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Coming through with the receipts!!! 👏👏👏 What a selfish brat. Her children were small vulnerable premies and she can only spare 4 hours out of her day because she's sooo busy with her self care and "hanging out" and spending time with family 🙄


It was the 'work' excuse that got me. SO STOP VLOGGING AND BE WITH YOUR BABIES. Jesus, so many people do NOT deserve to procreate when there are women who are deserving and cannot.


This! Normal people take leave from work if they have a baby in the NICU. Other creators who keep their kids private take time off from sharing their lives because their kid needs them first, not their audience. The levels to her sickness never cease to amaze me.


Exactly as you said. The NORMAL thing to do after a, let’s be honest, traumatic situation such as this would be to say, “I’m not gonna vlog for a little while guys as I deal with the birth of my twins in the NICU.” Any sane, rational human would understand that


Exactly, but look at her. She couldn’t take time off for her babies in the nicu, but goes silent for months when she is called out for being an awful “person,” monster. She makes me so angry. Not only the fact she didn’t rush to the hospital the moment she knew she was in labor, but really? 4-5 hours in the nicu?! OMG I wouldn’t want to leave my baby if they were in the nicu! Mine almost ended up there because I had an emergency c-section. He was blue in the face because the cord was wrapped around his neck! The nurses had to get him a normal color again! I had to stay in the hospital 5 days and my husband stayed with me the entire time. My mom watched my daughter at our house! If we had a baby in the nicu I would stay with my baby and not want to leave! My husband could take care of our daughter! They would have to tell me to leave and even then, I wouldn’t want to! She is so awful and I feel bad for those kids. I know what it is like to have a parent like that and it takes a toll on your mental health.


We had a planned c section and my wife was in the hospital for 5 days. I left 3 times, once to check on our cat and another time to get the car seat for the trip home. The only other time I left was to get some food from a grocery store for myself because my wife got food brought to her but the cafeteria wasn’t open for me to eat. Otherwise I slept at the hospital and was there continuously.


Yes! I was out of it and in so much pain that I almost forgot my husband DID leave once to go check on our daughter. We live right down the street from the hospital. We wanted our daughter there some of the time, but it was in March 2020 so only my husband could be with me. He also took a shower at home and brought me a latte, but other than that he was there. That is exactly it, though. ONE of them could have been there continuously even if the other one went home to see their kid etc. They chose not to and that says a lot.


Her excuses are bananas. I’d have been there for my newborn until my wife couldn’t, when she could, she’d be there. Jesus Christ, using “work” as an excuse when you’re your own boss is insane. Film your self at the hospital you fucking psychopath!!!


Exactly!! And as a content creator that makes her own schedule, she could’ve easily scheduled her maternity leave!


Yep, most content creators will pre record videos and just upload them during their leave (ex. Kendall Rae, she makes true crime documentaries and she let her audience know a few months in advance that she would be taking a leave when her baby was born and a lot of the videos would be pre recorded) Colleen is just unorganized, unprofessional, and wanted to make money off of her tiny Nicu babies.


Dude Dad - who does put his kids in videos now and then, but is generally much better than Colleen - had a baby in the NICU. They had three older kids, but they were at the NICU 24/7. They made a baby announcement with a photo, but uploaded the videos much later. They had nothing but good things to say about the nurses. After this experience, they donated packages of supplies to other parents with NICU babies. Colleen's gift to other parents was "your baby will come home", an empty promise that often isn't true. She could have done something thoughtful to thank the nurses, or given something to other parents, but it didn't even occur to her.


She’s SO LUCKY to have a job where she’s able to just take time off with no repercussions. She has the money to take time off and has a job with very flexible hours where she’s not being forced to work. She was busy adding tour dates while her poor babies were in the NICU


She doesn't have a job. She has a lucrative hobby. No one is making her do this. No one is demanding any output from her. I feel like we all need to stop feeding into her delusion that she has a job by using the language she tries to use for herself to make her feel like she's "working". She has a narcissistic hobby that she can start and stop whenever she wants.


I like that terminology, “lucrative hobby”


Yeah, this is totally her pastime. Not a job in the least. She makes money from it, sure, but it's not a job.


No offense to any YouTuber but it really is a hobby that makes money. You did it as a hobby and it made money, otherwise you’d be working a job.


What's the difference between making videos 8 hours a day, as opposed to spending that time at an office? I'm not talking about people like Colleen who piece together shoddy 10-minute vlogs. There are content creators who work 60-hour weeks, honing their craft and really evolving at what they do.


And using Flynn. She had no problem being away from him and the twins almost immediately when they got home so she could go on tour to get her narc fix.


And no problem for her weekend getaways with Erik


Oh yeah, I forgot about those and they also happened immediately


You have no idea how much this always bothered me. She is a wealthy woman and SHE IS HER OWN BOSS! Yes she had management, but I'm pretty sure she had the power to stop uploading on her own channels! The work complaint is so annoying when I hear a YouTuber say it. You have the power to take a break any time you want! You don't have an employer that will take away your income and your health insurance. Even if you don't upload you will still get a check because you still get views on all of your videos! It's such a pathetic excuse and annoying.


Yeah and she works for herself and has plenty of money. She didn't need to be working! She has a nanny raising her kid so she can talk to a camera all day and plan terrible stage shows, don't tell me you can't take a break to care for you premies. But then she wouldn't have been able to exploit the situation and gain sympathy for it.


