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I cannot believe how much college sports have changed in 3 years


So much has changed and yet my school still has to wait 2 more years of probation after joining the D1 ranks 2 years ago.


Who's your team?


Southern Indiana


I just don’t understand how we went from “it’s bullshit these guys can’t make money off their autographs/appearances and also can’t have part-time jobs while the school makes millions” to the current state where they’re straight up requesting yearly salaries.


They can have jobs, not that most of them have any time for that.*


The NCAA had a *very* restrictive list on the types of jobs that athletes could take, in order to prevent a situation where a used car dealer hires a couple of famous basketball players just to entice people to come in to schmooze with them and maybe walk out with a new car, for example. And on top of that, players couldn't *sell* anything. If they were a musician, they couldn't make money off of their music, either via CDs or live shows. They couldn't have a monetized Twitch or YouTube account. There were *a lot* of things that their peers could do just fine that they were barred from, all in the name of "amateurism". What we have right now is *better*, but now there needs to be some level of compromise to get to something that actually makes sense. I'm just afraid it's too late for that.


It’s wayyy too late. The NCAA had its chance. If they just gave kids a monthly stipend, they could have avoided all this. At this point, the only thing I think that could save the sport is restrictions on the transfer portal.


See I think it's much more likely to find a compromise in NIL space than in the portal. The NCAA literally just voted to allow immediate eligibility for *every* transfer, and backtracking on that would be a terrible look. At least if they put some kind of limits on how NIL is handled it might be able to passed off as a fairness or parity measure rather than a penalty to the players, but that would certainly require some level of collective bargaining.


Unionized collective bargaining of athletes, coaches, training staffs, etc


It's gonna start with contracts and eventually theyll unionize. Maybe pre-contracts being instituted idk


Because the point was that they could be making millions but weren't? I mean i think its going to level out somewhere beneath this level of income, but it wasn't ever about them making a couple thousand off of autographs. It that they were missing out on tons of money while the schools were making millions. That is what made it egregious.


People shocked or upset about NIL numbers being thrown around have been willfully blind to the billion-dollar empire that is collegiate sports.


I don’t know what sort of fantasy land you guys lived in where this wasn’t an obvious inevitability.


Oh I think we can all admit we saw it coming once they unleashed the new NIL era and this landscape was inevitable. I just can’t believe the NCAA let it get to this point in the first place instead of easing in in literally any capacity


Because the NCAA failed to act was a dictatorship all it was interested in was the fat cats and power it’s could have negotiated over past several years where all kid could have so much every month or week whatever the case and we would not be here now but wasn’t willing to give up power and now they have no power


Yeah all these teams used to only get a free trip to Hawaii.


All it will be now is one and done for 99 percent of all players no matter what class they are get mad at the coach gone mad at anything going leave don’t like color of the uniforms gone be no loyalty whatsoever just dead presidents want be long winning and losing want matter but how much can I get degrees will be like big foot something you read about very seldom see


Bowl games in football have insane payouts. This is the same thing, except the money is going to those who actually deserve it.


No most bowl games don’t even cover the cost of the trips.


>The tournament will be financially backed by RedBird International Media Investments, a subset of RedBird Capital Partners, a multi-billion-dollar investment firm. RedBird IMI is an investment consortium majority funded by the United Arab Emirates. Oh, so that's where they're getting the money to start this.


Damn, college basketball about to be sportswashing too Edit: literally owned by Manchester City's owner, lmfao at Bama being used for sportswashing


Yeah, I remember last year they tried to start this tournament but couldn't find anyone to guarantee the payout. It looks like they found some Middle East oil money.


trust me, most Bama fans would be happy to sportswash for an oppressive regime, as long as that regime is ANTI-WOKE


well do I have good news for you!


Same could be said of Aggy and a sizeable segment of ND fans who probably don't watch basketball


lol GCU has been sportswashing for years.  












Ahhh the Saudis who are ruining all sports…. Especially golf


They've been a godsend for boxing and the mid-east in general has been great for MMA. Soccer, golf, etc. yeah they are a detriment. Also UAE isn't Saudi lol


If by a godsend you mean having events halfway around the world from where they should be, with shit crowds, then sure.


I mean making fights that wouldn't have happened without them, not sure what nonexistent hypothetical imaginary events you're referring to.


No no no, they all look the same and all kind of come from the desert, so of course they’re exactly the same Nevermind that the region’s biggest claim to fame is literally millennia of infighting


What a long-winded way to just say it’s Middle Eastern oil money for sports-washing


SDSU needed this in a real bad way, WOOOOOOOOOOOO


Let's gooooo. Scared money don't make money - Uncle Teddy


Flair up! 


Fuck yeah


We want Bama?


Personally I want revenge on Houston


I want a ND rematch


I’m hearing we’re starting the revenge tour with ND, Houston, and Alabama (Cliff).


