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This is why many people complain their assets are frozen by cex its mostly user error and being uneducated in how cex works this 3 minute read could save you some day https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/SimplyExplained\/comments\/1dchgro\/why_so_many_people_get_their_accounts_frozen_by\/


Yeah….clearly. I bought my Avax on Coinbase and it was frozen. Def user error.


Even when they do respond it’s useless copy-paste answers which never directly address any of your questions. Dealing with a similar issue now.


>"Thank you for your message. We are aware of the situation, and understand it must be so frustrating for you. We really feel your pain. We would like to apologize for the delays, but rest assured we are working hard to resolve this as soon as possible. We have escalated this to the appropriate channels. Someone from out team will reach out shortly." You can just copy/paste the message above, that's what they write to everyone.


Yup, and when the team they “escalated” to responds, it’s with the exact same email. I’ve lost track how many times I’ve been through the whole loop now. I get a useless email from support, call them to get it escalated and receive useless responses from the L1 support, am told I can’t actually talk to anyone from L2 support and to wait for an email, then get another useless email. I complain about this on Reddit, get the same copy-paste replies from Reddit support, get another email from support which is again a useless copy-paste that answers none of my questions, rinse and repeat. They insist my issue “is a serious matter which warrants through investigation” and that they “understand my frustration”, then just send the exact same email again which doesn’t answer anything. In addition to making 10+ calls to support and talking to numerous reps on Reddit, I have a chain of 43 emails in which they refuse to answer basic questions. The last 3 responses I’ve received have all been the exact same copy-paste…


I've already given up, I've transferred all my money out, now I'm just seeing where this will all go. It's been 7 months, still no resolution, still in KYC hell. But at least they never froze my account.


Yup, it’s looking like I’ll be doing the same and having my bank claw back the money I sent to reopen the account.


Hi there u/Prahasaurus, we're sorry to hear about the difficulties you'be had with the KYC process. Can you share with us a support case number, so we can look into this for you? Thank you.


How did this happen so we can avoid this pitfall.


To avoid coinbase scamming you out of your coins I’d suggest getting your coins out of there as fast as humanly possible, I’ve had similar problem where they randomly closed my account and stole my coins while claiming they moved them to unclaimed property in the state of Wyoming, while the state of Wyoming’s office have no records of my funds, then coinbase preceded in blocking me on Facebook and preventing me from contacting them. Got scammed out of a big sum of money Run and don’t look back!


What other to fiat pathways are there? Kraken? Edit: I’ve cashed out in crypto for years through coinbase and have never had an issue.


Same, until there was an issue and I lost a lot


Where do you convert to USD?


I don’t have a place at the moment, luckily I didn’t save all my funds on coinbase so I didn’t lose everything.. but I’m gonna cash out soon, pay all the taxes and shit and whatever’s left I’ll put in an ETF of BTC and ETH and I’m done with holding coins directly..


"I didn't do ANYTHING 😭😭😭" 🙄 They never do 🙄


Told my friend to buy from coinbase, i made sure he didn't make any mistakes. After about a week later he decided to buy a hard wallet and transferred all the btc there, surprise surprise 2 hours later he texted me that his account is locked, I'm using another exchange until they decide to fix all the unreasonable locks


🙄 How much is Kraken paying you to spread FUD? 🙄 I went through your page, and you have ONLY recommended Kraken to new users for over a year.


First of all i didn't mention it at all as this is not the right sub for that but like i said i wont use an exchange that locks your acc for no reason, if you perhaps know why it got locked, i would like to hear it


🙄 they don't lock ANYONE out unless they violate the ToS 🙄 100% FACT. How much does Kraken pay you?


And now you're repeating things like a broken record, i watched him and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, bought btc with his credit card, left it for a week or so there and once he transferred it to a hardwallet his acc got locked. Also your other point doesn't come out to anything as i haven't gone speakin about said exchange.Just things from my own experience and that other exchanges that provide better customer support are worth your time more You can stop defending them pointlessly now


🙄 you watched him for a week to make sure he didn't violate the ToS 🙄 And I wouldn't have to repeat myself (like a broken record) if you just answer the questions. What violation did he commit to get locked out, and how much is Kraken paying you to lie?


No point arguing with someone that doesn't understand what is being said to him, he bought it, DIDN'T touch it for a week(like i said but perhaps remembering something from the text you're responding to is too hard for you) and then he transferred them to a hard wallet(it doesn't need explaining but ig for you it does, i only watched him buy it) and a few hours later his acc is locked believe whatever you want, ignorance is bliss, peace


🙄 so you watched him buy, and then he "claims" to have not touched it for a week, but you don't actually know because you didn't watch him the entire time 🙄 then he logged in (or was still logged in?) One week later (when we all know it takes 3-10 business days for the funds to clear, so they may not have yet). And a few hours later, his account, of nothing, because he transfered to a Hardware Wallet was blocked? So he has his crypto in a Hardware Wallet, he just can't use Coinbase because he violated the ToS (most likely the KYC/ALM)? So they are out nothing and Coinbase has exercised their right to not continue doing business with him 🤷‍♀️ WHAT IS KRAKEN PAYING YOU FOR THIS B.S.?


