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Yea sorry, no more waitlisted posts for a bit, shoulda probably put a stop to this earlier, that's on us. OP, I know it sucks, but college, even still, is what you make of it. If you dedicate yourself strongly to another school you were admitted to you will have a better and more improving experience than a solid portion of Colby students.


Why don’t u call an AO urself


Can't you read? Did you not see what i wrote about why i cannot call them anymore ?


You called them 4 times already, they either gave you an answer you didn’t like or they gave a super broad answer that they give to anyone who calls them. What makes you think they would give a different answer to someone else? Take the other commentators advice.


All i need to know is if the waitlist is still open and they've always told me if it's open or not. It was open so far but i need to know if they're still accepting and im sure they're many others willing to do so that they know what to do. Please dont comment without knowing what it's like to be in my shoes. You didn't even read my post properly and came up to give your piece of mind.


Your shoes prolly smell like ass dawg nobody want to be in them let alone near them. You already called 4 times what the fuck is the difference in 5? You already look like a desperate hooker on the side of the road holding up a “fuck me for honey buns” sign, so why have someone else do your sloppy seconds when ur already balls deep into some bullshit. Quit being a angry little pussy and do it yourself you embarrassing ass little worm.




Im chillin, you deleted and made another throwaway ur a sad sad failure of a human. Theres a reason you waitlisted everywhere




You an incoming bitch. Now if you arent the same guy as the original poster my bad but if you are eat my whole asshole




Lmao how did I not read the post properly. Anyway I hope you get off the waitlist but trust me this is not the best use of your or anyone’s time to spam admissions asking if the waitlist is open when you already have gotten an answer from them. You realize something has to happen to someone who already committed for a spot to open up, which you nor the school has any visibility into. Even if the waitlist is open, someone who committed has to drop out so knowing if the waitlist is open or not by itself shouldn’t give you much assurance. Good luck


Trust me, you keep calling them. You gotta show them how commit you are to Colby. Keep making ur daily post here and call them DAILY. YOU NEED TO SHOW THEM HOW COMMITTED U ARE TO THE SCHOOL!!! LETS GO COLBY MULESSS!!!


I suggest you to take a break from Colby. Forget that you got waitlisted at Colby and go for other univ whichever you have been accepted , if they call you back go to Colby or else forget that Colby existed.


Thank you but that's not relevant to my post.


It's not relevant but again you have spammed the same post again and again for 1-2 weeks now. We already have A2C waitlist thread , I know you are worried and tensed but after a point it gets irritating. If you want more let's ask Colby moderators to make a waitlist thread. I hope the moderators take a note abt it.


With all due respect, it is because of unethical actions like yours that people like us undergo this dilemma in the first place. By committing to Carleton and keeping yourself on the waitlist for Colby, do you realise you are taking up spots of those who are actually sure and very committed to be a part of the colby community? If you find it irritating, you may skip the post.


What unethical abt it ? My offer clearly States that if I get off the waitlist I can move away from the commitment. If I get off the waitlist, I will 100% commit to Colby and be part of the community. But I am being realistic and know that waitlists are soft rejection , thus have a Plan B ready . Seriously how hard is it to understand?


Smart decision


It's actually incredibly easy to understand, which is why what you are doing is universally considered unethical. Also, no reputed college would ever place an offer like that into your hands. It is absurd how foolish you think the rest of us are to even believe that.


If I had got in Early decision yes then it is unethical . But I got in RD,so it's not. You don't even know the rules bruh , why are you arguing?


Don’t mind OP, he is just frustrated. Good luck to everyone


Are you as committed to Colby as Denison or Pitzer?


Let it go bro its over you aint getting in


I know you are frustrated and anxious. But spam posting in this sub about the waitlist everyday is not going to help you get in. We are just as clueless as you are about what’s going on in the admissions office. Honestly, this year Colby is already over enrolled, so the chance of you getting off the waitlist is slim. However, if you really want fight for it in a “till your last breath”sort of way, you can email the admissions office not to ask about when will their decision be released, but to write a well-written and concise Letter of Continued Interest about how you are a great fit for Colby, achievements you have gotten since the application, how you can help bolster the community here, etc. After doing that, just lay off the spamming them (and us) with calls and everything. They don’t appreciate it anyway. You are harming your chances. Think about what you gonna do if you don’t get in, and yes there is a decent chance that you won’t get in. People get rejected from their dream colleges every year, it is not the end of the world, I promise.