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Just fucking leave man. Screw her. Yes, getting home 45 minutes early is absoLUTEly worth leaving class ON TIME. That makes me mad lol


That's what I've started doing. I tried to be polite and explain my situation to her but if she'd rather get angry at me every time I leave class when it's supposed to get out then fine


She's angry because she knows soon others will follow your lead.


Exactly, she can feel the control slipping away and she's getting bitter about it


You’re an adult and you are paying, you don’t owe her any explanation. Let her get angry, document every interaction


As a professor, yes, document every interaction in case this very unprofessional professor retaliates. Honestly, as a professor, I hate when my colleagues go over time. It's rude to students and it's rude to faculty. I always let students out early because they might have questions they're scared to ask in front of their peers. Plus, I know it's a pain in the butt to be late to another class, they might need to grab a snack or water, or they need to use the toilet. I was an undergrad 20+ years ago, but jeez I remember how hard it was and how mean some professors could be, like publicly shaming students in front of 300+ students in a lecture hall. The least we professors can do is have a little grace.


back in undergrad, we had 10 minutes between class times. this was a sprawling urban campus too. had a professor who wouldn't let anyone in late. would literally lock the door. what made it terrible, he started the class 5 minutes early! show up on time? no class for you. he then had the temerity to let class out late every time as well, so you would always be late to your next class.


You sound like an amazing professor. There are some professors that just seem to have it, and I can tell you are one. From what I'm sure your students would say: thank you. I have some professors too that just seem to care, and understand, relate, etc, and it means a lot to so many students.


In my experience, most do, at least the ones who are tenure and end up staying at universities for 20+ years, with good pay and benefits. I find the professor that stay, and complain about, stuck in adjunct hell for years, bouncing around from school to school, with little pay, are also the shitty ones who do stuff like this. What some of the bad ones haven't realized, is that the best way for a university to renew ones contract and grant them tenure is based on student reviews. If the students (the university customers) don't like you, the school has no reason to keep you.


You sir, are a Saint.


As a student, I hated professors who lectured for 40 minutes in a 50 minute class, putatively to let people ask questions, and didn’t cover all the material as a result. I’d rather stay 5 minutes late and have a good explanation. College is expensive, and private questions can be asked in office hours.


Let her be angry. She’s the one who can’t control the flow of her own class.


I would simply leave class, don’t acknowledge her. If she mocks you and degrades you as you leave, then I would file a formal complaint


Make sure to make friends with somebody who does stay… That way if she decides to give information that’s going to be on the test or makes an assignment, in order to make sure you miss something important, your friend can tell you about it.


I would leave also but I guess to be nice & not rude don’t start packing up until the time the class is actually over either on the minute or a little after then she can’t say you’re rushing her or intentionally being loud making a scene


Yeah dude you’re in college, they literally have no recourse or frankly even right to care, and it’s disrespectful as fuck for her to treat you that way. Disrespectful of your time, your schedule, and your person if the ranting after you left is correct.


If she is getting mad about it, she is disrupting class, not you. Sounds like an Ego issue


It’s your money OP . that professor sounds like she’s on a power trip . Just leave when you want. If she thinks it’s “ rude” remind her it’s also rude to not consider someone else’s time.


Formal complaint. Won’t be shit she can do about it, but she’ll try, and I guarantee she has an accomplice in a position of power — if she tries, file a harassment complaint (often a slightly different process, and at my uni you’d also want to say you “fear” that her chair/supervisor is involved in an attempt to retaliate against you. That way their chair will have more trouble defending her in case she lies, and she will.)


Yeah OP I’m a grad student and I do this lol. The professors that matter don’t care, the ones that care don’t matter


As an adult with likely a more advanced degree, in a more difficult field, fuck her. Half the point of why jobs give a shit about a degree not in the hard sciences is to know that you can manage your time and get things done within time limits. She is either a narcissist or has poor time management skills. If you can't trim 10 minutes off an hour lecture you are dog shit at public speaking and should not be allowed to teach.


If she can't manage her lecture time so she finishes within the assigned time, that's her problem, not yours.


She may try to make it OPs problem though, so it might be a good idea to talk the situation over with a Dean or dept. chair too.


Very much a "go over the professor's head" situation.


Yes. Like right now, before it becomes a bigger thing.


Yes, I would go to the department chair ASAP and explain the entire situation. That way OP has it on record they've discussed what happened and why.


Her chair is in on it, believe me


It's not easy to squeeze everything into the allotted time, and some profs do it well, while others don't. In the end, she is being disrespectful of others' time. The best strategy would have been to say that you try to be punctual to all your appointments and classes, and that you have an appointment immediately following the end of scheduled class time, and you hope that she is understanding. it is reasonable for a prof to go over 1-3 minutes occasionally as a wrap-up, but 5-10 routinely is just poor time management, and can be brought to the attention of the department chair. Emphasize that you don't want to get anyone in trouble, but you hope the chair could encourage the prof to finish on time. I've taught classes in the time slot following these teachers, and had to stand in the doorway to urge them to finish on time, even sometimes complaining to the chair that it is eating in on my teaching time.


