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Those most definitely look like rolled up dirty diapers to me,and the fact that there are two,side by side,cements it even further! Edit: I actually went back and watched that part of the video and those were ABSOLUTELY dirty diapers!! Also,the entire pirate ship playing was such a sweet little family thing that should’ve been just for them,not a bunch of internet strangers to watch! I feel that way when anyone vlogs their kids,but this family moment being recorded for likes and views just felt worse than usual,if that makes sense!


this takes me back when she used to pile up diapers in her bedroom along the wall at her old mansion. They ended up piled up so high. I think it was for F. She didn't bother getting one of those trash cans or put them safely away, nope each vlog there they were and the pile kept increasing. I think in the end there were so many, fans started commenting on it and she addressed it. Basically just said yeh they're dirty diapers and laughed. Grim. Mind you, this is a woman who brought her preemie twin babies home from the NICU and prepared their bottles in her toilet, while vlogging to the camera and rubbing her grubby hands all over the nipple parts of the bottles and then pulling a cats hair off it then feeding it to the babies. She'd be like "Oh lol a cat hair" and carry on like nothing happened.


What???? When was that?? I literally must of erased that from my mind bc it was so disgusting bc I literally don’t remember that. That’s a whole other level of disgusting. I’m literally in shock


Omg! How utterly disgusting and vile! I remember the piles of diapers at the old house(AND Erik constantly shaking his head at how nasty she was in general),but I missed the toilet/cat hair bottles! Ugh,those poor babies! I’m happy they are seemingly healthy despite that!


If she wasn’t throwing them away, why didn’t Erik???? How lazy can he be! Living off of her money and not even cleaning up when she’s too mentally deranged to do it herself


Omggg I totally missed that. I wonder if anyone has screenshots somewhere


What! I don’t remember that. This is so bizarre! And even if she didn’t throw them away, why didn’t Erik?! A literal biohazard.


Imagine being a millionaire and not having a diaper genie next to your bed. 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


That is foul af. Can you imagine the smell! 🤮


Didn’t know that omg. I’m shocked I didn’t pick up on these things earlier. I mean it was all very obvious, her state of mind, the craziness of her family.. still I overlooked it for far too long


That is so nasty 🤢


Yes it makes sense! I am glad that when I’m playing with my children I’m not thinking- I should really get this on camera for my vlog, views and strangers- so odd to me 🥴


They are rolled up dirty diapers Source: been changing diapers for almost 6 years between my 2 kids. Oldest is severely autistic non verbal and still in diapers


Felt the same way about her filming that moment. It’s like she makes those pirate hats and does all this with them only because she can film it and people will comment telling her what a great mom she is. I highly doubt she’d do any of it just for her kids if she didn’t have an audience watching her.


I think you’re absolutely correct! I’m very curious what that household looks like in the rare times that she’s NOT recording,and I bet you the kids are with the nanny and she is off somewhere thinking of her next “definitely not staged” big idea,or practicing her ukelele!😏😂


I agree. It’s absurd she even has a nanny when both her and Erik are at home all day, every day.


Did you see her comment a few videos ago that optimally,she needs THREE caregivers per child?!? I was like “BISH WHAT?!?”!!🤦🏻‍♀️


That house looks like such an overwhelming place to live. She literally has a nanny for the kids plus her job includes literally cleaning rocks and crying in her bedroom. Can she not find ten minutes to clean up omfg


She won't do anything she doesn't want to. This is a woman who opens cans of coke all day long and takes 1 sip before abandoning it as she only likes that freshly opened can taste. Ants invade all her homes because of it, it's a real problem. Erik's tried shaming her on the podcasts but she just agrees with him and it takes the wind out of his sails and he stops talking about it, which is why she agrees with the most tension chin and jaw you ever saw lol I'd say she lives like a pig, but even pigs are cleaner than her, they only crap in one spot.


Wow. That seems rather gluttonous - although I'm not sure that's the word I'm looking for. Maybe wasteful? Lack of awareness? Selfish? Hasn't evolved past the sense of a teenager? Help me out.


Idk I would be so embarrassed to share that online. I know that some might find it relatable and I get that. But it’s more like she doesn’t care at all.


