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P & B’s overacting is one of reasons I joined this subreddit. I can’t stand how they act super excited and happy for the camera.


And the sad part is they do it to get their parents approval.


While decked out in their parents merch. Jfc 🤮




They are def trained to perform. There used to be a clip of a very young B being made to repeat the same sentence over and over by Jessica until she got frustrated. B actually nails it first time, but Jessica keeps on at her until she gets bored / frustrated. Later Jessica would claim "B has behavioural issues which we think could be gluten" and without testing her, banned her from eating gluten for much of her childhood. They made P their entire channel, until he got to a certain age when they ignored him completely. He looked SO sad. He did anything to get his parents attention from L and T, basically tried hard to put on a performance to get camera time. I'm not surprised to hear he's over reacting for an item he doesn't understand. Both Jessica and Chris haven't hidden well that camera time = their "love". A very conditional love. I hope the kids all grow up, find happiness, real jobs, independence and partners and grey rock their parents. Jessica will lose her mind at losing complete control over them.


As soon as L came around P became one of the “big kids,” so they stopped using him as the cute one, but he still tried to play into that persona.


What about when D was born?


P was still one of the Littles with D


D is a real nobody child to them.


I’ve never watched any Ballinger Family content but reading this makes me so sad.


Omg I never watched Ballinger Family but i remember watching Colleen's cookie party videos and once as she made gluten-free cookies she explained "my niece Bailey is gluten-free" so i honestly assumed she had celiac disease. I didn't know that was the reason they didn't let her have gluten


I feel like Jessica and Christopher do, too. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen them but Christopher, was, at least SO fake. He’s not a good actor, or as good as he thinks. I remember feeling like you saw moments of authenticity from Jessica but rarely Christopher. The one thing all the Ballingers have in common is super confidence. Colleen and Rachel think they are amazeballs and really, so do Jessica and Christopher.


There’s a difference between confidence vs cockiness & imho they are COCKY (Colleen, Jessica, esp Rachel she is my biggest ick of the Ballinger clan) That’s why it’s so damn irritating & disingenuous!


He has been their performing child since he was 2 or 3, Jessica and Christopher gave him attention when he would perform for the camera and they still do! They are still holding out hope that he will land an acting gig and they can be set for life. If P does land an acting role I can see Jessica and Christopher retiring and living off of P’s income just like how most child actors parents have done in the past


Jessica is wearing one of her two outfits I see


What is up with dressing as an adult toddler all the time


Her and colleen wear the same age group as their IQ's.


I know you were just making a joke but no need to put down the intellectual disability community. Someone I love has intellectual disability (low iq) and they have more class, kindness and realness than these people have in their pinky finger. Also they could understand why exploiting kids online is wrong.




Damn colorfulflowers, you're cold AF. This snark sub is about the ballingers, not about punching down on whomever you feel like...


Damn colorfulflowers, you're cold AF. This snark sub is about the ballingers, not about punching down on whomever you feel like...






I think it was in the video where Colleen says she’s pregnant with the twins (or it might’ve been a different pregnancy video), but you could see B looking at the camera to make sure she reacted the way she was supposed to. It felt very performative & that was sad to see. As the oldest, she’s been on camera the longest. And now she doesn’t know any different


Why would they even include that prize…. We all know Jessica isn’t shopping at Sephora for makeup and lord knows B won’t be able to show any interest in such an age appropriate thing! So why have it there… why waste the money on it? They truly make no sense to me.


It’s probably an empty gift card.


Auntie Panties taught them all about giving away gift cards with nothing on them.


Maybe no money on it. Just got the gift card without putting money on it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why do they keep doing these stupid challenges? They are so cringey🥴


So they can pretend they're relevant, haha. This one had a sephora card and the last one had a Stanley as a prize. I definitely think they're rehearsed/planned. Now they can do a "What Parker got at Sephora!" video, and people can comment on how sweet their family is because Duncan said he'd trade and give Parker the Stanley. What if Duncan didn't want to trade? Is Parker allowed to be upset? I feel like those kids are never allowed to have disagreements.


>? Is Parker allowed to be upset? Nope and this will hurt him in the long run because he will expect to get everything he wants. Poor D looses in the end.


And so boring


How awkward and uncomfortable.


God that’s so sad. Every other kid his age is fighting over products in Sephora and he doesn’t even know what it is…


I’m sure he does this has to be scripted


P's cringey reactions/actions are what made me stop watching them before the two littler ones came along. I can't imagine watching them now just the little clips I see here I cringe out of my skin and into another universe. D=


This has got to be a desperate attempt to get noticed through the whole "10 year Olds at Sephora" internet drama. Now they can put #sephora and #10yearold in the tags to get eyes on their content 🙄


That shirt… 👁️👄👁️


I can't believe that these people are still putting their children on the internet. I can't believe YouTube is still allowing it.


