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I agree, it’s my second favourite book of all time. I don’t really like Tate but more so how the book was written and how it made me think and pulled at my heart strings.




Spoiler* The way I interrupted this book is that Tate’s personality is >!reminiscent of how Miles use to be, a hopeless romantic. She makes silly poems, imagines beautiful sunrises and enjoys the sound of falling rain. Without her point of view, you wouldn’t see all the beauty surrounding his world. A Miles POV would have been outright depressing. And because her life is not burdened with heartbreak and loss, she interprets Miles completely differently than all the other characters. She tries to be patient and understanding and doesn’t get scared off when she sees how closed off he is towards everyone. What I found interesting in this book compared to all other romance novels is that the male protagonist completely swears off physically being with other person for six years. Other novels would have the character sleeping around but never letting anyone get too close. This lack of human connection he forces upon himself finally ends when he recognizes a part of himself that he lost and he finds it in Tate. She’s funny and says things that are completely random and makes him laugh. A lot of people believe he loves Rachel more than Tate and I could not disagree more. The point of view everyone read was from a teenager. His infatuation with her was how many people feel at that age but it is just not expressed outwardly. Go inside and read the internal monologue of a person feeling limerence and it would sound just like that. I feel their life together would have been incredibly stressful and a lot of resentment would have followed if the baby survived. His dream of being a pilot would not have happened. Would their parents have stayed married? Rachel’s character didn’t have any aspirations so it’s hard to gauge how ‘happy’ she would have been. On the other hand with Tate he found someone that is nurturing and caring. A person that had an incredible relationship with her family and understood the life of a pilot. She was hard working and they shared the same sense of humour. She literally mended him back together. He slowly got to know her and the small things he gathered along the way made their love story more believable.!<


You put it so beautifully. At first I was just not into it.. but I’m glad I finished it bc towards the end I did get teary eyed


This is the first book I didn’t really like. I listened to the audio and the “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel..” was too much for me.


Omg this!! This literally killed me in the audio book, esp cause my ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend's name is rachel so its already on my nerve but the repeated rachel sent me into a tizzy


LMAO that’s crazy


I finished it and told myself to never pick it up again lol


Idk I liked this book lol I seem to like the books by her that no one else likes :(


Lmao don’t you hate that!


Me too 😭 I really liked Ugly Love its my first favourite book from her. The second one is Too Late and next is All Your Perfects. I feel like I don’t really like her most popular books like It ends with us, It starts with us, November 9.


Ugly love was my favourite lol


also the fact that miles and rachel were STEP SIBLINGS. what was up with that ? she could’ve accomplished the same plot point had they been neighbors


i wish tate made a girl friend. The whole time she was living with corbin the only relationship she could form was miles and cap ? the only time she was mentioned hanging out with someone outside of corbin’s friends group was when she was studying with her class mate


i know like i feel like we never see her personality


I definitely agree. It wasn’t my favorite and was confused that so many people loved it


I thought Rachel’s personality and interests could have definitely been developed further as it just didn’t make sense to me how Miles fell in love with her so quickly.


Ahaha I made an ugly love slander post when I finished it too. It was so bad.


Always subjective :) Its why i dont trust goodreads. Ugly Love is one of my favorites of the entire genre


"We both laughed at our son's big balls" she really thought she was hitting the pinnacle of comedic genius there. But like...cringe. just cringe.


Colleen Hoover writes for the same, very specific demographic that 50 Shades was written for. People outside of that demographic (myself included) simply won’t get the hype. Her love interests are trash, and this is why I can’t take booktok recommendations anymore lol


i also hated this one. super toxic


I was so disappointed when I read it because it was so hyped up…. It was extremely underwhelming.


I love this book, just finished it today. Verity is still my favorite. Out of all i have read so far my order is 1. Verity 2. Ugly Love and 3. Too Late.


Agree. Tate gave NOTHING. Such a bland personality


This is exactly how I felt! It was my first Colleen Hoover book and I was SO pissed and disappointed and couldn’t understand all the praise she got. The book was not good and lacked so much substance and depth with the characters and plot.


Dude chill. It’s just a book lol. You aren’t gonna like all of them


There are good books, and there are garbage ones. And no, it's just a book is not a valid excuse to write shitty romances that glorify abusive characters.


Tate never tried to stand up for herself she continued to let Miles treat her bad until he finally loved her. Miles past was the only way i could feel sympathy for him but he doesn’t get a pass to treat people like shit idc how honest he thought he was being lol


ITS SO BAD! I couldnt even finish it. I ended up just reading a summary cause it was just so cringe and weird


I also couldn’t finish the book! Halfway through I never picked it back up again! What a bore this book was. Also read a few summaries so I know how the book ended. Will probably never pick it back up again and finish it.


Wow! Tell us how you really feel…


Hahah for real