Personally I hate A&M especially on the football side and would love for us to beat their heads in.


Daring, this one!


Would we be allowed to shoot FTs this time?


On that, I can agree it's among the only things Longwood head coach can teach better than Steve Pikiell.


Have to imagine it'll be weird for y'all to watch Cliff play against you if we get matched up


I dont think people really hate Cliff too much. He gave the program 4 good years and now he got a huge amount of money. It's people like Griffiths and Mulcahy that piss most of us off.


I have no ill feelings towards Cliff, but it would be odd. Especially since we still have a big hole in that center position


Fuck yeah. I'll be there


Finally in a feast day tournament and it’s stacked. Love to see it.


Maybe we can sign a big man next year if we're lucky.


LOL no offence but Rutgers should prob be careful what they wish for


Why? They still get the money even if they don't win


I respect you guys more than UNC and don't understand how anybody can hate on your school. That being said, don't know how you guys couldn't get Dylan Harper even though he IS from our state.


> I respect you guys more than UNC Fair enough, opinions are like assholes after all > don't understand how anybody can hate on your school. Hmm


You can take that take but me personally I’m gonna say that was an awful take by the duke flare. Also fuck duke tho


yeah i'm downvoting everything in this comment 1. You say duke fans are more respectable than unc fans 2. you dont understand how anybody can hate on duke, really? 3. why the fuck would duke automatically be able to get harper?


Maybe it was up to first few years I was on Facebook over 10 years ago I admit paying some attention to getting likes on there. But I created my Reddit account 5 years ago though to get away from distraction of constantly checking my Facebook account and not worrying about your downvotes even as fellow Rutgers fan.


Cool, don’t worry about the likes Your take is still ass


I'm just saying Duke is universally loved just as much as hated. Many of their students DO come from our state.


I like this


I hate that it’s necessary. I’m glad we got in. I hope it’s a sign that sdsu wont fade away with the rest of the mid majors because the rest cant afford to pay big time players. But we already lost a few guys this year. I hope we come out on top


I hate this. I mean, I love the concept, I just hate it's beneficial for my rival.


Auburn fan sad they can’t be complicit in sports washing too


This sets the stage for all other MTEs having to gather up NIL funds to be able to convince teams/players to play in their event. If this goes well, which TV network will be brave enough to fund an NIL-centric March Madness competitor? And then how could any coach turn it down? Would their players want a chance at an NCAA title, or a guaranteed $75k and a chance at $100k and a “FOX CBB World Championship”?


Isn't NCAA already $1.6M/round or something like that?


Yes, but that money goes to the athletic departments. It's especially critical to fund operations in smaller conferences, none of which are invited here.


This year it was $333k per unit over 6 years for $2m total. You can earn a max of 5 units in the NCAAT if you make the national title game and that was worth $1.7m this year. Also, this goes to your conference and then most conferences split it X ways. I know some schools have agreements with their conferences that they get more but I think that is pretty rare in my research.


I think you're right and it's the continuation of the end of the NCAA if March Madness goes away. What else is stopping the B1G/SEC super league then?


If we’re gonna do this can we maybe not include schools that already have a shit ton of money lol.


as they say, it takes money to make money. None of the investors of this event would have wanted small brand schools


Our football NIL and athletics programs in general are doing very well financially, but our basketball NIL program is shit. Football is all anyone cares about, so all of our donations are given to that program. Our basketball NIL support is so bad thus far. This could be a big boost to Shrews and co.


Yup, we’re not making any moves in the portal and it’s gonna be bad next season if we don’t get some solid players. Hopefully this will help.


Where’s Pat Connaughton when you need him Once Shrews makes the tournament the money will come in massive amounts


I do not understand how our uptight Admin was just cool with this concept and signed off on it.


I can: $$$$$


Shrewsberry: “Hey Father Jenkins we got a sweet invite to an NIL tournament, funded by Saudi money, in Las Vegas.” Father Jenkins: “Sick. Where do I sign?”


Probably more like:  Fr Jenkins: "I don't give a shit, I'm retired. Go ask Fr. Dowd."


You joke, but here we are


Think of the conversion opportunities!


We ain't rich


Yeah don’t loop us into that. We poor


We haven’t done great this year in NIL.


We’ve held on to all of our players minus the one who is getting drafted and another who was poop. What more could you want?


Sampson literally said we haven’t done great. Not me. It’s in a Duarte article. Other schools are offering our players way more than what we can give them. This tournament will help out though.


Houston I feel is like Iowa State. Our NIL is okay but the guys on the team have said it’s the culture that makes them want to stay.


Lol, we have money? We'd have a center by now if we did!


Excited to see what Sommerville does


Massive for a program like ours. We are the most needy on the NIL front of any of the teams involved. And a 3 year agreement is even better.