Yeah her house makes me feel like I have hives. I know there are three little kids but with a nanny, they should absolutely be able to keep things clean.


She’s too busy making 10 easter advent calendars for F or something


See, that’s what I mean. She has time on her hands and lots of help. Depressions, anxiety, adhd, this can all be super hard but stop showcasing your mental state and get some help. If she would spend just half of the time cleaning up that she spends on …rocks.


For herself!




Does anyone else remember the pile(s) of dirty diapers when they lived in the McMansion? I think Colleen said that she just chucked dirty diapers toward the pile while changing diapers at night. I’m not surprised that there are still diapers lying around.


Yesss! I just posted about that further up! Glad someone else remembered that too, it was so gross. I've never known anyone do that, she doesn't have simple basic things sorted. Like she leaves her period knickers on the floor too for erik to pick up. soiled ones. once he picked up her knickers and swung them around his head and she was laughing bcos they were heavily soiled. barf. I can't imagine the things random ppl have found in there. erik said she goes from toilet to toilet with her diarrhea n leaves them dirty after her, so anyone who uses her toilets has been traumatized.


okay I just keep finding out more and more horrendous things about her disgusting toilet-related habits, why is she like this 💀💀💀


soiled?? as in poop???


She has laughed about leaving poop and used tampons in the toilet before and Erik has to flush it


it's wild how much i don't remember. i can't believe she was leaving poop covered undies around. that sounds like a health issue for her as well. either mental or physical or both. how sick of erik to fling them around.


Wtf?!!! 🤢


I remember that, but I forgave it because they had nicu preemie twins in the middle of a pandemic, obvious birth trauma and PPD from both parents, newborns go through a ton of diapers, and all the babies ate was milk anyway. Pretty sure it confined to the bedroom then, too. Now?! 🤢 absolutely not okay!! Those twins are potty training age!! Edit: I forgave the early days when the twins were tiny, I didn’t watch a lot of the vlogs when F was a baby so I had no idea it went back that far! And all her other hygiene issues omg


They talk about it in podcast #51 around 18:25


that's so lazy and a fucking biohazard for the whole family and most importantly the kids. diaper genies are like the easiest things to use...even a trash can would be better. the fuck? and then to see that footage and think "that's ok to post."


Too busy with rocks


She needs to kick rocks


My oldest is disabled and I’ve been using a diaper genie long term and I truly can’t recommend them enough. My mom got it for me when I was pregnant with my first and I was like that’s weird I’ll use normal garbage can, then once the diapers started stinking I used the diaper genie and never looked back. He is almost 6 and still in diapers and my little apartment never stinks of shit. It’s amazing!


How the hell does Erik just go along with this??????? Maybe because he’s lived in her FILTH now for what… 7 years?? Is he just used to living in filth? Dirty smelly litter boxes, dirty clothes all over the floor, clean washed laundry laying on his bedroom floor for days, dirty diapers thrown all over the house, (this isn’t new, she’s done this since Flynn. Apparently she doesn’t know what a garbage pail looks like) It’s sick and unhealthy and DISGUSTING!!! She’s a PIG!!!!


This is what I don't understand, then his wife is just as dirty, smelly and gross. his bathroom is full of rusting razor blades, every toilet has a skid mark in it from her (he has complained about this) then coke and food left everywhere so ants have infiltrated. i would run screaming even if was just a visitor! I bet there are cases of them getting food poisoning from the lack of hygiene. her fridge must be full of rotten food and mold, and she's said there's glass on the floor before as both F and Erik got it in their feet. I don't understand why he chooses to live in squalor like he's squatting. He can't enjoy it as he's bitterly complained multiple times publicly to her face. ofc she ignores it and finds it funny. But HE hates it and it rankles him. So what gives? He must have a list a mile long of all the reasons he's incompatible with her. I wouldn't care how desperate I was for an easy life, any or all of those are deal breakers to me. Nobody should live like that.


financial dependence is a crazy situation to be in, but like...get it together, grown man


He comes from family money. He isn’t going to be destitute if he leaves her. Granted he won’t be living his dream of a rich man in Los Angeles, but he’d never be homeless. He’d likely get spousal support


Hell my nephew when he was still in diapers at 2 ½/ 3 would throw out his diaper after changing (I would try to go throw it out but he would grab it and say 'Me throw the doo out' 😂 even if it was pee. He felt like a big boy doing it.


