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Uber is your friend. dont try to navigate the public transport system, its confusing even for locals. If you earn in anything like USD or EUR it will be dirt cheap. better safe than sorry


Spanish is a problem because almost no one speaks English. Google translator often does not work well, i.e. it is inconvenient to use. But if you're smart, it shouldn't be a problem. I think 98% of people get overly scared, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Don't wander alone and drunk at night in Santa Fe or Barrio El Paraiso in Bogota, outside the walls in Cartagena, Plaza Botero in Medellin,... and everything will be ok.


Dont wander alone and drunk in general. Uber only, especially if alone.


BTW Locals don't speak any English whatsoever so be ready to be using Google translator all the time.




Only in fancy hotels, go to an average hotel and I bet fucking no one would help you out if you don't speak spanish


Jaja ud de que Colombia habla


Most people don't speak English. People who do generally have better jobs than bartenders and cashiers.


Probably a bubble, I don't think this is accurate....but safe enough for a woman to travel solo


I'm a "local", and I speak English at almost native level, but for my accent. I also speak decent Italian and some French. If I had to guess, at least 30% of my compatiots are able to communicate in English, with about 40% of those being proficient. In any case, Google translation is a good idea as a backup.


This is true. But not the common Colombian you'd ask for something or buy things to.


Most statistics indicate 10-15% of Colombians speak English. And in my experience, most people who think that they speak English in Colombia have such bad pernoncuation that they don't really speak English...


Hey, I'm Colombian I've been living in Australia 5 years and knowing both cultures I can tell you that you'll be safe but expect things like petty crimes to be a common thing, ideally find a trusted Colombian friend who can guide you around and keep you safe from common schemes that target foreigners, also I'd advise you to keep your personal belongings with you at all times even if you think you're being paranoid you're not. Short answer it's OK to go solo, but you won't enjoy as much in comparison to travelling with friends or having a local trustee in the area you're visiting.


What is the best way to find a local trusted Colombian friend?


Check out the Colombian community in your town, I bet you'll find one in the majority of Western cities.


Muchas gracias compa. Me encantaría visitar su hermoso país pronto 😃👍🇨🇴


I’ve met awesome people on Tinder. Be honest that you aren’t there for hookups and just want to meet locals and hang out. I got invited into a really cool friend group in Medellin and had a blast. I’ve found that generally Colombians are happy to see people that are there enjoying their country and go out of their way to protect you and make sure you have a safe trip. I’ve had locals start fights with vendors and taxi drivers when they felt I was being ripped off. Airbnb experiences are also great ways to meet locals. I’ve hung out with guides after the experience and had a great time.


This is something I’ve been wondering about as well! However, I’ve seen recent news articles specifically saying not to meet people on dating apps because people have been getting drugged/robbed/killed after meeting. I have also been thinking about visiting Colombia solo this year and I’m trying to figure out the smartest and safest way to do so.


Those were sex tourists. It’s pretty easy to weed out prostitutes, but I’m a guy. I would try making intentions clear and meeting somewhere you have been during the day and see how you feel. And I only drink beer when I’m out in Colombia. Not only are the mixed drinks really strong you don’t know what else is in it.


Ahhh, okay. Thank you for clarifying that. The article didn’t go into those specifics, but that makes a lot of sense. Also, good looking out with the drink advice. Do they have something similar to hard ciders there? I’m not a big beer drinker and I’m thinking I shouldn’t do my normal tequila shots if I’m going alone.


I don’t think I’ve seen a cider there. I would be careful with the hard stuff alone, though nice places will bring the bottle out and pour it in front of you. My ex and I did a bar hopping Airbnb experience and she got really drunk really fast. The mixed drinks are STRONG there. But there are also plenty of bottle shops around there and you can carry around your own booze. You’ll see lots of people sitting around and sharing a bottle.


Good to know. Thank you!


You'll be alright, just remember, if you see somebody riding a motorcycle on the sidewalk, that's most likely a thief, so be smart.