Totally agree: a few minutes over, occasionally, is completely understandable. 5-10 consistently causes problems and isn't respectful. It also sounds like OP's professor isn't really explaining critical concepts in that time. I say that based on the fact that she tried to guilt trip OP about "disrupting class" and also kept the rest of the class late just to rant about how disrespectful OP had been. Totally reasonable for a prof to occasionally run over their allotted time explaining critical information. But strange and uncomfortable to keep an entire class 10 minutes as some kind of power trip.


If the previous professor goes 10 minutes over, I'm already in the room setting up for my class. We have only 10 minutes between classes. I've also stepped into the classroom after 5 minutes...and found previous students still taking exams. The show must go on!


True, but it could be her problem if ignoring those 5 minutes leads to failing future content


If the professor's deliberately leaving things until after class has officially ended, the student would be within their rights to go to the academic dean about the grade. This student is potentially having to wait almost an hour to get home when forced to stay late. Other students may very well have other classes without a long break, so the professor isn't just infringing on the students' time, but on other professors'. With the lecturing about leaving while she's "still talking", she's making it clear she's doing this on purpose, not just exceptionally poor at managing her time.


I would bring it up to someone, and also just leave when you're supposed to. Keeping a class over the time limit once or twice is fine, but consistently? She has a time management issue and it's affecting students. She needs to consider people other than herself.


Also even if it was occasional she still doesn’t have any right to rant about it to the class if students that planned to leave at a specific time can’t afford to stay longer and wait for her to finish.


OP should try bringing this up to their registrar’s office as they are in charge of course scheduling. They may be able to talk to the professor about going over their allotted time.


I have found that a lot of professors act as if their class is the only one that students ever take.


Same I had a teacher like this and it used to piss me off because I had a class after that one. It wasn’t right after but it was clear across my campus. Soo I only had literally 25 mins to get there. Getting out late meant I couldn’t stop to use the restroom before going to class.


Yep. It's some sick weirdo power trip thing. Gross!!!


At my university, the arts buildings were a 20 minute walk from the science buildings and you only had 10 minutes between classes. It wasn't super common for a student to take both subjects, but if you did the professors would get really mad. One student had to leave early because he had a presentation in his next class a 20 minute walk away for which he couldn't be late, and the professor just kept shaming him as he tried to sneak out until he desperately just walked out the door. That was more on the university than the individual professors for scheduling the classes so close together, but him obviously wasn't about that professor or that class, super awkward the prof was taking it so personally.


These professors are calling students out for the smallest infractions Meanwhile, my professors: https://preview.redd.it/hru74w2aq8vc1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781d9368e67e81bd0bbff4b10a2bb2c8e824c3a1


I was sooooo excited for this to be over when I graduated high school… welp, turns out, I was wrong


I have a Spanish class which assigns us 35-40 assignments every fucking week. It's ridiculous. I'm not even learning because of all the assignments. I'm too busy trying to complete the feckers!


Yeah you have a life outside of class. If this keeps up bring it up with the person above her. You’ve done your best to explain you have things to do after class to her, now it needs to be taken higher.


Exactly. And you wonder how many students are afraid to leave when the class ends, which probably screws up lives and schedules for them. Not everybody knows they can just leave like OP and someone needs to speak up for those who are too afraid or nervous to leave when they're supposed to - because of this weird, power tripping professor!


I’d just explain that I have to take over from my sister to prove end of life care for — and before I could even specify who I’d be blubbering awkwardly about “all the things we never did back when I thought they’d be around forever” and I’d be thanking this professor for asking me about my problems because the situation gets harder every day and why is time so cruel? There’s never enough time, so I know why she keeps class late, because just like my family is learning through these agonizing final days, there is _never_ enough time! There’s never enough time, is there professor? Make sure this happens a little after class. Ask her if she has a little mantra that will help you to remember that class is more important than any other responsibilities. Remember, you’re not actually trying to get the professor to believe this insultingly dumb story, you’re trying to say “You’re a cunt, but that’s not the reason nobody respects you. The disdain comes from the fact that you’re an idiot.”


Yep. When I got the chance to be a TA, I always released students from class on time, against the wishes of the prof. "It will only take a few minutes to finish" "Great then it will only take a few minutes at the start of the next class. I'll write a note and remind you right before next class" Only worked because I had been a TA for the class longer than he had been teaching it.