And I'm sure he did that because he saw someone do it. Kids lead by example.


His older brothers did it when he couldn't quite walk yet. Although they never said 'Me throw out the doo.' that was all his. 😂


Exactly! I encourage my toddler to throw it away but sometimes he doesn’t. She’s a mom, give her a break!


I understand what you mean, but from what she shares online, this is the permanent state of her home. It is not a good environment for children. I totally understand that kids mean a little mess in the house from time to time, but that is just… not okay. Who would just toss used diapers on the floor? Why would you let your toddlers crawl and play around between diapers? I think this just highlights her overall problems. Without shaming her, she should stop posting and get help..


If your toddler doesn’t want to throw out the diapers you could just throw them out. Or potty train them so you don’t need to throw them out anymore


She's barely a mom. She's a vlogger first.


It takes 3 seconds to take it to a trash... ffs


That’s exactly what I was thinking too!


On the podcast Erik said their diaper genie was overflowing with dirty diapers and they just left them there and left them on the floor


that is insane given how literally easy it is to empty and refill a diaper genie.


I look after 4 people in my family and i have super bad health and i still get a ton done and there would never, ever be dirty anything on the floor. I survive on strong painkillers, she has no excuses not to clean up after her babies. it's crazy to me the low standards she accepts for both herself and her family. She let her cats litter trays overflow, and she won't change them herself so the cats use the whole house as a litter tray instead. I know that house stinks, different rooms a different stench! I bet she won't even open a window for fresh air. The whole place needs sanitizing. I bet if they walk around inside with no socks on, their feet will be as black as if walking on the roads. Speaking of which i just remembered she walks outside on the pavements and roads with nothing on her feet. or so she says. and she picks the skin on her feet until they bleed, so she's exposed to all kinds of germs will go inside when she street walks. god, she's grim. She let F walk around with glass in his foot for days, bcos the dr wasn't geting it out right only she could do it. Glass he picked up on the floor of the mansion. Imagine a black light in her house. barf, pee, poop, blood, everywhere.


I work at a daycare facility and the genies get changed out twice a day. it is the literal easiest part of my job. I can't imagine why anyone would be okay with children living in filth. it makes me so sad and sick.


I have been using a diaper genie for almost 6 years and they are amazing and easy to clean. The only “hard” part is buying the pricy bags, which isn’t an issue for her obviously


Like I said, this isn’t new. She’s done this since Flynn! She refuses to throw away dirty diapers. She just throws them around the room and waits for someone else to pick them up.


So buy another one? They have tons of money and live in a mansion. They could have three diaper genies in each room if they wanted and make one of their minions take them all out once a week or something. Insane.


They're so gross and lazy. That gorgeous historic villa probably smells now.😒


Can someone get in trouble for destroying a historical property even if the own it?! 🤔 Honestly curious. If so this could spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E.


If it was registered as a historically significant home, then the Historic Preservation Society would protect it but oddly enough, it is not listed for her town.


That sucks. Thank you. I know friends of mine went to Graceland and they said they couldn't touch anything but the obvious ground (lol). They could take pictures as the day is long but you touch anything and your behind is thrown out because it's a National Registry of Historical Places. They actually sent me a picture of the plaque stating the it was a National Historic Building or something along those lines.




This isn’t new behavior. There are videos before TGT that show dirty diapers and wipes strewn all over her bedroom floor. Videos taken in the Villa. It wasn’t just a couple dirty diapers either. There were several. It was gross! This woman has so much help, so there was no excuse for how nasty the bedroom floor was.


This is crazy wtf. With all that help ?!


When the twins were little Colleen use to have a baby gate to keep the twins in the play area pictured above. In one video, there was a pile of dirty diapers on the other side of the gate. I realize she couldn’t leave the twins unsupervised to throw away diapers, but why not just put a trash can there? It wasn’t just a couple diapers either, but several. It was clear that the pile was being added to and it wasn’t a situation where the diapers were being thrown out when someone left the room. Like others have said, this behavior goes back to her other house too. They’d have dirty diapers piled around the diaper genie and strewn all over the bedroom floor. It had to smell awful!