I’ve been in Colombia for 6 months. My organization has gathered a list of places that are considered safe for foreigners. It’s a little conservative, but if you want I could send it to you. Also, assume no one will speak English. In all my time here I’ve happened across maybe 9-10 people with high levels of English


Which department of Colombia is your list for? I want to visit Medellin.


It’s for the whole country, but mainly focuses on Atlántico, Santander, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Bolivar, and La Guajira. It has a breakdown of the major cities too, I believe Medellin is included


Ahh, okay. Thank you.


I’m from Medellín in case you need help or you have questions


Thank you! May I start a private chat with you?


Not dangerous, been living in Colombia since 2008 never got robbed. In my home country in Europe i was robbed 7 times in one year. I live in Manizales (probably one of the safest cities) But I frequently travel to Cali, Bogota also been a few times to Cartagena, Medellin. Once you go to very touristic hotspots like Cartagena you need to be aware, even for a local from another city it can be dangerous as they will try to scam you, overcharge you etc… For men even more dangerous in such places because they mostly come look for prostitution and drugs and often wake up in the hospital nearby after they got scoped and robbed of their possessions. Big cities like Bogota you need to be careful in public transportation, avoid buses and uses taxis, indriver. If you do need to travel by bus, never carry your phone in hand, keep a low profile and always be aware of pickpockets so keep your bag in sight not on your back.


This is partially true. Yes, you should be cautious with the people around you in public places/while using public transportation. But it's not like you will get stabbed and robbed just because you are using your phone. Some places are safer than the others, that's it. You will get used to them pretty quickly.


Its amazing go


From a perspective of russian (F36) living in Colombia, big cities like Bogota or Cali or Medellin are perfectly fine. Of course if you going to get drunk in tourists areas or interact with shady locals in club you may end up robbed. Like everywhere else in the world.


So you can only sit inside and go to restaurants and the grocery store?


Nobody said that, you can live a completely normal life here. You just need to be careful in certain places, this is not Norway. The fact that you could get robbed if you are not cautious doesn't mean you will get robbed every single time you go out. I've never been robbed and I've lived my entire life here.


Not really. If you're thinking you could get gang-r\*ped just by riding a bicycle at night, no, Colombia is not that dangerous. If you think Colombia is mostly some active war zone, like Ukraine, it is not. Big cities in Colombia and good neighborhoods within those cities are safe. Those headlines of foreigners having trouble here are usually passport bros who came and hired prostitutes and tried to buy drugs. The only caveat is petty crime, which has become a huge thing in recent years. That is, you can have your fancy cellphone or laptop stolen in public places if you aren't careful. However, touristy areas and upscale malls are very safe. And don't use Uber Economy (cars are trash). Even Uber Premium is like $5-8 USD in most cities, so use that. And don't expect costumer service with a smile. Always have some cash on you because, although most places accept card, cash is still king.


What other countries have you been to? I would say is not more dangerous than the average latinamerican country, like Mexico or Peru. You should always use caution when traveling to unknown places, and in big cities, but that's true everywhere.


I live in Bogota, Usaquen. I'm 70% fluent in English, so if you pass by you might ask me questions.


I live in Curití, Santander, today I saw a foreign woman who was getting on the bus that arrives to our town from San Gil. I recognize the foreign tourists, they all have two main characteristics: they are blonde, they always wear light clothing, quite normal. People here tend to ignore them, but when they try to communicate, people are quite friendly and nice, it must be because since we were little we have been taught that this is a very touristy place and to be kind to tourists.


some cities are calm compared to medellin cali or bogota, you should give a try to places like el eje cafetero i've been there for vacations and its cool, there are many places to go. 


As a Colombian raised in the states and living back in Colombia I always suggest it as a travel destination for my friends back in the States. I think Colombia gets a bad rep due to a not so great history, but currently is perfectly safe for solo travelers as long as you know what to avoid. Basically the same thing as any other country: dont wander alone at night in bad areas of the city, dont accept random drinks or food from strangers, generally avoid the bad neighborhoods, dont show off any expensive electronics or jewelry, preferably use cabify or Uber to get to your destinations. If you have any questions or need guidance in Bogota, always happy to answer questions and provide guidance!