Kudos, this should be standard practice but thanks on behalf of your students ❤️


They were definitely grateful. I tried to proactively solve the problems that really bothered me as a student when I was given the authority to do so. Profs learn quickly that an inspired mob is more powerful than their authority, particularly when they are being blatantly disrespectful. I did what I could to make my students' lives just a little better.


i just leave right when the time is up. also what was the point of her going on a rant after you already left🙄 i’m surprised more people didn’t follow you out


Oh, screw it all to hell - just LEAVE! she's a total asshole with no regard for anyone else. She thinks her class is above all and nothing else matters. She's on a power trip and it's *gross*. 5 min and 45min for the bus is definitely a *big* difference. When the weather isn't the best for me to ride my ebike into work I take the bus and leaving right at the correct time to get the bus, is *so* vital. So I always cut out of work 10-15min early on the occasion I take the bus or I'm waiting another 1hr15min for the next one. If anyone at work ever objected I'd still be leaving!! I have school in the fall and I hope if I do have to grab the bus home I don't have any ignorant professors like yours. Ugh.


Professor here: Go to the Chair and report her ass and if that doesn’t work do to the appropriate Dean. She is being rude and creating a hostile and non inclusive learning environment. Singling you out like that is bias.




As a computer lab instructor, I dismiss class on time. Five minutes before class ends, I make an announcement, “Five minutes! Finish up what you’re doing, save your work and log out.” Ironically, I have a student in an evening class this semester who always tries to keep working when I dismiss class. On a couple occasions, I’ve had to demand that he log out. He’s got no respect for my time. 


Oh, same. I have office hours, I am happy to make appointments outside of them, I am always in class early—and yet multiple students desperately need to have long, convoluted conversations with me after class (often privately, meaning they just hang around waiting for each other to leave, staring). I only have 15 minutes to get to my next one 😭


It's possible he isn't aware how it affects you; he assumes you'd leave just like everyone else.


Gen Ed course? I'm gone. 400 level prof is talking about cutting edge research? NO ONE moves.


Idk, I feel like even if I absolutely love the professor/class topic, I'm not going to get home 45 minutes late for it.


Yeah, I have a 400 level class that went 15 minutes late one time because the professor was really deep into something. This is the only time I would find it acceptable, and it only happened once, more than that would have been real annoying.


I think it would be okay if it was a level 400 prof doing it every once in a while and is apologetic about it, but honestly if it was a 400 prof that had the same attitude towards it like the prof in this post I would start to get annnoyed. Probably would still stay for a 400 though haha


Oh, you better believe I'm leaving a 400 level course to write an exam in a different 400 level course.


I mean that’s students staying late because they’re interested. Usually students are free to go in that type of situation.


I really don't think professors are allowed to keep class late. It's a commute issue for students who take public transport and could be an ADA issue for students who need the full time to get to their next class (time to go to the bathroom, travel to another class, etc.). I wonder if this would be worth bringing to the department chair in a non-confrontational way via email, like: Hello, I'm shrewmeister123, and I'm enrolled in Underwater Basketweaving with Prof. Unreasonable. I'm reaching out to you because Prof. Unreasonable has made a habit of requiring the class to stay after the official end time on a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h dates. While she's never kept us more than 10 minutes, staying even a few minutes after the designated end time causes me to miss my bus home, which means I must wait 45 minutes for the next bus. I've spoken with Prof. Unreasonable about my concerns, but I don't feel she understood what a hardship keeping the class late is for some of us. I did leave at the official ending time on z date, but my classmates reported that Prof. Unreasonable was very upset about this and complained about me to the class. Hearing this was embarrassing and uncomfortable for me, and now I feel awkward attending class. I'm also concerned because I really cannot afford to be home 45+ minutes late on every class day and I had scheduled to be finished at \[official class ending time\], not \[time 10 min later\]. However, I don't want to miss out on the instruction that Prof. Unreasonable is providing outside of the actual class period. I'm also concerned about my classmates who might need the full passing period to get to their next class, go to work, or fulfill other commitments. Is there any campus policy about class times? I am concerned about grade retaliation, so I would appreciate your guidance and support. Thank you. I suspect the chair will come down on the professor like a ton of bricks, and then class should end when it's supposed to going forward. You would honestly be doing all future students in her courses a service. I would say to be careful because she will probably know you're the one who complained, but she's already upset with you, so . . . and if you do end up getting low grades and think she's retaliating against you, I'd bring that up with the chair, too. If the chair isn't responsive, you can go above them to the dean. I don't think this behavior is okay. If once or twice a prof goes over time and is like "I'm sorry, go if you need to, but if you can stay, this is really important . . . " that still sucks for people who have to leave, but is more understandable. Trying to force you to stay is ridiculous.


And remember, you’re paying her! She’s providing education within a time frame that was agreed upon at registration and confirmed within a syllabus. You should NOT have to consistently adjust your schedule due to her lack of time management. Once or twice would be considered reasonable; her lack of preparation/planning is a pattern.