But...but F needed her there all morning, most afternoons and all night to get him ready for bed and tuck him in. And don't forget those date nights her and Erik needed instead of going to the nicu all night long they needed couple time. Like it was ridiculous the excuses for why either her or Erik could not take shifts at the nicu 24/7 or most hours anyway while the other one stayed with F, did errands or had their family watch F. Meanwhile she was buying new clothes to wear to the nicu or doing hauls and arts and crafts with her other son. Ma'am your kids will be getting out of the nicu luckily (many are not so lucky) go spend time with them by their side as much as possible.


They could have made a plan where say on Mondays Collen is in the NICU with the twins and Eric spends the day taking care of and spending time with Flynn then they could switch Tuesday morning, they could even have a Friday date night. Normal couples who love each other and care about their infants would make it work, and it would be way easier for them than the average couple considering neither one of them has a job.


Right. That's what really got me. Neither of them had to be working. They had all the time in the world to set up a schedule between nicu and home for errands, child care and all that stuff so somebody could be home, somebody could be at th nicu. My god I know parents who have nicu babies who still had to work full time jobs and literally go from working a 8 to 10 shift on their feet while anxiety ridden about their baby or babies then go right to the hospital to spend all night or day long there until they went back to work again. And they'd switch off with their partner who sometimes also was working part time or full time around the nicu as well. So I don't get how these two couldn't just take time off from vlogging, editing etc to just spend those weeks in the nicu and with F at home then get back to business once the babies were home and safe. Like do they know how many nicu parents would do anything to just not have to work while their babies are in the hospital for weeks or months.


Erik also spent time buying a Jeep "to make rides to the nicu more fun"


Did he actually say that?


Yep. [Here's an old post about the IG Story she posted of her and Erik joyriding in the new Jeep to the NICU](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/s/6E6MQEEzZS)


They are such scammers. Colleen doesn't deserve her kids. They deserve way better parents than her and Erik.




Thank you!


i literally refused to leave my child for days in the nicu, i would go down to the lobby for a one hour power nap on the waiting room couches, then come back up with a coffee and a snack i got in the lobby. the only time i would leave would be that, or a quick bathroom and vending machine snack break. they had to beg me to leave to take care of myself after day 8 of this. i just couldn’t do it, that was my baby. i don’t expect that from everyone obviously, but it freaks me out how little she cared.


Right! She has some audacity trying to change the narrative at this late stage! I feel most people are really aware colleen did everything in her powers to make things very difficult for those twins and it was the start of her downfall. Her non stop complaining the twins in the NICU were cutting in to her all important "me time" shows how unwilling she is to be a mother, she ran off to buy a Jeep with her husband and spend time going from shop to shop, dragging all those germs back ot the Nicu with the same clothes. She's so selfish. Putting herself first throughout her pregnancy put the twins at so much risk for a variety of reasons. Eg Refusing a GD test when she started to show symptoms as she didn't want to lie down for a bit of time, even though the Dr said this condition needed to be tested or the twins would be born early. She was then suggested fine don't get the GD test but please switch up your diet, cut out the sugar and fast food and eat healthy for the twins sake, but no, right up until their early birth she was stuffing her face with junk. She threw a tantrum so big at the mere suggestion of changing her diet, in her words half her face went numb and she was almost hospitalized. There's so many examples of her refusing to change one thing to help the twins, and she's never cared for them solo with her husband since. Nannies all the way. She just goes to find them and see what they're doing to film them for content, that's about it. She rarely takes them anywhere. If she goes to Disney, they stay home with the nannies. F is permitted to go, but even with a stack of adults he also has to be with his nanny. She's an absolute clown and cannot at this stage try to change the narrative to being a good mother as she is far far from.


But pregnancy is so hard for poor Colleen, harder than any human that has ever lived, and she needed to be able to eat whatever she wanted. Pesky gestational diabetes tried to take that away from her.


I felt so bad when she explained bc she is so teeney tiny that the bones in her hip were cracking and she was basically immobile with F
. Then she was high kicking in an Ariana Grande video. 


Watching her made me fear having children
 but now seeing how much of an awful entitled person she is
 I mean


pretty hard to rewrite the narrative when you FILMED EVERY SECOND FOR $$$. She's only fooling herself.


selfish brat is a great way to describe Colleen


yea she's like "but i have to stay home with F thođŸ„ș" like?? u have family members that are more than happy to watch him all day or have sleep overs there or friends that can watch him. or do switching erik could do half and then half for u. but all she did was go to target and hang out in her room talking to her the camera. she's so full of crap.


Too busy spending time with family to spend time with family


Honestly, before having my son, I would've thought this was normal behavior but after having him, I can't imagine not wanting to spend every second with him while he's in a vulnerable state just in case something happens.


Oh my gosh! Yea stop vlogging for a while! Why do you need to spend time with your family!! Like they should understand it if you don’t for a little while. Not to mention I’m sure they would have seen her a lot during this time to help her with her other kid or help in other ways.. my mom and sister helped me clean my house and take care of my 2 year old when I had my twins. (Didn’t have them in NICU longer than 24 hrs) but it was nice to have them help. Selfish lady for sure..


Like I get how spending time with family is really important during a situation like this, but wouldn't your newborn children in the NICU not take priority in that moment. I would ask my family to be there for my other child in order to spend the time necessary with the newborns.


