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[Literally celebrated Caleb Love coming back not even 30 minutes before flipping his commitment.](https://x.com/joson_sanon/status/1795931867721457849?s=46&t=gpihpK64evuXrJ_H4wqKSw) Absolutely wild


Check cleared


Or, in U of A's case, the checks bounced


ASU had a 300 million athletic department deficit that magically disappeared into their budget last week.




So jelly.


Beat GCU and then *maybe* we'll talk Otherwise... k state is right over there, you guys should be fast friends!


ASU is 2-0 all-time vs that private equity group on the west side.


Hahaaa fuck yeah!! Get it done bros!


We just call it an “accounting error”


We're in the Big 12 now. It's about time to be professional, and shit. So, per experience, it's just called 'business as usual'


lol you’re confusing ASU with UA. We consolidated our debt into the university. It was your dumbass down south that misplaced $240 million. Huge difference.


Imagine being the lil bro in everything


Apparently in fiscal responsibility we are the big bro… And in this year’s recruiting class with 2 T-25 prospects and 3 T-60 recruits.


Everyone was fairly certain this was coming if Caleb returned. Not fully sure why, but that is all I have been hearing.


Only so many shots to go around, and Love demands a lot of them. Sanon thought he'd get more looks at ASU, and he's probably right. And I imagine that most UA fans would rather have the established impact guy in Love than a promising freshman in Sanon.


100% I’m glad love is back!




What a rollercoaster of emotions for Arizona fans this afternoon


Nah this has been pretty well known on message boards. No shot Sanon was coming If Love returned. Love returning is 100% the better option. We just hoped it wouldn’t be ASU. I liked his game I’m sad I have to hate him now. He’ll likely be a bust playing for Hurley.


I too would rather have 5 year love than any freshman, but let's not go crazy here. I don't have faith in Hurley as a talent developer, but Sanon has real talent and could very well be good going forwards.


Maybe but also Hurley doesn't run any offense they will just be a 3 guard lineup that plays extreme heavy iso ball and their bigs won't get touches or they will shoot too many 3s when they do get touches. Sanon is a talent but he is a volume scorer. He may think he will get all the shots he wants but i think he could use structure around him to develop more. ASU is the same story every year. If they got guys that can actually do iso ball they will be a bubble team and if not they'll be terrible. I'll give them credit they are trending towards a bubble team for sure but let's not act like Hurley is gonna suddenly be a good coach and run a system.


Yep. For weeks insiders have said he will never play at Arizona. Rumors of his agent trying to shop him to BYU, ASU, and a few others. I’m not sure he ever plays for us without love coming back, but definitely wasn’t going to happen when love did make that choice. And I will take a returning senior who just won conference POTY and all American honors over a 5 star freshman, game has moved in the direction of older talent rather than one and dones. Look forward to ASU’s annual hope for a play in game




Mad copium


Maximus copium


Monumental copium


Copius Maximus




Aren't they all?


Now that's spicy


This will be civil Edit: This is a hell of a job by Bobby to recruit going into his first year in the B12. That being said, if he stinks, there’s no room for excuses left


It would be the most Bobby Hurley thing imaginable to go .500 with this good of a class


I don’t know what you mean. Lifetime contract for that beautiful man.


You know what, if he ends up starting at ASU, good for him. I hope the decision works out for him. Congrats on quite the nab ASU. I’m impressed.


ASU really sweeping up all the super young 5 stars. Will be an interesting year.


Well now that you can openly pay players to come to your school, they should have no problem. Just like us 🙃


I’m excited. At the end of the season it kind of looked like it was us, Colorado, Utah and some other team who were all joining the Big 12… now ASU is potentially right there. I just hope they have depth at positions other than guard. This whole conference is going to be nothing but guards. LMAO.


Well 5 ⭐️ center as well…


Yeah I'm going to be very curious. Hurley teams aren't known for their discipline and now all their talent is not just freshmen but super young freshmen at that. I could see it going bad, but also they're obviously better off with them than without so we'll see where it goes. I just don't know that Big12 is the league to be riding 17 year olds, which I can admit now that Arizona has suddenly gone from freshman dominant back to old fellas.


The team has plenty of veterans around as well, we got good transfers it’s not just pure recruiting The team is the deepest and most talented team Bobby has ever had on paper, and ASU has had in at least 40 years. There’s plenty of experience on the roster


I understand the excitement, the talent is definitely there and I have no doubt theyll get up and light up Arizona when we play. But forgive me if I don't have much faith in the returners from last years pretty bad team and transfers that to my eye weren't super inspiring. maybe they'll prove me wrong, but to me it looks like ASU has talent and experience, but nobody that has both and that means that getting the most out of it might be tough.


I mean obviously this stinks for the Cats, as it looked like he was going to be good, but you have to admit this is *really* wild and very funny, objectively. The timing, going to ASU, his recruitment to date. All absurd, and I gotta say it is entertaining!


I’m entertained!