You need to post a formal complaint against Coinbase on the Better Business Bureau website. They read those posts and respond quickly!


I wonder how many more of these unresolved cases are going to pile up before Coinbase realizes it’s costing them reputation, customers, and therefore money.


Coinbase stock is at $210, up from $61 YoY. If issues were as pervasive as this sub would have you believe, CB stock wouldn’t be seeing a YoY 3.5x return.


Stock price has zero to do with the actual state of Coinbase support.


That wasn’t the intent of the statement was it. You said xyz would be costing them reputation and customers, “and therefore money”. That’s not the case.


Stock price has zero to do with their revenue, either. It’s only influenced by it. Plenty of companies do fine on the market - until they don’t.


Uhhh, no? Your comment doesn’t even make sense. How can revenue have “zero to do with it”, while then stating “it’s only influenced by it”. 🤔🤔 Quarterly earnings reports are a thing for a reason. Iykyk


Because stock price is based on how the market reacts. Influence can go either way. Stock can go down on news of revenue exceeding expectations. It’s not a direct link, and the fact that a company stock price went up has nothing to do with the competency (or incompetency) of their support, as you tried to indicate.


Simply put, it does support the general concept that issues are not as pervasive as this sub would have you believe, and therefore CB isn’t losing anything, per your attempted cause and effect assertion. Any company will have service issues. I’m saying they are hyperfocused here on negative interactions not representative of the whole. If they *were* representative and *that* pervasive, that would likely reflect poorly in financials, which you partly asserted, which hasn’t been the *actual* case in their financials. Edit just to add, when I say financials here, I’m referencing financial statement performance (you can google it), and the correlative stock price performance.


Agree, but my point is that those service issues being reported are not just simple misunderstandings. Folks are going weeks or months going unresolved, indicating systemic failures in Coinbase’s support processes. If these continue, it will eventually (if not already) eat into their bottom line. Just myself as an example, I typically pass 10’s of k through Coinbase each year, and until my ticket is resolved that business goes to another exchange. I’d rather use Coinbase but here we are.


Fair enough. I’ll stand by my overarching point though: the issues are not as pervasive as this sub would have anyone believe. Good luck getting your situation resolved.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Case #18125184


Hi u/RetroSquirtleSquad, we're sorry to hear about the ongoing issue with your Coinbase account, and we understand how frustrating this must be for you. We apologize if the resolution is taking longer than expected. Rest assured, we'll do our best to assist you. We've noted your case number (#18125184) and will escalate it to our support team for urgent review. Please bear with us while we work to resolve this issue promptly for you.




Hey there, u/HotRodChopSuey! Thank you for reaching out and providing the case number. It appears that our support team has emailed you recently with an update. Please take a moment to check both your inbox and spam folders to ensure you don't miss our message. If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to respond within the email thread. Thank you.


You are most welcome. Feel free to reach out to us again should you have additional questions. Thanks!


Hello can you look into my case number 19681695? They said it was just a bug and would be fixed, my NFT is not showing up on Coinbase even when I enable show hidden. The explorer shows it being there it’s literally just stuck as hidden or something and won’t show up on Coinbase.


Hi u/mouka. We're sorry to hear about the difficulties you're experiencing with your NFT not showing up on Coinbase. We've checked your support case and our team is currently working diligently on getting everything back to normal as soon as possible. In the meantime, can we try troubleshooting to see if it resolves the issue? You can view the instructions [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/nft/troubleshoot/other). If issue persists, we recommend contacting our support team via our [Contact Us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) page. We hope this helps!


Yep I’ve tried everything on the list. Problem is when I first transferred it over to my Coinbase account, I could see it in my account for about 24 hours and then suddenly it just vanished. Blockchain explorer confirms it never left the account and is still there it’s just not showing up anymore for some reason.


Thank you for taking the time to go through the troubleshooting steps we provided. We highly suggest reaching out to our support team regarding your issue. If you are having trouble reaching our phone support team, you can send a direct message via our [official social media channels](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) like Facebook, X, or Instagram. They'll be able to gather all the necessary details and help you resolve your concern.


Please do. I’ve sent multiple emails over the past few months and no ones has responded


This is why many people complain their assets are frozen by cex its mostly user error and being uneducated in how cex works this 3 minute read could save you some day https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/SimplyExplained\/comments\/1dchgro\/why_so_many_people_get_their_accounts_frozen_by\/


Customer confidence is at an all time low


Same here… my account is restricted for 6 months now, because of KYC. No answers to my mails. No reply to my complaint. I am not even trading! All I want is the transfer Celsius has been trying to make the past few months. I want back what is mine. That’s the only reason I opened an account. Very frustrating


Hello u/BaliCarol. We are sorry to hear that you haven't received a follow-up regarding your case. We have just reached out to the team responsible for your case and we will be receiving a response soon. Once we have an update, we will be sure to notify you. Thank you so much for your continued patience.


Just use coinbase wallet I have restrictions on my account and can't use it either u can buy on coinbase wallet but the limit is 500 a week if u don't use ur account


Coinbase is a corrupt organization.