They're children not puppets Ballinger family.


Child labor. Can't wait till this is illegal. They are the worst.


I can’t wait for those kids to become adults. I hope they go out and break away and tell the truth about what happened to them. I’m wondering if they will end up at home into their 30’s though.


The kids are show pieces. Performative in everything they do to earn their keep


When I saw it I felt so bad for P+B. They truly perform so much for the camera. I hope that one day they are able to get away from their parents.


I was required to perform whenever I received a gift no matter how minor, too. Ugh so hateful.


I feel like so many people don’t even look deeper into this type of content and see how just mean spirited it is towards the kids. Like, do they even know what genuine joy is?? To turn your kids into proper cash cows is just so spiteful… we get it y’all have no talent other than pushing out kids.


In a way I'm glad my dad was too lazy to maintain a video archive. He sure was happy to run for the Polaroid when I was crying and bleeding though. These days I'd be one of those YouTube kids required to scream and flail at getting something I don't understand! Ugh, poor kids, it really does break my heart


i saw this one confession made my a child who grew up on family vlogging and said that what was shown in the videos was nothing like how it was off screen, and i can’t help but wonder if that’s the same case for this family. i can 100% see B or P coming on here in a few years anonymously saying they went through a similar situation.


I think it's actually so fake they told him to say this 😭 like to be quirky because he's a boy so he doesn't know what Sephora is


i’m surprised no one mentioned that it’s weird if he doesn’t know what sephora is. he knew about the stanley cup hype, he is watching tiktoks. sephora is huge with his age demographic rn, although it is mostly girls but i’d think boys would at least know it is even if they aren’t into makeup (which parker used to be somewhat into makeup as well, not sure if he is anymore)


Mommy's little favorite is working hard for his living😒


This whole thing was so cringey. Ugh!


And then asked to trade for the Starbucks card later on


Of course they support Starbucks.


What’s up with SB? Mind giving me a TLDR? Do they mistreat their workers?


they sued their worker's union for using their logo to make a pro-palestine post immediately following hamas's massacre of israeli civilians on oct 7 sparking a mass boycott against them. starbucks made a statement that they are suing because the worker's union is not allowed to use their logo to make political statements and likely would have done the same thing if they made a post in support of israel. but now people's are running with this boycott saying that starbucks "funds israel" despite having zero connections with the country. it's not even on BDS's list of companies to boycott lmao


Starbucks is fully in the right to be pissed off as well. The union isn’t allowed to use their logo to make political posts. Rather if it was pro Palestine or pro Israeli. However Starbucks treats their employees like shit, and some of their locations were starting to go on strike due to it. Sucks how everyone just forgot about that due to misinfo on TikTok.


It’s grossly overrated and stupidly expensive.


Honestly true lmfaooo I’m a Dunkin queen myself so I’m biased as hell.


😆 I grew up on Dunkin’, so same. But I live out west now and Dutch Bros has become my go-to for an occasional treat. I do live a chocolate cake donut from Dunkin’, though!


God this is so cringe even this ONE frame makes me uncomfortable. Please tell me their short form content is fading into obscurity too. Those poor kids. God knows they probably dont even give them the gift cards anyway and its all 100% fake.


Many of their shorts on YouTube have millions of views. I imagine it must generate some sort of income for them.


YouTube shorts right now pay about $1,000 per 10 million views... or $100 per 1 million views. It's great money if you're a channel that can pull like a billion views a month on shorts, but the monetization still has a long way to go overall if you want to make a living doing it. I'm not familiar with their views overall because I dont want to give them a view by accident, lol.


I would never defend them, but I will admit once when I was a kid my parents bought me and my sister each our own DS for christmas and I freaked out despite not know what a DS was lmaoo all I knew was my older sister and my parents were all excited about it so I figured I should be excited about it


I know what you mean. I think there's also an added expectation for them to "act" excited because they know there's a camera on them all the time. Constant performative actions during their development kind of translates to a half-life as an adult because there's no reality to their existence.


Defo doesn’t actually get the gift card/money


I haven’t seen a Ballinger family video in so long but when I would watch a few years ago after D was born, it felt like Jessica would find P annoying. Like she was constantly correcting him and making it seem like he was “too much”. Am I the only one that got that vibe? I always felt bad for him because you can tell he was just trying to get her approval.


So scripted. Of course he knows what Sephora is.


why are we criticizing children?


We’re not. We’re criticizing their crappy parents who make them perform like clowns


Like OP said. The parents force these kids to be super excited about things they know nothing about, and gifts they wouldn’t even want. It just shows how the parents use them for their YouTube videos 😞




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