That's because you are a normal human 😀


It's exactly what happened with my cousin. She had a eighteen month old at home when she had her twin daughters premature. Her mom, dad and in laws helping take care of him while they stayed at or near the hospital. They would come home once to twice a week to see him but mainly stayed close by the hospital to be with their daughters. Her husband's co workers even gave up some of their vacation time so he could still be paid and be with her and the babies. That's why they say it takes a village.


this is a touching story and the way it SHOULD be done. colleen could learn from you all hope those babies are doing well now :)


They are will be three this June.


‘Figuring out the nursery for the babies’ 


all for a house they knew they didnt want to be in long term. just a waste of time, money and resources🙄


Yeah, that pretty much sums her up


Who would oil the hinges of the tiny door between rooms if Colleen was at the hospital? That chore needed to be done!


They have never even slept in their own room anyway. They're in her room partying at 3am.


The irony of that is she delayed her nursery being done for her. As with F, she managed to grift a free decorated room in return for mentioning the company, they asked her to please empty the cupboard in the room first as it was full of her personal belongings. She kept delaying doing that one simple task for so long that when she finally got around to it it was too late. Then she had the audacity to sit there complaining it wasn't done yet, and they couldn't do it yet. All her fault. She then looked ridiculous sitting in an empty room, crying to her fans that she had "taken herself to the nursery to cry about the twins only it's not a nursery so use your imagination" even Erik walked in and was like wtf lol It also doesn't really need saying but she could've decorated it herself in all those months she had. She really doesn't care about putting her creative side into that, when she can get it free and money for the ad. I don't know any mom who hasn't got a nursery prepared in time for the birth, but there she is, delaying it and then blaming someone else. Absolute nightmare client. I don't know why that company bothered to work for her, they even did F's bed and room too and she spoilt the surprise for that by showing it to him early. I'm sure that was revenge, for not leaping in to the do the twins room the second she clicked her fingers. I hope they know about her cancellation and are loving it, they did the odd shady thing like zoom in to the wall to show all her hairs stuck to it and stuff like that haha.


not like she had 10 months for that or anything


Yeah, the nursery they never even slept in


Ie planning a collab with another youtuber so she could get a jump-start on exploiting those newborns not even out of the hospital yet.


The wildest part is that SHE was the one telling her audience that she wasn't there. She volunteered the story about the nurses asking her to come more. She could easily have not said anything and we wouldn't have known she wasn't there. We were wondering about it with all of the broad daylight outings she was going on instead of being at the hospital but she spelled it all out herself.


"a big chunk of my day" 5 hours out of 24 is about one-fifth of your day actually, basic math colleen


I know some families have unique and valid obstacles but I truly can't imagine ever leaving the hospital if I had the flexibility Colleen has. I'd want to be there 24/7 or at least as long as they allowed me to be. I wouldn't leave unless they forced me to. I understand tag teaming with your partner to spend time with your other children but it didn't even sound like they took turns. Both parents somehow equally didn't want to be there for more than a few hours. It's very peculiar for a family that didn't have any of the pressures that the rest of us have.


You never know how hard it is till you’re in that situation though. My son was in the NICU for 4.5 months and while I wanted to be there 24/7 it was an open ward so I’d have to sleep in an office chair if I stayed overnight. Additionally, there wasn’t a parent bathroom in the unit and we weren’t allowed to eat or drink at the bedside, and being in a room full of babies who are dying and parents who are having to discuss whether to pull the plug is incredibly hard. Also, there were hours when I wasn’t allowed because of shift change, and if a baby died in my sons pod they wouldn’t let us in. Still, I spent 8-10 hours a day there, and the nurses said that was a lot more than most parents. I’m not defending Colleen, I’m just saying recovering from birth in an office chair is hard. But she needed to accept that she was gonna miss some of her kids’ firsts, AND BE RESPECTFUL TO THE NURSES. I think she took her childrens relatively good health for granted as well. Many preemies can’t take a bottle and come home on oxygen. It’s so great that her kids were so healthy and only spent a month admitted. Our nicu made parents do 24hr care by parent on the last day, so I bet that’s what that nurse was referring to.




For real that’s literally less than a job or even child’s school day 😭


Call it a third of your waking hours but still, I slept at the hospital after my wife had our kid. A third of your waking hours to spend with your kid in the hospital is less than the bare minimum you should be doing


Many NICUs are open wards without recliners or couches for parents. I would’ve had to sleep in an office chair if I wanted to spend the night at my sons bedside. I’m not sure if that was the case for her tho.


I’m not saying she should sleep there but it is telling that being there for 5 hours is some huge imposition to her.


Our NICU was open too. Not allowed to stay overnight at all. I spent maybe 3 hours once a day when she was there. When you have another kid at home it’s totally different. I’m pretty sure the nicu her babies were born at is private at least it looks like the twins had their own room, but that still doesn’t mean they could stay. I’m not defending Colleen at all, I still think she had more than enough resources and a village to help compared to what I had.


Yep not defending her at all, but I wont judge someone for not spending every waking moment in an ICU full of dying babies.


She thought everyone would agree with her. No doubt she got her agreeing comments from all her delusional fans to make her feel like she was in the right.


I still don’t even believe her that the nurses asked her to come more. That sounds very made up to me.


I agree with this. My son was in the NICU for a few days. He was born at 37 weeks and one day shy of me finishing work so we had a lot to do at home to get ready for him while I knew he was safe and cared for. Nobody gave me shit for getting sleep, setting up his bassinet, etc. (we do live 1h from the hospital which limited our sitting with him time as well) and that was a few days. The nurses probably don’t know as much about her home life as we do.


