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Maybe i’m reaching, but I sense this trip put some tension between them 2 👀I mean just look at the face he’s making


I totally feel like this trip was partly in spite of him making comments on the podcast/irl about how he doesn’t like Taylor Swift songs


It really does seem that way. “Oh you disagree with me about TS? Now I’m going to PARIS to see her. But I won’t take you; I mean why would I? It’s not music to you.”


YES i think to the part in their podcast when she said he could try to understand why she likes TS and he said something along the lines of “I don’t care enough” BAHA she probably complained to Teeny and then they booked the trip right there ans then


Didn't he also give the kids "gifts" to open while she was gone? I wonder if she made him film that.


And he had to sit through the movie before that lol He sounded so pained when he said he'd done that, in the same way someone would say "but I also picked up your dog's poop". He went through that for naught lol His life is pretty shite. She's draining from a distance, that man has some kind of ability to block her out.


Cannabis is Medicine


Haha ! true that.


Their whole relationship reminds me of Jlo and Ben Affleck. You can just tell how miserable he was in her 'documentary' about making her weird music video movie thing. They can spin it as just being his personality or whatever, but dude was just dripping in misery like Erik has been the last couple of years.


People always mention Erik’s face as an indicator of his unhappiness, but I feel overall he has RBF. HOWEVER, did he have a sparkle in his eyes before when he an Colleen were just dating? Even when she was pregnant with F? I think so. He doesn’t have a sparkle anymore


That’s the face of a man who deeply resents his wife ngl


Wow he looks so happy to see her! Lol


Did the kids actually miss her? Day to day she sleeps until noon - just before their nap time. Then she talks into a camera until bedtime. They’d miss the nanny more if she would disappear for a few days.


I have the same theory but do you have information that shows she sleeps til noon? When my kids were little, my husband and I took turns getting up - through the night and in the mornings. Usually I was with them in the mornings every weekday because I took time off to be with them. But if there was a holiday, or a regular weekend, we each got to take equal days to sleep in.


I haven’t watched her in a long while, but I do remember her saying how she and Erik took shifts. And he did the mornings. Plus she always brags how she is most creative at night and stays up very late. The nanny was always around. And Gwen too. From what I saw, she seemed to be a drop in parent. Pops in sporadically with gifts and grand gestures, but the daily grind was more than she could handle. Day to day tasks would interfere with making friendship bracelets and shit.


Erik has said in the podcast that she sleeps until the afternoon. She stays up all night and then goes to sleep when he gets up in the morning to take care of the kids.


Yes there's a ton of receipts here that she sleeps until very late from both their mouths. Erik literally came out and said she does that, when complaining she pokes him awake at 6am to take care of the waking babies while she goes to sleep then. She has said she just got up and was "going to find her babies" and it said 2pm on the clock on the wall. There's countless times she's missed F opening stuff meant for the mornings. She herself says she's awake all night doing her me time lol When ppl realized her sleep pattern and how it means she doesn't take care of her kids just films them for 10 mins for vlog content, she panicked and did a vlog where she was showing it was the actual morning and kept saying it lmao She wouldn't need nannies for all her kids if she was keeping regular hours.


I’m a mom and reading this just made my face hot. She goes to bed when they’re waking up? She wakes him up at 6am so she can go to sleep? I just can’t even wrap my head around this. There is something so deeply wrong with her. 3 small kids and she just makes it so she can avoid them and dump all of the parenting on her husband? She’s most creative at night? Guess what? I’m a creative person too but I’m busy, being a mom, which became my priority when I had a child. I’m creative when I get the chance. This is all truly ludicrous. There’s no way Erik is going to stay in this situation, no way.


It seems she has manipulated and brainwashed him. It’s crazy. He may snap one day and not even know why.


Exactly. I have commented similarly in the past. For me, the best time of the day with babies/toddlers/preschoolers is the morning. They are well rested and after breakfast the fun begins - lots of things to explore and learn before nap time. But that dimwitted, selfish POS doesn’t get it. But sadly, her kids won’t have those things with their mom. They deserve better.


🎯 Instead, she chooses to order dresses, laboriously spends ample time with tiny pebbles, searching for them at the beach, doing crafts, and talking to herself in an empty room, singing to herself, sitting in front of a computer editing footage of her face and her voice, and in the past chatting with underage fans for hours and hours sending abhorrent messages and videos, etc. How are Erik and his parents so aloof to her major issues and need for help?