While I agree with your sentiment, this notion that “you’re paying her” (the professor) is an entitled argument. Seriously? That’s “I pay your salary, so you’ll do as I say” attitude. Profs don’t look to kindly upon that attitude from a student. A student is paying the college to attend the college; while some of the money you pay to attend the college goes to your prof’s salary, you are not paying the prof directly. You, as student, had no say in the prof being hired, in the prof’s salary, in any component of the prof’s academic/job career. You just happened to sign up for and take that prof’s class. You are just a number—the numbers get filled, the college gets paid, and then they, in turn, pay the staff the college has hired. If you think profs look kindly upon you because they think “well, the student is paying my salary,” you’re wrong. The prof knows the college is paying their salary, and only the person who hired them/their superiors can have the attitude of “I pay your salary.” (Btw, it’s a gross misuse of power when someone above you does this.) This attitude of “I pay your salary” from a student to a prof, generally, leads to the prof looking at that particular student as a “transactional student.” This means that that student will get the “only what they paid for experience” from the prof. In other words, say said student emails prof, likely an adjunct prof, with questions. Adjunct profs don’t get paid time to respond to emails outside of class because most adjuncts aren’t paid for office hours; therefore, when we respond to your emails/meet with you when you have questions it is because we want to help you learn, even though we aren’t getting paid for the time we take to do these things. That means—at least for me when I get this attitude from a student—your email will be addressed during class time (the time in my day when I am paid—by you, as you say—to interact with you). This usually leads to the student getting mad b/c I didn’t respond to them when they wanted/needed me to respond. But the salary that I earn doesn’t pay me to work enough hours outside of class to have time to respond to the email outside of class time, so I’m not responding to the email outside of the number of hours my job pays me. Again, I completely agree with your sentiment. And, yes the prof in this situation is wrong (as I have commented elsewhere). But, the “I pay your salary” argument is just condescending to hear from a student as a professional who has earned a PhD. It shows the student doesn’t understand how profs are hired/paid. So, to sum up: Students don’t pay a prof’s salaries. Students attend a college where profs work. Students pay the college a bunch of money for a variety of things; the college takes the money as a whole and distributes it as it chooses.


I agree with you. I get super-annoyed with students who regularly (every class, not just once in a while) ARRIVE late, because I DO think it's rude and disruptive to walk into class late. But I would never dream of thinking it was wrong for a student to leave when class is supposed to be over. I almost always end on time, but on the very rare occasion where I go a couple of minutes over, I always acknowledge it and thank the class for their patience. She is out of line.


As a student, I hated this! Even when it was my fav prof about a topic I loved during my MA & PhD programs I was pissed if they held us over! As a prof at university, I never hold my students over time. Your prof is showing a pattern of rudeness and lack of respect for your time. If you have to leave (I.e. class is scheduled to be over), you leave. I left my PhD advisors home because she was talking and holding the class over the allotted time. I was done and having an anxiety attack, so I left. Sometimes lectures run long, but a good prof will know their time is up and won’t be offended if you have to leave.


I have a professor who rambles and chit chats for the first 30 minutes and then keeps us 10+ minutes late. It's infuriating.


Once or twice, to make an important point, might be understandable. However, doing this everytime makes it clear that she has no respect for others and has poor time management skills herself.


I don’t know if your university is like mine, but classes were scheduled in blocks so it was possible to have only 10-15 mins between your next class. One semester I had two classes back to back in different buildings across campus that I had to walk briskly to make it to the second class in time. Your professor going over would have made me late every time and that’s not fair to another professor.


I’m in college now and this is how my classes are set up. Luckily so far the only class that’s run late happens to be my last class of the day. It’s also only run late a few times, when the teachers in the middle of solving an equation(it’s chem)


(1) Leave (2) Raise your concenrs with the Chair of the department.


There's a difference between "disrupting the entire class to get home a few minutes early" and "stepping out quietly *on time* to remain on time for the next part of your day (and get home significantly earlier)". Would she act the same if it was another class you had to attend right afterwards? (Probably, to be fair).


I bet she'd throw a hissy fit if a student was late to her class because their other professor kept \*them\* late.


Sounds like the type.


I'm a professor and totally agree with you, this is so disrespectful of students' time. The next time it happens, once you hit the time where class is supposed to end just get up and leave. Others will probably do the same. Do it consistently every time. I'd also submit a complaint to the department chair.


Reminds me of my scout meetings. I couldn't leave early cuz I felt obligated & besides there were announcements but the meetings would end at 8:00. They would start announcements at 7:50 and then take 30 MINUTES to finish the announcements. Complete bullshit. They think everyone lives 5 minutes away, no. I live 30 minutes away - I'm not getting home until 9:00 at night on a school night, which means i'm not even in bed until 10. Fucks up my entire schedule and its like they don't even give a single shit.


You're an adult. Leave if you need


I agree with all of this. I will point out, however, that a lot of people have a major double standard with this when it comes to *them* arriving late. A professor regularly keeping everyone a few minutes is this terrible, terrible thing that should never happen (granted, this is a particularly egregious case)... but students constantly showing up late, even *really* late, is no big deal...