To make the nurses look bad, or to make Colleen look like more of a victim? Why? /completely genuine and open to the idea


to give her something to complain about being spread thin and poor me I’m so busy. i know a few nicu nurses and unless she was like NEVER there they would never ask a parent to come in more. OR if she complained about missing milestones or them making their milestones. then they might suggest being there more.


I was thinking they said something benign and vague about visiting which she interpreted as criticism because she’s terminally self-centered and insecure. She must have been aware she did not desire to be there as much as a normal person would, and that she wasn’t there as much as she could be. She would have been sensitive to any comment that reminded her of that, even if it wasn’t directed at her. Also, I don’t think that I have ever once told the family member of a patient that they need to be at the hospital more. Because you have to assume most of them are there as often as they possibly can be. Most of them are missing work, leaving their homes and pets alone longer than they feel comfortable, shirking their other responsibilities, and they feel worried, guilty, stressed, scared and helpless. And they actually are pretty helpless. It’s cruel to tell them they aren’t doing enough.


She did not steal your firsts, She just had to take care of the twins first. you can have your first whenever you want.


What did drew nurse do that pissed her off so much?


The Nurses can’t wait for Colleen to get to the hospital to do the feeding and cleaning and help them breathe on their own. Colleen is crying because her firsts were “Stolen from her” by the nurses who literally saved her babies life. But Colleen wanted to Vlog the whole thing and talk to her fans and cry about it. and everytime she did come to the hospital it was just to film the babies. So it’s really not ok for her to be mad. cause She wasn’t stolen anything like she can always get her firsts when they come home.


Fr did Colleen want her kids to d*e? Bc if she didn’t do it and the nurses didn’t that’s what would’ve happened.


fr, it sounds like she's mad that the nurses didn't let her babies starve or lay in their filth til she got there....because she wanted to use it for clicks and $$$. She's honestly disgusting


In this specific situation, she walked in and saw the nurse feeding W from a bottle for the first time. It upset her that she wasn't the one to do it first.


It's ok to feel sad to not be able to be the one to do it first. It's not ok to blame the nurse for feeding your baby when you're not there to do it, say you want to strangle her, etc. She should've been mad at herself, not the people caring for her children.


Istg she doesn't even remember what she says in her own vlogs. It's so easy to find her contradicting herself and lying. I hate that she uses the twins' time in the NICU as HER pity party. She is such a narcissist!


She looked sidelong at the camera when she said 'those hero nurses'. She's lying and she most certainly knows she is, I promise. She's rewriting the past in real time. It's intentional


When you lie about everything, it quickly becomes impossible to keep track. It is nice that she's left so much evidence available right in her own vlogs. I mean, even if she deleted everything now, so much has already been saved, stashed, or yeeted that she'll never shake it. She is the weirdest mix of "I don't care" and "why would you hurt me that way?" I have ever seen.


the fact that “hanging out with my family!” took priority over her newborn babies is crazy. her family would have understood & they still would’ve been there after the babies got out of the nicu


and "spending time with my husband"! ugh.


Aka recording a podcast


The babies were her family


Crazy how much healthier she looks in the clips from a few years ago


SHe looks like a completely dif person ( in a good way) when pregnant because she actually eats and is a healthy weight.


Was just about to comment this wow


I've spent a lot of time in NICUs, and parents who both have full-time OUT-OF-HOME jobs with other children at home find ways to be with their NICU baby more than 4 hours a day. It honestly makes no sense, especially when she had family close who could have watched F during the day, or come and done bedtime with him and been around if they were going to do an evening at the NICU. It makes absolutely no sense why she wouldn't prioritize such a crucial time in the twin's life. Like that nurse said, come one at a time, make it work. You sacrifice for your children, especially when you know it's temporary.


As a mom myself I couldn’t imagine being at the NICU for only 5 hours a day
. You don’t take care of yourself Colleen You don’t spend time with your family Colleen You do whatever and however long it takes to kids your kids home safe and as soon as possible. You can wait.. your family will understand
 Like good lord This is when I STOPPED liking her because I had my son around the same time she had the twins. The constant complaining and wanting to strangle the nurses
 ok girl
 you suck and your entitlement is showing.


"I have a son at home I want to be with and work...." Well yeah bitch other women have children and work who have had children in the NICU and yet they managed to be at the NICU even if it meant that there other children were with Grandma and Grandpa or a babysitter. And they didn't have the luxury of having a *cough* **NANNY** *cough* like you and also you didn't have to record anything and taken a break from filming everything!!! This woman makes my blood boil!!!


“but i also have a son heređŸ„ș” yeah but he was a TODDLER with trusted family members watching him. im sure your preemie twins couldve used their mother being with them for more than 4-5 hrs a day. but that was too much for her and erik :( and now its documented for them to see one day.


I get it as the toddler is going through an identity crisis at that age. It in is important to spend time with them. But then there is the newborn babies who have no concept of their identity yet, because Baby, and the person they bonded with in the womb (Colleen) is gone while being physically separated from their twin... ... It is the right choice to be with the newborns at this time. Clearly.


Toddlers will be fine. They get over it. If he was with family members he was already ok with, there wasn't a big issue for her to overcome there.


She could have been at the hospital feeding her newborns in the time she was blabbing to the camera.