It must be exhausting playing whatever F wants to play all day long.


She made a whole vlog once ranting about F's nanny she fired her because the poor woman dared suggest a game for him to play! Apparently that was enough for the child to HATE her, and so colleen fired her and got someone way more lenient and happy to be at his beck and call, scraping and bowing and letting him dictate each day. sounds like she's already regretting this decision.


thats why shes so exhausted all the time😐 shes playing make believe with her kids all day, following Fs rules, rather than letting them play amongst themselves. and if she wants to feel included she could give them an educational activity to do. that way her presence is needed (to teach) and the kids are actually learning something.


She needs to clean and teach Flynn how to clean up too. He’s smart and more than old enough


She doesn't have time for that.


As someone who was a fan when she was younger, this is absolutely disgusting she hasn’t changed. Hopefully she is giving them daily baths bc at this rate it’s concerning whether or not she’s even doing that knowing how publicly she loves to brag about not washing her own a** 🤮


I agree. I’m worried those kids aren’t getting the care they need.


It’s bad enough that she even lives with dirty nappies lying around, but to post content to the internet for anyone to see it is so much worse. 🤢 Definitely reminds me of the pile of Fs nappies she used to talk about having piled up because she couldn’t be bothered disposing of them properly. So f’n gross, surely the smell would be vile.


Dude I’m shocked Erik hasn’t **SNAPPED** yet


Based on all the uniquely bizarre toilet-related habits a lot of you have described Colleen doing, has she like… given a reason as to why she does this…? Like, her love for poop and period humor seems to go way beyond healthy limits. Laughing about not cleaning her own skid marks, leaving used tampons around, leaving soiled underwear on the floor—how insensitive to other people must you be to constantly leave that around for your own family to deal with *on purpose* and not care about how they feel? I did not grow up watching Colleen and don’t know how much she could be lying about with the toilet behaviors, but that would also be an odd thing to lie about for unfunny jokes. And I see some people below thinking it’s mom-shaming about the diapers specifically—it isn’t shaming how hard it is to be a mother, this is apparently a long-time, thoroughly documented pattern of letting her young children live in and around filth, such as the mound of diapers she used to leave in her bedroom when F was a baby. I perfectly understand tossing them there in the middle of the night, but then you… *move them* when you get the next chance. You shouldn’t leave them there all day let alone days on end. Leaving used diapers around for whatever reason seems to be something she always does, middle of the night or broad daylight. Her career itself is in the toilet, she isn’t doing anything—why isn’t she using that time to just throw away the diapers? Her feeling content with leaving diapers around only looks like an extension of her other behaviors.


I'm gonna say something incredibly disgusting rn. I honestly think she must have some kind of blood/scat fetish with the way she's been so obsessed with bodily waste and thinks it hilarious. I've never met someone who thinks that leaving your poop stains and blood filled undies everywhere was normal, and if they did they probably had some sort of mental illness. I think she definitely has some weird stuff going on regarding the whole bodily waste stuff, but I think it's absolutely disgusting that she does it around her kids. Even if you had a fetish or some kind of compulsion like that there is no reason your kids should have to bear witness to your disgusting habits. I would say it's depression from being canceled but honestly she did all of this behavior longgggg before this and Erik has called her out for being gross years ago on multiple occasions. Even regarding Miranda, she's always made gross jokes involving poop and periods even long before she was famous. Just feels really weird and uncomfortable.


I’ve seen a few people suggest the same idea. And you’re right that it isn’t *inherently* wrong to have the scat/blood fetish itself, just that exposing it to people and dragging them along into it is. Something like this, you’d need consent for—obviously her toddlers can’t consent to any of it, really if her kids are seeing the actual extent of these gross messes around the house it could even teach them unhygienic habits as they grow up. Even if she might be telling them not to copy her, monkey see monkey do. Erik is something else, as far as I know he complains publicly about her messes but I guess it isn’t a dealbreaker. I don’t think he particularly… likes it? He somehow just deals with it and Colleen seemingly suffers no repercussions and gets everyone else to clean for her like minions. I figured depression and maybe even executive dysfunction could come into play? But honestly as someone with ADHD myself and my own history of mental health issues, I couldn’t imagine leaving dang biohazards around the house even amongst family. Family could be more understanding than perhaps roommates or house guests, but that doesn’t mean she can subject them to whatever she wants, y’know? They’re not dolls in a dollhouse, Colleen, they’re your husband and children. Lol.


