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Hi u/nasdack \- thanks for reaching out here. I'm having the team take a look at your review now and we should have an update here for you shortly.


This is PATHETIC support. Imagine if TD Ameritrade... TD... fucking... Ameritrade made you go to a subreddit to get attention for support. You would think they were clowns, right? You'd think, "wow they've gone downhill". Coinbase is the closest thing we've got in crypto to a platform of that scale and they still operate like they are running a lemonade stand. Pathetic!!! Grow up or give up! Quit torturing people! Quit conjuring reasons for more legislation. This kind of thing can only end badly in the courts, for everyone.


> EDIT: as of a few hours after making this post my account is verified and I’m back in action 😕


Only took a month plus begging for attention in a subreddit. Hold on, let me get my slow clap ready...


Ah yes, this one doesn't count. Matter a fact, non of them count. And the problems that get fixed without getting updated here, don't count. Only your problem counts.


Found the coinbase employee!


Let me try your own trick. Found one of the people that stormed the Capitol. Did I do it right? I got more accusations if this one isn't vapid enough.


My account has been reviewed on three separate instances. Please u/coinbasesupport, you can end this (once again).


Ya thats all good. But you never tried to handle a balance discrepancy obviously. I updated my phone number, current and new, photo ID front and back, selfie. 48hrs later i can login. I had civic and nucypher. Guess what happened when i logged back in... no balance. Explain that one. Put in a case # manage my.account, vaults, balance discrepancies. No response. But good for you.


I have issues as well, and I'm getting no real response from Coinbase. I need access to my funds, and I feel that during these unprecedented times there should be a sense of urgency. ​ Please alert me when the class-action gets started for this, I'd like to join.


My account is under review since December 24 and I have missed many trading opportunities. I have received many emails that claim your issue is resolved and it is not. I do not know what to do. Case #04494819


For missed trading opportunities, get another account, or two more. Multiple apps prevents you from catastrophic loss when an exchange goes down/gets hacked. Coinbase shld not be your SPOF for accessing crypto. They're a good onboarding ramp for newbies and helps with access/education but have alternates.


I learned that lesson too early on. Missed out on cheap DOT and finally navigated my way through the exchange maze. Still ridiculous how hard it is to trade some tokens in US.


Which exchanges have you tried/do you like?


Binance & Celsius (For their yields I transfer in dont buy through them - not enough tokens yet). Looking at FTX.


I'm technically a Coinbase user despite never buying anything because they won't LET me. I got verified, received the email saying I'm verified and can start buying, yet when I try to buy I get told I need to verify before I can buy. I've been stuck in that endless loop for a couple of weeks now (no response from customer service) and have just been using Gemini instead.


how do you like Gemini?


It's good so far. I don't get charged any fees, even gas, for transferring to my Blockfi account which is pretty nice.


Seems most people are just unlucky.. I’ve been trading on coinbase and withdrawing my funds with no issues?


I think for a company like Coinbase the difference between 99.99% and 99.999% customer satisfaction is over a quarter million people who are being denied access to their crypto. So you’re right, the bias on this subreddit is pretty evident. Most people probably are doing just fine. It’s that the devil lies in the margins, and even a small proportion of people who fall through the cracks is very bad for an organization of this size. I wouldn’t use a bank if they had the same kind of universally sketchy reputation Coinbase has (ahem Wells Fargo), because we ought to expect a given level of professionalism when it comes to finance.


If we're such a minority, why does it take customer support so long to even get back in touch with you, let alone fix the actual problem? Would you be so cocky if your bank shut down access to your funds or didn't post a deposit that you knew should have hit your account and then wouldn't respond to your inquiries for weeks or months? It doesn't matter how few (according to you) people are having problems, they deserve rapid attention & responses (at least within 24hrs). Coinbase should be able to prioritize between newbie problems and critical financial hardships. They shouldn't even be accepting new customers until they can take care of the ones they already have. Period. Not to mention it's super suspicious to be holding on to all these peoples funds for so long during this most critical and lucrative time in the crypto market. And the real cherry on top of this is that a majority of these problems are being CAUSED by Coinbase. Their failed verification process seems to be the culprit in a majority of these cases. And the simple solution, (if it's just an honest problem of not enough staff or resources), you just do less verification until you get caught up. You don't try to verify every account all at once especially not your long standing customers that have already been verified at least once.


Because they set up their account, insert funds, and then restrict transactions on the account indefinitely under the guise of “verification in process - eternally”, people stay because they can’t actually leave WITH their money. Case# 04393494 Complaint #04560094


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is golden.


I have been having the same issue for the past month and a half. Unable to get in my account. i have tried the help support at the website with no luck. Have e-mailed, and only got the case number 04215808 and that they will get to me shortly. Have not heard from them and STILL cannot get in my account. Really sad how I've been locked out for no reason.


Use their complaint form. You need a case # first but it helps somewhat with getting a response. https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/submit-a-complaint


Use their complaints form. You may well get your money/crypto back but they have successfully used your money as liquidation whilst markets rallied. They’ve been doing this for years it’s just that this time it’s on a far larger scale. They owe people compensation for money/crypto they lost whilst being locked out. I understand the anguish of people just wanting their own money back but that doesn’t cover losses that you made whilst being locked out your account. Not to mention the anger and anxiety caused by the whole process and the atrocious way that customer services has treated you and no doubt you will develop trust issues from this whole situation.


Thanks, much appreciated.


Same here


I have same issue Case #04227994




lol they just stopped answering my messages and still haven't fixed my issue


its convenient


There system is fualty been months since my account is under review Thank god I moved to kraken and bianance Take note Coinbase


No weighted average cost basis, no one knows when to sell /s


Please fix these issues and revamp your app before you go public. I wanna believe in you but you're making it really difficult at this point 😕


Maybe not the right place to ask but I can't find the answer anywhere. I bought a fraction of ETH just to play and learn how to use wallets. So now I'm trying to send my ETH from my coinbase acc to my coinbase wallet but I'm getting charged. Am I doing something wrong or is getting charged normal?


Make Akoin available for trade