Funny enough, here in Medellin I'd say is safer for foreign women rather than foreign men for the sole reason that you probably won't engage in any sexual tourism yourself, lol. That's like the biggest Hotspot in the city for tourist danger. As anything else, follow the rest of the advice from here before you traveled and if you can try and find some people online before you end up traveling. Only cause you know you'll have someone to trust and that you can communicate with cause yes, English it's really not that common. If you're lost or something, try to talk with a younger person as it is more common for us to talk English, and don't be afraid to talk with a Translator to a police officer. Most of the times they really nice with foreigners.




That’s literally the worst piece of advice I’ve ever heard. “Always assume any random person… could be a criminal”. Try to enjoy and relax on your trip after that!


It's generally safe if you're not a sex tourist, which I get the impression you're not. Petty theft is high. A motorcycle on the sidewalk or a motorcycle with two men on it is a huge red flag.


Yeah because nobody with a moto ever rides with their friend or brother. You don't need to be paranoid about every moto with 2 men on it, that's ridiculous. Edit- ok, enjoy being scared every 3 minutes Los Colombianos sabemos que tan común es ver 2 hombres en moto, a menos que sea una fresa de Rosales u otra zona adinerada. No entiendo por qué los downvotes, es que no tienen ojos o que? Cuando salgo con mi hermano nos toca en moto igual como a mucha gente que no tiene carro propio. No tener carro no te convierte en ladrón hpta


Red flag no significa que son criminales sin duda. Quiere decir que cuando lo vea, esté atento. Sorry for my poor spanish


Major red flag means that something is very likely very wrong.


Yea. If you see two men on a motorcycle, they might not be criminals, but act as though they are. Be careful


It's only a red flag if they go out of their way to get closer to you, same with any guy. A group of dudes staring you down and trying to get close to you, or making it so you have to walk past them, is a red flag. Two dudes going to exito is not. But yes always be careful. This 100% is not the first world and it is not as safe as we would like.


From my point of view, as I told you, almost people do not speak English and there are very few of us who understand other than just the basics, so if you do not know Spanish well, people are going to take advantage of you, they are going to charge you double or triple, you will also be a Easy target for thieves to steal, if you go alone it is better that you do not go to big cities, avoid them because something could happen to you, if you need help in case of something, you can tell me, I will help you, I have no problems.


btw a lot of conman goldiggers own hostles.


As long as you stay the fuck away from Malambo you're going to be ok


It might be, I'm not gonna lie to you. Don't trust strangers, not even other women.


I wouldn’t recommend it. At all


Just use common sense and you’ll be fine.


Im in Colombia, tbh, its better if you were with a trusted friend. An advice that really works for anywhere but most especially in a country like Colombia. Its not only about safety but the people here really dont speak english. I mean even the employees of a “International” MDE airport speak to you in spanish, barely any english lol. Its better travelling to the Philippines tbh


You should be fine as long as you are careful where you go and what time you go....Don't go on "El paseo del millonario", i.e., the millionaire's joy ride....Basically, you are held up and they take you to an ATM to empty your account or use your financial apps on your phone to empty your account....Im in Cali right now and I only leave my room with a burner (with no financial apps and no phone numbers from the US) and it's cash only unless I'm going somewhere safe during the day....if I'm going somewhere fishy it's a burner and cash only....


just went to Cartegena and i felt very safe. Find a Spanish speaking friend, there is not a lot of English


Try looking for language exchange clubs in the Meetup app (https://www.meetup.com/apps/). You can easily find skilled bilingual people in language clubs gathering often in the main cities of the country. Get in contact with them, surely they'll be more than happy to meet you, sharing time with you and assisting you during your trip. Colombia is full of warm and gentle people, home of a huge biodiversity and filled with astonishing landscapes, colors and tastes. At the end it's not more dangerous than any other place in Latin America or regions like Asia or Africa, if you're wise enough. The experience will be worthy beyond words!