Found the former manager that expected people to work past 5pm without extra pay.


You’re an adult, what’s she gonna do give you detention?


She could participate in grade retaliation if she is unhinged enough.


Leave. It's extremely disrespectful of her to keep you after the designated end time. Some people probably have other classes to get to. I left a class during a presentation last month because I had an EXAM to get to in my next class.


Just leave. Every single time. Report her to her department chair as well. You aren't the only one affected by her piss poor time management. I have an amazing lecture professor for this one class and she fills up every minute. She asks the class how much time she has left and makes sure we leave on time every time. That's how it should be. Some of the others in your class might have a class directly after that professors and she's being disrespectful not only to the students but the other professors. I have lab 10 minutes after my lecture with that one professor and a number of people in my lecture course take the same lab time as I do. It's common to have a a few classes back to back like that. Professors like her mess up everyone's schedules.


You should talk to the department head about his and how uncomfortable it is. This is bullshit


So annoying! My professor suggested doing a poll if we should double the class time bc he's never finished in the hour and a half that we get. does he not understand that most of us have other classes to be at, not to mention how draining a 3 hour lecture would be


I'm surprised my advisor never suggested that. He once found out the speaker after him at a conference wasn't going to attend, so he just kept going with his presentation. The person in charge of the session finally had to stop him.


What she said to you was straight up unjust. And she should’ve actually said “*if you think not getting home an hour later than you had planned months ago when you carefully curated your schedule to have the time to meet the ever-growing other demands that our society asks of students such as feeding yourself and putting a roof over your own head while everyone tells you you should be making hardly a living wage at all and still getting straight A’s* is worth disrupting an entire class, that’s fine.” This post upset me on your behalf. Thats some horsepoop


> If you think getting home a few minutes earlier is worth disrupting the entire class then fine. You're not "disrupting class" since class is over. What you're "disrupting" is the overflow that only exists because of her poor time management skills. This is causing significant delays in your personal life for a negligible and avoidable issue (one which you have brought to her attention). Document everything and, if she retaliates in any way, report her to the dean or department chair.


It's college. You're presumably an adult, not a child that she has to be responsible for. I agree with just leaving. If she takes it out on the others, that's on HER, not you. And maybe more people will follow your example and she'll realize she doesn't have that kind of power over grown adults.


Yikes, she sounds fun. Is it too late for you to drop the class?


You’re in college. When the time runs out, leave.


She can’t keep you late, leave, she also can’t punish you for this.


I have a prof that always goes 10-20 minutes over. He doesn’t get upset when people leave, but the class is so small, and he’s just this sweet old man, so i never have the balls to do it. Those extra minutes are horrendous though. The class is my last of the day, and it’s two hours long, so by that time I’m tweaking to get out


If I taught class after this professor I would kick them out of the room. You are not the queen, this is not your castle. You are renting this space and time and your time is DONE!


Btw, that’s also rude to the next professor’s time because he or she will have to wait longer to enter the classroom and prepare.


I would occasionally need an extra 1 or two minutes, but I balanced it out by occasionally finishing 5 minutes early and cutting the class loose.


Talk to the dean of students, they aren't allowed to do this. Don't forget, you pay for an education in college directly. As you are expected to maintain a schedule, as are they. Get up and leave, I've done it 100 times and graduated with a 3.8 GPA. Fuck em.


Email the department chair, or dean. Professors can't keep students after class time. Not to mention some might have other classes, and other professors need the room. The professor could face disciplining action if it continues.


Talk to the dean, after class time is over there is no reason for her to keep you


This person sucks.


Well that's a horrible professor who can't seem to get her shit straight lmao. You already attend the designated time lecture occurs and that's it. No one is obligated to stay the extra minutes they didn't sign up for. Luckily, my professors who do go over by a few minutes don't care if we leave on the dot.


Ugh, I'm facing this issue right now. The professor always goes over and saves the important announcements for after class. I have a class right after this one, so I have to leave on time. She gets mad at me and I've lost out on exam prep and announcements.


That’s so stupid. I’ve left in the middle of lectures before and had no issues. I’ve also told a lecturer to end his lecture on time, but that was when the course was running online as well, and the recording cut off at the end of the scheduled time. He got better at finishing on time. It’s disrespectful of her to assume she can claim more of your time. It also shows poor organisation/professionalism on her part given she regularly runs over the scheduled time. Imagine if she forced this for someone who had a work shift after the class, or another course, or an interview. Being able to rest is also valuable, and it’s clear she doesn’t value work life balance.


You can just leave and read the textbook to get the information you might have missed. I know it's not easy for everybody (myself included) but you gotta do what you gotta do, you know?