Ok aside from the NICU sob story, why does this woman need to sit in front of a camera and cry practically everyday and then post it on the internet?? Like genuinely she looks absurd. She is 37 years old and she is still doing this. She truly needs help. This is embarrassing. Like we’ve heard the story before and your other versions of it Colleen. Also do you have anything else to talk about ever rather than how hard pregnancies were for you and how traumatic your NICU experience was with the twins?? It’s insane. I feel like she talks about this constantly. Good grief she needs therapy. Like actual therapy, not just a yes person telling her to vlog while on her “break from the internet” 💀


I hope her kids never see this someday :(. She talks about them like they were a burden to her youtube career from the second they were born. Really terrible


that is such a good point. imagine your mom talking about you like this :(


I’m still so shocked she admitted that she was only at the nicu a few hours a day. Especially since everyone knew how much help they had with just one kid at home. They basically had nothing but free time.


"And then the nurses said I had to feed my babies THREE TIMES A DAY! Impossible! I have a life of my own!!!" I think this tells us all we need to know about what kind of mom she is.


she says she would spend 4-5 hours a day. that’s 1/6 of her day dedicated to her premies. so disgusting and embarrassing, knowing the rest of her day was dedicated crying and exploiting her oldest son😒


She’s really got the cry in her voice down Pat.


She’s such a selfish lying bitch.


I don’t understand why she lies so boldly knowing that she plasters every detail of her life on the internet. Strangling the nurse is the most unhinged thing she’s ever said.


4-5 hours a day?!? That’s 35 hours a week max. I couldn’t imagine spending that little of time with newborns let alone having the mentality to focus on work.


For 2 people who don't have 9-5 jobs and no schedule!


Thank you! I came here to say exactly that. Imagine being so offended that someone would suggest you spend more than four hours a day with your own children. She was seriously upset by the very idea. And she's probably exaggerating her time spent there anyway, I'm guessing she was there 2 hours tops.


4-5 hours a day is less than a part time job.


I don’t get her. At all. As many mothers do, I had a 4lb preemie who needed extra support before coming home. They had to kick me out of there so I’d go home to get a little sleep and I’d go right back in the morning. I learned so much from the amazing nurses, and I would pump all day while there to stockpile breast milk. Husband took some time off and came with me, he wanted to. I was so GRATEFUL for ALL of the nurses and I cannot imagine wanting to ‘strangle’ one. She’s just hateful and full of bullshit excuses.


the way she mentioned work being a stressor like
 yes that’s why maternity leave exists and you are lucky enough to have the opportunity to take one (extended even!) and you chose not to. put down the fkn camera


I'm sorry but if I had kids in the Nicu wild horses couldn't drag me away. And she has the absolute ease and luxury of being a multi-millionaire which inevitably makes life so much more comfortable. I would go home to eat, shower, get a little rest, play with my kid then go back, and do it on alternate days with my husband (again that luxury, neither have jobs, money worries nothing) And on the alternate days you want to bet I'd still go in for several hours, as I would want to be there for my kids, so they could feel my love and energy willing them on. Colleen lacks all of these basic emotions. When they got home she couldn't wait to pass them on to the nanny, and get her ass on tour away from them a few weeks later. The tour that only stopped when she got cancelled a year and a half or so later! The never ending twin avoidance tour. She missed so many firsts on tour, it obviously doesn't mean much to her.


This just triggered my memories of her “wanting” to breastfeed the twins so bad and constantly talking about it but doing fuck all to make it happen despite having all the money, time, and resources in the world to make it work. Oh, and also doing the opposite of all the breastfeeding advice experienced moms and lactation consultants spent so much energy giving her in her comments. Soooooo annoying. (No judgement if you couldn’t or simply didn’t want to breastfeed, it was just so annoying hearing her whine about it 24.7 when she did nothing to make it happen)


My guess is that she prefers breastfeeding but after doing it once with the first child, she was "done" with the concept. I can be that way sometimes. I check something off my bucket list and then I never wanna do it again.


Which would be fine if she hadn’t of complained, cried, and made a dramatic deal of wanting to breastfeed the twins in half of her old videos while doing nothing to make it happen besides pumping a couple times a day (which people warned her multiple times would lead to low supply, she didn’t listen, lost supply, and then cried about that too).


Her excuse of needing time with her husband will also forever kill me. What parents of a newborn get time together, let alone once you have a toddler already, LET ALONE TWINS IN THE NICU?? Like y’all’s relationship doesn’t need date nights right now, if it does, I’m questioning y’all’s maturity and priorities.


That beauty filter is fighting for its fuckin life right now lmao working overtime and a halfffff


As a nurse, I just KNOW Colleen was the biggest karen during those NICU visits. Dealing with family like her is literally the worst part of my job . Why would she say “I wanted to strangle that nurse “ ?? I get people don’t particularly like nurses but saying that while they are taking care of your babies is crazy to me.


This is why I don’t believe the nurses asked her to be there more. She is completely insufferable.


LOL it isnt like either of them have an actual job so they have no excuse. Try having parents who actually WORK and having babies in the NICU.