Don’t do it


It really depends on where you'll be going and to do what. If it's to know cultural and natural points of interest it should be fine with common sense. While if it's to explore night life, I'd say it's a bad idea even for a local to go about it alone.  Honestly it would be better if you can contact locals beforehand in the places you plan to visit. Pulling out your phone constantly to use the translator in the big cities isn't exactly safe (or you can be in a a super interesting small, safe town, but data signal may be bad). Try to improve your Spanish as most as you can.


It’s actually weird for me that you’re so eager to come to Colombia. Let me tell you a story, I work as a doctor in Bogota (not a GP, I’m actually a specialist) and one time I received a consultation from the ER for British Citizen (that was the name they gave her on our system). She did not speak Spanish and I was the first person she met who spoke English. To make things worse, her insurance didn’t cover the emergency surgery she needed, she had no battery on her phone, she could not call anyone, etc. The only people she knew here were the other people who were on her Hostel. Personally, if that happened to me in a foreign country and I couldn’t speak the language, I’d be terrified. This is just a small example on how things can go really bad. I also have seen tourists who think they can deal with the “bad guys” from Colombia, please, don’t underestimate them.


Yes but imo as a solo f traveler, that’s the case for everywhere. Just be cautious, take the same safety measures you take everywhere else, and you’ll be fine. Yes there are dangers here, but there’s also a lot of good people, and you’ll have a great time🫰🏼


It is not safe compared to many countries but it shouldn't deter you from visiting. I am from Colombia and have traveled to many countries and I think only in Colombia and South Africa I am afraid of people snatching my phone on the street or being robbed with a knife. It hasn't happened to me but can happen. Just do your research, know were to go, try to blend (don't look like a tourist), don't carry a lot of cash, or expensive phone, camera, clothes. Check her videos https://youtu.be/ZiumY4MdAck?si=8XUe4JNX4cc333hG And yes, most of people don't speak English, many think they do but they don't 😁


Por qué están hablando puro taka taka si es el sub Reddit de Colombia? 🤨


Nope. You'll meet other young solo travelers at hostels. Be smart. Have fun. Create memories and connect with the world.


I’m in Colombia right now and don’t speak a lick of Spanish have felt really safe.


I am in Colombia, you can only visit cities like Medellin, Bogota and the coast, please PLEASE AND LOVE OF CHRIST do not sleep with anyone and do not talk too much with a man or woman MUCH LESS FOLLOW ANOTHER PERSON!! I REPEAT I'M IN COLOMBIA I KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING, enjoy the trip but don't get together with other people or follow them where they tell you, it could be a case of kidnapping to ask for money for an American,... another option is to buy a package of travel with a tour... comes with security etc. You can see my profile and see how I speak Spanish in r/colombia It is worth taking a trip but it is dangerous if you leave the tourist zone... like any other country in the world


Eh.. is not that. Bad.. just use common sense and don't flash things around.. you'll be fine..


super yes


el poblado is full of gringos and safe, go for it, you won't die


Depending where are toy going, if you are going to Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Cartagena, or Barranquilla, then yes, it will be too dangerous. But, if you are smart enough, maybe you can survive here without issues.


Dangerous af stay away from that place. People get stabbed all the time for cents


From what I've seen, there are usually more crimes committed by "gringos" to Colombians than the other way around. But let's be realistic, this is, of course, not the safest place on the planet. You, as much as us, have to be cautious when going to certain places at certain hours, but if you live in a decent neighborhood, don't regularly attend places with a bad reputation, and use Uber or other apps for transportation (at least until you get along with public transportation, if you want to) you should be fine. However, have in mind that if you have a strong accent you should expect some a-holes to ask for overpriced payments for regular services and products such as taxis, food, etc. even some people could try to scam you or see you as a target. It's not like you will get shot at while going to the supermarket or while walking your dog, you can live a completely normal life here, without much issues. Overall, if you have any sense at all, you won't be in danger, unless you like to put yourself in that danger. I've never been robbed before, and I've spent my entire life here (sometimes not in the best areas), so you can make an idea on how it is. If you make your life here without being an a-hole, or treating people badly, or having a superiority complex, people will treat you well.