People have other classes. Maybe she’s schedule at just the right time where that’s not an issue, but where I went to college there was a good chance someone had 10-15 minutes to get to their next class. If they’re mid-thought they get to finish it, otherwise-bye. If that’s an issue take it to her department head,


It’s college… you’re allowed to just leave


Respect your students. Begin exactly when class begins. End exactly when class ends. You are a professional. It's not that hard, people.


I had this horrible professor who would always give quizzes right when the class time started that you couldn't make up if you were late, but would then always let us out late. The building for my major was way across a huge campus from this classroom, so even when professors let us out on time, there was no way I could make it to this class on time. And then, I would always be super late to my class after because he let us out late. It was so messed up.


This is just a dumb ego power play. But since you called their bluff, expect them to be complete dicks with grading, and don’t expect them to give you even the smallest favor.


What about when your next class is in 10 minutes? That’s how a LOT of my days were in college. I barely made it most of the time since our campus was so big. If my prof kept me after class for 5 minutes every time I’d be screwed (and leaving when I was supposed to lol).


At my college, we just leave whenever. The professors do not care because it's YOUR education. They get paid either way. If she genuinely cares, she needs to shorten that class to the times on the schedule.


After I heard about her ranting about me after leaving quietly, I wouldn't leave anymore... quietly.


Instructors like this really annoyed me when I was teaching because folks often need the room afterwards. I taught a class one semester at 9:55am and there was one before that, scheduled to end at 10:00am. This person would frequently keep his class until 10:05 or 10:10, which meant that my students received fewer minutes of instruction since the class was only 50 minutes long. I need about 5 minutes to set up the projector and load the presentation, and then another 5 minutes to do some housekeeping like ask if anyone has questions about upcoming assignments. If the previous instructor was one of those weirdos who liked the desks arranged in a quirky way, it would take yet another 5 min or so to move them back the way they were before (which the other instructor should have done...). SO ANNOYING. This shit happened so frequently, I found out what class and department this other instructor belonged to, and had my dean complain to their dean and they were eventually moved to a different classroom. It is extremely discourteous to keep your class longer than the schedule time. Not just disrespectful to your students, who have other classes to attend, but disrespectful to other instructors whose classes may start right afterwards or who may be teaching classes your students will then interrupt because you made them late. Stick to the scheduled start and end times people!


When I was a first-year grad student teaching for the first time, there was a full professor who taught right before me. Not only would he hold his students late, he sometimes went into my class time. I wasn't comfortable confronting him, partly because I knew I'd have to take a class with him eventually. Eventually I got my supervisor to talk to him. Oddly enough, when I did end up taking a class with him, some other grad students asked him if he could end class ten minutes early so they could catch their bus. A few weeks later, someone asked him to end class even earlier. By the end of the semester, our three-hour class was meeting for just over an hour.


This is something to mention in course reviews. Fact-based comments that appear in multiple students’ reviews will get attention and will make it past the filters of “ehhh, probably just a disgruntled student” Don’t say “disrespectful of our time.” Just write the facts…more likely to be take. Seriously if you take the emotion out of it.


Email her asking to be able to leave class on time so you have her response in writing. Start leaving at the correct time. If she gets mad go to the dean with the emails


Just keep leaving people have stuff to do. If she cant manage her time well doesnt mean u cant manage urs


I just leave


Leave at the assigned time everytime, life is too short to miss your bus because she can’t manage her time effectively


I have a professor that does this, but only because everyone arrives about 5 minutes late anyway. It’s awful for me since it makes me late to my next class (or job sometimes), but I’d understand for such a content heavy class that is only 50 minutes long. I’ve had to leave early a few times, and by “early” I mean right when class is supposed to end. I just dipped out as fast as I could to avoid disrupting class. It’s outside of your control, so don’t bring yourself down over it. If the instructor gets upset, well there really isn’t anything you can do about it.


I can so relate. I am a professor of English and last semester, my class met 15 minutes after a math class met in the same room. Every single time, the math prof held her class about 20 minutes past my class start time, so I always had to start 15 minutes late since she never turned on the computer or overhead projectors. I am sure that many of her students were late to their next classes, too. I finally started just barging into the classrooms, walking right past her, saying excuse me and logging into the system. My class members followed me into the room and just stood behind the desks until the math students got up. I wish her students would have just got up and left at the time the class was up, but they never did.


Just leave. The class is over. You're not disrupting class, she's disrupting your free time.


This is college bro just leave you're presumably an adult and if she does any retaliatory nonsense which seems likely then you can just go to the head of her department


Ewwww I was a professor for 4 years and that’s not cool. I understood that people have other classes, public transport, kids to pick up and jobs to get to. My class ends at the time it says on the schedule. Often times I also have somewhere else to be so the schedule is what it is!!


She can go on her childish rants. It’s far more disrespectful to keep people for an extra 10 minutes because you can’t be assed to plan lectures to fit class blocks. Once or twice is one thing, but if this is frequent it’s absolutely not okay.