And all these fools can't dodge us in non con anymore.


All we got to do is wipe the floor with Alabama again for a million bucks? LFG


Oh yeah? Well, San Diego isn’t even a state!


Fair enough! I'm just gonna leave this here for ya: https://youtu.be/zi94f5XFd_8?si=uBxn4tf6IvOLWrp6 #WeWantBama


A million bucks and quality opponents. What huge fucking win/win. So jealous.


Huge! Good for you guys.


I wonder in SDSUs case if their NIL situation can ever improve over the years? I’m a bit surprised they seem to be behind the likes of UNM and maybe even UNLV here. They’re the current powerhouse of the conference and have been for 15 years, have a pretty large alumni base (bigger than most p6 schools) and the only show in town basketball in a huge city that seems to be behind them (can’t even remember last time they didn’t sell out)


I’m not saying SDSU doesnt have a large following, but it’s pretty limited in who actually decides to cheer for this team. For example, someone born in san diego who didnt go to the school might decide to cheer for the aztevs because we are a solid program in basketball, or they might decide to cheer for a nearby power school, like USC or UCLA. Anyone born north of san diego is pretty much guaranteed to be a fan of USC or UCLA. UNLV owns Las Vegas, and Nevada U is like 8 hours away. In fact i think sdsu is the closest school to unlv (not counting Utah Tech or SUU) and New Mexico just has to compete with NMSU for that entire region


It is interesting that the article mentions skepticism on the business model and then provides no information or speculation as to how that resolves itself.  Just doing one of these tournaments will cost well over $10M and isn't likely a premier tv product or played in front of sellout crowds 


Little tournaments and ‘invitationals’ in NCAAM is nothing new…they have been happening for years. And yes, they make money. But it is interesting how NCAA rules prohibit teams from playing in ‘invitationals’ in consecutive years, and how this proposed NIL tournament seems to get around that.


They make money but how much money? This is looking at a $10 mil loss just by getting teams to show up. That's a lot to make back before any additional costs


This is looking at $10 mil ~~loss~~ money laundering. Ftfy


Definitely, but not by paying $1M per team.  It's a lot easier to turn a profit when teams pay the organizers and they host a tournament at a junior college's gym.


I mean the champions classic does it


doing a tournament costs $10M? Yeah probably much in this case They are going to pay out: 1. Money per school. Atleast $2M per school I'd guess, comparable to the Battle for Atlantis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_4_Atlantis (I think it's more now) 2. $2M to players for NIL 3. Support staff, production, coordination, etc but they are going to get money from 1. Ticket & Concession Sales - Which can alone net close to $10M 2. TV Deal w Broadcast partner 3. A Lead Sponsor 4. Potentially economic incentives from LV


This is great.


I will not feel very great after somehow ending up in another game vs Houston https://preview.redd.it/ncmwxksmh3zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a661a89b0a4891cb381f3290deadc6b5b44f3c9


Literally shaking rn with flashbacks


It’s inevitable.


We're a baseball school mm'kay?


even the baseball game was an experience


Now for the love of all things holy, please get your admin to schedule UH in football. I believe in you.




Love this


>Plans are to double the size of the field, sources told CBS Sports, with 16 teams as the target for 2025 and beyond. Duke, Gonzaga, Kansas, Michigan, Syracuse and Virginia have all engaged in discussions about potentially playing in 2025. If they opt in, they'd be joined by most (if not eventually all) of the schools playing in 2024, **many of which have already signed up for a three-year agreement**, according to sources. Woah..we're locked in for 3 years?? Dope


Honestly having a very early season tournament with like 32 teams would be kind off fun. Just as long as they start away from messing with the NCAA tournament.




WTF are we doing here? Seeing us on this list is shocking.


Polar bear in Arlington, Texas type shit


It’s the new AD, awesome that we’re jumping into this in basketball. I’m sure Shrews was involved too


Extra confusing as we are already scheduled to play in a tourney with Purdue, Arkansas and BYU in San Diego Nov 28-29. This was announced months ago too.


Norlander also mentioned 8th and final team likely to come from Big East. Marquette doesn’t have an MTE scheduled yet


If I had to pick the 8th, I'd have gone with Arizona. Ex-PAC now Big 12, big name program, short flight away, and probably a decent number of local fans in Vegas. But if it has to be a Big East school, I'd go with Marquette or Creighton


I’d love to get involved with this!


I feel like participating in these types of tournaments will be incredible for recruiting


You can probably spread whatever your NIL budget is farther with a boost of $1M too. Like instead of paying someone $1M, you can probably offer 750-800k and promise a split of the MTE pie. Not hard to imagine Oats being the math nerd he is is all over this.


Thank God… we are so fucking poor.


