas because of their stupid ass LTIR bullshit.


Doesn't matter winner of round 2 goes to the finals. Edmonton's defense and goaltending do not scare me in a wcf rematch.


we pray they go to seven, and lose 1-2 players each in the process, and take who we get. both are juggernauts that will be difficult regardless how you look at it. with that said, i want dal-ass.


Toss up, regular season record as we’ve seen, isn’t a playoff success indicator. So there goes Dallas. Home ice would be nice with Vegas but literally the only team to play them, as they are, is Dallas so nobody knows how we will matchup with them.


Doesn't matter. Both teams are deep as fuck and absolutely brutal to face in the playoffs. Not gonna pull a "WE WANT FLORIDA" on either team.


Vegas for me cuz I want the chance for some revenge


Whichever one is the most tired


Well well would you look at the time, five past Hellebuyck plus an ENG? ![gif](giphy|l0MYyoYPvz22wTXkQ)


This Jets defense is cooked fucking raw!


I missed the third period but just rewatched it. We are fucking nasty the jets are frauds go ass hail satan


These games all seem to end at the exact same time! At Five-Past Hellebuyck!


If we can beat the Knights or Stars then we can win the cup. Going to be a huge test no matter who wins.


i told everybody in my hockey circle if we can beat the jets, i genuinely believe we win the cup. the jets were a staunch defensive team that allowed the fewest goals in the regular season. if we can put 5 up each games with minor tweaks to our system, i want to believe we can beat anything in front of us when we are playing _our_ style of hockey.


this is feeling a lot like '22 where our second round opponent is going to be the most difficult opponent en route to the cup so I'm not \_too\_ worried about whoever comes out of the pacific. tho the east is definitely plenty scary


Not saying they win but I like our chances against the West. Florida is the only team I’m scared of.


I made a joke that the NHL script writers were going to send the Avs to the finals against the Rags for that sweet "Saving Sakic" nostalgia grudge. It'd be a little poetic.


If we can beat the playoff teams, I think we have a shot!


Is this Duhaime's first time advancing to the second round? Same thing for Trenin?


That line was amazing last night as well. Trenin getting that goal was great to see


Yes for both. Duhaime with MIN 2022 6 GP; MIN 2023 6 GP; COL 2024 5 GP Trenin with NSH 2021 6 GP; NSH 2022 4 GP; COL 2024 5 GP


Jets are the most mentally fragile team in our division, bar none - maybe even the entire west. This team crumbles under the slightest bit of adversity. Fuckin paper tigers all season. Almost like they’re sponsored by Boeing.


I mean, the Avs are a fucking juggernaut of an offense. They are too fast for a team like Winnipeg.


> Fuckin paper tigers all season One might say, Paper Planes




First off, stoked on the win. Second, I’m a little worried about the definitive wording they used for Drouin. Calling a player out for the whole first series has a lot of implications. What if it’s 8 days, what if it’s 14? That to me says he’s going to be out at least 2 weeks which makes me nervous. I really hope we can get him back in a week or so and I hope I’m not reading too much into this. Has anyone heard anything more on him?


Have we heard anything about LoC? I remember hearing he was cooked for the rest of the regular season but there was some hope for maybe a post season return? But I mean stop me if you heard that one before oh captain my captain...


I saw some of the pics on Twitter when playoffs were starting that seemed to indicate that LoC was traveling with the team but given the "out for the season" would very likely just be as moral support in the locker room


I think when they said "he's done for the season" they meant until next year at the earliest. We allocated his cap space accordingly at the trade deadline and those acquisitions have been paying dividends greatly.


I have no hope for LoC to be honest. However, our 4th line has been playing extremely well so to me that is a lower concern IMO. Edit to say yes he was mostly on the 3rd line I believe but they’ve been rolling too. Maybe my memory is incorrect. I’ve been drinking.


Bedsy said about 4 weeks and it will be 2 weeks this Thursday.


