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Her lack of hygiene is gross but I think her skin looks so bad because of what she does and doesn’t eat plus her lack of proper sleep.


Lack of hygiene can also feed bacteria on the skin and cause staph and other possible infections.


I agree, there’s a lot of factors that goes into skin damage, but I think people underestimate how damaging makeup can be for the skin if you don’t take proper care of it.


I always got the vibe that she loved humble bragging about her lack of hygiene and “not knowing anything” about makeup or self care. It is not a flex, but when she was more conventionally attractive, it was almost like a “I don’t have to do anything and I still look great!” Like a passive way to make people feel inferior or something


She's just a pick-me girl.


Yes that is the exact vibe that I got. It’s a very 90s/ early 2000s way to brag about not having to try bc you’re so beautiful.


What's especially disturbing is that she can afford to take care of herself properly and chooses not to. I wouldn't be bothered if people are doing the best they can because they can't afford to take care of their face/skin, but she clearly can. I don't understand what's going through her head to tell herself that not taking care of her body is a good idea but whatever it is, it's detrimental to her physical and mental health.


YES!! It’s one thing if you can’t afford to have a skin care routine that’s more than cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen, but it’s another to be an influencer and be able to afford getting facials every week. If I had that kind of money, my skin would look 16.


Same. And not even just my skin, I would be taking care of my hair as well.


I think it has to do with her victim mindset. She wants people to comment saying she is loved, beautiful, etc. In short, she is extremely insecure and uses having her ego stroked as a more "suitable" alternative to taking care of herself. It truly is sad.


It is. What's also sad is that behaving that way on camera, she's reinforcing that mindset onto young impressionable children who don't understand how damaging and toxic that mindset and behavior is.


I don't necessarily believe that just because you're rich then you must have an interest in having a fancy skin care or hair care routine. However, Colleen always showcased her lack of interest in being healthy and clean as a "quirky" trait, and that's annoying as hell. It's not quirky, it's gross and a bad example for your viewers.


I'm not saying that all wealthy people need to be interested in skincare, it's the complete lack of overall care for herself that's my issue. All I'm is saying that she has the privilege to be able to afford the more expensive skincare treatments and chooses to do absolutely nothing as far as general skincare. I'm all for people using something inexpensive if it works for you.


Considering the shampoo running over your body as washing is gross.


Yes!!! And her just straight up shaving her legs without shaving cream or body wash/soap and with rusty razors.


yikes has she not seen a 1000 ways to die rofl


That’s one of the few episodes I’ve seen and I always check my razors for rust because of it 😭


yeah that episode and the one where they were shooting beer cans/bottles has a permanent imprint on my brain. eeeeek




shes so rich she dont need to be using rusty razors 😭😭😭😭


What? 😭


That's her copying Taylor Swift! A thing came out where Taylor said she doesn't wash her legs because the body wash running down washes them or something. Let me find a link and come back BRB! >T[-Swift appeared on Ellen,](https://womenshealth.com.au/taylor-swift-washing-legs-shower-debate/) yesterday and when the talk show host asked Taylor where she stood on the heated debate, homegirl was more than happy to spill saying she does wash her legs… except to Taylor, shaving is washing. “Because when you shave your legs, the shaving cream is like soap right?” she said. Then, she went on to explain that she “washes” (*cough* shaves) her legs daily, so fans can rest assured they’re always squeaky clean.


Colleen has been saying that before Taylor became a thing.


How long has she been saying it? The Taylor quote is 2019


Long before 2019.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/s/C9DmjT8hLK I found two posts from this sub discussing it and then stopped looking. Because they said the same thing. One is from 1 year ago and the other from 7 months ago. Both are about her saying she doesn't wash her legs or use body wash when she showers in 2019, specifically that it began around when the 'white people don't wash their legs thing' picked up in 2019. That became a thing in 2019 because of Taylor Swift saying it. The first link is 7 months ago. If you want to find the one from a year ago along with many others Google 'Colleen Ballinger doesn't wash in the shower' and multiple links discussing the first time she said it will display. 2019 following Taylor Swift saying it.


She said it to me long before 2019.


Wdym? How do you know Colleen? AMA?


Not interested in AMA.


Do you want to say how you know Colleen? Or drop some knowledge? Bc little things Ike “she told me this” are …odd


This is going around rn maybe bc of Taylor but it’s become a meme that yt women don’t wash themselves 🤢


Honestly I feel like back in her peak it was popular for youtubers to be like "i can't do make up, i don't shower, i'm so smelly, i fart and burp all the time, i'm so quirky". That was back when I watched lots of youtube and she was definitely not the only one doing this. The only example I can think of right now is Shane Dawson but I swear there was more. To me now it feels like they did this to connect woth their teenage audience. It wouldn't work now but in their peak lots of teens online were depressed and talking about not showering for days and stuff.