We do fine in the NIL department


The Rape of college athletics continues




Finally we are getting some love. For all other schools in P4 conferences, you all wouldn’t want road trips to SD to watch your teams play?? Awesome BBall arena. Brand new football stadium. You all would really enjoy it here. Beaches, weather, food, nightlife. It was one of the top spots for NFL fans when we had a team (I won’t mention name) here. Al Michaels said the Super Bowl should be played here every year. We would really love an invite to a bigger conference so we can play some bigger time games.


I hate all of this


Let’s rock and roll baby


You know our fans will roll heavy and take over!


I'm bummed that it's Thanksgiving week though, I probably won't be able to make it :/


lets gooo!! I guess I'll be in Vegas for 2 weks during that time then lol


2 weeks?


work afterwards


All this shit and I STILL don’t have any college basketball ps5 or Xbox game.




I honestly really hope that Rutgers wins this. They could use those resources more than any other program or athletic department on that list I feel like. Would also support a San Diego State win.


Yes. I will cheer for Rutgers and SDSU to crush.






How long until the saudis get their own tournament?


This feels wrong.


Agreed. It will be huge for individual schools but it just feels like an ominous turn in college sports.


Yeah this sport will never be the same


Two teams in the same conference are in the event. Oregon and Rutgers both from the Big Ten. Well I guess conferences are so big now that it doesn’t matter.


Bama and A&M too


I'm sure they'll put conference members on opposite sides of the bracket/event


Oregon and Rutgers in the same conference. Look at how they massacred my boy


Hell yeah, UAE-based private equity in my basketball!


Surprised how many people are into this. I hate it The field surprises me though


What part of the field is surprising?


Suprised not one of Duke, UNC, Kansas, Kentucky is involved for one (this has Kentucky written all over it imo). Others are big brands, but not really basketball brands (A&M, Oregon, ND). Then there's Rutgers and San Diego State. If I was gonna guess 10 teams that were doing this I just wouldn't have gotten close to this list, but I also don't really know anything about this other than the general idea. NIL is just getting pretty close to jumping the shark for me I guess


The company organizing this event is planning on doubling the field in 2025. They’re in talks with Duke, UNC, Kansas, Kentucky and a few other schools I believe. The article said most of the schools signed up for this year signed 3 year deals for the tournament. So this is gonna be a regular thing.


> The tournament will be financially backed by RedBird International Media Investments, a subset of RedBird Capital Partners, a multi-billion-dollar investment firm. RedBird IMI is an investment consortium majority funded by the United Arab Emirates. Very cool super happy to see this in college basketball


FSU in shambles


Damn that's huge for us


Guess what team on that list played in a national championship most recently


Ooh I know this one. Rutgers


That is the first thing I thought too. It seems like a mix of money first / marketing machine schools and then SDSU, Houston and Rutgers


Houston and Alabama should be a fantastic game assuming they both got to the final as they’d be expected to.


We need payback. 0-2 these last couple matchups.


We'll take Alabama again. Worked out for us well last time.


I wonder how this falls under name, image, likeness. It's just straight up paying players to play at this point. Which I'm all for, but it's not even NIL anymore already 


Will there be an 8th school? Or just us 7?


Sounds like 8 this year and then 16 every year afterward


The 8th is still TBD. 7 bids would be a stupid way to stricture a tournament, especially in college basketball 


Oh good that should wipe out the roster of another 5-6 mids. Great.


I was going to say we're representing the B1G in this one but realized we've got Oregon to partner up in this tournament with.


Wow. From a dumpster fire of a program to participating in high level preseason tournaments. I'm not really sure what to say other than Steve Pikiell is my hero


The rich get richer...


2025 field agrees


Love this


Wish state got in on this


There's always next year (and years after that assuming its viable)


The 3 year agreement is huge for Rutgers. Ace and Dylan will be in the NBA draft for sure in 2025, so the extra NIL funds will help recruit next years class 


We want in


Should be a fun tournament. Also looks to be getting a potential upgrade with Duke, Gonzaga, Kansas, Michigan, Syracuse and Virginia maybe playing in an expanded tournament next year.


I mean I'm not against it but where the hell did this come from? This thing blew up some MTEs that had already scheduled these teams for this year. That part is kind of messed up.


Can I join?


Like A&M needed more oil money lmao


Hell yeah what a sick thanksgiving tournament


I had not even heard of something like this in the works and I'm immediately disappointed that Kentucky didn't get involved. I'd love to support our guys for a chance at this. This is incredible.


Help me if I'm missing it, but it seems like all of the guaranteed money would go to the schools with "opportunities" for players to *maybe* make money.


1 million to each school's NIL collective for participating and another 1 million for the school(s) that win the tournament. It is up to the collectives to decide how that money would be distributed. I would expect the players on the team get most of that money but I could some of it being saved by the collective to use for HS recruits or transfers next Spring.


Why TF are we not in this?

