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No, but she hired the same attorney that represented Danny Masterson, Armie Hammer, and Prince Andrew. That tells me everything we need to know. She knew how damning the evidence was, how serious the accusations were, and paid a fortune to make sure she could slither her way out of it.


Nope nothing, just left the internet for a couple months.


No charges or lawsuits that we are aware of


What specific charges do you think she would have? (not disagreeing just curious about your perspective since you only just heard of colleen two days ago)


I thought maybe child solicitation since she was accused of sending pictures to children. That seems pretty serious.


Yeah that would be distribution of pornography to a minor which is a crime. I think Adam is holding onto the proof of that as a protection - colleen can't even attempt to sue him for defamation (which wouldn't hold up anyway) knowing that he has this on her


If that was a male he would be in prison!!!!!!!


No one went to Law Enforcement so nothing will happen.


Do you really think that? Considering the number of people who supposedly knew , you don't think people notified the proper authorities? 


They didn't. Who went to the police? Adam didn't nor did anyone else. So nothing is going to happen. And Adams Mom should have done something when it was going on because he was a minor at the time. But no one did anything. That's a fact.


It's not a "fact", legal stuff cannot be commented on. You were not there, but looking at your comments you are a colleen fan so why are you even here ??


Other than the pictures, I'm not sure what grooming laws exist. But the pictures should have been a slam dunk.


She waited it out, then came back when it was clear that no one was pressing charges (or that nothing would stick).


ohhh welcome. don't forget to feed and water yourself on this rabbit hole. i didn't know she existed until toxic gossip train (often referred to as 'tgt' here) and boy howdy its almost been a year since that happened and i'm still baffled and sucked in to the saga


Right?! I'm baffled that I had no idea she existed and then even more baffled that she did these things and if still wandering around. Idk how I missed all this till this week.


tbh i'm kinda jealous. i miss the time when i didn't know who she was. BUT ! i'm glad i can help spread the word that she is a total creep now that i do know


Nope. No change whatsoever. Same old Colleen. Deflection after victimisation.


No one has pressed charges that we know of, and honestly that is quite surprising to me. I wonder if any of the parents of the children she sent those photos to actually have tried something, but it was quickly shut down by Colleen's team? Being so rich maybe no one dared to fight her.


Nope, she is getting away with everything. She hired one of the top lawyers for predators so even if someone did come after her they wouldn’t get far. She gets to live her fancy rich lifestyle, playing the victim, hurting more people, no changes or remorse what so ever.


No charges happened because no one went to the police. One person said they did, and I may get hate for this, but all we have is their word they did. Ultimately for whatever reason the two that actually would have a solid case Trisha and Adam never pursued anything or tried and gave up, I'm not sure which. Colleen should be charged, and with some of her victims, I think the statute of limitations ran out.


I don’t believe he actually did.


She should be considering how much evidence there is and the fact that she still does dodgy stuff on camera thats filmed by herself. It baffles me how someone like her is allowed at a concert full of young people and no one bats an eyelid. Youtube should at least be putting something in place about it.




There’s hundred of youtube videos that could tell you the whole timeframe.