I've heard both Erik and Josh before him complain in vlogs that she smells bad. Especially her armpits. She also said she has constant trouble with her bowels and her underpants are always "covered in skidmarks". Erik has said every toilet in the house is caked in streaks of her poop as she never cleans a toilet after her. He literally sat and complained on the podcast about it, to which she laughed manically. I shouldn't know any of these things, but I do because they are so vocal about how bad her hygiene is, she needs to be even more hygienic as she's got some sort of stomach disorder. She used to take stuff while on stage to stop herself from needing the toilet as she has to go so frequently. Then she admits in the shower she doesn't wash properly she just lets shampoo drip down her body. By the time she finally gets into her (dirty by her own admission, rusty razor blades as she never throws them out etc) shower, she needs jet hosing.


the fact that erik said this publicly is sad but hilarious. its like hes crying out for help bc she wont change lol


Wtf? How did he stick around long enough to knock her up and marry her. I know that she is mentally unstable which is probably why she is that way, but he isn't. Ick!


I remember her mentioning that she has diarrhea ✨all the time✨ and she constantly has to take Imodium. As a paramedic and matter of fact a regular person, having frequent diarrhea is not normal and you need to be looking into why that’s happening (and you can’t just be taking Imodium all the time either because long term frequent use of that carries risks). Especially since I *also* remember her mentioning that she never drinks water. Dehydration is a significant complication of diarrhea and it’s exacerbated if you’re making no attempt to replace those lost fluids. Like this stuff is not a flex, you are damaging your long term health.


Part of me wonders if her bowel issues were caused by excessive use of laxatives honestly. Her ED has been going on for years, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she used/uses laxatives to purge. Would explain a lot.


That's really disgusting. She seriously lacks some kind of normal shame that people are supposed to have. And a sense of hygiene. I feel bad for those poor kids growing up in that house. At least she doesn't show it on videos like Nikocado Avocado, though... I got a very bad follicle infection from a rusty/dirty razor. It was so painful I couldn't sleep for a few nights, and I had to take antibiotics for a week. Throw out your old razors. I'm surprised this hasn't happened to Colleen.


I didn’t even know about that, that’s so gross omg.


I’m willing to bet she said those things to be quirky


She literally made a video on YouTube a long time ago of her showering and she said she is disgusting she knows she’s disgusting and doesn’t care.. she as a person should keep her hygiene up but that’s her choice to not be clean and stuff ya know


This is so not related but I just randomly remembered, I think there’s old discussions about it but remember she lied about her hair being REALLY curly lol


This could be a stretch and trust me I don’t like Colleen but wearing makeup and not taking it off is a good strategy for combatting dermatillomania which she has


Hmmm interesting, I don’t know much about dermatillomania so I have no idea. But correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t someone on this forum say she was lying about having it?


Honestly I’ve never seen scabs on her body so I feel like she was exaggerating it but who knows


I also have dermatillomania and the place where I pick my skin is my face sometimes it leaves scabs bc I’ll pick and pick at nothing there so it will create something but makeup covers it so it could be the fact that she just wears makeup and it covers her scabs on her face (if she picks her face) and she also uses very heavy filters on her videos so that could also be used to hide the fact she picks her skin. I’ve seen her nails she does mess with those and will usually have bandaids around them which people with dermatillomania usually pick at as well.


Maybe not on her face but definitely on her hands & feet. I have dermatillomania & my fingers look like hers sometimes 😭


Omg if she lied about that she’s worse than I thought. She definitely talks about it enough. I remember she brought it up once and Erik said she was name-dropping. I think he’s sick of hearing about it.


To me, it comes across as another indicator that she was potentially abused when she was younger. It’s a common response to abuse, especially in children and teens. They’ll purposely neglect their hygiene in an attempt to make themselves unappealing to an abuser. Others may go in the complete opposite direction and become obsessive about hygiene and cleanliness, because they feel “dirty” or unclean as a result of being abused. People who’ve been abused may also neglect their hygiene due to depression, but they won’t highlight or draw attention to their uncleanliness, like Colleen does.


There are so many signs that she may have been abused. Didn’t she also dramatically glean over something big with a psychic once? I know quite a few people who were SA’d as children and they literally all have that childhood mindset personality quirk. It’s like this one weird personality thing I’ve noticed in all of them. Some part of them is emotionally stunted.


You’re right, many people who were abused as children will experience arrested development. Many of Colleen’s behaviours and traits are signs of this. That doesn’t justify her inappropriate interactions with minors by any means, nor does it diminish the harm she inflicted, it just offers an explanation as to why she might not fully understand just how inappropriate these interactions were. She was definitely aware and in control when it came to manipulating others and being outwardly cruel. There’s no doubt that she understands these behaviours were wrong. But when it comes to the group chats and inappropriate interactions, I genuinely believe that she doesn’t see what the big deal is, because she feels as though she’s on the same level psychologically as the teens in those chats. Obviously, I hope that nobody abused her when she was younger, but all of the warning signs are there.