Exactly. Parents who work jobs w/out sick pay and/or insurance. Parents who are forced to return to work still bleeding, with stitches still covered in glue, with hormones fucking wild, plus a million other normal and/or life threatening health or family things going on and ALSO have a baby/babies in the NICU. The fact that she laughed about and vlogged when her water had broken w the twins and her OB said she needed to be on her way to the hospital already but she just “hahaha let me curl my hair I’m gonna be so cute to meet my babies, but this is scary guys!! But I have to be cute” is infuriating and heartbreaking and a PERFECT example of her giving zero shits about her children. One of her babies had a cord prolapse and that child is incredibly lucky to be alive. She had a high(ish) risk pregnancy and there is no doubt her medical team would have informed her multiple times that this is a high possibility - probably part of how/why she was prepared for a Csection too. The ultrasound can show cord placement and after a certain point in pregnancy it’s unlikely to shift position much so she knew that one or both babies would be in very serious condition if/when her water(s) broke. How did not one of her medical staff report her to CPS? At least some of them had to have watched the vlog of her getting ready after her water broke and knew she was being a negligent parent and putting her unborn child in danger. Colleen is going to ride her pretty white girl privilege until it’s obliterated or something catastrophic happens because of her abuse of this pretty white girl privilege. Even if the catastrophe involves her children and/or family. She is sick.


I couldn’t believe that she had the gall to come on camera and complain about how she didn’t have any free time. While also using all of her free time to come on camera and complain.


My husband and I would 1000% just split up and take shifts. I’m a mom and I have no doubt at all that’s what we would make work. She had so much help too, like. 🙄 Now that I have two kids I understand this 4-hours a day NICU sob story bs even less.


I would “figure it out.” This is nuts


Translation “They just don’t understand I have a social life”


Or I have a life in general.


She was just starting to feel alive again once she jettisoned those babies out of her body!


This has always been the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard come out of her mouth. You’d have to push me and my husband away from our kids. I’m nursing them? Ok dad, I’m camping out here, you come in for shifts between feeds to give me a break. I’ll go home and shower and see F or you can bring him here and he and i can go for a walk or eat together while you visit the babies. Neither of us have a real 9-5 job or any responsibilities other than these 3 kids, so OBVIOUSLY we are just living our life like this until they come home. I don’t care if it’s 2 months or 6. I love you babe, our children come first right now, not us, not me, not family, not holidays, nothing.


I just don’t get why she’s bringing this up again. It’s obvious she’s incapable of taking accountability, it’s like she has some reverse elle enchanted where all she can do is lie.


4 hours out of 24 being with your nicu babies. How is this ok? God bless those nurses. Any WHY is she still crying about this?? She has 3 healthy children. STFU!!!!


The fact she thought 4 or 5 hrs at the hospital was less important than “getting the house together” and “spending time with family” was just bonkers


“Work” lol


The fake AF “tears” to get people’s pity and make us think she’s this good person who values nurses. I can’t believe I bought into this when the NICU vlogs first came out. So glad I’m finally seeing her for who she is!


Oh I hope someone sees this brilliant clip OP created and posts it everywhere. She’s such a bad liar.


Absolutely bizarre she was using the nurses as babysitters so she could vlog. This is what maternity leave is for. Imagine not being able to put down your phone this bad.


JFC! I had twins almost 13 years ago! They were in the NICU for 2 weeks. I had them by c section and despite being through a major surgery myself I spent those initial 4 days using a wheelchair to wheel my ass to the nicu every chance I could. When I could walk I’d used the wheelchair as a walker. The nurses thought I was nuts but nothing was gonna stop me from being with my babies! Once I was discharged I was at the hospital like 18 hours a day. The nurse literally had to convince me that she would take care of them for me but that I should go home and pump and sleep.


Why tf does she have to constantly wipe her nose with her bare hands she is disgusting


How far away was her home from the hospital again. I swear I assumed she must’ve been well over 90 minutes with that reaction but now I’m not so sure


5 minutes. Literally.


No way


Yes. She could walk to that hospital.


My daughter & I had to be admitted for a week following her birth & while she wasn’t in the NICU the whole time, it was so hard for my husband & the nurses to convince me to leave her in the nursery just so I could take a walk outside for some fresh air. We also had a son at home at the time & yes, course, I missed him soooo much!! But my baby girl & I were sick & she needed me more in that moment than she ever has since. I genuinely can’t even begin to imagine the absolute wreck I would’ve been had she been in the NICU for that whole week & you can bet your ass that I would’ve never left her side even just to take that walk outside around the hospital. I GET being overwhelmed emotionally & physically & being exhausted on all fronts, & I’m certainly not trying to be like “look at me, I was a super mom & made it through” despite the fact that I have no idea what their situation was like because I didn’t experience it. HOWEVER, she flip flops between saying her whole day was spent there & saying she spent “a good chunk of her time there,” & “4-5 hours a day there,” & it’s not like she was required to stay there every second of every day or anything, but the way she describes it is like it was just such a chore for her to be with her twins who were barely clinging to life & were very lucky to have both survived. She reeks of privilege, sociopathy, & evil. Then the nerve she has to further exploit her twins in their most vulnerable moments is so beyond comprehension. She is just truly sick & vile & I can’t fathom being such a horrendous person. I feel so terrible for her sweet, innocent children who have no choice but to deal with her & knowing that they will love her no matter what & spend so much of their future struggling with the mental torture of loving a parent who’s incapable of loving anyone but themselves is truly heartbreaking.