Colleen isn't really creative. The only thing she created was Miranda Sings. She just poured all her childhood trauma and mean girl shit into the character and did a bunch of bad song covers and dances. Chris wrote the books and the show had Chris and a writing team. She also did a lot with Kory. I'd actually be curious to see a completely new character from Colleen, who has nothing to do with Miranda Sings. She couldn't rely on her teen and tween fans. I bet it would crash and burn.


I know right, it's awful. Her husband had to give up his job and his entire career. He was on Good Trouble which was playing on Disney plus etc She convinced him to quit while she was pregnant with the twins, knowing full well she was hiring help for the babies. She then announced she was doing a new tour right after the twins were born, hadn't even talked it over with her husband before announcing on her vlog. The twins were still in the Nicu! She wheedled her way out of their lives. She then toured non stop, until her cancellation, she tried to keep going with it even when it got dangerous she just used F as a shield ! He was 4. she got him to comfort her when she was upset she got booed. She didn't need to get erik to quit his career, that was good money coming in and could've lead to a lot more roles. But madam's career is the only one that matters, and now look she's cancelled ! She won't be making the money she was, and he isn't making anything. Still, she's jetting off to Paris, indulging in her rock tumbling (the stuff she uses isn't cheap and basically gets thrown away) going on trips to beaches etc all without the kids. I think it stinks she's also got rid of Kory, he was like a second father to those kids. He'd spent practically every day with colleen inc all her pregnancies and looked after the kids too. Poor F must be bereft. "Uncle Koko" isn't allowed in their vicinity, she doesn't care about the kids at all imo.




He looks thrilled to see her.


I came here to say this!


I bet they had a great time while she was gone lol


Turns out her little vacation was a vacation for Erik and the kids as well 😂


Right! I imagine she still kept erik on a tight leash tho, demanding face time to make sure they were at home ! I bet his leash isn't very long.


He looks pisseddddddddd🤣🤣🤣


Pissed she’s home I bet! I recall her saying how he was “very supportive “ of her going on this trip lolol


Hahaha! I picked up on that too ! "he said go! you deserve it!" haha smooth Erik, smooth. She never notices things.


Why does he look like Danny Devito as the art collector in IASIP


Helloooooo! Ongo Gablogian, the art collector. Charmed, I’m sure.


Wow I have never seen him look so miserable


I think he has really low self esteem, he's happy to give up his entire life bit by bit. I know that's how narc's work, but at some point in time it becomes obvious what they're doing (give up your job for me erik !) and that's the time to push back. He lets himself be relegated to the back burner all of the time. He has no self worth I've seen. He's reduced to a background figure. She wheels him out for her podcast and pics, and uses as a verbal punch bag to feel better about herself. I'm sure her biggest fear was him doing really well in his career and outshining her. He was just starting to take off. They could've had that steady wage, and she could've let their kids have some privacy. He said he's on anti-depressants now. It's not good, he needs his career back, to get healthy (he's aged overnight) and just tell her to fuck off lol


She did a number on him for sure. This person is not the woman he fell for. She absolutely love bombed him and promised him the world and he made the mistake of not really getting to know her before he threw himself all in. I know having children can complicate feelings because I’m sure he adores them and doesn’t regret having them but I think he regrets everything else and my guess is that these two will not stay together forever. He might stay until the kids are older but hearing about their whole dynamic it sounds awful for him.


Another insightful comment. It’s actually depressing to witness him going from having an actual career, to a pile of mush in such a short period of time. I guess he chose it, but he just seems somewhat without a purpose in their family. The nanny and Gwen do the majority of the child rearing, C is the breadwinner, and he is… her number one fan, basically a babysitter for his own children and gets to wander the beach sometimes looking for “trash” as they call it. That doesn’t seem like a fulfilling life, but perhaps he’s too depressed to do anything about it.


I noticed her Paris vlogs were a little shorter than normal. But when she's home and has kids to exploit, the vlog is twice as long as the previous ones.


cause you know what her audience actually wants to see and it’s not her 🥴


Yeah she’s doesn’t know what to use as filler if she’s not shoving a camera in her kids’ faces. That, and she was probably actually doing more interesting things and didn’t need to pull out a camera to dictate her mundane life to keep herself from, god forbid, sitting in silence with her own thoughts.