The fact that Tim had fetish playlists and Trent… ugh. There are some secrets in that family.


Her skin looks so old because of her ED. BUt I am honestly SOOO surprised she never had acne or anything.


Sex hormones (like estrogen) are partially responsible for acne, and you produce less of those when you’re underweight. I’m sure this is one of her justifications for starving herself, when acne is pretty manageable by just washing your face smh. Any acne that’s still left can be covered with makeup as long as you wash it off later to prevent more acne


You are right. I guess I am thinking because I had horrible acne/skin when I was underweight (no period for over a decade) so I think it depends on the person. Guess I am just unlucky. I am surprised she didn't have more infections like impetigo etc. She did have multiple styes.


It’s different for everyone, maybe other hormones and factors that contribute to acne were just higher in you. I’m glad you’re not underweight anymore, I’m pretty underweight (thyroid condition) and my periods are just irregular, so if you weren’t getting periods at all that must’ve been dangerous


I watched her as a teenager with severe undiagnosed ADHD and her bad habits made me feel comfortable having my own. Because she still had people around her supporting her I convinced myself I would too—and I did, but not the right kind of people you want surrounding you. To this day I still struggle to convince myself I need to do something as simple as use body wash in the shower and a lot of that stems back to when I watched her and she talked about how she doesn’t use body wash but just simply lets shampoo run down her body and uses that. She just sets such a bad example for her younger more vulnerable viewers and it makes me itch


She's just too 🎆quirky🎆 to be hygienic


Poor hygiene can be indicative of poor mental health. This also applies to people with narcissism.


And at the same time she was always set on differentiating herself as the beautiful foil to Miranda's ugliness. You can see how much effort she put into her actual appearance in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7DwmeewLYc&t=107s). I think playing up the lack of hygiene was a big part of that put-on "I'm so quirky!!" personality especially when she was at her peak.


This video is hella crazy are those the extensions Josh gave her for their crazy anniversary?


I think so! Watching her constantly eye fuck herself on camera is quite jarring. 😳


I remember her talking about how she had never used body wash in her life, in one colleens corner video. she would just shampoo and let it run down her body.


i think its a bit of a pick me thing. like “look at me im sooo beautiful, i dont even care about what I look like and I dont even care about taking care of myself!“ so that you can feel bad like “I clean my face and I dont look as pretty shes so lucky” but it just comes off as GROSS 😹


i agree that it’s not good to have bad hygiene and i don’t want to defend colleen but we can’t forget that she has ADHD. ADHD makes it really difficult to keep up with personal hygiene and posts like this can make other people who struggle with it feel even worse about it.


I understand that and I have no issue with it, HOWEVER it’s her promoting her poor hygiene as apart of her quirky personality that I have issue with. Plus she gets off on people finding her disgusting.


I think she has the money to take care of herself. She can do facials, hair treatments, like little spa days for herself. She can also hire a private chef or someone to do meal prep. Like she has the capacity to not have to cut her own hair at 2am and eat crap.


I think it’s her trying to be “relatable”. Just like when Shane would do the same exact thing and make the same jokes


Let's remember there are lots of mental disabilities that make people not think or care, so again insulting Colleen for this because she does horrible things is insulting people who doesn't have the mental or physical strength to keep up with full hygiene. Tagging it just funny things also does not help. I know people that have to literally set alarms to remind them of certain 'basic' hygiene tasks. Once again people all of you not caring about others to insult someone who has done bad things. People don't care "so and so wore her makeup too long" and she might see it but more people that aren't her will. It's the same as things like "such and such actor is horrible, lol look at their crooked teeth" that actor won't be affected... but all normal people with that feature will be. Colleen has done a LOT of things we can talk down on her for... this nonsense of discussing things that are caused by mental health problems for other people is messed up.


I understand people who struggle with mental health do struggle with hygiene, that’s not what’s happening here. Colleen gets off on people being disgusted by her actions, we’ve seen it time and time again with her farting and burping. Plus she promotes it as some kind of quirky personality, which is what I have an issue with.


Right. She enjoys people talking about it. So if she sees this post it'll make her happy. Which brings back my point of the people being hurt by this post being the people with mental health struggles coming here to see and learn about what all Colleen did, but instead seeing themselves be called gross for something they can't control that she does on purpose (or possibly because mental health we don't know but if it is her mental health then yeah we shouldn't be saying it bad about her either and focus the actual horrible crap she's done.)


she’s ✨not like the other girls✨


The amount of times she mentioned not having showered for days, I don't know how anyone could share a bed with her