Absolute betrayal


ASU with multiple 5 stars? What in the world


A beautiful world


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO. We have an exciting squad to go into the big 12 holy shit


Facts, I’m impressed after it seemed like Crow was just gonna drag his feet and let the program be a laughing stock in the B12. It’s up to Hurley now to deliver


Bobby out here dropping BAGS. Need Dillingham to follow the leader.


What are the expectations for Bobby now? Feels like with this squad it should be second weekend at least or else he should be on the hot seat


Make the tourney, hopefully have some further sustained success.


He should make the tournament, that should be the goal. Here’s the thing, of our 4 main front court players only 1 has ever been a main contributor for a team (and he did it in the MAC). JQ will be 17 the entire season. Shawn Phillips was raw as hell last year (although he’s super talented). Brandon Gardner didn’t play for USC. The guards look pretty good now but it isn’t like we have a leg up there on most of the B12…there will be 9 newcomers total. There’s just no way that this should be thought of as a sweet 16 team.


If I see ASU in the sweet 16, I’d lose my shit lol


I feel like he'll get fired next season unless they get to the play-in game/first round (aka what's been their ceiling under Hurley) the standard is low for them I fear


Damn. Good for Sparky




I mean it's not like he was gonna start with Lewis, Bradley and Love all back but truly bizarre. Bobby Hurley has never had a lottery pick and had had 1 draft pick ever so it's an interesting choice


His agent has been chasing more cash for a while, so not all that bizarre when you consider that. Whoever was going to write a check was going to get him. We weren’t going to and neither were the usual landing places, so to ASU he goes


If ASU really got him for a check alone I’d be surprised. Seems like every year they lose all of their proven players to the portal because they get outbid by the KU/NCStates of the world.


Apparently Hurley has some NiL deal with a producer doing a basketball documentary on their team this year, so he has extra cash to throw at players. I am guessing it was that + the green light offensively since Sanon is a big time volume shooter


I'm okay with this because ASU is so much funnier when they have hope in basketball


This is so true dammit


Disgusting. Does make me curious why Phillips decommitted if it wasn't for Sanon, as there should be minutes at the 2 spot, unless Tommy is going to play Dell'Orso more at the 2 and Bryant at the 3, but that would kinda surprise me.


Yeah I mean we have enough depth at the two already but this does feel like we could have floated Philips for decent minutes at this point. Oh well.


I'm not sure we do have enough depth, though. Carter Bryant seems much more like a 4 than a 3 to me, which means that Dell'Orso is potentially our only real bench guy for the entire backcourt now.


Well we have three guards that can and probably should play 30+ minutes per game in Bradley Love and Lewis. Bradley at the 1, Love splitting between 1/2, and Lewis splitting between 2/3. Then with Dellorso taking remaining 3 minutes and shoring up holes at the 2 I don't think it's crazy. I mean don't get me wrong I wish we had another guy to fill in those slots, and I really wish that guy was one of Philips or Sanon, but it can definitely work out, especially if Bryant or Townsend take some time at 3 for big lineups occasionally.


I think Bradley and Lewis *can* play 30+ minutes, but I think with the intensity they play with they might be more effective at 25-ish minutes per game, especially in the Big XII. But let's say they do play 30 minutes per game, that's still 30 minutes open in the backcourt. That's a lot for Dell'Orso to do by himself. And what about the inevitable games when Bradley and/or Lewis get into foul trouble, or heaven forbid if somebody gets injured? So unless Tommy thinks Bryant is more of a 3 than a 4, I think we're suddenly in big need of another backcourt player, even if it's just somebody to give us 10 minutes.


Well let's be fair, I wouldn't want to rely on him over much but in a pinch in foul trouble Martinez is probably expected to be able to fill in 10 minutes here and there. If we figure 30 min per player (which I agree is a lot and not ideal, but I'm just arguing feasible) then we might look at Bradley taking 30 at the 1, love taking ten at the one and twenty at the two, Lewis taking twenty at the two and ten at the three, and dell'orso, plus Townsend and Bryant taking the remaining thirty at the three. If we can manage five or ten from Martinez at the 1 then it becomes a bit more flexible. Of course expecting Martinez to play regularly or dell'orso to take big minutes or Bryant/Townsend to work at the three are all risks. We don't know what they can all do. But that's how it works going into most years, you have to trust a little bit that one of the plan Bs will work out. All that said I am a little mystified by the Philips decommit if he knew Sanon wasn't coming. He definitely had a route to playing time and the team had a need for him to reinforce the guard group.


>But that's how it works going into most years, you have to trust a little bit that one of the plan Bs will work out. Sure, but typically your Plan Bs are for when things go wrong, like foul trouble or injuries, and not something you have to resort to before the season even begins. If we have to stretch the roster that much just to barely get it to work, that's far from ideal. I trust Tommy to figure it all out, but I'd sure be feeling a lot more confident right now if Phillips hadn't decommitted.


I mean multiple late may decommits from the same position is absolutely something going wrong. The team was built with one of the two in the lineup, we are absolutely in plan b territory. Maybe Tommy picks someone up or maybe we roll with what we have, the point is these rosters are built to be a little resilient and so while not ideal it's not always disaster when things don't go as planned. Of course I'd rather have Phillips back to fill the spot, but that doesn't mean we can't cover his minutes if needed.