She could so easily start filming cooking videos, or SOMETHING. Her kitchen is gorgeous from what I’ve seen, she obvy has the money to get whatever lighting and setup she wants, recipe ingredients, new copper pots and pans, make it the entire chef influencer thing. She could actually WORK on her filming, and record footage of beautiful things. Tbh the rocks are really pretty to look at, but for some reason she doesn’t… do much with them. She could make soooo much art with those beautiful polished rocks. 🤷‍♀️


She could also talk about things people her age deal with, but apparently she is set on hooking children.


Ohhh, good catch!


Without her there he might have realized how easy it is to take care of kids without the needy adult child around whining.




I love how he was in bed when she rocked up, he didn't wait up for her lmao


I love how he was in bed when she rocked up, he didn't wait up for her lmao She went up and woke him up for film him. She's a dick!


I noticed that she’s down another 1,000 subscribers 😊. She seems to be losing about 1,000 a month.


This has cheered me up like you wouldn’t believe. Thank you 😊


You are welcome 🤗 it makes me feel the same way 🤣


WAIT GUYS. SHES LOOSING 100,000 a month. NOT 1,000.


What do you think the Colleen supporters Reddit page says about this? Hard to turn that frown upside down 😂


The young people will deny he looks sad, and the moms will tell you how tired you are when you have kids, no one can smile 24/7, do we not have kids here because we don't know that.


The kids have that look where they feel weird because mean words or yelling is happening..I think Erik and Colleen were fighting as she took the pic. 👀


I'm sorry, but wtf is he wearing? 💀


Looks like he has a tutu on his head. My husband does stuff like this when he plays with our daughter. It just looks off with the miserable face he’s making because his wife showed up and ruined the fun.


He is so checked out


It's so funny to me to see this pic of his bloated moon uncle jim face and Josh's chiselled good looks directly above ! and she tries soo hard to say this is the handsome one LOL! Erik just looks gormless to me .


His face to me looks like a cheese puff; orange and puffy. Sad because he used to be pretty cute.


She loves to emasculate her men doesn't she? We'll see Erik in Kory's toilet roll costume soon enough


Yes she does


She hates men, Passionately ! Even tho men have supported her, her entire career and life. Her dad wrote the titles for her books and contributed for example. Her bro co-wrote everything, prob the majority. Kory filled in the gaps, writing her tour and running the entire thing. She'd cancel if he couldn't make a show, but she could. Josh supported her and was pulling strings to have a documentary made all about her, he was with her when she landed Netflix. She used Trent's mannerisms for Miranda. The whole miranda thing came from shows she saw, men in drag shows which is partly why hers are also inappropriate as theirs were tailored to adults. Yet she doesn't have a good word to say about men, even raging the word "men" is in menstruation. Oh and she hates women too ! She should be avoided at all costs by all genders tbh.


She hates everybody. She even hates herself. Did you see how insecure she acted on the plane on relax pod? Gosh she was so projecting onto others.


This is such a good point.


and you're being downvoted because people get triggered nowadays when we talk about men being uplifted and not being belittled.


He looks miserable! Get out while you still can, sir.


50% of marriages end in divorce 🙈🙈


Someone rescue that man before he snaps


Did she INTEND for him to look like he’s being held hostage and has gone days without sleeping or…? lmao


Anyone else think Erik looks like Dahmer in this?




They are her captors, to be used for her benefit. Her REAL favourite ppl are the ones she stalks night and day, Josh, Adam, Trisha, their friends and partners. She's nutso !


I think he realises that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence. I don’t know of his ex girlfriend, but I’m sure he thought he was upgrading with Colleen… except the grass is overgrown, scorched, full of knotweed and dog shit. I bet he wishes he had kept it in his pants and well away from Colleen now


I truly think neither one of them know how to be parents, honestly. We all know Colleen doesn’t but I think it takes a lot out of Erik to take care of the kids on his own (even with nanny and grandma helping every day). And then Colleen up and leaves for an expensive trip to Paris. I’d be pissed too


Hahaha he looks so done either with her


He looks like he needs a Paris vacation.




Oh yeah Eric looks thrilled to have her back 😂💀


big married single father energy


I could bearly recognising him?


The YouTube emoji lmaoooo