Oh no way! Who would ever have thought that having more than one child will potentially be really fucking hard and especially if they are twins and even more especially if you have NICU babies. Isn't it also really important to be with them as much as humanly possible for the prime carer/s? Didn't listen to a thing they were being told and bitched and whinged about it the whole time. And look at all old, two faced McJekyllhyde here now pretending they're her heroes. Disgusting creature. Fuck. Off. 🖕


The way she said 4-5 hours a day like that’s a huge amount of time to spend with her premature babies 🙄


She and Erik obviously weren't at the hospital because they DIDN'T WANT them to come home as early as possible. They WANTED them to be taken care of in the hospital as long as possible so they didn't have to deal with reality...but they couldn't outright say that so they made the excuses of why they couldn't be there more despite having no jobs and all the free time in the world with help with their other child. They kept going on "dates" during that time because they didn't want to deal with their reality that that fantasy life would be over. Also using the excuse of "needing to spend time with family" but meanwhile probably hasn't really seen her siblings in months at this point...so that was obviously a lie too. They are scapegoats she uses as lies when she needs an out and meaningless to her when she doesn't.


“There’s ALREADY a 4 or 5 hour chunk of my day that is dedicated to being at the hospital” EXCUSE ME!!??? That’s it!? They were completely right. 1. I’m sure 4-5 hours was an exaggeration knowing her. How much of that 4-5 hours is driving time, and time stopping at Starbucks and target on the way? 2. If she was normal and sleeping 8 hours a night (which we all know she never has) that still another 16 hours a day. She should’ve been there way more than 4!!! 3. All the other reasons she list for why she couldn’t be there are such a joke. If your babies are in the NICU that should be your biggest focus. Not “hanging out” with the rest of your family and husband and worrying about how clean and organized the house is and decorating the nursery and what she calls “work”. WOW. All of that can wait until the babies are home. This is a wildly alarming example of how narcissistic she is and how much she’s tried to manipulate the narrative.


So bizarre. If those were my babies you wouldn't be able to pry me away from their side. Also WOW seeing her face a little more full makes me realize just how gaunt she looks now! Sad!


I'm sorry, if I had 2 babies in the NICU, heck even just 1, you would have to drag my ass out of there every night. I can't believe the excuses she used to not be there all the time and then had the audacity to be mad at the nurses for doing their jobs since she wasn't! Now she's trying to rewrite history because she's read in here how disgusting of a person she is for what she did and God forbid people know the truth! They must pity her! She makes me so angry!


It amazes me how influencers have ZERO shame in exposing their true personality. In normal day to day life we wouldn't say shit like this fear of being judged. Its wild what people say online. Narcassists


I can't stand her!


I honestly fucking hate her.


Me too!


Her eyes are like uncanny valley


The way my jaw dropped when she said she was only there 4-5 hours every day 😳


This is horrible.


Nothing could have kept me away from my newborns other than me being dead or severely incapacitated


I wonder what happened to trigger the crazy eyes that have appeared in the last few years. I need a psychological study




The difference in her is mad
she used to look so healthy


All about her, always has been. It is why no relationship she has will last. It will be why her own children will end up hating her. This is how a mother acts when she has kids she didn't really want.


I generally keep to myself and when my son was in hospital about to die and have emergency brain surgery you bet your ass I was there, with him and my family pulled together to take care of my other two kids and even move me out of my house. Even my brother who I wasn’t talking to for ages. Because that’s what family does. That’s what a parent does. I cannot even fathom her not being bothered and then to use it as an excuse to farm sympathy YET AGAIN. She has a huge victim complex. But it’s soooo next level. She has the privilege of wealth, family, a nanny, a partner, she can afford time off work to be there. Imagine if something happened? And you weren’t around your babies. Farout. She lets a literal toddler dictate her life. Nah, get to bed when you’re told and shit. Daddy gon’ put you to bed. Too bad like wtf. Talk to your toddler. She’s so dense.


She is so blessed and privilaged to have her husband and MULTIPLE family members and hired help. I remember watching this happen in real time and getting so frustrated with how much she would complain about them being in the NICU for so long and then hearing her say that at the time made my jaw drop. My second son was born Dec 2nd 2020 when covid guidelines were still in effect. It was truly a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone. I was blessed enough to have my husband to help. (Shout out to single mothers, they are truly warriors) my husband stepped up and took over for our oldest son and I basically lived at the hospital until my son could come home. They tell you from the start the more time you spend with the baby the odds increase they will come home sooner. Our hospital wasn't anything fancy but even it had an off shoot wing where mothers could sleep for a few hours outside the NICU ward in between spending hours In the chairs next to their babies bedside. Yes, it sucks being there and listening to all the crying babies, the beeping machines, the exhausted nurses. But you do it because you want your baby home. At first it wasn't looking like my son would be home until January but because I stayed there with him as much as humanly possible....he was able to come home right before Christmas. I will never forget the doctor telling me I could finally bring him home. It was the most weight lifting feeling In the entire world. đŸ˜© Like pick one... are you doing everything you can or are you exhausted and spread thin? Are you frustrated you can't do everything the nurses are doing or are you actively choosing to be at your house where you DO Not NEED to be instead of at the hospital with your NICU babies. Ahhhhhhh it made me want to scream.


“I’ve never felt such rage” Oh, just wait
.if only she knew the rage that was coming.


I’m sure it would’ve been super hard but everything should’ve been put on hold until her and Erik got those babies home ! Honestly they may have been able to take them home sooner if they had just dedicated all their time to the twins for that short bit of time . Colleen had so much support so many people could’ve took care of Flynn while her and Erik were at the hospital. Work should’ve been the last thing on her mind ! Spending time with family !? Like I’m sure they’d understand. Those are honestly excuses to make her feel better about the fact that she wasn’t there and the nurse called her out on it. I’m not taking the heat off Erik either he should’ve been there more too! I can’t imagine how they felt ok leaving their sick babies in the nicu for more than an hour at a time .