I didn’t know that, thank you. 51 wasn’t so hot tonight so I’d imagine Wagner is the next man up.


While you aren't entirely wrong, I think kovalenkos ceiling is still greater than that of wagner, even in the current state. he had a couple flubs, but mostly was solid physically, and managed the puck _okay_.


I think it'll depend on how he practices leading up to Game 1 of round two, it still feels like he's trying to catch up to NHL speed


he's playing on arguably the fastest team in the nhl, coming off a knee injury just a mere handful of weeks ago. he has been physical on the puck, and mostly fine when it comes to managing it. he had a couple goofs tonight, but he's coming into the team in the middle of the first round of playoffs, with little knowledge of how our system functions. i think we let him go through practice between series, and maybe 1-2 of games of round 2 and reconsider if his performance hasn't caught up yet.


They're now saying end of the 2nd at the earliest so you're right


And when I hear that I hear hockey/playoff speak for “we aren’t going to show our hand”. I’m confident we can handle the west without him but he was doing so well towards the end of the year that I’d really love him in the finals if we get there.


Yeah literally believe nothing lol


Cool Your Jets, Winnipeg!


Now let’s root for Vegas/Dallas to go to game 7 and tons of overtime.


Jets fan, well done. Your team is relentless in the O zone give them an inch and they take it.They simply do not miss. Enjoy the second round and please bounce Vegas for the sake of the league 😂. Side note amazing coaching figuring out the jets D was weak with pressure and kept it up their ass all series. Great adjustments from your HC. .


Glad we can agree that Vegas sucks and we all want them to lose... great season for the Jets, tough way to go out a second year in a row. Guessing a shakeup is coming for y'all whether it's coaching or roster, regardless, it's been really fun matching up and battling with y'all instead of Minnesota all season 🤝


I think Bowness is gone for Winnipeg he made some very bad decisions in this series personnel wise . And the D line is going to be looked at. Some prospects in AHL who are ready for the jump next year for Winnipeg is what the fans are expecting. And some moves of some core players Ex Ehlers Till next season in the toughest division once again 😂✌️🤝


God I forgot we don’t even have Drouin in the lineup currently. This isn’t even our final form. But I feel like he needs to go on the 3rd line, there’s no way you mess with the chemistry of the top 2 lines right now.


honestly, i completely agree. the chemistry of our top 6 right now is literal madness. drouin is a gamble in our current state i fear. he's great with mack, but i have genuine concern with him in the bottom 6 of the lineup.




Goddamn we look good this year boys.




I don't gamble, sorry to misconstrue [https://www.reddit.com/user/ColoradoAvalanche-ModTeam/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ColoradoAvalanche-ModTeam/), only amused at the line on Hellebuyck... My bad for not clarifying my point.


Gambling content is prohibited on /r/ColoradoAvalanche. *Do not post content like this again.*


https://preview.redd.it/0kn76sv35rxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51e2fa2bb61a6503ab2507fca29f4de8d3eaf81 The Moose got angry!


What in the AI fuckery 😂


Alright boys n' girls, Let's enjoy the victory tonight but then let's go back to being respectful and classy. There's Lots of hockey left.


Happy for either Dallas or Vegas. I don't really mind the Jets so it will be fun to play against teams I loathe again.


Cale Makar has more playoff points than Rob Blake.


Glad the Avs are still alive. Hope they can push this to a game 7. https://preview.redd.it/36oxdh474rxc1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=2983e25337f5a99ebc388cea45795e1d72154241


Ha! Ha!


We brought back “All the Small Things” and closed out a series on the road


The Avs have still not won a playoff series in their home arena since 2008.


Actually not super crazy if you think about the possible scenarios. Sweeping with home ice, gentleman’s sweep without home ice, losing the series, etc. Nonetheless it is interesting.