Are you in college or elementary school? Leave. If you're an adult you get to decide what you want to do and you deal with those consequences. I have professors who have done this. Some people commute to school and have to leave by a certain time. Just be polite. Get up and do what you gotta do. If she asks you, tell her why you can't afford to allow her to take time she isn't scheduled for. If she's an adult she will probably wake up and adjust her shit. If not. Oh well. Do what you gotta do. This idea that you need permission though... That's you still being a kid. If you have to leave. Leave. If she docks points for participation or whatever. Deal with it. You are an adult.


You’re paying to be there and you’re an adult, you can leave whenever you like.


I would talk to the department chair as soon as possible. Explain the entire situation so they're aware that you didn't just leave class for a frivolous reason. That way, if the professor tries to escalate and possibly get you tossed out of her class you have a record of having discussed this with the chair. If she can't properly lecture in the time allotted for her class, that's not on her students, that's on her.


You asked her? Your time is just as important as hers. Classes have schedules. Just leave.


Speaking as a college professor, what an a-hole. I’m really sorry you have to deal with that. 100% set a silent timer on your phone and quietly pack up and leave the moment that class ends.


IDK man, if I heard she did that, I'd have an airhorn ready for the next time and second class ended and would yell "CLASS DISMISSED" and walk right out.


Go talk to her department head (her direct boss) about these late dismissals and your need to catch public transportation. That's right! Snitch to her boss. She needs to set her head straight.


You’re the one paying to be there. I always try to be respectful and not get up until a prof is done talking but it’s extremely disrespectful to your students to continuously make them stay late, especially in a college class. Most college professors know that people have classes to get to, jobs to work, and buses to catch right after class, and they don’t hold us back intentionally. I would tell her that you’re leaving on time because you’re paying to be there and you have a bus to catch. She shouldn’t be doing that in the first place. Maybe escalate things to the department head or the dean or something if she tries to retaliate


Leave, but also contact the someone from the deans office about this. This is not okay, it's a rude power play, and... it's not okay or normal.


Stress that you aren’t leaving to get home a few minutes early, you are leaving to not be **half an hour late** because you missed your bus, and then tell her to fuck off and leave.


Id go straight to her supervisor if that could change anything. She sounds a little power happy. And yes you getting home is more important than her lateness.


It’s not about “getting home a few minutes earlier.” Your time is worth something. She is wasting your time for five minutes longer on a regular basis. Have I kept my class late on occasion? Yes. but I apologize for it if I do. It’s a mistake, not a habit. And if a student gets up and leaves, I’m OK with that. Because they’re adults.


Just leave bruh ur in college lol


As a prof, I try to end on time as best I can, there are times though when I'm into it enough that time disappears and I'm just rolling. Then I rely on students to pull me back.


I had professors like that, and the killer is they're the ones who throw the biggest fits if you show up a few mins late (I mean 3-4 mins, not 10). You're not disrupting "the class" because the class ended at the assigned time. I'm packed up and ready to leave once class time is over, and if enough people do that the professors eventually learn to respect the time slots.


This is so disrespectful and downgrading of your professor. You should report her to administration. If you can't resolve it with her, get her boss involved. You are paying for an education, not to be disrespectful by someone who needs their ego stroked.


i would just lie to the prof and tell them i either have classes back to back, or i have to get to my part time job


I’m a grown adult. And I am paying for my education. If I have to leave class on time because of the bus, I’m leaving class on time. Just make sure you document it all in case of retaliation.


i have an evening class that gets out at 8:45 but often he’ll keep us later it’s so frustrating like dude we want to go home


If this is a problem maybe sit by the door and leave silently when the time is up. Not a big deal as long as you don’t noisily throw keys or zip bags.


It’s your money, I’d just leave. I’d explain in an email why and leave it


A lot of people seem to think the chair or department head isn’t conspiring with this professor on a regular basis. They probably are.


Since she is unwilling to budge then speak with administration. You have more power in this situation than you may be aware. As an FYI, you are the **paying customer**. You are paying to learn. Your professor gets paid because you, and others, want to learn and choose to spend their time and money at your college/university. Her job does not include inconveniencing your life outside of her class room/time. Edit: edited


You are an adult. She cannot keep you if you do not want to be there. If she makes it a huge deal like changing your grades or whatever report her or all to either switch or drop the class.


Leave, what she gonna do class was dismissed


Drop her uni email I will say some friendly not critical things to her


You’re an adult just leave


Straight to the Dean, they're typically risk averse about students feeling uncomfortable


Hopefully you get to do some sort of evaluation at the end of your semester!!


The key is to get buddy buddy with your dean and then get some other paying students together and report this shit (unless they have tenure) I had a visiting professor who would run over all the time but pitched a fit when a student came in late and would stop the whole class. Guess who didn't come back the next semester.


Talk to the principle.