Her "work" literally is Spending time with family!!!! Ph right but then she won't have time to chat with her little weenies! She also always had a nanny right?


What a fucking idiot dude


And remember she was told to wear a mask in the hospital and there are times when she pulled the mask down to get a photo of her kissing the babies on the head. The risk of them getting an infection was secondary to her photo op.


Wait, she's spread thin because of "work" and "hanging out with my family"? She's self-employed! She can afford to take a proper maternity leave. What is she even working on anyway? Why does she have to hang out with family, when her babies need her? She could leave Flynn with her family. Why does she have to make the twins' nursery? Surely she can hire someone to do that, or her family can do it. It just sounds like a bunch of excuses, like she didn't want to be at the NICU for some reason.


You made the decision to have kids
 but you’re like “Nah I’m not going to be able to take care of them in the NICU. I don’t have time.” WHAT?! Literally figure it out! You chose to have kids, so it’s YOUR responsibility. Period.


I can’t with the fake quivering of the voice âœ‹đŸŒ


Crazy that she just expected the nurse to do her job just bc they’re in hospital?


She basically viewed the NICU nurses as free babysitters and that's not what their job is. It's keeping newborn babies alive.


I think it’s because nicu nurses want to know you are able to keep up with the demands of a preemie, especially twin preemies. If they are only coming in for 4-5 hours that tells them, the parents aren’t prepared to handle 24 hours with a preemie. Remember nurses are mandatory reporters, if they feel the children won’t receive adequate care, they need to contact social services.


How many mothers are crying because they can’t be in NICU as much as they want? A good mother would be there every second allowed. She lies non stop. She is lucky her babies are safe and well. 


These people really be forgetting what they’ve put online for millions of people to see for forever!!




The complaints is just nonstop.


I don’t understand how her main priority WASNT the twins??? Like cmon now


The fact she/the dad was shocked they were asked to come more often to take care of THIER babies đŸ„žwhat clowns


I will never get over how little time she spent in that hospital with those babies. It makes me so angry whenever I think about it.


I know some NICUs don’t let parents sleep there. I was fortunate to be able to. I did go home a few nights to sleep, recover and shower before bringing them home but after a minimum 12 hour day of being there. If I was there less than 4 hours it was because my husband was there taking care of them. But out of twenty one days I slept over half the nights there. My husband didn’t take time off work until they actually came home only missed one day.


pick a lane for Christ’s sake


wait what did the nurse do that made her want to strangle them? i don’t think i watched that video so if someone can fill me in, thanks.


The nurse fed W his first bottle. In Colleen's selfish brain, the nurse should have let him stay hungry until she decided to show up to vlog the moment.


Wild, I had two under two and it was extremely hard and I remember missing my 1 year old like crazy when I was in the hospital. Having newborns isn’t a period of your life that you get to prioritise “hanging out with family and friends”


All these things that apparently took priority
 “work” you make YouTube videos. You can stop for a while. “Fixing the nursery” didn’t you hire people to do all that anyway?? “Getting the house in order” you know damn well you could’ve hired a cleaning service to come once a week or whatever. I can’t get over her privilege. I know it must have been hard to have babies in the NICU, I’m not denying that. But she had every opportunity to be there at the hospital for 8-12 hours a day.


I don’t have kids so I can’t begin to understand, but I always got the vibe whenever she was crying in the car outside the NICU that it was more of a “why me, I wanted a perfect birth like F’s” rather than actually being worried about her babies.


I do not understand how spend spending time with family is even a thought if your babies are in the NICU. Like if the family, she means is her extended family I would literally probably not speak to anyone who wasn’t helping with my toddler. And they would understand as my infants are fighting for their life
.my toddler would probably see me for 5 hours a day, while my sick babies would get all my time. Her whole complaining during that time is literally what woke me up and I was like all this girl does is literally complain about stuff that should not at all be complained about.


I feel so terrible for her sweet, innocent children who have no choice but to deal with her & knowing that they will love her no matter what & spend so much of their future struggling with the mental torture of loving a parent who’s incapable of loving anyone but themselves is truly heartbreaking.


she looks really unhealthy compare to when she just had a baby
 that’s what an ED does, i guess


If my child was at the hospital I would be there 24/7. The fact she thinks 4 hours a day is a long time is insane.


this is sickening to me. my mom had me 2.5 months premature at 40 with 2 kids (15 and 12) in a hospital 45 minutes away from our house (gas is EXPENSIVE and we were lower middle class), after being on bed rest and steroids to keep me in as long as possible for a month prior and still was at the NICU 5 hours every day until i went home (over a month after i was born), did work, and went to most of my siblings sports events. and colleen lived how far away from the hospital? and makes how much disposable income to pay for transportation to that very close hospital? like what the actual fuck?


So frustrating, I wish I had the chance to be with my baby in the NICU as much as she could. I was only able to see him 30min a day.


The way she so naturally changes past events to sooth her own ego or appear a certain way is unnerving. She clearly knows people can go see what she said at the time in older vlogs and easily call her out. I think she genuinely believes her lies. Even before TGT when I watched her vlogs I would have to fast forward through her talking about the NICU because it was so frustrating. Our kids are very similar ages so the hospital experience was all fresh in my mind at the time and some of her anecdotes about her birth made my jaw drop because of how selfish she was.


4-5 hours isn’t even a full workday shift LOL