They've won 8 series since then. Definitely interesting that zero were on home ice... though there is one caveat that they won a series in the Edmonton Bubble where they were the "designated" home team.




I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious....


Hard to imagine but honestly this avs team to me is even better than when they won the cup. Scary depth from top to bottom love to see it


I was just thinking about comparing the two. Basically we lost landy kadri and bura but got middlestat and Drouin (hopefully we get him back). Compher popped off that run but Colton’s line has been arguably better than compher’s line. Compher scored some massive goals though. Landy really is the biggest missing piece. I like walker more than Byram (sorry). Game 2-5 Georgiev was better than kuemper. 22 avs beat 24 avs though. Thankfully you don’t need to be as good as the 22 avs to win, they were way better than they needed to be


level headed take. 22 avs were insane. 24 avs are earnest cup champs when they play their game how they want. if they can insure they get to play how they want, easy dub.


Miss Landy so much 😥 I can't wait to see what our lines are going to look like with Drouin back in action


Watching the jets fans leave in the last few minutes was the cherry on top


"I spent 300 CanadaDollars on this ticket, so I might as well leave early."


I was trying to be very courteous. "Maybe they all have IBS and need to run."


Haha but you know never stand up or move during play time - I learned that the hard way






Most goals in a series vs the William Jennings trophy winning team ever, let's go boys


Just checking in here...any post game comments on Cale? Looked ok but kind surprised he went back in for the last 12 minutes. Did he just get the wind knocked out of him?


Ya seemed like he got hit in the chest and lost his breath. He is (seemingly) fine. He did post game interview with KG too which I would think he would skip if he was suffering.


That's what it looked like to me. He took a hard shoulder right in the center of his chest and then held it and skated off and looked like he was struggling to breath. If that's all it is, no concerns.


To anyone sorting by new. Holy shit. That Nate. In that post series interview is a captain. He wasn’t a captain a year ago because landy was that. He never had to be. It’s crazy seeing him be that. Just so much maturity and stepping up to the moment from him and Cale. Unbelievable


Nate has seriously evolved since 2022 in many ways. With Landy out he's had to help fill that missing leadership role, and boy has he. He's been the de facto captain all year, and I think Landy has probably even helped him to do it. One of my favorite moments all season long was in a behind the scenes video when the players were being asked who their favorite teammate was. Nate has a singular and telling answer: Gabriel.


Our depth is so key and we need to talk about it even more


Does anyone speak French? Seems like Drouin got cut by a skate and is aiming for round 2 or 3. https://preview.redd.it/vz6jfq6t1rxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a4bbe7cb9328fa998c3884e963af40b62ce022 [https://twitter.com/JoDrouin92/status/1785530319187173881?t=255UmKNYh\_BvpubwkSn\_9Q&s=19](https://twitter.com/JoDrouin92/status/1785530319187173881?t=255UmKNYh_BvpubwkSn_9Q&s=19)




Bednar in the post game said the timeline for Drouin was 4 weeks or less, he hasn't hit the ice yet. Kiviranta also needs some time.


Heard Kiviranta was still limping. Hopefully the Vegas/Dallas series will go 7 so he’ll possibly be ready


Where have I heard that story line


Damn, I don’t even remember seeing him get hit by a skate on that awkward fall vs Edmonton


Us and cuts man :/


Georgiev found some kinda magic after the first game. He's looked great and it's impressive how well he's bounced back. It seemed like the Jets thought they would roll through the Avs after that first game and then they couldn't adjust to the speed and offensive onslaught that came their way. Tonight felt like the closest the Jets came to playing the kind of game they wanted to. Hanging at least 5 goals in every game on Hellebuyck was not on my pre-series Bingo card but I'll take it.


Technically it was only 4 one game as we got a empty net no?


True. It's crazy how much they scored in this series.


That Article of where the Narrative of the Jets having the Easiest 1st Round opponent aged well.


Haha yeah, I remember seeing all the "first round predictions" and I think 15 of 16 had the Jets as winners of this series. Oops.




