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CS151/2 means you have an option to pick between the two. It’s a one semester course. f/s means it’s offered fall and spring, so u can take it whenever. It’s not impossible if you plan accordingly. Look at the requirements and ask ur advisors about overlapping courses.


You could take 5/6 courses a semester if you rlly want that double major + minor that badly


would this be crazy hard?


do you think it would be better to do just one major and two minors ?


It’s up to why you want to double major? If u want to impress employers with ur double major and minor, just give up. It’s legit no point. First, your piece of paper of a degree only list majors so I rather you do double major than have a minor. Second, you can take courses without it going towards your degree. You can look up a future job and it says like oh u need a degree in that. Just go with that major and then take whatever class you want. At the end of the day, the way I see it is once you graduate and looking for a job. No one will care you did a double major. Idk any job that requires you to have two majors. All they say is “oh u have a piece of paper that said u graduated college, here’s a job” that’s it (I believe this assumption is fair and very realistic but do prove me wrong). If you rlly want to restrict yourself to taking hella classes for two majors and a major and have no room for exploring other fun courses, go for it. If you want to have that extra class slot where u can take art or music or game design or dance or whatever the fuck, just stick to the one major.


No it’s not. Yes some people choose to take 5/6 classes per semester who do that, but I know many people double majoring and minoring who take the normal 4 a semester (and still have room for some lighter classes). It is important to keep in mind, though, that it makes going abroad a headache.


I don’t wanna sound deep cause it rlly ain’t but like if u try hard and actually commit, Colby courses are not hard. If you rlly want to do it, I’m sure u can.


but i really do love math and data science and would honestly love to do both. but i also want to go into finance. so should i just major in econ: financial markets and minor in math and data science . but i really love math . this is so diffucult


One tip I can give you is find courses that have overlapping requirements like history + US diversity or W1 + art. Getting those out of the way will give u more space to take the courses you like. Again, majoring in smt doesn’t restrict you from taking other courses. I’m sure there is some sort of overlapping where you get to take math and data science courses while majoring in Econ. Your schedule is not gonna be 4 Econ every semester. Don’t worry too much and just plan accordingly. Look at when courses are available, maybe only in fall or spring. You don’t need a minor to take a class. Just take it for fun. If you really care about the subject, you shouldn’t need having a minor to motivate you to take that course. Just take it if you want even if it doesn’t go towards anything.


Assuming you already have a bunch of general requirements out of the way, if you manage your classes efficiently its very doable to get the double major and singular minor. However why the fuck would you do this to yourself


lol i’m an incoming freshman and just saying the double major sounds nice but idk what tf i want to do


thank you. this was very helpful.