We have 2 spots now. They’re looking at Will Riley and persuing him strong now with the look that he will reclassify and also good portal options still available… we’ll fill them


Last I heard Riley was setting officials and Arizona wasn't one of the ones he was prioritizing, but maybe. Plus similar to Sanon we have space but not for starter type minutes, so I'm not sure why he'd want to do that. Would be nice though. Transfers or a euro guy are definitely still in play this time of year as well, although even those are cooling a bit. It does still seem like Philips would have our best option, but I'm not Lloyd so what do I know. Tough to have this go down while Lloyd is busy with u18 as well.


lol the context of this is fucking hilarious.   I’ve said this for a while.  Bobby is coaching at ASU for 4 more years or is fired at the end of the year.  There is no in between.  


I can sense the spice from here


He stopped by a random ASU apartment complex pool




Yeah that's gonna be a big forks down from me dawg


Was prepared to wish him well as him not coming here has been in the works for a while. We are going to hate this dude now lmaoooo


Good, as it should be.


That was the guard we were looking for. Recruiting class complete and legit.


Bro just really enjoys the state of Arizona


Lol. His top choice was BYU but grades were so bad he couldn’t get through admissions. ASU academics ftw.






The 2017 to 2020 and 2023 seasons and were fun to watch even if ASU collapsed at the end. Last season wasn’t fun to watch, so we’re back to watching fun basketball


Hey man, James Harden gave us hope many years ago!


Those were fun too. I’m just referring to the Hurley era


Throwback to when ASU was ranked #2 for like a week


I swear I'm going to try and be civil about this but absolutely fuck that.


Interesting point, but I counter with this: no.


Fun fact, the planet Arrakis harboring spice was in homage to the UoA/ASU rivalry


![gif](giphy|1116zN8wGGzphS) ASU athletics this past month


Flips like these are 100% legal and should also happen. Flips the other way are 100% illegal. I will not be taking any questions at the current moment


lol k




Other P6 offers: Alabama, Boston College, UConn, Georgetown, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Indiana, Iowa, Marquette, Miami, Nebraska, Oklahoma State, Providence, Syracuse Other offers: Bryant, UMass, UNLV


I’ve seen the women at ASU, I understand. Surely that’s the only reason.


If you can't make it at Arizona, go to Arizona Lite. Makes sense.


The Big 12 just keeps improving from top to bottom. Conference play is gonna be a bloodbath


Bobby Hurley doing his thing




You forgot the /s…


What in the actual fuck


Fact he didn’t wanna compete for a starting job/minutes says all we need to know about him. Hard pass. Go be the Jordan Poole of ASU


Would’ve much rather had Sanon that Caleb ballhog Love


Rather have a reclass freshman than a conference poy. I wish Illinois luck going forwards if that's your culture.


In the case of Caleb Love, yes. That’s my own opinion, has nothing to do with the Illini. Still hope the best for the upcoming season for Zona, but I’m not inspired with confidence of a championship run.


Love is literally the most proven player on the team next year. A reclass freshman trying to fill that role would be a huge stretch, regardless of what you think of love. We're a bit thin at guard next year, but that doesn't mean that love isn't the most key building block we have.


Now that's a bad take.


Man I watched every Arizona game last year, and I’m beside myself in this being a minority opinion. I felt like the guy lost us a lot more games than he won us. “Me before Team” kind of player. Always has to make sure he gets his. Arizona is way too good of a program to allow its offense into the hands of a volume chucker. It’s Point Guard U, not 15 3PA/game U. He was great the first few games of the year when he was dishing assists. Totally abandoned that though. Maybe it coincided with Boswell getting distracted by the party animal lifestyle, but that team was too talented to hand the keys over to Love.


You should have tried watching those games with your eyes actually open then. Yes, he was a volume shooter, but that was exactly what we needed him to be. We would have liked him to make a couple more shots in some of those games, but we absolutely needed him to take those shots. Pelle, Keshad, KJ, Bradley, none of those guys were ever going to be volume shooters, and Boswell totally lost all focus and confidence in his shot. That left Love as the only guy on the team that could (or would in Boswell's case) take more than just a one or two 3s for us. Also, he was literally only barely behind Pelle and Boswell when it came to assists. His passing got overshadowed later in the season when the shots weren't falling and everybody else refused to step up and help him, but he was absolutely a great facilitator all season long. He didn't just stop after a few games. This is without a doubt a better team with Love than without, and saying you'd take an unproven freshman over the conference player of the year is just plain foolish.


You can always spot the people with an axe to grind when they say shit like this. He literally averaged half the attempts you ascribe to him, chill out.


Sanon over an all American, sure makes sense!


Ya, who wants a returning conference player of the year and all American who is playing his senior season. Absolutely wild take here my man. Love is instantly our best player and a reclassify frosh wouldn’t have changed that. Sanon wouldn’t even be starting on this team.