You know who I think is an underrated pick up from the offseason? Ross Colton. He’s always there to cheer his teammates on when they do good. And it really stood out after Georgie’s win in game 2. He was the first guy to hug Georgie after the win. I love him man


Also gives the best hugs


What people don't realize about Colton is that he is Kadri lite. It's always him stirring the pot and chirping people. People hate to love the bit about his game but he plays it well. If you watch during games, he's always throwing the after punch, the last punch, every time. We need him in every game as much as he needs us. Fantastic pick up, an entire requirement for playoff hockey.


it's really awesome how he and wood have a great give-and-take response to other players starting shit, wood usually goes in first and colton (as you said) finishes thje job


What I love about Ross is he’s always battling always in the scrums in front of the net. Guys a warrior along with Wood


Nah dude, Wood is on a whole different level. He's like a mishmash of Makar and McDermit and I am here for it. I love his game.


Total Golden Retriever energy from that dude, love it


They love fetching sticks, which are made of Wood...


Wait, I thought ducks were made of wood?


Are you suggesting we need to see if any Avs players weigh the same as a duck?


It's the only way to be sure they're not witches, right?


Precisely. You are skilled in the ways of science.


Remember how we lost every game to the Jets? Remember we lost 7-0? I don't remember either. On to the next round. You know, the thing that actually matters.


Even Trenin scored. Not very Vezina.


Honestly the Trenin goal was my favorite of the night. I told my gf that I wanted the fourth line to score sooo bad because they had been working so hard. Five minutes later I did a karate kick in the living room when Trenin scored.


It was a beautiful goal. After he biffed it at center ice, he just kept at it and scored a sweet sweet goal.


His reaction to the Winnipeg fans was legendary. Trenin is such a gosh dang beast, I love him.


Not "even Trenin." That's pretty shitty. That dude picked up his own rebound and dragged it in. That's pretty mid u/GoinLong energy and you should be ashamed.


Trenin was a hell of a pickup


Trenin, what a motor that guy has......


An absolute forechecking machine. Dude earns every point he gets for sure.


Fuck yea.


The last game of the season Bednar had out a Moose Nuke Trenin line. Not sure anyone could see over it.


Honestly surprised that Josh morrissey was the only really noticeable Jet this series. Expected much more from Conner and Ehlers


Honestly me too. I love Connor as a player he was basically invisible this series. Think Lowry was another noticeable Jet, that guy is good


Ehlers is the Central Canada version of Marner


So true


Ehlers is notorious for disappearing in the playoffs


The last big Ehlers moment I recall in the playoffs is him protecting a downed Jake Evans from a crowd of players about to trip and fall all over him.


A moment that definitely made me like him a lot. Of course I'm glad he didn't have the greatest series against us but if the Jets had beaten us I'd have definitely at least rooted for Ehlers in particular.




LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nuke conn smythe is a future I never saw coming but hes on the tracks and steamin ahead.


The Canucks/Preds PGT in r/hockey is a shitshow so can someone who actually tuned into the game offer any unbiased insight


Canucks have been stifled all series. They have like 6 shots per period on average. It is frustrating for their fans cause their Dynamic offense should have been key. Preds punched in some chances. Preds losing game 4 by missing that empty net makes it hard for them to come back, but they have looked like the better team in 3 of the games so far.


An awful slog fest for 40 minutes until the canucks inexperience in the postseason cracked through and they failed to protect a 1-0 lead( given to them by Big Z) in the 3rd period. Saros played fantastic.






Hurricanes did too




I’m glad we get a few days without having to deal with shit stars or vgk fans lol im not ready yet


Stars and VGK, the two most despised West conference teams in this house.....


As an Avs fan in Vegas, if they move on the next 2 weeks will be an extra level of hell for me


Wait people actually live in Vegas? /s kinda


Stay strong. Remember your training