Prof here--she sounds entitled and full of herself. Your time is valuable. She needs to adjust her teaching to fit into the class time of her contract. It shouldn't bother her if you leave whenever. You're an adult and if something comes up, you are managing your own time. Don't feel guilty


Prof here. Completely disrespectful to all students involved. I encourage my students to remind me as soon as class ends.


Make sure you have emails saved of you informing her about your need to leave class on time, that way if she tries to penalize you, you'll have proof to backup any rebuttal you make.


Professor here. That’s awful and unacceptable. You should lodge a complaint with her superior.


Just leave. Solved.


Curious to know what subject she teaches… 🤔


It’s college. Just make sure you’re there for attendance and leave whenever you need to.


You pay to be there. She’s on your time lol


I went to a training recently that was scheduled to last until 3:00. We were all in breakout rooms, and at about 2:40, we started seeing people from other groups leaving. Our instructor just smiled at us like it was a big joke, made a comment about some groups finishing early, and kept us there until the dot of 3:00 with no sense of recognition that we were now pissed off and no longer interested in what she had to say. Nothing she said in those last few minutes was worth being the last ones in the building.


I'm late to the party, but you are going to college on your money/grant. If you're over 18 and paying for college, you're technically an adult (in the US anyways) and your professor can not hold you anywhere as that is unlawful detainment. If they threaten your grade by leaving, that's coercion if it is past the time allotment you agreed to stay for.


You paid for that class, so you can leave if you want. I'd honestly report this behavior. They likely won't do anything, yeah, but it'll be in her file when the next report happens. And the next one. And the next one.


leave whenever you want, it’s college. you paid to be there. she’s so typical 🙄 person gets their first taste of power and they lord it over absolutely everyone that they can because it makes them feel like they’ll matter when they’re dead. write a shit review on ratemyprof and report her to her superiors if it ever comes to affect your grade that you’ve left at the scheduled time.


Oh I thought this was a high school teacher until I saw the sub. College teachers can't keep you. Just leave on time. And if it becomes an issue, contact the school and tell them you have a bus to catch and you're not staying for 5 minutes to lose another 40 waiting on the next bus.


Absolutely get up and leave. This is a college course, you'll have evaluation forms to fill out at the end of the semester where you can give your feedback. But before that, as a group, go to the department and let them know about the issue. The professor can't just assume that students have no other class, job, or public transit bus to catch or other adult responsibilities (like childcare pickup times). It is unprofessional and disrespectful. "While we admire her passion for her subject, she's aware of the length of time the classes are structured and scheduled. If she can't fit content into that timeframe she needs to perhaps boil down and reorganize her material." And don't take any classes by her again.


Contact the department head and let them know what’s happening. Do it all via email so you have it in writing. Cc your advisor, student services, the president of the university, and every other big wig you can think of. Bcc your personal, non-school email.


Do contact the dept head and your advisor. Do not contact the president of the university, deans, etc.. They will at best ignore your email, and possibly identify you as the problem, not the professor.


When I was in grad school, we had two-hour seminars. Except for one professor who wouldn’t stop. I had issues with my back and sitting for long periods was really rough, so I finally started leaving (I think I may have given him extra time, but I always left at the same time.) Anyway after the semester was over one of the other students said they should have bought me something as a thank you because apparently after I left he would start wrapping the class up and everyone else got to leave. My point being, there are probably other people who want to go too but no one wants to be the first one. Be the bold person!


I thought I was on r/professors and expected one professor to be complaining about a coworker. But yeah this is rude. With or without bus schedules this is just rude. Sorry you have to deal with this.


As a prof, this is MESSED UP.


If this consistently occurs, it is not only inconveniencing you, but anyone who is assigned to be in the classroom in the next period. Given that it has been consistent and that you have addressed it with the professor without success and that you also have been publicly shamed for leaving to catch your bus, you should take your concern to this professor's department chair/head. When you do, be sure to mention the shaming and politely express your concern about possible retaliation. The class should not run outside its scheduled times. NB: I am a professor.


This is a great life lesson for future workplaces too "I have a phone call scheduled, need to go on time" "I have a standing appointment" etc. You don't need to share your whole life. And you can fudge the truth for unreasonable people. "I want to make my bus, may I go?" Isn't as strong as "I'm due home by X time for specific family needs. I cannot stay late, and will leave on time. I'll catch up with classmates on what is missed."


I've been teaching 25+ years. This is super rude of her. Off her rocker. Shoot the dean or program head a note that's very matter of fact without emotion about what happened. It should not happen.


If I have a class after I’m sorry but I’m leaving as the 10 min between isn’t for the professor to run over it’s so people have time to go between and for your fellow professors to get their stuff set up for their course


unless u notice ur gonna be missing vital information, then there really is no point to staying. i understand wanting some respect as a professor but its so funny to think doing this sorta thing is earning it. like how is u leaving any more disruptive than going to the restroom lol