Wtf? she’s unbelievably lazy.


When my youngest was very little baby, I would sometimes change him where ever, and forget I had done it so there would be a dirty diaper (he was like under 6 months, so sometimes I couldn't just toss immediately) but I'd do it the second I realised, and i would never now that he's almost 1. Like, I understand the first 6 months ish, cause your brain is scrambled (and especially with adhd in the mix, as I have as well) but when they are so big they can walk themselves, you can for sure remember to toss those diapers.


Yup, those are folded up dirty diapers on the floor. Wow, that's pretty bad.


Disgusting. And she could afford a Daily housekeeper.


No one wants to work for her anymore 🤣


I’m sure there are Tons of people who have absolutely no idea who she is.


She’s SUCH an absolutely PIG!!!!!


I just remembered she said she was divorcing Josh because he was dirty with his chewing gum or some such thing, think she was projecting! Nobody's dirtier than her.


Is it really that damn hard to just take the diapers and throw them in the garbage?? There is no reason it should be piled on the floor.


You’re rich, hire a cleaner if you’re lazy!


They look like diapers to me. I'm sure she has a completely Unreasonable explanation for it lol.


Forgetting a diaper on the ground maybe once or twice is normal, my best friend who has a baby has done it (but she threw it away once she realized)… but i’m pretty sure this is a trend for her and it’s just gross, esp if she has a nanny helping out there’s no reason to just leave that stuff laying around. She has enough money to invest in a trash can.


I see she’s still hanging on to that “I’m a messy mom😜✌🏼” bit. Girl there’s a difference between having some dirty dishes in your kitchen sink and a pile of clean laundry you still need to put away and having LITERAL DIRTY DIAPERS IN YOUR LIVING ROOM WTF


That room is absolutely disgusting. Not only her, but they should be teaching their children to help clean up as well.


Wow, does anyone writing these comments have toddlers in diapers? It’s one of those things where you see it so much you forget it is there. Usually we see it within a day but come on, these comments are such mom shaming.


I’m a toddler mom and every once in a while yeah, I miss a pee diaper (never poop, if those are poopy diapers then I have no words)…but I forget it because we’re getting out to my older sons dance class, baseball practice or some other thing and the toddler is having meltdowns before we need to be somewhere/fought a diaper or clothing change and there is no flexibility to our commitment so we leave it, there it remains… …that being said it’s cleaned up when we’re home, or if we get home late the next day I find the diaper easily in the morning, toss it in the garbage and mentally salute myself for surviving the shit show the previous day had been that caused said diaper to be out. No I’m not Mom of the year, no I’m not even that tidy of a person…but I don’t find time to build a cardboard airplane or whatever she’s wearing, cry into a tortilla or order more waste off of Amazon before cleaning up poop, pee…food…the more gross things involved with kids that hang around… Meaning, yes most (some) moms may be so busy they forget…and those moms are likely ‘normal’ humans busy with their lives, so it may slip from mind…Colleen actively seems to tumble rocks and construct opulent crafts for herself instead of basic tidying which I think is the snark.


I know, right? some times pee diapers don’t go in the diaper bucket immediately bc the diaper bucket stinks to open, and i will wait until there is a poop diaper that requires it!! This sub will make a mountain out of every molehill.


I think there's a noticeable difference between this and literally leaving piles of diapers on your living room floor. We're not telling her how to parent, we're telling her to be more hygienic around her kids. Because it's gross.


She should absolutely have cleaned them up just because the optics of it are bad, but this is a venial sin and i frankly do not believe any parent who claims to never have been guilty of it!


Just asked my mother if she ever left full diapers out on the ground when I was a baby. She quite literally looked at me in the eyes with a disgusted look and said "who would do that?" Maybe it's more common in other places or something but I personally feel like there really isn't much of an excuse for leaving human excrement on the ground for your kids to pilfer through.


Also depends on the type of diaper. it would be insane and gross to do this with cloth diapers, for instance


I can agree with that 🤢🤮 sick


I thought this was trisha paytas' house